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  1. I recently purchased a smart/fitness watch (Garmin). When purchasing I was lured in by the suggestion that the watch would feature connectivity to Deezer (Music app) so that I could download my playlists and go out running without having to take my phone with me. This was marked on the website as 'coming soon'. Since buying the watch and asking the customer care team when this feature will be added they are unable/unwilling to give a time frame. Is there an actual definition of 'coming soon'? I am tempted to take the watch back but as it is outside of the 28days and there is nothing wrong with it I can only imagine it will not be an easy conversation. Any help to sway my argument would be much appreciated. Thanks RunningMan84
  2. Hello all. Firstly, as a first time poster I just want to say how useful this forum is, so I’m hoping you’ll be able to help me out too. I was recently stopped by a Southern Rail inspector. I was travelling on a packed commuter train and (although many of you might think this is an excuse) I suffer from really bad foot pain, which I have been to the doctors about, and sat in first class as I was in real pain. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have done it. I should have asked someone to get up for me, but being a young guy I doubt people would have taken me seriously. I spoke with the conductor who made me feel out a ‘witness statement’ I gave my name, full address, phone number and then she handed it to one of he colleagues who completed the process. He was a nice guy. He told me not to worry and that they would send me a letter in the post asking for a fine. But he didn’t ask me to pay anything there and then, he said I had to wait until the letter comes through. I later revealed some kind of gold badge and asked me a few questions which I answered truthfully. He said not to worry and that this was only ‘civil’ and that I would 100% just get a fine. I’m not a fare dodger and never sit in first class barring this one time. What should I expect? Just a fine? A court summons? Once again, thanks for all your help/advice.
  3. This is another recent decision from the Local Government Ombudsman. This particular case addresses the common subject of single parents and whether or not they may be considered 'vulnerable' for the purposes of bailiff enforcement. There have been a couple of Ombudsman's decisions regarding 'vulnerability' and as in this particular case, the LGO confirm that it is for the debtor to provide evidence as to how their 'vulnerability' affects their ability to pay or deal with the debt. LGO Decision: North Hertfordshire District Council Miss X complains the Council has used bailiffs to try and collect a disputed council tax debt, even though she is vulnerable. The Ombudsman will not investigate the complaint as she has not seen any evidence of fault in the Council’s actions. The complaint 1 The complainant, who I shall call Miss X, complains via her MP that the Council has used bailiffs to try and recover a disputed council tax debt, despite her telling the bailiffs she is a vulnerable person. Back to top How I considered this complaint 4 I have considered Miss X’s complaint to us, the information her MP sent and the Council’s to Miss X’s complaint to it. Miss X has had the opportunity to comment, via her MP, on an earlier version of my final view. What I found 5 In 2010 the Magistrates’ Court granted the Council a liability order for a council tax debt it said Miss X owed. The Council passed the debt to its bailiffs in the same year. 6 Miss X disputed the debt, saying she should have received council tax benefit. The Council said she had made claim for backdated council tax benefit, but this was refused as it was outside the time limit for backdating benefit. 7 I note the points above as background, but I am not looking at why Miss X owes the debt as any complaint about her liability is be late, and the Ombudsman has previously considered a complaint about Miss X’s benefits. 8 In spring Miss X sent the bailiffs a ‘‘cease and desist’ notice saying as a single parent with a seven year old daughter she was a vulnerable person and the bailiffs should not be taking action to recover the debt. 9 The bailiffs wrote to Miss X asking for further information so they could assess her situation and decide how it affected her ability to pay. As Miss X did not send the information the bailiffs visited her twice later in the year. Miss X then complained to the Council about this. 10 In 2014 the Government issued National Guidance for Enforcement Agents. Paragraph 77 says - “Some groups who might be vulnerable are listed below. However, this list is not exhaustive. Care should be taken to assess each situation on a case by case basis.” 11 One of the groups listed who might be vulnerable are single parent families. 12 The Guidance is clear that if a debtor falls into the list the bailiffs must assess the individual case to see if they should take extra care in recovering the debt. Just because a debtor is a single parent does not, of itself, mean they are vulnerable. 13 The bailiff’s asked Miss X for more details of why she was vulnerable; she did not provide any information. So I cannot say the bailiffs were wrong to continue their recovery action. 14 I will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about the Council using bailiffs to recover a debt from a vulnerable person. Miss X did not send any other information to support her claim and the Council and bailiffs were not at fault to continue recovery action. http://www.lgo.org.uk/decisions/benefits-and-tax/other/16-010-888
  4. I have just seen a RBS agreement from 1992!! At the top it does'nt have the usual bumf of 'this is a Credit agreement regulated under the consumer credit Act 1974' (or similar) I thought this was a must! What legal implications does it have? There are other faults but I can't remember what not having the above means. Its not mine so I can't post it up. Kind Regards jack
  5. I'm doing a online quote for renewal insurance does third party hit driver mean I got hit by a third party driver
  6. I proved that BG had overbilled for six years and I believe the documentation establishes proof that they accpeted this. When finally pushed in a corner, they refunded one year of overbilling ayaing that they were not required to go back more than one year. Can this be correct? Eam
  7. Hi, Do you know what these numbers mean on my credit file. I hope it is statue barred? The numbers for each year and month starting from January ( Mobile phone company ). 2009: 39 0 63 0 89 0 40 35 0 25 0 0 2010: 46 74 112 129 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 2011, 2012,2013, until Mach 2014 show £221 for each month then the information disappeared. I have the above printed on paper in 2014 just before it disappeared. I am sure I stopped paying in some point in the end of 2009 or 2010. Can you please look at the above numbers? Is it statue barred? In October 2014 The same debt appeared under DCA- showing £221 for each month since November 2014 to date.
  8. Saw a notice round the corner from my local train station about legal name fraud. It stated its illegal to use a legal name. What's all that about ?..
  9. I saw this a little while ago and thought it may be interesting to many on here. http://www.halsburyslawexchange.co.uk/leaving-the-eu-impact-on-case-law-and-legislation/ ‘the Treaties shall cease to apply [to the UK] from the date of entry of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification…unless the European Council, in agreement with the [uK], unanimously decides to extend this period’ (art 50(3)) "Insofar as any such amendment or repeal seeks to deny EU law direct effect in UK law prior to the date on which, as a matter of EU law, the Treaties cease to apply to the UK, this would put the UK in breach of its obligations under EU and/or public international law—though it is unclear what legal (as distinct from political) consequences this would have. Depending on the form and content of the future relationship between there UK and the EU, it will also, almost inevitably, be necessary to enact legislation to provide a basis for giving effect to that new relationship."
  10. Hi all. I got a letter this morning saying my Universal Credit "will be paid on 12th July" (tomorrow). Does this mean I will get the money tomorow? Or does it mean they will pay it IN tomorrow and I will really receive it in 3 working days? HELP! I have been without any money now for 4 months. I am sick of them plaing games. I wish they were mor clear in their letters.
  11. In the post below is a set of FAQ's sent by RLP to one alleged shoplifter and in my opinion it is full of misleading information. I have tried to respond in a factual way but if I am wrong, I would hope to be picked up on it. The post below could not have been made without the excellent assistance of Stu007. While it is my strong belief the above is factual, I am not legally trained however to go further, here are two opinion from Richard B Mawrey QC on behalf of RLP http://www.lossprevention.co.uk/pdf/RLP~opinion.pdf http://www.lossprevention.co.uk/pdf/Richard%20Mawrey%20QC%20Advice%202.pdf and also the claim from Citizens Advice https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Global/Migrated_Documents/corporate/uncivil-recovery.pdf and the rebuttal from RLP http://www.lossprevention.co.uk/pdf/CAB%20Referral.pdf In the following links are threads related to the judgement mentioned above. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?356933-Oxford-Retail-Loss-Prevention-A-Retailer&p=3898857&viewfull=1#post3898857 This is the short judgement. If you feel like trawling through 150 pages, here is the full judgement on this thread. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?369114-Trial-transcript-A-Retailer-v-Ms-B-and-Ms-K-Oxford-County-Court-9-May-2012&p=4017030&viewfull=1#post4017030
  12. There has been discussion on whether some jailed for life should be kept inside for the whole of their lifes. Should this be the case, no matter how much it costs or should the government look at other options ? If someone is kept in a maximum security prison for 50 years, that would cost approximately £2.5 million. This is the equivalent of the tax paid by 500 full time workers on average salaries. How would these people feel that their hard earned tax is going on paying for murderers meals, accommodation, plus their funeral costs at the end of their life ? While I do not support the death penalty, when you work out the costs of justice and that the family of the murdered may be paying their taxes to feed/house these people, it does make you ask the question.
  13. I need some help, I am writing on behalf of my friend. She moved Italy 3 months ago due to her husband's work relocation, they found a property through an estate agent which they viewed on skype. They liked the property and they paid all the relevant fees by a bank transfer. The property was to be managed by the letting agent. They moved to the UK and they signed the contract for the property the day before their move in date. The contract stated the property was to be fully furnished. The day they moved in they found that the property was empty apart from a fridge freezer and a washing machine and dishwasher neither of which worked. They called the agency immediately and were told that the landlord had arranged a mattress(no bed!) and a sofa to be delivered the following day. The next day a filthy second (or third!) hand sofa was delivered along with a very well used and stained mattress with no springs left. They called the agent and aked for these things to be removed. The agent said this would be done and also that the landlord had ordered a bed base which would be delivered next week. In the meanwhile my friend her husband and son aged 1 slept on the floor for two days after that, they decided to buy all required furniture themselves as the agent had given no indication that this problem would be sorted out.They told the agent they were going to buy the furniture and the agent spoke to the landlord and came back with an offer of £250 to compensate the fact they had to sleep on the floor. Beside the furniture problem, the bathroom had many issues : 1. the shower riser rail was hanging off the wall (fixed 1 1/2 months later) 2. cracked tiles on the floor (fixed 3 months later) 3. 5 cm hole in the bath tub fixed with silicon (fixed 2 months later) 4. a week after arriving at the property they discovered a big leak which was dripping through floor into the kitchen below. (appereantely fixed 1 1/2 months later - not fixed still leaking from the kitchen's ceiling) Downstairs the dishwasher was not working, the oven was not working and the washing machine was not working and they asked to remove the washing machine and replaced it with their own. The landlord replaced the dishwasher and the oven 2 months later. Toilet downstairs flushing button missing and toilet not working (fixed 3 months later). They asked the agent to have a new glazing in the masterbedroom, as there was condensation in the double glazing, still not fixed. The contract has 6 months break clause so, the earliest they can leave is 1st of january 2015 they gave notice 3 days ago ( the flooring fixing was done because of it as they have a toddler that was at serious danger of swallowing pieces of the grout that had broken free, and the toilet downstairs that was basically fixed to avoid the notice). They always paid the rent on time. The question is ... can they move before the 1st january? They never received an inventory nor a gas safety certification.
  14. Had a good job, career, home, money, etc. Then had a prolonged period of inactivity, debts piled up, not opening letters, spiral of anxiety and stress. blah, blah. Now, for past year or so, been earning, and getting back on feet. Looking to start paying back, and deal with all my debts. Have done as much due diligence as I can, and need some pointers. I have a number of creditors, with debts totalling around 45K. Have been paying token payments of £1 to most, some more. Looking to get StepChange advice and help. But also need some idea of full and final offers to really motor down the debts. So, as a starter, here are some of my most pressing questions: 1: I am having difficulty filling in my Income and Expenditure, as my income fluctuates. (I am working freelance, as am probably too old to be employed by a company.) I am wary of entering payment schedule and failing. Prefer to keep paying token amounts, then offer surplus every 6 months or so. Would creditors go for this? 2: I understand the first step may be to get CCAs from my creditors. Are there any downsides to asking for CCAs? Would creditors sense that I am trying to wriggle out, and go for asking for more, or get heavy-handed? 3: Are CCAs only for debt companies, or even the Originating creditor? (some of my debts have been off-loaded to debt-companies.) 4: What is the purpose of SARs? How does that help me? I understand they might be for finding penalty fees, etc? I know I accrued a lot when I couldn't pay any amounts when I started my downhill slide. 5: When offering Full and Finals, do I go for the biggest first? 6: I have been sold from one debt-company to another on some debts, I dont know what I am paying for on some of the payments!! Can I just phone them up and ask where the original debt comes from? (I have signed up with noddle, and got my list of creditors and credit file, so I have a starting point. I have been reading this forum for a few days, and have built up some knowledge, and seen how helpful this site can be. I would like to ask for some help in taking the first steps for an eventual bright future. PS: would it be ok to list my debts (with some fudging to protect myself) as a starting point?
  15. In brief - We went to a local independent flooring company, wishing to purchase a wood floor. The owner talked us through the various products, came to our house to look at the area it was for, measured up, checked the subfloor etc. He then recommended a product for us, ordered it and arranged for "his team" to come out and fit. He arranged the day and time they were to come out and told us that we should pay them cash on the day. In the meantime, he took moisture readings, spoke to the manufacturer and also the manufacturer of the underfloor heating we'd had put down, to check what underlay might be needed. The floor was fitted by "his team" - his brother and another man. It subsequently failed 4 times in the course of a year. The first 2 attempts to remedy the problems were made by the fitters. After it went wrong the 3rd time, it came to light that the fitters and the company owner had parted company, so the company owner/supplier came out and attempted to repair it. The same thing happened again, and he came out again. At this point, the supplier offered us a replacement stair carpet for our trouble. We said that this was not necessary, but if the floor failed again, we would be seeking a refund. When it failed again, we requested our money back. The supplier agreed, minus fitting costs. When we argued, he withdrew his offer and offered us a replacement floor instead. We expressed our concern that we had no confidence he had the neccesary skills and knowledge to fit a floor, given our experience thus far. We then took advice from the CAB and wrote a letter before action, inviting the supplier to comment on what he believed to be the issue with the floor, and offering to go to mediation. He responded, trying to lay the blame on us with various spurious claims, including that the contracting of the fitters had nothing to do with him - since the receipt he issued clearly stated "supply only." We then wrote again, offering to have an expert inspection and report done on the floor, and asking that both parties share the cost in order to confirm what had caused the problems with the floor. He refused, saying the cost was too great in relation to the value of the floor. We once again gave him the opportunity to refund us, while warning him that he may be asked to pay the cost of the report, should we take our case to the small claims court and win. In order to ascertain whether we had a case, we had the expert inspection done. It found that the fitting was to blame for the issues, including inadequate moisture and humidity readings taken by the supplier. The expert contacted the supplier to find out exactly what prep he had carried out and the supplier told him. The report also queried the suitability of the product for the conditions of our property. Once again, we wrote to the supplier with details of the report's findings and requested a refund of both the flooring, fitting and cost of the report or we would have no choice but to take our case to the small claims. The supplier has not responded. We feel we have a strong case. However, our concern is that it may be thrown out on the basis that the receipt we were issued was for supply only. In the letters from the supplier, he does state that he tried to repair the floor on 2 occasions, hut says it was purely a good will gesture. However, he also states that he did the pre-fitting site visits and prep. So, what is our legal position regarding his responsibility for the fitting of the floor?
  16. I moved out from my old flat at the beginning of last month but still haven't got my deposit back. The agent told me the landlord will contact me to make an agreement on the amount of money returning to me, but he never contacted. When I called, first he asked me to prove I have paid all the bills. After this he asked for a very high price for cleaning of sofa and mattress, but the inventory form never said I made them dirty. Now the lady who answered my following phone call said he was ill and I have to wait until next week for a reply. Somehow this lady also mentioned something like she is the one who manages my landlord's emails which made me so confused. I rented the flat at the price he asked, I kept the flat in a good condition, used professional cleaning service when moving out. Now he still wanna charge me for some stain on the mattress that doesn't even exist, fine. But at least I expect a communication. In all those emails and phone calls I don't see any intention of communication. Thanks for anyone who read this post. I just really need to complain this somewhere. I know I can raise a dispute eventually, still I feel so upset recently because of his attitude. I searched online and realize there are so many services for the landlords to check tenants but so few supports for tenants.
  17. Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me? I have received a letter this morning regarding my sons child support. it says they have looked at my case again and there is no change to his maintenance. I contacted agency as I have not had contact with them for a long time and thought this had been sent in error. It is something regarding my ex and they wont tell me anything. I understand data protection and all, and I have no contact with him so no idea as to what is what. I know it hasnt been reassessed. Theres a part of the letter I dont understand. It says 'This is because, under child support law,the ground (or grounds) for changing the amount of child maintenance wasn't Just and Equitable. That is, it wasn't fair and reasonable to everyone involved.' Does anyone know what that means, and what sort of changes would produce this letter? I know he has a child living with him and his wife, and I also know there are no other children that have perhaps recently been born etc. Its confused me a lot, and I seem to be getting nowhere with the CSA. Thanks In Advance
  18. Dear all, I hope this is the correct sub-forum to post such a question. Some background: I live on a private street in North East London, it is a gated street. Outside the gate there is a double yellow line on the narrow street. This double yellow line is used by many local businesses as a car park, free-for-all. Of late parking on this narrow stretch is becoming tighter and tigher, with cars often 'double parking' and blocking access, by car, to my gated street. This same narrow stretch of un-gated street also serves an underground car park, belonging to a neighbouring block, housing some 30 cars. My question - please see a photograph of the sign. [ATTACH=CONFIG]48372[/ATTACH] I am confused by the signage and have asked the local council many times to consider changing the times when cars can park. I am worried that with all this extra congestion, if emergency vehicles ever need to access my road, the gated bit, fire engine or ambulance, it will not be possible. The council never seem to enforce any sort of parking control on this important albeit short stretch of road. Ideally it would be great if TfL took over and make the spot a 'red route'. Comments sought. Best wishes, SY
  19. hi i just started work for the first time ever and half my wages is goin in tax:x looked at code and its OT W1 asked round and nobody heared of it and cant find any info on net bout it so thought you guys might be able to shed some light on subject for me? and how long will it take to sort out or how fast can i get it sorted as thinking of leaving work as bills higher as not getting full benefits as working and have 3 kids to feed plus myself and gettin less money as of tax code please help thanks all xx:smile:
  20. Thanks for this forum. This is my first post so i hope that someone can help me. I recently received an A2 income support review form, which isn't due but not unusual in itself. The strange thing is that it had a "GI/CI" stamp on the first few pages, and a cover letter which isn't from my usual jobs/benefits office. On the envelope i'm supposed to send it back in has a particular persons name on it so i am getting anxious that i am under investigation . It also had this GI/CI stamp on the envelope. Does anyone know what this means? TIA
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