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  1. My girlfriend and I are moving house at the end of March, and have agreed with a lettings agency to move to a new property. The initial payment to hold the property was £500 with £200 of that to come off the first months rent. We agreed the fees etc and am just awaiting the forms to complete. However when I was just speaking to them on the phone, the gentleman I had previously been dealing with admitted he had made an error with the fees and needed to pass me on to one of his colleagues. I was then passed on a rather gruff assertive woman who stated that they needed and extra £90 to be paid as exit fees in advance. I queried this, and she said it's standard practice to ask for it in advance (which I know is nonsense). Personally I don't think charging £90 to leave a property to be fair, and the only reason they want it up front is because people don't pay it. My question to anyone is, is this reasonable? And given how we have already agreed a price etc how can they come back and request extra money?
  2. Good morning! This is going to be a different sort of post than what is usually in this sub-forum as no shop lifting took place. However later in the post there is some content relating to a medical condition which might put people off eating so please don't read if you've just eaten, are eating or just about to... Yesterday I went to do a network cable installation for a friend and needed to get the train home. I was thinking the train refreshments trolley was likely going to be a no-show so decided to nip into Tesco for a sandwich and coffee. As I entered the store the Tag Alarm sounded, this is something that happens to me frequently so I didn't react. I selected my sandwich, some Pringles and a Costa Latte. Walked to the till, Clubcard Accepted and payment made. The till offered me a receipt and for some reason one of my voices (I have Schizophrenia) told me to press Yes. For sandwiches I don't normally bother as it's a waste of paper. Went to the exit and a security guard offered a farewell, I responded in kind and exited the store, again the alarm sounded. I proceeded to use the Cash Point right outside and as I was doing so the security guard approached me about the alarm. They asked to see my receipt which I turned over without argument and to search my backpack which I declined for good reason. I also explained the alarm sounded when I walked in to which they responded "I didn't hear it because I was on my break" They asked me to return inside to which I also declined. I explained I had a train to catch, it was the last service of the day, so missing it simply wasn't happening. At this point I was just about to bid them farewell and walk away. I hadn't stolen anything, CCTV would prove that. The security guard hadn't completed a SCONE assessment by their own admission. I think I would've been well within my rights to walk away and on a bad physical health and/or bad mental health sort of day I probably would've done. However at this point I didn't really want to give them the impression I had stolen something so I opened a slight part of my backpack to show the sandwich and pringles. They handed me back my receipt and "hope you will be a little more cooperative in future as I'm just a person doing my job" and then wished me a safe journey. The main reason for this post was to better understand ones permissible actions in situations where they are 'apprehended' or 'approached' by security but have committed no act of theft or any act of crime at all for that matter... I have some understanding on this from pursuing my hobby/somewhat obsession of the Railway and taking photos/videos in public of trains etc. However I'm not sure how things like PACE or Stop and Search work in cases like this. An obvious question that some might now be thinking is "Why don't you just allow the search and be on your way" and that is a very valid point which I will declare in some anonymity on an internet forum but would want to hide from random people I don't know in public. *Graphic Part* I have incontinence and as such I carry a small washbag in my backpack that contains spare underwear, continence pads, wet wipes etc. It also contains a dirty bag for soiled underwear which on the visit in question was filled... Just imagine if someone had opened that on the shop floor how I or indeed anyone else would feel/react? Not to mention the health risk involved... I had surgery for the same condition that has left permanent nerve damage at one of the incision sites which makes any touch or brush of this area extremely painful. So being patted down wouldn't be a fantastic part of the day. Inside my backpack I also had some "tools of the trade" including some screwdrivers, drill bits, screw bits, RJ45 Crimpers, IDT Punchdown and a pair of very sharp cable cutters. These were all inside another separate zippable pouch thing for reasons which should be obvious. I must stress this isn't something I usually carry around just to go to the shop. Since I had to go into hospital some years ago that kit very rarely if ever leaves the house. But I had it with me today because I terminated 2 CAT6 Network Cable Socket runs. They say a workman knows his tools... I know those cable cutters well enough from bitter personal experience to know that if you accidentally catch your finger or the bit between your thumb and index finger inside you're going to have a very bad day. */Graphic Part* So another reason why I declined the search as I don't really want someone to rummage around inside my backpack, get some very nasty surprises. This leads me to the conclusion of what a person can expect in such a confrontation and more importantly things they may or may not be entitled to ask for or do. In a situation where you know that SCONE could NOT have been satisfied, and the only thing that drew the attention of security was an Alarm, would you be within your rights to politely decline further scrutiny and walk away if challenged? Especially if you had fully exited the store in question and had NOT stolen any goods or all goods were paid for? Or would you likely be detained and taken to a dark shady room out the back? Lets assume you are detained and taken out the back. Again this is purely for someone who has NOT stolen goods. What should one expect and what are they obliged to do? Do you have to give your name and address and under which legal grounds would this be? (So I can read up further on this area of law) I'm guessing anything in this room would take place under PACE so would one be within their rights to make a "no comment without legal counsel" response? Or does it not work like this? How do security personnel adjust to people with disabilities and/or mental health conditions? Is one at this point allowed to decline bag and person searches, specifically on medical ground. Although in a private room the embarrassment factor is lessened, it's still there and I'm made very much aware of that if you catch my drift... Also if the till offers a receipt but you declined to accept it (Like I do because I don't like wasting paper just for a £1.50 sandwich) how can you explain the goods are paid for but you didn't take a receipt? I assume the Till Server would still have it in their logs? Thanks for bearing with me in this long post. Something about me sets these alarms off on a regular basis, I have been trying to work out what exactly causes it when I go to my local Tesco by taking and leaving different possessions. I'm beginning to wonder if it's something in relation to the surgery I had... This all started not long after... Today is the most amount of scrutiny I've faced and I know one day I'll come across "That Guy" who sets out from home and just wants to ruin your day. So I'm just looking for reassurance of what is the done and not done things because I'm well aware this will happen to me eventually. Having to deal with a mental health condition like Psychosis and a condition like Incontinence is not an easy task. I'm not looking for any sympathy and to be blunt I don't want any. I do ask for a tiny bit of understanding though whenever I go out. But sadly I've noticed with everything else I'm leaving the house less and less and avoiding contact with just about anyone anywhere. So I think if I knew what to do assuming a false accusation I might feel better about going out again. Happy to take questions and / or constructive criticism. As for being uncooperative last night... I got my Karma... Train DID have a refreshments trolley and a lovely 87 minute delay Happy Early Halloween Shark
  3. Early exit charges for people taking money out of their pension pots will be capped at 1%, the financial regulator has confirmed. The new rules will affect anyone taking money out of a personal pension from 1 April 2017. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said providers who already charge less than 1% will not be allowed to raise their fees. Those taking out new pension contracts will face no early exit charge at all. Workplace pensions will be subject to the same rules, but these will not come into effect until October 2017, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37985525
  4. I saw this a little while ago and thought it may be interesting to many on here. http://www.halsburyslawexchange.co.uk/leaving-the-eu-impact-on-case-law-and-legislation/ ‘the Treaties shall cease to apply [to the UK] from the date of entry of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification…unless the European Council, in agreement with the [uK], unanimously decides to extend this period’ (art 50(3)) "Insofar as any such amendment or repeal seeks to deny EU law direct effect in UK law prior to the date on which, as a matter of EU law, the Treaties cease to apply to the UK, this would put the UK in breach of its obligations under EU and/or public international law—though it is unclear what legal (as distinct from political) consequences this would have. Depending on the form and content of the future relationship between there UK and the EU, it will also, almost inevitably, be necessary to enact legislation to provide a basis for giving effect to that new relationship."
  5. I'm posting this regarding one of my friends situation I'm trying to see the possibilities. If I understand correctly, an EU national have to live in UK for 5 years to be settle (without studying, just working or self-sufficient) in this case UK needs to stay in EU for another 5 years (5 year qualifying period). And if the referendum in 2017 will decide "out", then my friend will stop having right to reside in UK and thus will not be able to meet the conditions above?
  6. Hi, I've just terminated a rent agreement for a residential property that was under a business let with my own company - was accommodation used whilst contracting away for home. The letting agency are being quite difficult about the cleanliness of the property when I moved out, even though I cleaned extensively and left it in good condition (I've been renting and letting my own property for 15 years and I have never seen anything better, tbh). However, their inspection has revealed some dust and a few other items that could be attended to. They are asking for around £250 for what is, at most, a couple of hours work!? They are also asking for the carpets to be "professionally cleaned" and will not accept that anybody other than a "professional cleaner" is able to do this, even though this is not in the contract. FYI, there are no stains on the carpets and they are in good condition, as described in their own checkout report. Additionally, the carpets are not suitable for using a wet vacuum cleaner and I suspect that the only option is normal vacuuming (which I have already done) and the application of dry cleaning powder of some description. Of course, they have refused to detailed what professional cleaning actually entails and there is nothing about this in my contract. How can I challenge this requirement? I have offered to do the work myself or via a local friend (I do not normally live locally), but they have refused to let anybody other than a professional cleaning company back into the property - they reason that this is because my agreement has now ended. The only alternative they have provided is that I may source a "professional cleaner" of my own instead of using theirs. I'm not aversed to spending some money to put this right, but the amount that has been proposed is absurd for the work that actually needs to be done. I've lived there on my own for a little over 8 months, returning to my main residence every weekend, and basically only using the property for a small amount of the day. Throughout that time I have treated it like my own home and kept it very tidy/clean. I appreciate that there may only be limited options to resolve this dispute - the letting agency has no interest in compromising, despite my efforts to come to a reasonable agreement with them. Would appreciate any input from those with experience as, beyond getting a third party to clean, I am not sure where to go next. Thanks, J
  7. Hi Everyone. The A4E Exit Report (moving on report), the one you get on your last appointment with A4E before being thrown back to the JCP. Does anyone know how many pages there should be ? I received a two page report, but googling some page I didnt bookmark said there was 7 pages, and that we only get two but the full 7 pages are sent to DWP. Ive put in a SAR with the DWP, and they say there is only two pages. So just wanted clarification that there is only two pages and not seven.
  8. Hi I received a letter from Ingeus in Birmingham that my exit report was being sent to my local JCP. So I emailed for my copy form my advisor. Received it this morning. B'gger all on it apart form next steps. It states in the Next Steps box. Actively apply for jobs (I blinking apply for up to 60 jobs every two weeks) Consider alternative job goals (what brain surgeon or international fashion model???) Undertake additional skills training (did all their courses. Now doing Sage 50 and NVQ) Engage with JCP Advisor (always do!) Attend job interviews coming up (yep done that offered a job and then the b'stard retracted it!) Anyone else had the same standard form and did it state the same on the next steps?
  9. Hello all, wondered if i could get some advice please? My parents took out an endowment mortgage with National Home Loans (now Paragon) back in 1985, they changed mortgage company some years later. They dont have any documents any more but i said to mum it might be worth seeing if there is any claim she could make on mortgage exit fees. They struggling financially at the time and she cant remember what fees etc they paid. I wrote on her behalf, no account number or anything just gave her name, address and year of mortgage and asked for exit fees refund. I thought it was a bit of a long shot but to my surprise got a letter today with a cheque for £40, which is fab! The reason im asking for advice is that they have written this covering letter: Thank you for your recent letter, regarding your request for a refund of fees incurred during the redemption of your loan has been reviewed in light of the recent statement made by the FSA. The statement made by the FSA however relates only to loans regulated by the FSA. Unfortunately your loan does not fall under the jurisdiction of the FSA and therefore there is no obligation to refund the amount requested. We regularly review the fee tariffs and the level of fees reflects the administrative and operational costs involved in servicing mortgage accounts. However as a gesture of goodwill we will refund the amount of £40 which equates to the amount charged at redemption of your loan. I'm just wondering why they would pay out a goodwill gesture if they didn't have to? Are they just being genuinely nice and she should think herself very lucky and take the cheque? Is it worth SAR-ing them to see if theres anything dodgy on the account? I dont know what exactly, just being a bit suspicious i guess Thank you
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