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  1. Good Morning everyone, My situation is quite complex so please bear with me and any help and uggestions would be greatly appreciated, i will start with a brief statement as to how this all started 15 years ago and then onto the problems i am now facing. In 2003 i applied to remortgage and take equity from my home, i was turned down, i checked my credit reports to see that i had several defaults and a CCJ from Barclays on my acc, after a few years i managed to get all of this sorted with apology letters from Barclays. In 2013 i was again chased for debts that did not belong to me, i tried every avenue possible to get this mistake sorted for a second time but eventually i ended up going to the newspapers and the FOS who then sorted out the problem with Lloyds and Experian with a pathetic £250 compensation, even though id spent 10 times this on phone calls and writing letters/emails etc . Now in 2018 this has all happened again, i have checked my report from all 3 CRAs and Call Credit and Experian are showing defaults, CCJ, addresses i have never lived at, they have even changed my electoral roll entry without any instruction by myself or legal documents to do this. All of this wrong information is for a person with the same first and last name as me and also the same date of birth, however this other person has a middle name and i do not. I received a letter from 02 on the 19th of March chasing a debt for this other person, i immediately checked my credit report, and there it was, 02 had already linked me and the debt/account to my address without doing any checks whatsoever to see if i was the correct person, i DONT have an account with 02. There is then the other accounts from 6 other companies in default that i have never had accounts with and a CCJ which i dont even know what it is for , i just know none of these belong to me as ive never missed a payment on anything or had any dealings with these companies. I have disputed all of this with Call Credit but they refuse to remove all of this wrong information, i have not spoke to any of the companies involved as from past experience they will not speak to me due to data protection when i say i am not the person they seek, but they also dont resolve the problem either, i have since joined checkmyfile and they are trying to sort things out with call credit , but say i have to sort out this mess with Experian myself. I am seeking advice as to what to do next, to be honest the companies reporting all of this wrong information in my eyes need to pay, i am busy renovating my home and considering an extension as my wife is 8 months pregnant but i am now reluctant to apply for any loans/remortgage etc as i know i will be turned down, and as you can expect for this to happen a 3rd time my stress levels have went through the roof. Companies listing defaults on my report who i have no dealings with at all and ruining my credit report because of there incompetence to check they have the correct person are: Lloyds Bank (again) Lowell Vanquis Bank Capital One Hoist Portfolio Home retail group 02 ( who reported and made the link with callcredit , even though this serial debtor has paid his bill now, so is not showing as a default, but its now to late as they have done the damage) Thank you kindly to anyone that can help. Luco19
  2. Noddle seem to list normal long term loans under "Short Term" on the basis that the lender provides daily information under a new system called MODA. Is that legitimate ?
  3. Good afternoon. I am back under anew guise. I posted last year about a Minicredit default a £200 that ended up a £1200+ one after non payment. I hate the companies & now the default stands at £522 with Kapama & shows 5 years of non payment on my noddle file but is not present on my Experian or ClearScore files. It's on there till march 2018. Do I let it slide, I've still been getting voicemails from Opos demanding to speak to me (I blocked their numbers so that's their best way of trying to get in touch with me) for all I care they can do 1. Will that default disappear in a years time. I've a couple of other issues but that's 1 I'm looking to clear up for now. Thanks in advance Rob
  4. I have contacted the credit reference agency Noddle (CallCredit) twice about credit card lenders incorrectly placing a Minimum Payment Marker on my credit report with them. The lenders are Co-op Bank and Aqua. I have made payments that were marginally above (e.g. £1) the minimum payment with both lenders. I filed a dispute with Noddle. Both lenders have refused to correct the data. When contacting both, they both deny responsibility and say that they have no control over how Noddle displays the data. Co-op Bank even said that this means that I didn't make a full payment but made at least the minimum, which I know is untrue. I have since paid off Aqua in full so there's no longer a problem, but with Co-op Bank, it still displays. This could affect my credit rating, which they also deny. It appears that lenders are abusing the Minimum Payment Marker in breach of the Data Protection Act and punishing those who pay £1 or less over the minimum payment. Some MoneySavingExpert (MSE) users recommend paying £1 or even 1p above the minimum payment to avoid this marker. Other websites also recommend this. However, in my experience, this does not work. One user on MSE did mention paying 1% more to avoid this, but how do lenders get away with this? Under the Data Protection Act, the data that lenders give to the credit reference agencies has to be accurate. If a minimum payment is £10 and a payment of £11 is made on or before the due date, then it shouldn't be marked as the minimum payment made. I have searched for guidance on when lenders can place the Minimum Payment Marker but couldn't find anything. Credit Card Lenders that currently report the Minimum Payment Marker (that I am aware of) are: Co-op Bank Aqua Capital One Lloyds Bank Barclaycard MBNA GE Money HBOS This measure was announced on 24 November 2008 on the APACS website. The link has now been removed. Originally, five lenders agreed to share this information with the Credit Reference Agencies and has since increased. I have also had problems with other card issuers in the past (e.g. Capital One and Lloyds Bank) who also place a Minimum Payment marker if I paid £1 above the minimum payment, and not just with Noddle. Experian and Equifax are also reporting this.
  5. Well, it's been a while since I've been on here. it was thanks to you guys on CAG that turned my life around in 2005/6 and stopped my stupid spending/credit splurge. I sent the prove it letters to my creditors and that was that. they screamed, shouted and yelled. threatened allsorts, but I stood firm and in the end the debts have fallen off my file. so they can 'nanas for it now. (still get the occasional letter asking me to contact them to discuss payment terms - yeah right) but anyways - hi everyone! I posted this on the Facebook group, and after a few replies and digging a bit , it was suggested I post it on the main forum pages for more thorough advice. So here goes. Once the date passed for the debts I talked about above to drop off my file, I got on to Experian and Equifax and got hold of my file. at the time. I thought to myself. heck. that'll be enough. Sure enough. I was debt free (in the eyes of my file anyway) so I left it alone. Few years ago (2012 ish) me and the OH decided we needed a loan to wrap up a few debts that she'd got before we met and to make life a bit easier. I'd been knocked out of the work market by a broken ankle that didn't heal properly and was on DLA at the time. She got refused as we'd had a few problems in the while I was off. So I thought. let's use my nice fresh credit file! result (ok so we embellished the application forms to make it look like I was earning) - refused I put the refusal down to income, but it didn't help our financial problems. So out came the payday loans. Soon we were borrowing from one to pay the other. And then my DLA stopped despite me not being able to work. I wasn't eligible for benefits as the OH was earning too much. so we spiralled. I've ended up with 4 defaults on my file again. and the OH had a handful too. So here comes the kicker. being the 'old hand' at the debt game that I am, the DCA can't frighten me. They keep hitting a dead end with their threato-grams So I decided recently, out of curiosity, to sign up for Noddle, since I could get my credit file for free. Of course, this would be the first time I've ever had my credit file from Callcredit. I get my gile and what do I find? In July 2011, 1st Credit created a link between me and someone else with the same forename, surname and DOB as me, but they are from Romford Essex. I'm from Sheffield - lived here all my life. never lived anywhere else. The difference is, my middle initial is L and this guy's is P on my file now is this other guys: Full name, Address DOB Mortgage and Mortgage account details + history His personal bank account A CCJ he received in January 2011 So no wonder I couldn't get credit. I've asked Callcredit to remove the address, name and accounts but they have so far refused citing that there is a proven link. I've sent a rather strongly worded email suggesting that I could report them to the ICO for a breach, not sure if that is right so what now? any suggestions? (sorry for the long rambling post!)
  6. Most of us have heard of Noddle and I would suspect many are members however, another company is now offering free credit reports. https://www.clearscore.com/ This company use Equifax to get your data so generally it will be reliable. When I registered, it never asked me for any credit/debit card details. Just by answering a few questions and that was it. I would suspect that if you haven't lived at your present home for long or not registered with the Electoral Role then you will have issues and you may need to add more data. For me, it was very easy. Have a go, tell us how easy it was for you.
  7. https://www.clearscore.com/?gclid=CI7ZqNXNzscCFUbkwgodrcsM7A Just seen this advertised Seems it is connected some way to carphonewarehouse What is the catch?? Comments people??
  8. Hi guys and gals, first time post (for a long while). Just created a Noddle account to check if an old CC debt had dropped off (statute barred). One of my two live debts (they have a valid CCA) appears OK with the DCA that has purchased it - paying off monthly with no interest added. Will pay off in another three years or so unless I decide to settle early. Second debt I expected to be there isn't - it's a credit card debt I defaulted on about seven years ago and I've been paying monthly since. I'm 100% sure there's still a debit balance and have no idea why it's not there - never heard from the OC since they accepted my reduced payments. There was PPI and I was going to begin the process of claiming back. If the debt isn't there, does it mean it's dead and I can cancel the standing order? Third debt was an old LTSB debt that I stopped paying over six years ago on the grounds they had no enforceable CCA. Went to various DCA's and whilst they sent their usual threats, they never took any further action. It doesn't show at all on Noddle, is that usual for a statute barred debt? Is there any way I can get any historical data off Noddle, i.e. when debts were taken off? Any advice on the Noddle questions would be much appreciated.
  9. Hi, I just wanted to check this out, in 2009 I was unfortunate enough to be given a CCJ by Suzuki Finance Limited for a car loan that I couldn't repay which was through Black Horse Finance. I made a payment arrangement and am still paying off the CCJ (which I will be doing until I die as they repayment amount is only £10 per month). I have paid the CCJ every month without fail and it reached 6 yearsicon old earlier this year and was removed from my Noddle account. However, even though I have never missed a payment the entry is also showing in "other accounts" on my credit report and I noticed that last month the default date has been changed to 12/7/12. Can someone advise me if Black Horse or Suzuki Finance (whoever has done this) are allowed to do this please? I have reported the matter to Noddle as default date incorrect and I'm waiting to hear from them. Thank you Maybe
  10. Hi , When did Noddle start charging to view adverse info on your Credit Account ? My son has just checked his and it only shows the accounts in credit. He was checking on a Lowell debt that they had bought speculatively from O2 and this isn't listed. Instead you get the option of paying to see what is affecting your credit rating for which you have to pay £20 for a 'premium' account to see what is affecting your credit rating.
  11. Hi all, Sorry new here but hoping you may be able to help. I have just registered with noodle as had started to receive calls from a company called MKRR. They wanted me to confirm who I was but as I had no idea who they were and so wouldn't confirm anything with them until they confirmed who they were. Unfortunately they are now persistant and a web search revealed they were a debt collection agency yet until i can confirm who they are and what they represent and want I am not comfortable passing their identity confirmation checks!!! Once registered with noodle I was surprised to see 3 defaults on my file. One was from Mkdp llp with a default date of 30/11/2010 and the other two are from Marlin financial with a default date of 29/11/2011. Obviously neither of these companies are MKRR and I'm not sure where these defaults have come from as I have never received a default notice and not sure what the debts are for? Anyone have any suggestions of how to tackle this? With many thanks in advance, ZF
  12. Well you could knock me over with a feather - I've just obtained an Equifax report and credit score as I figured it was time to knuckle down and try to improve my rating and they have me at 968 which they say is excellent. I've been getting the free Noddle report for a while which has always had me as 1 out of 5 and someone who would have difficulty getting credit. I'm not looking for credit right now. I am in a debt management plan, but need to plan for life after this ends. I genuinely thought I would be at the bottom of a credit score, so just don't get it. (I'm not complaining though )
  13. Hi all, I have a query relating to my overall score on Noddle. I understand that score can be all but ignored because it has no relevance to financial institutions, but still I wondered if anyone could offer any insight on why my score is what it is: 4/5. Here's an overview of my situation: I have a monthly after-tax income in excess of £2000. I have two credit cards, one with the BoS that isn't used, ever. The other is with Tesco Bank and is used infrequently for modest amounts and always paid off in full each month. I have a loan with Tesco Bank for circa £160/month. I have a mobile phone contract for circa £25/month. From my, admittedly layman's, perspective, it seems to me like I ought to represent a prime candidate for credit-worthiness, yet Noddle assess me as being only 4/5. My thoughts on why that might be are that having two credit cards means I have a large amount of credit available that I could theoretically get myself into trouble with (but never have). Do you suppose getting rid of the credit card I never use would have a positive effect?
  14. My noddle report is pretty poor as it has 2 defaults on it which are 5 years old (and both currently being disputed). Today I paid the fee and viewed my experian report and that says I have excellent credit and no record of the 2 defaults? I have an old experian report from 2012 and that has one of the defaults on it, but not the other, but now they no longer appear on it. I even called experian to check, and she said there was no active record for them, so they are not part of the credit report. My 2012 report was in the region of ~700, but now it's mid 900's, and even says at the top that it has improved because there are no longer delinquent or defaulted accounts on it. One other thing that confuses me is that Experian have no record of my current bank account. They have my main bank account down as an old closed Barclays account. Again, I asked them and they said if the account was opened over 10 years ago it may be that my bank never agreed to share the information. So my credit score is now so good, do I risk calling my bank to ask them to share info? I've been a customer for 15+ years, have a 1500 OD that I basically live in. This may look negative!
  15. Hoping someone can advise me please, I went bankrupt back in May 2010 and all of my debts were included but somehow at the same time i also had 2 CCJ against me (those debts though were included in the bankruptcy). The one CCJ is dated though for July 2010 for the amount of £211, whilst checking noddle there is a default on my account now in June 2014 for £211, so I'm presuming it's the same debt (hoist portfolio 2 Ltd) is there anything I can do about this please as I don't want this default on my file especially as all debts were originally included in my bankruptcy also is there anything I can do to remove the CCJs as they should never be on there either if they were in my bankruptcy.
  16. Just noticed that about 15 months ago Moorcroft made a public search with Noddle relating to a debt they were attempting to collect. Are they allowed to do this ? All other such searches are usually invisible. This is very worrying as one could still get such a search even years after the file is clean otherwise.
  17. Had a good job, career, home, money, etc. Then had a prolonged period of inactivity, debts piled up, not opening letters, spiral of anxiety and stress. blah, blah. Now, for past year or so, been earning, and getting back on feet. Looking to start paying back, and deal with all my debts. Have done as much due diligence as I can, and need some pointers. I have a number of creditors, with debts totalling around 45K. Have been paying token payments of £1 to most, some more. Looking to get StepChange advice and help. But also need some idea of full and final offers to really motor down the debts. So, as a starter, here are some of my most pressing questions: 1: I am having difficulty filling in my Income and Expenditure, as my income fluctuates. (I am working freelance, as am probably too old to be employed by a company.) I am wary of entering payment schedule and failing. Prefer to keep paying token amounts, then offer surplus every 6 months or so. Would creditors go for this? 2: I understand the first step may be to get CCAs from my creditors. Are there any downsides to asking for CCAs? Would creditors sense that I am trying to wriggle out, and go for asking for more, or get heavy-handed? 3: Are CCAs only for debt companies, or even the Originating creditor? (some of my debts have been off-loaded to debt-companies.) 4: What is the purpose of SARs? How does that help me? I understand they might be for finding penalty fees, etc? I know I accrued a lot when I couldn't pay any amounts when I started my downhill slide. 5: When offering Full and Finals, do I go for the biggest first? 6: I have been sold from one debt-company to another on some debts, I dont know what I am paying for on some of the payments!! Can I just phone them up and ask where the original debt comes from? (I have signed up with noddle, and got my list of creditors and credit file, so I have a starting point. I have been reading this forum for a few days, and have built up some knowledge, and seen how helpful this site can be. I would like to ask for some help in taking the first steps for an eventual bright future. PS: would it be ok to list my debts (with some fudging to protect myself) as a starting point?
  18. Hello there I wonder if anyone can help with this. I am considering buying a new car in the next month or so, and thought I would check out my noddle report before doing so. I noticed a default on my account in the name of Arvato Financial Solutions LTD T/A Buchanan Clark & Wells. The date of birth is over 20 years out and I don't remember ever having any dealings with this company. I logged it on the noddle site as incorrect today, stating that I don't know what it is. I'm wondering if I should contact this company as well? I have searched for some kind of address for them, but as I don't know what I'm looking for, I cant find anything. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks
  19. Is their any reason why I cannot find my finance from Money Way on my Credit Report from Noddle , the finance was taken out over 1 year ago. ? I'm currently experiencing issues with them which is why am looking into this. thank you craig
  20. Just logged onto Noddle at the Welcome finance Loan entry has vanished. Its been ' 6 payments late' for over 4 years and I've been paying £1 a month. Now its not there (was there last week) its also not on equifax but I think it never was on that one. What do I do?Keep paying? Obviously I will keep paying but its rather odd..... I think it was taken out August 2008 so it wouldn't have dropped off my file yet
  21. Hi I have been a member of the Noddle Credit report site since it started, recently paid £10 to get additional information but for 3 ays now I am able to log onto the site but just get an apology saying they cannot get my report. I have emailed a number of times to ask why but am getting no replies??? Anyone else getting this? It has been a very useful site and feel a little bit disappointed this is happening and getting no replies? Cheers Lorna
  22. Hello All, I know that the Royal Mail needs all our support and I think Noddle get todays star prize. Todays post consisted of 42 yes 42 identical copies of the same letter. Which thankfully, was good news for me as they had removed disputed items from my CRA report and that they would be removed within 7 days, which is really swift for the Noddle team, think they must be worried about something. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  23. Hi I've been using Noddle, to check my credit rating, had a look today and apparently in January a company looked at my file, and in the purpose column, for the reason they looked at it, it said Money laundering. Can anyone give me any advice, I'm a bit alarmed by it. Thanks
  24. Hi All A new default has just appeared on my credit file for a loan from about 9 years ago, as far as we were aware this was a statute barred debt and it had already defaulted years ago. Is there anything we can do?
  25. I recently contacted Noddle to find out the exact details of who was reporting an account over the last few months but was told they could only tell me details of my file for this month. If i sent them a SAR would that provide the details i want of who was reporting an account each month? Surely they don't just delete the old records when the files are updated every month?
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