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  1. On Equifax in green it says i have been on the electoral roll for 13 years and it is green, but then next to it in red it says currently registered on the electoral roll no. What does that mean?
  2. Hi i have a bit of a problem where on my equifax credit file there is another person appearing on my file under the section called "Attributable data" It says the following If there is information in the Attributable Data section, it indicates that the data could belong to you but cannot be definitely identified as yours. A lender can see this data, but should obtain proof that it does belong to you before it is used in a lending decision now i have no idea who this person is. There are many accounts that have defaulted. What i wanted to know does this affect my score and how can i get it removed. I have sent equifax a message but they seem to take an age to reply. Thanks
  3. MacKenzie Hall have invaded my Equifax file with a DCA search. Does anyone know if this is still allowed? I have no debts that are not Statute Barred by at least 8 years, and have built up an 'Excellent' credit score. No contact has been made from MH at this time, but expect something sinister to drop through the letterbox any day. Any advice would be welcome.
  4. Good afternoon folks, I have been looking around for advice on the following as i am trying to clean up my credit files folowing completion of an IVA in August 2016. In summary, IVA started in June 2010, settled in August 2016. One of the creditors has finally updated the credit file at Equifax as below :- You can see that there is no default date on this entry, which should be the start date for the IVA. Is this entry going to stay on there for another 6 years from the settlement date, which should also be the date for te end of the IVA? If i have the default date corrected will the entry then disappear ? This creditor, Nationwide, seems to be reluctant to assist. Urkood.
  5. Hi all When Vodafone 'ported over' my account to their new system (sept 15) they appear to have screwed it up, royally. I have 3 phones on one account. (which seem to have been separated) I have had nothing but misery and stress ever since, I have lost count of the number of times they have restricted access, leaving us all or one after another cut off, in one case for weeks. most spectacularly when I was 100 miles away from home in a hospital with my Father who had been rushed in with a heart problem, No way to call anyone brilliant! I have spent hours both in store and on 191 trying to deal with it all apparently in vain. Last week was the last straw, I applied to borrow money against my property and to my horror was refused point blank, I was advised by Barclays to check Equifax to see what was happening. I had a gnawing in the pit of my stomach thinking ..o god its going to be Vodafone, sure enough it was. My credit score is unblemished apart from them, who have my account as delinquent, credit rating rock bottom. I phoned Equifax and explained I have been having problems with them for 18 months and they advised to contact them and that they, Equifax would put a note on my file and query it with Vodafone. I phoned vodafone to be told sorry system is down I will ring you back, of course after going through hoops to establish its me! I telephone later as I have no real expectation of her ringing me back because, well, they just don't, Guy this time says your account is in arrears by 22.91 you must pay now so i did. I asked him to remove the erroneous entry on Equifax which he apparently did not understand. 3 hours later lady calls back and says you are 12.00 , which I declined to pay when the member of staff on the phone could not explain how, when approximately 3 hours earlier I had been told I was 22.91 in debit and had paid it. The following day whilst in store I was £45.82 in credit, at the time i thought sadly laughable, as the first member of staff appears not to be able to understand a credit on the account. ? so my credit had now doubled. o yes he also said he would add £5.00 credit 'for the hassle' which I had confirmation in a text message. needless to say it was not applied! Checking my Experian account it shows £190 in debit and more than 6 months overdue. Thus placing it in Delinquent status. Which actually tallies with no other amount? I think they pick amounts out of the air tbh. I then receive a letter yesterday informing me they were suspending my account as I was in arrears of £65.30. desperation yesterday I emailed the Member of staff in the store and copied in the CEO attaching the e mails I had sent to the previous CEO in oct 15 and jan 16 which received no response, amazingly I got a reply e mail today saying they would look in to it but if it was urgent to call them, really Vodafone?? so I did. Melanie assured me she has removed 52.80 which was hanging around on my 'Ghost' account since sept 15 and she will remove my status on Equifax. I mentioned to her that not only would I want my credit file returned to its unblemished state before they had made the catastrophic cock up of my account I also thought I should be entitled to compensation for the amount of time and distress caused in the lat 18 months continually trying to sort their mess out, not least the embarrassment and distress yet again of having to try and explain to the lady from Barclays and my husband that I really wasn't responsible. She of course completely ignored this part of the conversation I asked her to send me an e mail outlining exactly what she was going to do, which she did all be it concise. What are the things I should perhaps be doing/ recording to follow this up? I cannot explain how utterly sick and tired I am, how stressful and embarrassing this whole thing has been for such a long time, this is not everything either. I would really appreciate any input from anyone Thank you Sealover
  6. Hi Guys, Just checking something out and was looking for clarification. On my Equifax report, it states that an overdraft I had with HBOS. First late date payment was July 2011, then subsequent months late and then shows as defaulted in January 2012. I'm assuming as it shows, this means no payment since June 2011. The debt appears to have then been sold to Arrow Global as they have listed the default on Equifax in January 2012. I have never once communicated with Arrow Global on this. I obviously haven't made any payments to HBOS regarding this. Today I received a letter from shoosmiths asking for payment or even a partial payment to clear the entire amount in full and final settlement. It looks like to me they are clutching at straws and this will become statute barred as of June 2017. Can you confirm if I am correct? Thanks
  7. Hello, First off - many thanks in anticipation for any advice that anyone will take the time to give me. It will be much appreciated. Sorry if I sound a bit wound up but none of this is my doing - my energy provider messed up my gas bills and I've had my credit rating destroyed as a result. I've been with my Gas and Electricity energy provider since February 2015 and they have been a nightmare. Electricity bills are paid up to date. Gas account as far as I'm concerned is up to date. The provider disagrees - they say I owe £290 - including a late payment penalty fee of £10 I have sent them all the documentation and proof via Royal Mail Track and Trace which they received - but they refuse to reply. I sent the matter to the Energy Ombudsman but they sent me an email saying that they didn't have my file. The matter started in November 2016 when we noticed that our gas supplier was billing us for an extra meter that had nothing to do with us. After much correspondence, they acknowledged their mistake and offered us a £45 goodwill payment. But we said that the amended gas bills were still wrong because they didn't reflect the amounts totalling £240 paid on the account ( we have proof of these payments). We continued to argue back and forth with our energy provider until the matter became deadlocked and we referred it to Ombudsman who heaven knows did what with our file. We awaited a reply from the ombudsman. In the meantime, the energy provider filed six late payment markers against me with Equifax. The energy provider won't examine the proof of payments that we sent them or remove the late payment markers. They have also charged me a late payment penalty fee of £10 have sent me threatening letter that they will charge me hundreds of pounds extra for debt collection and change my meter to a prepayment one. I sent them a Letter Before Court Action three weeks ago via Royal Mail Track and Trace but they've ignored it. The ombudsman doesn't fill me with confidence. I want to take this matter to Court and this is what I would like to achieve: I want the £240 lost payments on account to be reinstated on my account. I want the six late payment markers removed from my credit file. I want a written apology for the stress and hassle that this matter has caused me. I want fair compensation for the stress, hassle that this has caused and the damage to my credit record that I have suffered as a result of the late payment markers. What's possible and how can I go about it - how much will it cost?
  8. I noticed that Clearscore didn't show my RBS accounts (my main one's) or my FD accounts. All they were showing was an account i opened at NatWest as a backup in case i didn't like the road RBS took. They sent me to Equifax who asked me for dates. I explained i joined RBS when it was Williams & Glynne - mid 1970's? And FD when it first opened. they asked exactly the same question again (maybe my reply had vanished). i gave them the same reply. Now they have replied saying they have written to NatWest for details of my RBS accounts. Question: 1) Just how stupid are these CRA's? 2) How much do CRA's understand about the financial business and/or Data Protection?
  9. An investigation was underway on Friday night after the personal data of up to 44 million British consumers was feared stolen by hackers in a massive cyber attack. The information commissioner said it was investigating how the hack on Equifax, a US credit rating firm, affected UK customers, many of whom will be unaware their data is held by the company. Equifax and its UK subsidiary companies state on their websites that they represent British clients including BT, Capital One and British Gas. There are fears that customers of these companies could now be affected. BT said that "many companies in the UK" used Equifax services and said that it was "monitoring the situation closely". The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has urged Equifax to alert affected UK customers as soon as possible, and said it will work with the relevant overseas authorities on behalf of British citizens. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2017/09/08/equifax-hack-britons-data-watchdog-investigates-ukimpact-major/
  10. I had car finance with VWFS, in 2011 I wanted to sell the car and settle the finance, I asked for a settlement figure which they provided. I paid the settlement figure and obtained a letter stating they had no interest in the vehicle. On Equifax (via clearscore) it shows very oddly that I was a month behind from June 2011 until mid 2012, I settled with them the day I sold the vehicle. On Noddle it shows that there was a balance of 13 grand still during that period. I have raised disputes with both agencies. If VWFS fail to respond to the agencies do they have to remove the information? (20 days in and nothing yet from VWFS) Thanks, Terry
  11. I'm looking to take an injunction out on Equifax, and need other witnesses to make my case stronger. Some example of my case. HSBC confirmed by letter, I did NOT have any account with HSBC. I asked equifax 100 times to remove the info and they refused. Opened case with Ombudsman, and now they suppress the information temporally. Got Santander account which was settled, have proof, but Equifax refuse to mark as settled. Contacted Santender with the proof, and they won't update the file. Still says I owe the money, but I don't (it's settled). Looking to make a 2nd complaint with Ombudsman, try and get the FCA involved, and looking to get Equifax's credit licence revoked as they are not fit and proper people to hold a credit licence. Been speaking to Equifax case workers, and they refuse to give names, refuse to give final response letters, keep saying people in training, people aware of it. Equifax are worse then the Banks who charge PPI or the Payday lenders who got fined last month.
  12. Hello, First post so here goes. I am about to challenge the validity of a default notice issued to me by OUSBA dated 4 Jul 2014 (which was a Friday). The date for remedy on the DN was the 18th July 2014. Assuming they used first class post then this does not give me the clear 14 days as required. The correct date should have been the 22 July. Am I correct? I have also received a letter stating on the 25th July 2014, that the agreement was terminated in accordance with CCA. So, my challenge is, is the DN valid? Equifax are also displaying incorrect info. They have the date of default as the 25 July 2014, which is incorrect. The default date should have been the 22 July 2014. They are also displaying the amount in default as 325 which is incorrect. It should be £323.49. Do you think I have reason for this to be removed?
  13. https://www.clearscore.com/?gclid=CI7ZqNXNzscCFUbkwgodrcsM7A Just seen this advertised Seems it is connected some way to carphonewarehouse What is the catch?? Comments people??
  14. Hi All, I was wondering if someone could help me please as I am a bit confused as to Settled accounts and dates they are removed. I have managed to settle all my debts finally and I am trying to be realistic when I will be able to apply for a mortgage so trying to work out dates etc. There are 8 showing as Settled and 3 credit accounts as up to date and have't had any issues. Could you tell me how long a settled account stays on my file for is it 6 years? If so when is the date from? Is it Default date? of Satisfied Date? or any other I haven't thought of. Also if anyone knows, now they are settled does this increase my chance of getting credit or will be it once they are gone? I repaid them in November last year mainly, so its been almost a year Really value your thoughts, thank you.
  15. Please does anyone have any advice on this? The facts as they have been reported to me: Mr X leaves the property in 2008. Mrs X remains at the property and there is a verbal agreement that she will transfer the utility bills to her name. Mr X still legally owns the property until it is repossesed by the bank in 2010. In 2015 Mr X obtains a copy of his Equifax credit report and discovers that United Utilities have registered a default dated March 2015. Unitied Utilities will not remove the default as they say Mr X did not notify them he had moved/was no longer responsible for the water charges at the property. The ICO have today sent this response: Dear Mr X, I write further to my email of 19 February. Based on the evidence provided, I consider that it is likely that United Utilities has complied with its obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) in this case. I feel it may be useful to explain that a default on a credit file means that an organisation considers the relationship between itself and the individual to have broken down. United Utilities has explained that whilst the last payment was made in 2007, they had been attempting to chase the debt and a default notice was only issued in February 2015 when collections activity was deemed exhausted and the relationship was deemed broken down. United Utilities has explained that the credit for £268.88 was a false credit and has confirmed that that the default date of 14 March 2015 and default balance of £3093 were accurate and up to date at the time it was shared with Equifax. United Utilities has explained that they acted on the information available to them as you did not inform them that you had ceased being responsible for charges at xxxxxxxxxxxxx until May 2015. I understand that while the default will remain, United Utilities will request amendments to your credit file to reflect the subsequent information received by you. I appreciate you may be disappointed by this, but I hope the information provided above explains the reasons for our decision. Yours sincerely, Adele Roper Lead Case Officer Information Commissioner’s Office 01625 545 774 Is there anything to stop a company registering a default from so long ago, or would there be if an agreement was regulated by the CCA? Is there any point Mr X arguing that he did not take out a credit agreement with United Utilities? I believe that utilities companies have only recently been allowed to 'share' data with credit reference agencies, so it's not something Mr X would have agreed to/been aware of upon opening the account. Thanks for reading.
  16. Recently (in the last two months, June 2016 ) Equifax started recording the payment states of utility companies including British Gas, I have both gas and electric with them. They added a two BG accounts for Gas and Electric going back to August 2014 in June 2016. From August - October 2014, british gas recorded three detrimental months on my file which have had a detrimental impact on my score. I've requested information during this period as I do no recall ever agreeing to pay monthly during this time, I didn't start a direct debit until 2015. They have stated they have no data available that far back or an agreement with me? How can they report detrimental historic information without an agreement or without my knowledge and worst still, no ability to prove why?
  17. Dear friends, I have checked my Equifax and Callcredit report’s in the last few days as I know I have some pretty bad looking marks relating to a Barclaycard I had a good number of years ago, I have learnt from the error of my past and have had a clean credit file for the past 5 or so years. The Barclaycard was not managed well by me (I moved address in 2008 after graduating, got a new job and got married all simultaneously and did not inform Barclaycard during this busy period until 2010), although I never defaulted just had a large number of late payments, I am really upset about not being more proactive at the time as now I would like to get a mortgage and this is really holding me back. My main issue today is that Equifax are showing inaccurate Barclaycard data going back to 2006, and I only want it to show the most recent 6 years (going back to 2009). To get a better understanding of what actually happened I will explain my Callcredit/Noddle report first as they have reported the Barclaycard entries correctly: Jan – Jun 2009: To explain, I fell behind on payments in Jan 2009 & lots of fees were added by Barclaycard until June 2009 when they took money (minimum payment amount) from my Barclays current account to offset against the Barclaycard balance hence, a green mark in June 2009. Jul 2009– Mar 2010: Then as they added interest and more fees (from Jul –Mar 2010) this pushed me over my credit limit again until March 2010 when they again took money from my Barclays current account to pay the full balance on my Barclaycard. Apr 2010 – Mar 2012: I assume they kept the account open until March 2012 which is why I have a number of green payments for this period. Equifax Report: Right now my concern is my Equifax report. This shows a number of errors for Barclaycard, and frustratingly they are also showing inaccurate data going back to 2006: I only really want the most recent 6 years showing (from June 2009 onwards) as I don’t see why they should be holding data on record which is way older than 6 years. As they have recorded the payment markers incorrectly, if the report would show only the most recent 6 years then I wouldn’t have any late payment markers showing which is what I am hoping to do however, in reality it should show like the Noddle report with late payment markers in 2009/2010. I would like to find a way of asking Equifax to update my Barclaycard records to only show the most recent 6 years (green markers from 2009 as above) without worrying about Barclaycard reporting the correct dates (late markers) to Equifax and Equifax amending their report. Is there any way I can do this? Do Barclaycard still have the authority to ask Equifax to change the data even though it was so long ago, or do Barclaycard have to report it within a certain timeframe? Is there any way I can ask for the whole record to be removed due to the incorrect entries/dates? Should I approach Equifax or Barclaycard as I would like to try and get this done as soon as possible as I have seen a house I would like to buy? I apologise for the long post but its the only way I could explain it due to the complications, any help is really greatly appreciated x Imogen
  18. Hi Guys, I could do with a bit of advice after an illness and arranging payment with various companies my credit report took a kicking as expected however I have now caught up with all but 2 HSBC and Cabot I still have an arrangement to pay. I must add that these 2 where defaulted on some time ago, whilst shall we say discussing payment arrangements. The issue I have is that even though I am paying that theses 2 accounts and have been for over 14 months they are still showing as defaults and are killing my credit score I have contacted Cabot (they where not any help) any ideas how I can improve my credit score
  19. I have the Equifax credit checking thingy and have been checking it fairly regularly recently to see how a settled account is affecting my score. I pressed the button to update my score today and was pleased to see that it had actually came up a good bit but in looking further down the page the 'electoral roll' section was red, its always been yellow before because I have lived at my current address for less than three years. I clicked it to see that I am no longer listed as being on the register so I called them to dispute this and the told me this weird thing which I certainly didn't know and thought it might be of interest to others. Every year on January 1st everyone's file is changed to not being on the electoral register until such times as the council confirms that they are in fact on it. Apparently this can take till the end of January which I don't understand either since my council updates theirs in June each year. Its a system thing apparently as soon as the year changes you are bumped off the register until such times as they put you back on it. This doesn't seem fair to me, what if I was applying for credit right now and my file says i'm not on it when I am. Surely a fairer system would be to keep everyone on it until the council updates to confirm whether you are still registered or not? Am I the only one a bit confused by this?
  20. Evening everybody - Happy new year I do not understand default dates very much but am under the belief an account will be defaulted around 3-6 months after last payment? I have just received a response from equifax about a dispute I raised because I believed the default date was wrong. The default on my equifax record from Creation finance is dated 11/2010 - the last payment to them (as confirmed) by their response is Jan 09. They have said that the information recorded is correct and that the 'charge off date' was 11/10. Is the charge off date the same as the default date? Are they allowed to wait 675 days from last payment to default an account? they have added AP markers up until May 2010 and then started the 6 month count until default. They have said that if I still dispute I need to send documents so they can investigate? What documents? I don't ever remember receiving a default notice - but by their own admissions they have said that they didn't default until a year and 10 months later. Can they default so long after last payment? What should I do next please Many thanks
  21. Well you could knock me over with a feather - I've just obtained an Equifax report and credit score as I figured it was time to knuckle down and try to improve my rating and they have me at 968 which they say is excellent. I've been getting the free Noddle report for a while which has always had me as 1 out of 5 and someone who would have difficulty getting credit. I'm not looking for credit right now. I am in a debt management plan, but need to plan for life after this ends. I genuinely thought I would be at the bottom of a credit score, so just don't get it. (I'm not complaining though )
  22. Hi All Wondering if I could get some advice from people who have possibly be successful with a query with Tesco affecting their credit file? The long and short of it - plus from what I can remember it was a while ago! I had a mobile phone contract with Tesco in 2012 and cancelled during the 30 day period, I returned the phone to store (where I had taken the phone out) as it was freezing a lot and I wasn't getting on with it. I had to pay the first month upfront so when I returned it the guy in the store the guy helped me transfer numbers across and said 'that's it - nothing more for you to do'. As it was over the Christmas period I forgot about the money owed back to me and rang up to Tesco, they told me it would be with me within 30 days normally and I didn't think twice about it until a few weeks later I hadn't heard anything and rang up to query where the money was. I spoke to C/Services who told me I actually owed them money! I explained that I was advised I could cancel within the 30 day period with no commitments however was told by this person on the phone I owed them for internet usage and wasn't going to be getting the money back either!! I hadn't had any letters up until this point. Over the next few weeks I had several heated discussions with the customer services team and the in store staff but no-one helped. In the end, I lost my rag decided to speak to a manager who agreed that if I paid the money, they would issue it back to me as a refund immediately because of the wrong information given to me and that they had listened to some calls of mine and their call centres. I have now gone to apply for a new mortgage in line with moving home and have now been advised that I have a poor credit rating so cannot benefit from a good rate - checking Equifax it appears Tesco have put me down a 'serious default' - I am so angry as this is the only thing on my credit record affecting it and is has caused me to go from a 10% mortgage to a 20% which is 18k! Any help much appreciated on the next steps to try and challenge this! Thanks K
  23. After 6 years my Bankruptcy has finally been removed from my credit file. A default for one of the loans included also gone. However I have an old RBS bank account and loan account that for some reason weren't defaulted but were included in the BR that are still showing on my Equifax credit report as partially settled. I would like to get these removed. What are the chances?
  24. Hi I have red trough the forums and hope to find a solution. In summer 2012 I had a major surgery and was in an out hospital. Being alone I missed some payments to EON. I have tried to ask them as a gesture of good will and was prepared to send them proof of my surgery. They replied politely that the snwer is now they will not remove the 2 late markers from the equifax file. I am however confused as the account was in order prior to June 2012 there were no records from EON on equifax at all. The moment the payment was late they placed the red mark. Also I remember seeing a letter when I was out of hospital in the autumn advising that a default was going to be recorded and by than the debt was settled. So all the months before June 2012 when payments were made were not recorded in green and than they start with a red mark? That does not seem right to me. From my understanding I will have to cancel my contract with them in writing, move to a different supplier and than argue with equifax to remove the late markers? Any advise much appreciated. EON has made it clear they will not remove them and I am now getting declined for mortgages I apply for. Anything else on my file is good.
  25. This is my first post to assist anyone cancelling their credit report trial or monthly fee with Equifax. I started a 30 day free trial in April with the intention of cancelling before the trial period ended. Due to unexpected personal circumstances I forgot. I started being charged £9.95 per month and cancelled in August. I requested a refund of the latest month's charge and they also offered a refund of £29.95 for the previous charges. I cancelled via their website as I prefer to have a written record of communication. I think they prefer you to cancel by telephone as it's a little tricky to navigate doing it online. However, it does work and I've done it a few times over the years. Login as usual and make a note of your credit report number. At the bottom of the page click on FAQs. It will take you to another page and ask you to log in again (if you have not used this part of their service before I think it will ask you to create a login for it). Then click on 'ask a question'. Click on 'product' and pick an option - I chose 'Equifax credit Report'. Click on 'category' and pick an option - I chose 'I have a question' ('I have a question' is listed 3 times and I picked the 3rd one on the list). I then clicked on 'other'. Enter your credit report reference as requested. Enter your message in the box and submit. It will then bring up some 'auto responses' and ask if they answer your question. Submit your question again so that it is sent to a real person who can respond. If you don't hear back in a couple of days login again and resubmit (this only happened once throughout my communication with them). Be persistent and don't accept anyone telling you no. Here is the transcript of mine and their emails: Me: Please cancel the £9.95 per month charge with immediate effect. Please do not charge me for the amount debiting my account today as I will not be using the service - if you have already debited this from my account then please refund. Thank you for your assistance. Equifax: Thank you for getting in touch about your Equifax subscription. I've reviewed your request for a refund, along with your membership history with Equifax. I can see you signed up online to our Free Credit Report in April 2014. Your first 30 days' access to this product was free but there are monthly charges after this unless the service is cancelled. I've cancelled your product now so you won't be charged again and in light of your comments about how we subscribed you to this product, I've also refunded your previous payments. You'll see this return to your account in the next 5-7 working days. I hope you find this useful. If there’s anything else we can do for you, please let us know. Me: Thank you for your email. Please be advised that I have only received the latest payment of £9.95 refunded. As your email states 'I've also refunded your previous payments' please ensure that the remaining payments are refunded too. Me again: Thank you for your email. Please be advised that I have only received the latest payment of £9.95 refunded. As your email states 'I've also refunded your previous payments' please ensure that the remaining payments are refunded too. Equifax: Thank you for getting in touch. As you were charged £9.95 on the day you cancelled as a good will gesture we refunded you this £9.95. We cannot refund you previous charges as you did not contact us to cancel. I hope you find this useful. If there’s anything else we can do for you, please let us know. Me: Thank you for your email. Please be advised that I have only received the latest payment of £9.95 refunded. As your email states 'I've also refunded your previous payments' please ensure that the remaining payments are refunded too. The original response from Tiffany clearly states that 'previous payments' will be refunded. Therefore, please ensure that the previous payments (plural) not just a singular payment are refunded. Equifax: Your enquiry has been passed to myself for further investigating. I have taken on board your comments and have authorised the refund of 3 months payments. The amount of £29.85 will return to your account in the next 5-7 days. If there’s anything else we can do for you, please let us know.
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