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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, i have recently received a tax residency self ceft form from lloyds bank. I am wondering why, as i have always been resident in the uk and have never had a business or any financial dealings outsidethe uk. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Hi there, I wonder if someone might help. I have a Habitual Residence Test on Monday. The form asks for passport and Id for my husband and my husbands residency documents. I have actually lost my passport so that is awkward for one and then residency documents, my husband and I are disabled. I am from the UK and lived in holland for one year. We have been here together 16 months not claiming anything. The CAB say my husband doesn't need residency documents but I think he might and might also not be eligible for them. I feel a refusal coming on and want to know what I can do. Thanks
  3. I'm being sued by a claimant who is using a mail-box address in the UK as his service address for all papers and claiming that address as his UK address. He has left the UK to avoid his creditors - currently in Turkey. He returns to the UK for the court hearings etc.... but I am concerned that he may not have any rights to continue with his claim. The claimant is effectively insolvent in the UK but not bankrupt (because his creditors haven't been able to serve papers). The whole claim is malicious anyway as I am pending bankruptcy but he has dragged my partner into the nasty messy affair so we must defend the action for her sake. Any advice welcome as we are Litigants in person due to estimates of c£20,000 from our solicitor!
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