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Found 21 results

  1. Bailiffs in at greater Anglia Railways after passenger sues for delays Greater Anglia sued by passenger over 'continuous' delays Full story:- http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-suffolk-43310621
  2. Virgin has become the first train company to automatically compensate some passengers if they are delayed. If you buy an advance ticket on the West Coast mainline through Virgin's website or app, you’ll get money back if your train is sufficiently late. The money would be with you within three days, and you won’t have to claim for it as it’ll be automatic. The government are encouraging other operators to roll out similar schemes nationwide. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-34424729
  3. Holidaymakers trying to get compensation for flight delays have been promised better support from three airlines. Thanks to pressure from the CAA regulator, Jet2 and Wizz Air are paying out when passengers are stranded due to ordinary technical faults. Jet2 has agreed to look at claims as far back as six years, rather than limiting cases to two years. But Wizz Air is keeping its two-year limit, a decision that has been referred to the consumer regulator in Hungary, where it's based. Aer Lingus and Jet2 have also promised to improve passenger information when there are flight disruptions. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-3202787/Airlines-forced-pay-flight-delays-thanks-pressure-CAA-regulator.html#ixzz3jGlnFWEK
  4. Hi there. I have wasted so much time and stress trying to get a good condition/new set of garden funiture from Argos. It's been 3 months since we ordered this Furniture set:http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/6523835.htm We didn't get a confirmation email after ordering this furniture. After calling Argos they said that there was an issue with the ordering system which meant email confirmations weren't going out that day but confirmed the order was successfully placed. We ordered this furniture in mid March. The product page stated delivery within 14 days. We were given a delivery date for about 2 weeks after order date. Just before the delivery date, we received a call to advise that there was an issue and that delivery would be delayed by another 4 weeks! Finally, on 13th May we received the furniture. Now this furniture is BIG! The boxes they came in do not fit through a front door and so I had to get delivery team to leave the boxes on our driveway and I opened them after they left and we carried the all the furniture through the house and into the garden. Upon close inspection we found several scuffs on the rattan effect plastic weave: Here the weave has been done incorrectly. These strands should be tight. On the other sofa it is nice and neat. I had a live chat with a customer service advisor and sent them the photos. You can view the transcript (guy was a bit insensitive) if you're interested here: http://pastebin.com/CTv5W3d9 They confirmed that it shouldn't have arrived in that condition and that the weave was defective. I offered to accept the furniture if I could get a discount for the defect and damage. After initially offering £29.99 they said the maximum they could offer was £49.99 plus delivery charge so I rejected the offer and asked for a replacement instead. As I was about to go on holiday in a weeks time so the next suitable delivery slot for the replacement furniture was 14th June. When this replacement set arrived it had even more damage! So I did a video of it to show Argos: https://youtu.be/T7LW8qypRTc I contacted Argos publicly on their Facebook page with a link to the video. They replied and apologised and said that 'small' cosmetic damage can happen in transit. They arranged for another replacement to be sent. This 3rd replacement set arrived on 17th June at 3.30pm despite time slot of 10am-2pm and I was on school run at the time (more stress!). This set was by far the worst of the 3. Damaged in several places (broken rattan) and the middle section was clearly very used and filthy! Here's a video of the 3rd set's condition: https://youtu.be/lzF0kDACckw I complained on their Facebook page again and asked for a manager to contact me. They replied to say that I can have a replacement or refund. I asked again for a manager to contact me and they replied saying that my complaint had been passed onto management who would be in contact as soon as possible. That was 20th June and no contact but I think I won't hear anything more now. We will see. Obviously I could just get a refund but I really want this furniture set. It would look amazing if it was in new condition. There are many many 5* reviews on the product page so other buyers aren't getting the same issues as me. My reason for posting is because I would like to know what I can realistically ask for in compensation, IF I actually manage to get a set of this furniture I am happy with. Here's a summary: 1.Delivery took 6 weeks due to 4 week delay despite Argos quoting a 2 week delivery on product page when we ordered. 2. Three sets of furniture delivered. All damaged/second hand etc. 3. It's been 3 months since they took our money and we still don't have a furniture set that we can use. As a result we have had no garden furniture to sit on since April. 4.I have had to miss out on 3 days work for deliveries 5. Stress and inconvenience of the whole thing. Thank you for reading this far and I'm sorry it's so long. Any help you or advice you can give me is greatly appreciated
  5. I have been trying to get my pension pot paid to me (over 55 rule) £22,000 since the rules changed in April. I was sent initial forms in May, which I completed and retuned, and told it would take 28 days to process, after not hearing for 28 days I contacted them to be told I had not returned one of the forms, because it had not been sent! I received the form by e-mail and was told it would take 17 days to process. Guess what after 17 days I rang again to be told it would take another 28 days, or someone could ring me within 48hrs and go through a procedure which would see me get m money within 7 days. It is now 3 months later and still waiting for the phone call, all I want is to withdraw my pension pot, but I am being given hurdle after hurdle.......
  6. This just in: "The Court concludes that the 'arrival time', which is used to determine the length of the delay to which passengers on a flight have been subject, corresponds to the time at which at least one of the doors of the aircraft is opened, the assumption being that, at that moment, the passengers are permitted to leave the aircraft," it said. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/09/04/uk-eu-airlines-ruling-idUKKBN0GZ0VE20140904
  7. Problem is, that they are vouchers to use on the underground, and are only valid for 6 months. My annual travel card expires in 8 months, thus these vouchers are useless to me. Is it possible to reject them and demand a cheque?
  8. any one else either getting no or little post been waiting on some parcels for 2 weeks now, not had any letters and only post thats arrived has been for the wife royal mails stated that they are in a "low staff period" the seller cant trace them their not at the sorting office i can understand the one from hong kong being delayed but one from amazon and one from something geeky as well?
  9. My friend was placed in the ESA IB Support Group for 2 years which is up beginning of April, but he's not had a renewal yet. Is there a delay in sending out ESA renewals? Thanks
  10. Not all benefit payments, but some (JCP says 32,000 claimants affected) have failed to receive payments due today. These people are urged to contact the DWP urgently to arrange payments. Sorry I didn't see this story earlier.
  11. Good evening fellow CAGgers, I have the following problem. I have a pending Employment Tribunal hearing in some 1.5 months and now it is a disclosure phase. The Respondent tries whatever they can in their powers (via a representative) to delay the disclosure. They gave me estimate for delivering the requested documents which was far beyond the date the ET Judge set for agreeing on the bundle. Also, I cannot be sure that they will give me all the docs I requested, they are saying they will first establish the relevance of those to the case. What can I do to force them to disclose the documents quicker? Otherwise I may lose valuable preparation time and it will delay the preparation of my witness statement. Shall I go and apply for a disclosure order directly? many thanks.
  12. I am wondering if anybody can advise, if this is correct procedure - regarding a claim for ESA. My son, previously Incapacity Benefit (5 years+) - was notified of need to migrate to ESA /completed forms, attended WCA - was declared fit for work. He requested an appeal against decision and received the assessment rate of ESA (prior to 28 October/mandatory reconsiderations ruling). He lost his appeal, mainly because he had opted for a paper appeal rather than oral? Anyway, I posted situation at the time, looking for advice and general concensus seemed to be, for him to re-apply. He posted claim on 6 October, at some point, he was notified by text (DWP) that his claim had been received. He subsequently telephoned DWP to progress his claim, as was really finding it hard with 0 monies coming in and getting into rent arrears - which really worries him. He was told, his claim not yet processed. some time later he was contacted and told that they required a doctors certificate from him. He was confused as had sent one for 3 months previously (ie:just before his appeal). He was told, that it didnt count and he needed to get another one? (delaying tactic?). He made appointment to see his doctor and she basically issued him with a copy of that same certificate. He immediately posted to JCP. Last week he received a letter from JCP stating, with regards his claim for ESA, he was not entitled to contribution based ESA,& he may receive seperate letter telling him to attend Work focused interview and work capability assessment. I had thought this a little strange, but felt maybe it is part of the process (of elimination?). I suggested to him, maybe he will now start to receive assessment rate of ESA and advised him to telephone them. He called them on Monday 11 November, enquiring about payment and was told, he had claimed the wrong benefit (ie the wrong form) he had applied for contribution based benefit and he should have applied for income related. They said they would be sending him out a new form to complete!! (Nightmare!!!!) They also advised him that his certificate only had a month left so he may want to plan to get another, and that they can no longer accept notes for 3 months - now 1 month max!!! He is so down in the dumps about all of this, he feels they are just chucking obstacles in his way, preventing him from being paid. But he is really experiencing hardship now, not eating properly and never goes out of the house. I am so concerned for him and wanted to find out if this sounds right?? Any opinions /advice would be most gratefully received. Many many thanks in advance. Nadia
  13. Is anybody experiencing delays with Barclays PPI complaints? My complaint arriived with PPI dept on 16th May 2013 (track and trace). Yet too date it has not even been acknowledged. According to Barclay's website acknowledge in 5 days, decision in 8 weeks. Now nearly 12 weeks The original PPI was with Clydesdale Finance (nothing to do with Clydesdale Bank who returned docs very quickly) which was taken over by Barclays Partner Capital so it might be that the complaint was passed on. But neither Barclays main or partner capital give a seperate address for PPI claims I have tried phoning but never get through and resent it being 0845 number (adding insult to injury). I have sent a follow up letter last weekend. Again track and trace but to date Royal Mail have not delivered (so poor customer service to the left of me, miss sold PPI to the right of me) yet. That or Barclays just not accepting new mail So back to my original question. Are Barclays especially slow at the moment?
  14. I booked a flight with Monarch Airlinesfrom Manchester to Malaga on the 29th June 2013, the flight time was7.25am, flight number ZB654. The flight was delayed by 23 hours. I made a compensation claim inaccordance with the ruling EC Regulation “261/2004”. I received a reply from Monarch stating;"Where a delay was caused be Extraordinary Circumstances, compensation will notbe made”. They went on to state that an aircraft in Tenerife had a landing gearfault; an electrical connector had extensive corrosion and had to be changed.Payment could not be made because the fault could not have been foreseen;therefore it was due to “Extraordinary Circumstances”. What do I do next? Has anyone has asimilar experience, or indeed was on that flight? Your help would be appreciated Thank You
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-24680366
  16. Hi All My wife arrived at Luton Aiport this morning at 5am. She checked in her bags and then made her way to security. At security she was turned back and informed that she could not go through to departures as her flight was 5 hours late. She couldnt believe that easyjet did not inform her of this at check in and the net result was that she had to spend 5.5 hrs in the airport with a 2 yr old toddler! She was given a £6 food voucher. She found out from airline staff that the delay was a "technical fault" and that they knew the plane had issues the night before! So not email or call prior to arriving at the airport and even check in didnt tell her! If check in had told her she would have decided to go home for a few hrs rather than spend 5.5 hrs in an airport with a toddler. Putting emotions to one side on the matter.....under the EU rules does a 5 hr delay mean she is entitled to compensation? Easyjet claim it doesnt and refers you to their T & Cs.....easyjet are one of the airlines appealing the 2009 ruling...so what are they appealing agaisnt if they are not at fault and complying with the 2009 rules??!! Any clarity would be really helpful!! thanks in advance caggers! Kind rgds Fingers
  17. Hi all Appreciate any advice on this situation. Tenancy ended nearly 3 weeks ago, and agent has been delaying agreeing deductions on deposit to return to us. They did notify us that some minor burnt on marks on oven side would need to be cleaned, but oven clean otherwise. Lived in property for 2.5 years, cleaned property to sparkling, way cleaner than when we moved in. We requested amounts for oven clean a few times, and kept being told they were still waiting on quote. After 2 weeks we requested deposit back, agent said they had the oven cleaned and were awaiting invoice, so could not issue us final schedule until they got invoice back. Bit cheeky, but not much we can do. I attempted to call TDS about timelines we should get undisputed deposit back in, to be told that agent had since moved our deposit from them (but we had not been informed). I phoned the other schemes to find deposit registered with My Deposits, and their requirement is that we need to 'formally request return of deposit' and give agent/LL 10 days from that formal request. I'm gobsmacked because we didn't even know it was with them, and besides, it's our deposit, why do I need to formally request it back?? FAQs on MyDeposit state that undisputed deposit should be returned within 10 days of end of tenancy (not 10 days after formally requested). Today agent sent final schedule (18 days since moved out) with deduction of £48 for oven clean, and £35 for agent admin fee to arrange clean. This seems unreasonable on 2 counts : 1. They agreed the oven was clean, with 'minor oversights and burnt on marks' (potential fair wear & tear?) 2. An admin fee of nearly the same amount to arrange a clean that isn't strictly required? With regard to admin fees, our tenancy agreement only states : "To pay to the Landlord all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the Landlord, or awarded by the Court, in: • recovering or attempting to recover any Rent or other monies in arrears • the enforcement of any obligation of the Tenant under this Agreement" So under that clause they're trying to claim an admin fee of £35. That clause doesn't make it clear to me that the agent can charge an admin fee, and that the admin fee can be whatever they decide to make up. We have never received any schedule of admin fees from them. Anyone have any advice or insight? We're asking for the undisputed amount of deposit to be paid out in the meantime, but considering disputing entire proposed deduction as well. I know it's not a lot, but it's money for old rope - there was such a minor amount of marks, and I honestly can't remember if they were there to start with. Appreciate any input, thanks.
  18. NAT WEST PPI - OVER 8 WEEKS STILL NO OFFER LETTER I have been trying to claim back PPI on a couple of old loans. I telephoned RBS on 3rd April and lodged my complaint. I received a letter from them acknowledging my complaint and stating that I would be hearing from them within 8 weeks of lodging my complaint. I telephoned them on 29th May which was 8 weeks from lodging my complaint. They said that a decision had been made and I would be receiving an offer letter which according to their records had been sent on out 25th May. Having not received any letter from them by 31st May I telephoned them again to be told that the letter had been sent out on 29th May and that it was sent 2nd class and could take up to 10 days to arrive. Not having received anything by 8th June I telephoned them again only to be told that separate letters had been sent regarding the two loans and if I had not heard anything within the next week to telephone them again. This is taking it well over the 8 week deadline. Has anyone else had problems with Natwest/RBS.
  19. In early April my parents submitted a PPI complaint to HFC/Beneficial for an old credit card they had, citing the usual grounds for misselling. As usual, they'd sent the form via Recorded Delivery and knew that it had been received. After 4 weeks they hadn't heard anything by way of an acknowledgement/reference number so contacted HFC. I'm not sure how of the exact route but they were told that they did not know anything about it (despite having a receipt showing who had signed for it, when, etc., etc.) When it was explained that it was PPI for a credit card they were told to call another number. This put them through to John Lewis, who they never had a card with. After explaining the situation John Lewis told them to contact Marbles. Marbles (thankfully) were helpful and said that my parents were right to contact HFC/Beneficial as they were the company that sold the card/PPI in the first instance and retained the documents. Marbles provided a reference number and said they would look into it. Today, they called Marbles and explained that they had heard nothing from them and that it was now in the 9th week. They confirmed that nothing had been heard about it as yet and suggested they call back in 2 weeks. Alternatively, they could contact the Ombudsman. Does anybody have any knowledge of HFC/Beneficial at the moment? Are they experiencing delays/problems or is it just incompetence? Any advice and information would be useful. Thanks
  20. Anyone else had this problem? I sent my GL24 off on the 8th May but nothing received. I went into the JobCentre on the Friday and they faxed it but they tell me that they have not received it. Had to apply for a crisis loan to see me through this week. Has anyone else experienced such delays?
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