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Found 3 results

  1. Bailiffs in at greater Anglia Railways after passenger sues for delays Greater Anglia sued by passenger over 'continuous' delays Full story:- http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-suffolk-43310621
  2. Placeholder for reply's from Vodafone web team WRT135 [#12400498]‏ cheers
  3. Hi there, I have read some useful posts here, therefore, i followed the instruction and sent Vodafone an email already regarding my problem. basically, something happened 5 years ago with Vodafone, (after yesterday lots of conversation with vodafone customer services, online chat, according to the customer services, there was early termination fee imposed on my account, but i have been moving around of course, didn't receive any letters from Vodafone to say the outstanding balance and so on, so it has been overlooked.) Now, i am applying mortgage to buy my first home, i checked my credit report with Experian and Equifax, everything is fine. but my mortgage in principle with Barclay has been declined, due to a default, and my broker asks me to run a credit check with Call credit, which i did, and then I just realize i have a default with Vodafone on my credit report from Call Credit. the default started from 2009 Aug, it is already more than 5 years, but i can't just wait until Aug 2015 to apply a mortgage. after yesterday many conversation with different people from Vodafone, i have cleared the outstanding balance with my account with Vodafone. i know once this goes through, it will show satisfied in my credit report and so on. However, it will still look no good when i apply mortgage. I can see Lee from Vodafone has been really helpful in here, I am just wondering if Lee can look into my case, i can provide my account number and everything, and as a gesture of goodwill, the default can be removed from my account. I look forward to hearing any suggestion and advice. Many thanks Sisi
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