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  1. Please advise Parcel2Go have lost a laptop I was returning to Argos for a full refund, They have lead me a merry dance with lots of excuses and won't compensate. What now please?
  2. Hi Guys, I'm not sure whether this is the correct sub-forum, but here goes. Are there any regulations concerning the height of front garden boundary walls/fences? Does it vary from area to area? One of my neighbours has just doubled the height of the boundary wall/fence between our 2 properties without any consultation whatsoever.
  3. Hi We started renting a beautiful home in December. We pay £1,800 a month for the house which is a hell of a lot of money. We have had a letter saying building works begin on a patch of land next to our garden next week and the foundations mean they will have to take down our fence and work in our garden! We both work from home which will be impossible with the noise. We also have a dog who will go berserk at the builders in the garden and she wont be able to go outside. We are absolutely gutted that our dream home has become such a nightmare and we will not be able to use the garden for over 2 months! Well, we can, but not privately! Any advice on if we can refuse to pay rent? or at least get a reduction? The landlord knew about this and did not tell us before we moved in. My other concern is that our garden will now be completely overlooked by the new house. Any advice please?
  4. My GP has said I'm fit to return to work and has signed a sick note to this effect, but my employer's OH doctor recommends my employer commissions a report from a neuro psychologist prior to any return. As I'm fit to return I do not believe I should have to take any delay as annual leave and it can't be classed as sick leave, as I'm considered fit to work. What is the solution? Would this be "garden" leave?
  5. I am looking for advice I resigned from my job a few weeks ago and have been placed on Garden Leave, I have another 4 weeks to work before starting my new job The problem is I am being put under great stress by my employer, and have been under pressure due to a family death recently to the point I'm not sleeping, not eating and generally affecting both my and my families life. It is that bad I am beginning to question if resigning was the right thing to do despite hating my job, that's how bad it has got. I must be on call during normal work hours should my boss call, and when he does he is very rude, angry and obnoxious, and also threatening to ruin my new career, I think the words he used were he would make me unemployable. You can see why I am stressed, it really is affecting my health. I am going to see the doctor tomorrow, and was contemplating asking for a sick note. I have no intention in starting work for my new employer until I am legally allowed to do by my notice period, and I know currently I would not be up to it. I am looking for any help on this matter, I feel my current employer will take any sickness I take as a ruse but I do not see at way out of this situation, I am at my wits end with the whole thing Thank you
  6. Hello, I hope I have got the right forum for this question 6 days ago, in strong winds, a conifer tree from my neighbours garden fell into my garden. I immediately brought it to the attention of my neighbour and she said that she would notify the rental agent. As she is renting the property. I spoke to her this morning and she says that although they had promised on numerous occasions that they had spoken to someone to come and remove it, nothing has happened. If I had to take action, as is more than likely, as I know the property agent is extremely unreliable, who do I take action against? What would be your advice. I guess that I should just keep reminding the tenant? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. Hi, before Christmas I sent a laptop through Parcel2Go. I did not buy insurance because I usually think it's a waste of time dealing with claims if something goes wrong - and it has never gone wrong. Until now. They lost the parcel which I had to open a claim for, after which they found the parcel to my relief. Hermes who was the carrier, then tried to attempt delivery to the recipient and found that they were out (I have been in communication with the person I sold the laptop to the whole time). Hermes left a note ( I have a picture of this note) saying it was unsafe to leave the parcel anywhere - IE. the front garden . On the second delivery attempt, Hermes decided to leave it in the front garden ( I had to penetrate through Parcel2Go's chat system to gleam this information, as they did not leave a note this time!) of the recipient which happens to be in a dodgy London area on a main street (my recipient tells me, and sends me a photo too). The parcel goes missing, and I've had to refund my buyer for £240. I have already sent a 'Signed For' letter before action via Royal Mail to Parcel2Go and am counting down the 14 days. I would just like a bit of advice on what sort of grounds I have to go against them - I know that they have broken the contract by not delivering the parcel. And if it goes as far as court - some idea of what I need to go into court - ie an argument etc..
  8. Hello, we privately rent a house that is on quite a steep hill. At the upper end of the property is our back garden, which for the majority of the year is a no go zone. At the top border of the property is a 15 ft retaining wall (other side is residents car park that is owned by the local council). This wall has 2 drainage pipes where whenever it rains the water from the car park goes down the drainpipes into my garden, making it waterlogged and sodden. We cant step on it due to the gradient, as it is probable we will slip. We thought there was just one drainage pipe, but found a second behind the shed which is now rotten as a result of the water. The Tenancy agreement states we have to keep the garden, including the shed, in a presentable state, which we are clearly failing. Do we have a course of action against the Council? I can see that, as they are above us we have to let them drain their water away, but it is making our garden unusable, and damaging the property. Also, who would have the course of action, me or the landlord? Cheers!
  9. I am not in favour of stopping any debates and to allow freedom of speech. But there have been a number of threads where debates have become silly arguments. The threads then get closed after they have run their course. People are entitled to opinions, even if you don't agree with them. If you don't agree, then just post a counter argument or ignore. No point attacking someone for their opinion, as you are not likely to change their minds. I am not sure political threads should be encouraged on CAG. It is principally a consumer advice site. The Bear Garden was i think intended for general chat about interests, current affairs. There are specific internet forums that cover politics.
  10. Well,i am back again.When many of you post it gives me ideas. I like it in here.Sometimes it frightens you,sometimes it enlightens you. Enough of that,could go on for a while,ramble on for ages if left to. So what tips have you got for home and garden.Maybe handed down to you from your family generations ago.Maybe last week. I have seen two on another thread but will let them find their way here and tell you themselves. So who is first going to give us a tip. Not one for the 2-30 at Doncaster Race.
  11. Hi All My parents have a BT telegraph pole in their back garden. It was there when they bought the place in the early 80s and may have been there since the original build in the 50s. Apart from being a bit of an eyesore it hasn't caused any real problems. Now they have received a letter informing them the pole has been recorded as faulty and in an unsafe condition and will be renewed 'in or close to it's current location' within 6 weeks. The unsafe condition part has me slightly puzzled. Only my parents or their neighbours can get close enough to this pole to note any deterioration and neither has contacted anyone about the pole. It appears as solid as it ever did and does not even seem to wobble in high winds. The cynic in me suspects it may have something to do with upgrading to fibre for BT infinity. I'm concerned as it's difficult to see how they will achieve this without causing substantial damage. The pole sits on the boundary between my parents house and the neighbours so it will likely affect them too. I'm planning to speak to them and show them the letter as I don't want them to think that my parents have instigated this. Obviously we would prefer the new pole to be sited elsewhere. I know they're not keen to move these things normally but as they've stated this one needs replaced anyway perhaps that will help. It wouldn't need to move far to be beyond the property line. My parents aren't aware of a wayleave on the property. About 20 years ago they were having some work done on the house and contacted BT to remove a large bracket attached to the rear wall which they did without complaint and without attempting to charge for the work. I'm planning to photograph the garden extensively to show it's condition prior to work commencing. I would be very grateful for any advice as to what our rights are. We are in Glasgow in case Scots law applys differently to situations like this.
  12. Please can you help confirm something for me regarding a back garden boundary with my neighbour of 35 years. The boundaries were old stlye and marked out by hedges, not long after we moved in we asked the neighbours if we could cut them and put a fence in instead. They understandably wanted to keep the hedge. So we put the fence up on our side. Now my beautiful neighbour is moving. I have started getting anxious over the boundary because my deeds are not ckear on that side and show nothing. I do not want the hedge row cutting down because it offers a countryside feel, height, privacy. We have been maintaining the hedge on our side throughout the 35 yrs. If I recall correctly from the party wall act, puttung that fence up does not mean losing the shared boundary? Is this correct? I am only interested in truth, not trying to claim anyting that is not mine or be awkard, only peaceful. If this is correct was wondering what folk do. Ask their neighbour for a letter stating these facts? Ask them to make it clear to new owner? It is important that I minimise stress due to health and I am not bothered about a foot of boundary but the privacy the hedge currently privides if cut will make it difficult to enjoy my garden anymore. Peace Clear33 thanks in advance
  13. I should imagine there are a few Gardeners about in the Bear Garden. Well a little story for you. A possible nightmare for me,though i will live through it,i think. Last summer i planted two groups of Lupins,both the same type.About a Metre apart,a small path same distance between them. I have been watching them like a Hawk waiting for their colorful display. Slowly the flower buds have formed,suppose i could call them flower stalks really as when they flower they are large. Well two days ago i came down at Dawn to have a little talk to them,as i do,to tell them how well they were doing and how i am looking forward to their flowers.And put a transistor radio on low to keep them happy.As you do. Classical of course,seems to sooth them.Sure they move in time to the music,but could be my imagination. The next day i came down and they had been invaded by giant Whitefly,can you believe such a thing. Quick Google and it seems this is a difficult one to deal with.Believe originally they arrived from America. As many things seem to.Some good,some bad,same as everything,and everywhere,good points and bad points. Well what a shock i had i tell you,i nearly fell over and had to be revived by many cups of Coffee and tender loving care. And a smell of smelling salts applied on a cloth.A little roughly by she who must be obeyed. I think for a moment wifey perhaps thought it was Chloroform.I wonder many things sometimes with the looks i get. When i was fit enough to look at things again,i noticed over the next two days the Lupins only a Metre away were showing no signs at all from Whitefly which you must admit is strange.Not one of the blighters. The only difference i can see is that i have Two Foxgloves at either side of the Lupins keeping guard. And one Lavender plant. Do you think the smell perhaps of the Foxgloves or Lavender emit could be keeping the Giant Whitefly at bay. Now i used Washing up liquid diluted a while ago but believe it can contain salt and is oily. Although perhaps it can kill the Whitefly,but am not sure of that,i do not want to block the pores of the plants. Stop them breathing .Can you imagine if that happened.Slowly suffocating as i look on,the thought fills me with horror. Now who has the answer to my problem. Thanks. Tawnyowl.
  14. Hi all, my garden has been flooded for two whole days with raw sewage, I called Essex and Suffolk water, who directed me to Thames water to report the issue. Thames water visited my house to look at the problem, they explained that they had a sewer collapse, which they were repairing, they have said that when they have done the repair, they will be back to do a clean up. I have had to leave my house for the last two days because the smell is unbearable, especially in the recent warm weather,my lawn and path are ruined. Is there grounds here for a claim against them for what I have had to endure these last two days? Many thank for all and any answers or help Moonlandings
  15. Hi there. I have wasted so much time and stress trying to get a good condition/new set of garden funiture from Argos. It's been 3 months since we ordered this Furniture set:http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/6523835.htm We didn't get a confirmation email after ordering this furniture. After calling Argos they said that there was an issue with the ordering system which meant email confirmations weren't going out that day but confirmed the order was successfully placed. We ordered this furniture in mid March. The product page stated delivery within 14 days. We were given a delivery date for about 2 weeks after order date. Just before the delivery date, we received a call to advise that there was an issue and that delivery would be delayed by another 4 weeks! Finally, on 13th May we received the furniture. Now this furniture is BIG! The boxes they came in do not fit through a front door and so I had to get delivery team to leave the boxes on our driveway and I opened them after they left and we carried the all the furniture through the house and into the garden. Upon close inspection we found several scuffs on the rattan effect plastic weave: Here the weave has been done incorrectly. These strands should be tight. On the other sofa it is nice and neat. I had a live chat with a customer service advisor and sent them the photos. You can view the transcript (guy was a bit insensitive) if you're interested here: http://pastebin.com/CTv5W3d9 They confirmed that it shouldn't have arrived in that condition and that the weave was defective. I offered to accept the furniture if I could get a discount for the defect and damage. After initially offering £29.99 they said the maximum they could offer was £49.99 plus delivery charge so I rejected the offer and asked for a replacement instead. As I was about to go on holiday in a weeks time so the next suitable delivery slot for the replacement furniture was 14th June. When this replacement set arrived it had even more damage! So I did a video of it to show Argos: https://youtu.be/T7LW8qypRTc I contacted Argos publicly on their Facebook page with a link to the video. They replied and apologised and said that 'small' cosmetic damage can happen in transit. They arranged for another replacement to be sent. This 3rd replacement set arrived on 17th June at 3.30pm despite time slot of 10am-2pm and I was on school run at the time (more stress!). This set was by far the worst of the 3. Damaged in several places (broken rattan) and the middle section was clearly very used and filthy! Here's a video of the 3rd set's condition: https://youtu.be/lzF0kDACckw I complained on their Facebook page again and asked for a manager to contact me. They replied to say that I can have a replacement or refund. I asked again for a manager to contact me and they replied saying that my complaint had been passed onto management who would be in contact as soon as possible. That was 20th June and no contact but I think I won't hear anything more now. We will see. Obviously I could just get a refund but I really want this furniture set. It would look amazing if it was in new condition. There are many many 5* reviews on the product page so other buyers aren't getting the same issues as me. My reason for posting is because I would like to know what I can realistically ask for in compensation, IF I actually manage to get a set of this furniture I am happy with. Here's a summary: 1.Delivery took 6 weeks due to 4 week delay despite Argos quoting a 2 week delivery on product page when we ordered. 2. Three sets of furniture delivered. All damaged/second hand etc. 3. It's been 3 months since they took our money and we still don't have a furniture set that we can use. As a result we have had no garden furniture to sit on since April. 4.I have had to miss out on 3 days work for deliveries 5. Stress and inconvenience of the whole thing. Thank you for reading this far and I'm sorry it's so long. Any help you or advice you can give me is greatly appreciated
  16. Hello, My house is a semi detached, next to my garden fence is a piece of land of which I m trying to acquire . What it is, is that there is public footpath which runs diagonally across it next to my fence. But then round the edge of the land is a ready alternative foot path too Which people also use. I have tried contacting the council, they own the land, but it has been adopted by the Essex highways they said, because of the footpath. One of the reasons for wanting the land is because passers by keep kicking and damaging my fence as the said path is just next to my fence, I have children and does not feel safe leaving them in the garden. Also because of the lay out, dog walkers without lead always stun us when leaving the house. I have reported the fence damages to the police and have a reference number. Another reason is because I have a very substantial garden and an additional portion of this piece of land will give me an opportunity to build a new property on it, I have invited an agent who has done the measurements and would only need like one third of this land. Is there any one to advise on the best way to approach this please?
  17. its not a huge issue yet but i want the CURRENT facts up in case it becomes one We demolished a garage a few weeks ago with the intention of replacing it with a summer house/shed combination after much looking around we found a website called garden buildings direct who offered some fairly priced sheds and summerhouses bit dubious of how cheaply these were offered we decided to order the cheaper of the two (shed) first and then look at summer house if all was ok with that (shed was £500 8'x8', summer house was £950) shed went up perfectly and apart from a slight line where the two roof boards met it was perfect summer house was ordered (pathfinder huntsman - http://www.gardenbuildingsdirect.co.uk/log-cabins/billyoh-pathfinder-huntsman-log-cabin) and here the issues started first off they told us it was to be delivered on a tuesday which was unsuitable so we called the 01636 (newark) number - only to be redirected to the Philippines after 40 minutes on the phone they agreed to re-date the delivery for Thursday unfortunately i got heatstroke building the base for it, although on reflection it was probably a good thing as it was delivered the Tuesday anyway while i was off work ill... chap piled it all on the drive - this is a log cabin style on so was delivered as 200+ separate pieces of wood, he then took a photo of it - to prove it had been delivered. fast forward 3 days later and as it had cooled down and i was starting to feel a bit better we started construction - only to find that the floor beams had been cut at 3002mm instead of 3020mm - although they had delivered 10 instead of 9 being the sort of person that looks for a quick and improved resolution i nipped to the local woodyard and got a 20mmx18mm 2.4m beam and some longer screws and sorted that as the walls would have been unsupported without it. so that fixed we got the floor down (6 extra floor beams sent - which was good as one had to be cut down and took two attempts to get right - again ok as we had been warned of this when ordering) - ran the electrics through the floor built the walls up using the Oh so vague diagram - again not an issue as i love working with my hands and the woodwork was fun. until we got to the last few bits and found that 4 of the wall beams were missing, called the call center and after several rounds of "we wont talk to you as your wife ordered it" which were resolved by passing to the missus first we got the new bits ordered HOWEVER i just found the google reviews, which after 27 reviews they only made 1 star as they apparently have a habit of claiming their drivers photos show all the parts were there and not sending replacements - i doubt it as THIS is a copy of the drivers photo (i took the liberty of photoing what he did) so best advice if they fail to send the parts? i CAN probably get some 20mm tongue and grove wood from the wood merchants and then small claims for the cost - but its unlikely to be the same wood, and they use 19mm T&G - probably so people cant do that is there any easy way to force them to provide the parts if they fail to send them? at the moment this is what we have been left with - you can see the gap from the missing pieces, plus we had to adjust a couple of other parts to fit oh yea and they also have alot of reviews claiming that the warrentie doesnt exist if the summer house is raised off the ground. which might be fun as ours is raised 8" on railway sleepers, which if they can hold a train can hold a summer house - there is only a short distance between them as well
  18. Hi there, I'm a company director (no shares), and discovered late last year that the MD and majority shareholder were committing fraud (fraudulent invoices from ghost employees, tax evasion) for financial gain. Over teh Christmas break I grabbed all the books and now have concrete evidence. I have notified the police who advised me to call the HMRC hotline - this was done back on 29/12/14 and I'm still waiting to hear back from them. Returning to work on Jan 5th, I confronted the MD and shareholder, and they put me on garden leave. A letter from their solicitor the following day confirmed this pending an investigation into believed gross misconduct (this is totally fabricated). The company is very small - a total of 4 employees including myself - and I'm still on garden leave, with the last solicitor's letter saying they should be ready for the disciplinary hearing in about 3 weeks. Is this acceptable or should I be getting my solicitor to gee them up a bit, maybe starting an employment tribunal process? This company has been running for 3 years, the previous company (same customers and service) for 20 years - I have been an employee for that long. As I'm now 46, I feel the chances of me getting back into this trade are getting less and less as time goes on. Any advice is appreciated.
  19. The various stories are flowing, one main one, was it really a robbery or dressed up to look like one. Another question, who down graded the alarm alert to do not attend. I can hear some saying 'My name is Michael Caine' It could be to pay for this http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?444213-Were-UK-Banks-really-fixed-after-the-crash-(1-Viewing)-nbsp
  20. I am currently renting a four bedroom property from Melin homes. The property is just over three and a half years old, I have been living at the property for around two and a half years. The house was built directly in front of a rugby field, all that separates my garden from the rugby field is a fence and a huge bank full of overgrown ferns and nettles which apparently is owned by the rugby club. The back garden gets flooded frequently and despite my numerous complaints, Melin homes has done nothing to rectify the problem. Melin has told me that " we've had a word with our legal team, and its not our responsibility to maintain a water logged garden" I've attached some photos, the last photo is from next doors garden on the same day and as you can see, there is no flooding in their property despite their garden being behind the rugby clubs bank. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what my rights are regarding this situation, or am I just stuck with a swamp for a back garden? Thanks for you help.
  21. HI all. I know that serious topics are allowed to be discussed in this subforum, but I wondered if it might be an idea to have another subforum where the more serious issues can be discussed? The Bear Garden could be left as it is, with the more lighthearted and social stuff in mind, but everyone could exercise their own judgement about what to post and where to post it. I can fully appreciate that some people might not really like seeing the more serious threads (war, politics, oppression etc.), even if they don't actively read them and they don't break any site rules, when browsing the Bear Garden subforum. Just some thoughts.
  22. So Christmas is nearly upon us once again...... A time for giving, sharing, fun, laughter and good food. But it also makes us remember people we love who are no longer here to celebrate. I turn 41 on Sunday, and it has always been a tradition in my family that the decorations go up on my birthday. When I had my own family, the tradition continued, however my loving Mum and Dad are no longer here to join in, and putting up the decs whilst celebrating my birthday brings both joy and pain because it brings back so many memories. (My Dad loved Christmas so much he had us playing Christmas carols as a kid on my sisters birthday........... 15th Nov lol) So I want to remember my Mum and Dad (and the other family members and friends whom I have loved and lost) by raising a CAG drink to them. Please join in by raising a glass of your loved ones favourite tipple and feel free to add a story as to why you raise that glass. Merry Christmas every one xx Up2 Dad (02/1997) I raise a glass of port to you because you made me believe Santa preferred this to milk. I love and miss you, God bless Mum, (09/2007) I raise a glass of Baileys to you because that's all you drank. lol, I love and miss you, God bless I raise a glass of Rose wine (my tipple) to the rest of my family and friends no longer with us. I love and miss you, God bless
  23. hello! teddies? polar? grizzly? or: http://www.royalcourtsofjustice-events.co.uk/bear-garden why is this section called bear garden?
  24. A van driver collided his vehicle into my garden wall last week, and I'd be grateful for any advice. I wasn't present when it happened, but the Police attended the incident, and kindly left a leaflet* giving the driver, vehicle and insurance details; the driver also claimed that the vehicle's owner was the director of the building company that he worked for and the director will arrange for repairs, and I have his contact information as well. The Police completed a collision report, and I also have the incident and collision reference no., and have taken pictures of the damage. I received a letter from the Police saying that there will be no criminal prosecution, but have confirmed* the vehicle driver details. I only had the garden wall built a few years ago and the repairs can't be more than £3-400 (I intend to get new written quotes for the repairs). I've tried contacting the director of the building company and he says that he's waiting for his insurance company. My questions are: 1. a) If the director of the building company does not repair the damaged wall or offer compensation either directly or through his insurance, should I just make a civil claim, i.e. using the small claims track (MCOL)? b) If 'yes' to a), although the vehicle driver's details have been confirmed, is there any way of confirming the vehicle owner's details (as I don't think the public have access to these details via the DVLA), or should I just go with what the Police wrote in the collision leaflet*? c) As an alternative to a), should I sue the company instead? d) As an alternative to a), should I sue the vehicle's driver instead? 2. I'm aware that the advice given by insurers is that I need to inform my house insurance of the collision, even though I'm not at fault and unlikely to be claiming, as I don't want premiums to go up. Is it a wise move not to inform them? 3. How long does this type of car insurance claim usually take (ball park figures)? Thanks in advance.
  25. Need some advice. I am looking to hand in my notice and as I am going to a rival company, I am likely to go on garden leave. Nobody is sure of the notice periods but the company say it is a month, but we have never been given a contract. I have been here almost 6 months and I beleave it is only the statorary week. The concerns I have are: 1) If I give a months notice, if my employer gives me garden leave, can he just give me a weeks pay. (Apparently the employer changes this to suit themselves from other people leaving) 2) Commission due to date. Others who have left have not been paid what is due to them to the day they hand in their notice. The employer says that they do not have to pay commission. 3) Bullying. This is common practice by the owner. He has done this a number of times to me and other employees. Sometimes he will bully those that are leaving, then not pay commission. 4) Holidays booked. I have a weeks holiday booked. Can they rescenf this and make me work to the end of the notice period? Any help would be appreciated as I have to hand in my notice soon.
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