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  1. Hi We moved in to our rented property at Christmas 2017. We both work from home and took the property based on being able to do just that. My fiancé has a photography studio set up here with regular clients coming to the house. In May we found out that the neighbours had sold a patch of their garden to a builder who is now building a house on the land. The noise is unbearable, we are woken up every morning at 7 and we can't use the garden because of the noise and dust. The neighbours are also having their remaining garden paved by a separate company who also make noise from 7am. To top it off, our other next door neighbour have just started work on their house so we have to deal with hammering and banging all day on that side too. The landlord claims he knew nothing about any of it, which is rubbish and the builders have confirmed that they have had extensive conversations with him as part of the planning process and he in fact moved out of the house because of the construction. We have already asked for a rent reduction as we have been deceived in to moving in and the worst part is we pay nearly £2k in rent to live here! In this beautiful weather, we haven't been able to enjoy the garden at all. I have spoken to a solicitor who has told me whilst the landlord did have a moral obligation to tell us about the work, he unfortunately didn't have a legal obligation, which I just cannot believe! We have spoken to the builders who have now said they will try not to do noisy work before 8am, but even minor work causes enough noise to disturb us. We have to have the windows open because of the heat and there is no escape from it! We've requested a rent reduction but the landlord said no and we would have to pay to get out of our contract. There is another month left of the building works and we just don't feel like we can cope with it anymore. We're both being woken up in a state of stress and anxiety and its impacting on our work and our health! Is there really nothing we can do!?
  2. Hi I have posted about this before https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?488538-Misled-by-our-landlord-about-construction-noise-pollution-is-becoming-unbearable&p=5134398#post5134398 and now the situation has become even worse and we desperately need some advice. We moved in to a rented property at Christmas last year and soon after a builder came to the house to tell us he'd bough a patch of the neighbours land to build a house! He told us the landlord knew about it and it was why he had moved out of the property. There was a planing process which the landlord knew about and apparently he had arguments with the builder about it, at one point he said he would try and get an injunction to stop the works. After enduring construction works literally in our garden all summer, our enjoyment of our garden has been ruined, we've had to put up with the noise, the dust and the constant lack of privacy. NOW to make it worse, our adjoining neighbour has started renovating their house, so we are now woken up every morning to drilling walls. The whole house shakes and we are woken up in a stressed anxious state every day. We work from home and it's now impossible with the horrific noise. They're renovating their basement and bathroom which won't be a quick job. Im not exaggerating when I say this is ruining our lives. I don't sleep very well anyway so being woken up to this noise from one side or another every day for three months has made me a nervous wreck! The landlord knew about both plans and let the house to us deceitfully. Is there anything we can do? Ive checked about the noise and as someone has already said on a separate thread, they aren't breaking any laws so theres not really much we can do. We took out a 12 month lease and three months of those have been unbearable. We pay a fortune to live here and it's been totally ruined. Any advice would be appreciated! I was already told by a solicitor that whilst it's morally wrong that the landlord didn't tell us about the building works, there's not much we could do legally, however now the other neighbour has started works too, I'm wondering if we have more of a case for damages. Ive taken video and photographic evidence of the noise levels, dust and now the drilling from next door Thanks
  3. Hi We started renting a beautiful home in December. We pay £1,800 a month for the house which is a hell of a lot of money. We have had a letter saying building works begin on a patch of land next to our garden next week and the foundations mean they will have to take down our fence and work in our garden! We both work from home which will be impossible with the noise. We also have a dog who will go berserk at the builders in the garden and she wont be able to go outside. We are absolutely gutted that our dream home has become such a nightmare and we will not be able to use the garden for over 2 months! Well, we can, but not privately! Any advice on if we can refuse to pay rent? or at least get a reduction? The landlord knew about this and did not tell us before we moved in. My other concern is that our garden will now be completely overlooked by the new house. Any advice please?
  4. I passed my City & Guilds with distinction in Scotland and even was presented with a silver personalised coin with my name imprinted around the edge for being the best in Scotland by the Lord Provist in the City Chambers. I have been living in Spain for 23 years being a joiner there, came back to Scotland in February 2014 and was advised to take my CSCS Gold card as I would need this to be able to enter a construction site. I paid the fee and passed on the 2nd April. After waiting my 30 days for my card I phoned the CSCS office as I had not received my card. I was then asked for proof of my certification from City & Guilds in which I did not have so I had to pay another £44.00 to City & Guilds for a hand search ( as I was pre computer) paid and they duly sent me a duplicate in which is on watermarked paper and has a silver monocromed stamp on the bottom left hand corner. Tonight after many phone calls to CSCS they have told me that this certificate is not good enough and I need an NVQ and to achieve that I also need to pay £1100.00 to go on a site for someone to access my capabilities what an insult I have always been in work and proud of every job I have ever done for all of my 34 years as a joiner. This is Not fair and not right and I want to take this further.....Anyone out there to support or give me advice Thank you in advance
  5. Hi, We moved out of our flat which was run by Urban Development Projects Ltd. at the end of August and have been waiting to get our deposit of £650 since. I have been chasing our first point of contact who said that they have been busy with a music festival (I know) and that it would be done 'soon'. We finally got a quote from a company by the name of Urban Moor Construction Ltd. with a quote for £648 to: Re paint areas to rectify scuff marks and damaged plaster work £365 This was literally a hole in the plasterboard which we had replacedbut not skimmed over. I more than expected deductions for this but not this amount. There was also a few marks in the bedroom which needed painting over which were behind the wardrobe so we didn't see them until it was too late Fill, sand and polish kitchen work surface where hole has been drilled £85 We had a space for the washing machine under the kitchen side but the plug socket was way too far under the sink, so one of the handymen on site drilled a hole through the countertop so that we could plug it in where the microwave goes Deep clean flat ready for letting £90 There was a bit of soap in the soap pan and a small amount of buildup on the shower head which we didn't see. I had a look at the company who quoted this (Urban Moor Construction Ltd.); their logo was very similar to Urban Development's so I searched them both in Companies House... Lo and behold, they're both registered to 51 Selby Road in Leeds! Has anyone ever heard of a company doing this before? I can assure you that there definitely isn't £650 worth of repairs there so I feel as though they're trying to make a quick buck off of us. Oh... Just had a very patronising phone call off of Marc, the MD. He said that if we take it to TDS, they will look at the pictures and throw it out and then he called me a d*ckhead. How lovely. Luckily the call was recorded.
  6. Those of you with OLCI may be interested in the following announced today from the creditman website Pre pack deal saves jobs and protects courses at OLCI Construction Training May 6 2014 Allan Graham from KPMG Restructuring was appointed administrator of OLCI Construction Training on Tuesday 6th May. Immediately on appointment, the administrators sold the business to the group that includes Engineering Real Results Limited, which will deliver the ongoing training to students. All 77 employees transferred to the purchaser as part of the deal, which will also ensure that studies are not disrupted for over 3,000 current students enrolled on courses. OLCI Construction Training is a leading provider of plumbing, electrical, gas and green energy training, with 13 centres across the UK. Allan Graham, administrator and restructuring partner at KPMG said: “After suffering an extended period of financial losses, OLCI was unable to meet its commitments to creditors and in early April had a winding-up petition presented against it. The directors took the decision that insolvency was unavoidable and consulted KPMG to help find a solution that would best protect the interests of students, creditors and employees. KPMG conducted an accelerated sales and marketing campaign and the pre-pack sale secured ensures the best outcome for all parties.” The business was sold for an undisclosed sum. http://www.creditman.biz/uk/members/news-view.asp?newsviewID=19864
  7. hi,today i did my fortnightly visit to the work program,my adviser said i need to get some new skills,to have a better chance at getting a job,i am 55 years old and not very fit (beer belly) any way she said i need to go on this 10 weeks construction course,consists of tiling ,plastering, bricklaying ,do you think i am to old to start learning these trades ,as i have only done ware house work in the past,she said go home and think about it,and we will discuss it next time i go,
  8. Thanks in advance for any insight here... Background: I live in top floor flat with ONLY loft access possible through my entry way in my private flat. My landlord runs and owns business in ground floor. My landlord has, in the past, stored item in the loft, accessing them through my flat's entry way. Issue 1: Today landlord emails me to say "We will be updating the loft and builders will be accessing the space through your flat for 5 to 8 days." I am not comfortable with complete strangers traipsing through my flat for 8 days, and I only have 1 weeks notice. Questions: a) is this legal? b) do I have any rights? c) if it is legal, what is the required amount of time a land lord should give? Issue 2: Landlord provided 1 weeks notice before scaffolding was put in place over entire building. Despite my renter right to "live undisturbed" this is not happening as people argue outside my bedroom window at 8am in languages I don't speak. Questions: d) what is the legal amount of time a landlord must give to tenants before works like this happen? Many thanx! I have found slightly similar thread here, though not the same issue: 301953-help-with-landlord-dispute (I may not post as link since I'm a new member:)
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