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  1. I passed my City & Guilds with distinction in Scotland and even was presented with a silver personalised coin with my name imprinted around the edge for being the best in Scotland by the Lord Provist in the City Chambers. I have been living in Spain for 23 years being a joiner there, came back to Scotland in February 2014 and was advised to take my CSCS Gold card as I would need this to be able to enter a construction site. I paid the fee and passed on the 2nd April. After waiting my 30 days for my card I phoned the CSCS office as I had not received my card. I was then asked for proof of my certification from City & Guilds in which I did not have so I had to pay another £44.00 to City & Guilds for a hand search ( as I was pre computer) paid and they duly sent me a duplicate in which is on watermarked paper and has a silver monocromed stamp on the bottom left hand corner. Tonight after many phone calls to CSCS they have told me that this certificate is not good enough and I need an NVQ and to achieve that I also need to pay £1100.00 to go on a site for someone to access my capabilities what an insult I have always been in work and proud of every job I have ever done for all of my 34 years as a joiner. This is Not fair and not right and I want to take this further.....Anyone out there to support or give me advice Thank you in advance
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