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Found 10 results

  1. Hello, I hope I have got the right forum for this question 6 days ago, in strong winds, a conifer tree from my neighbours garden fell into my garden. I immediately brought it to the attention of my neighbour and she said that she would notify the rental agent. As she is renting the property. I spoke to her this morning and she says that although they had promised on numerous occasions that they had spoken to someone to come and remove it, nothing has happened. If I had to take action, as is more than likely, as I know the property agent is extremely unreliable, who do I take action against? What would be your advice. I guess that I should just keep reminding the tenant? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Hi, Where I live parking can be difficult. I had my car parked for a couple of days on a public street near my home, outside a set of four apartments and when I came back to it some roof pointing had fallen and dented plus scratched the bonnet of my 3 week old car. I got quotes for repair - £250, £350 and £550. I managed to locate details online of the company the owners had formed for maintenance/management. I contacted one of them to let them know about the issue and that they have not maintained their building. To cut a long story short spoke to 2/3 of them or their representatives on the phone, exchanged emails etc., they won't give me details to claim off the public liability part of their buildings insurance as their excess is more than the cost of repair. They admit there is pointing that needs doing but it has not yet been fixed. They have offered me £200 which is less than the cheapest quote - I had said I would accept £250 minimum. Their offer is marked as without prejudice and they say it is because I have not provided direct evidence - I have given them pictures of my bonnet, pointing on the floor and the roof. Two of them are adamant I don't have a claim. I have written a letter before action, what do you think my prospects are please and is my letter written correctly? Also how long should I give them to pay? 14 calendar days? Thank you in advance. ____________________________ Letter before action - RE: Damage to vehicle from roof debris X XXXXX, XXXXX Dear Sirs, As you have previously been made aware, my vehicle a XXXXXX, registration number XXXX XXX was parked on the public highway adjacent to the front door of XX XXXXX XXXXX, XXXXX XXXXX from XXXXX XX over the Christmas period. The vehicle had only been in my possession three weeks having been signed over in perfect condition. I next came back to my vehicle on XX XXXXX to find a dent in the bonnet with sand around it and scratches underneath. Some debris – ridge pointing had fallen from the roof, a piece of which has hit my bonnet and caused the damage. There were two large sections of ridge pointing missing directly in a straight line exactly above where my vehicle was parked during this time period. The roof does not appear to have been maintained and there are further sections of ridge pointing missing closer to the gable end. I have communicated via telephone and email on several occasions with your directors and representatives and provided strong evidence of your negligence along with three quotes for the repair of my vehicle in order to put me back into my original position before the damage was sustained. I enclose copies of these quotes once more. I requested the sum of £250 including VAT to cover the lowest quote which as yet still remains unpaid and unless I receive payment from you immediately and in any event no later than close of business on XX XXXXX XXXX, I shall start a claim against you in the County Court without giving any further warning. When I have started the court action I shall be entitled to claim from you in addition to the unpaid £250 including VAT, the court fee (£25) plus statutory interest which is calculated at 8% per annum. I do hope that this matter can be resolved without having to issue proceedings against you and look forward to receiving payment as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, XXXXX XXXXX Enc: Copies of three quotes for the repair of damage to XXXXX, XXXX XXX
  3. I don't know if this is the correct place to post. I have a linked detached house and it isn't in the best of repair. We had very high winds last week and some of the concrete pointing fell out (the wood on the fascias has rotted) onto my neighbours drive, luckily her car wasn't there but she has said if her car had have been damaged she would sue me. Can she do that? I haven't the money for new fascia but have had a roofer round to make it safe. I just wanted to know for future reference. Also my fence was blown down nearly so it is leaning but not blown over. She has told me I need to get it fixed immediately as she cannot weed her garden . Again does anyone know where I stand legally. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  4. Hello, I entered a DMP 12 years ago which still has another 8 years to go. Most of the debts defaulted me over 6 years ago so the records have fallen off my credit reports although I am still paying them through my DMP. The remaining debts I am attempting to get removed. Due to family issues money is very tight at the moment and I am starting to begrudge paying my DMP as I feel that the DCA's have probably had more money off me than they paid for the debt. I also regret not going bankrupt or simply not paying as either way I wouldn't have these payments hanging over me now as the bankruptcy would have ended long ago or the debts become statute barred. I wanted to "do the right thing" but now I am wondering what would happen if I simply stopped paying my DMP now (after I have hopefully got the remaining defaults showing backdated and therefore removed from my record). Could the DCA's get a CCJ ? If they did would it show on my credit report given that the debts have already fell off ?
  5. hi. im pregnant and have recently been in hospital due to a stomach infection, during this time i fell behind with bills, very.co.uk being one of them. they have now added two £12 charges to my account for a debt collection letter and missed payment fee, and now want the total of £333.62 by december 27th. i have rang and apologised and explained my situation and offered them £40 which is the most i can pay but they are refusing? im thinking of borrowing the money to pay them but deep down i know thats a bad idea. im really stressing now ive ran into so many problems recently and am having a horrific pregnancy, please help!
  6. Hey everyone, been looking around the forums and various threads but still a little confused and hoping for some clarification. My Brighthouse account has gone beyond a week as we're really struggling at the moment financially. When i contact them next week i know they will demand 2 weeks payments plus their usual late fees to every item which i know we definately cannot afford. Am i right in thinking i can tell them i only want to pay arrears from my HP items and not DLC/OS? I'm also looking to completely remove OSC/DLC and have already written up the letter found here which just needs sending off to head office and delivering in store but my question is, if i dont have suitable contents cover for my home, do i have to keep DLC? Speaking of the above, after checking a few threads, it seems i can claim back the OSC i have already paid for all my agreements? If so, is there a letter template for requesting this course of action? I've found the spreadsheet for Compound Interest Calculator but i'm unsure on how to fully use this sheet in claiming back OSC. Thank you in advance
  7. Hi guys My little lads just caught chicken poxs from nursery, my misses can get the time off tomorrow but Friday she has important meetings all day, my question is if i phoned my HR and told them i wasnt coming in on Friday as my little lads contracted chicken poxs can they discipline me for having the day off to care for him as nursery wont allow him to attend
  8. Hello I am in need of some advice please I received a pcn for not displaying a valid ticket. but I had bought a ticket it had fallen off my windscreen and landed on my dash. I filled a dispute and they emailed me back saying can they se the ticket i sent email back with ticket attached, also i went in person with a copy of email and ticket. thing is the price is £25 pounds but in the email i received it says i have 14 days from the email date or it goes up I think to £50 Thing is I just don't know if to pay or not as they are taking ages and if they say know then I owe more money what do you people think i should do with this Thanks for any help
  9. Help needed .... brief summary below We (the tenants) signed a three year lease with no break clauses. The lease was signed by ourselves (the tenants) and the agents (on behalf of the landlord). The landlord and the agents have subsequently fallen out and we are now having to deal directly with the landlord (we are now 4 months into the tenancy) The landlord has phoned us today to say that the lease that we signed is null and void as it is not the lease that they agreed to as they wanted a six month rolling (so basically the flexibility to get rid of us when they want - I have a feeling they now want to move backto the uk) They have now proposed a new lease - six months rolling We are not happy about this as we moved here for three years as we have 2 young babies and are looking at buying land to build on to move out into the new home after three years and this has made me feel very unsettled! We have paid £3000 on decoration as we did plan on staying for the three years So my question is - is the lease now null and void? Any help would be gratefully received - with 2 babies you can imagine how I feel! Thank you!
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