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Found 8 results

  1. I've been paying of the balance of my credit card with the Royal Bank of Scotland, paying an agreed amount every month by direct debit. I have kept up these payments without fail. I have now received a letter from them saying that they are increasing this payment to 2.5%. Previously I have filled out their forms detailing my income and expenses so they know I cannot afford the increase. Are they allowed to do this? Thanks for your help.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39352654
  3. Hi, Recently stubbled onto the site and wondered if anyone could help me. I currently work at a supermarket and have done since August 2016, I started on a 12 hour contract over three days (per week) but have never actually worked only 12 hours. I am consistently working above and beyond these hours ranging from about 24 to something 38 and occasionally entering overtime at above 39 hours per week. This is great, an I am not complaining but I am wondering there were grounds on which I can ask for my contact to be raised so I will be guaranteed more that 12 hours pay per week. Does anybody know if there law or legislation that I could use to back my case when i eventually ask for my contacted hours to be raised? I have read a discussion on here refereeing to holiday pay in a similar situation.. .as I have a weeks holiday booked will i be paid my 12 hours or the average of the last 12 weeks work hours? If I am entitled to the latter if I only get paid the basic 12 hours can i appeal this somehow? Thanks in advance, any information anybody has would be of great helps Thanks a lot Justsaying
  4. Please can you help confirm something for me regarding a back garden boundary with my neighbour of 35 years. The boundaries were old stlye and marked out by hedges, not long after we moved in we asked the neighbours if we could cut them and put a fence in instead. They understandably wanted to keep the hedge. So we put the fence up on our side. Now my beautiful neighbour is moving. I have started getting anxious over the boundary because my deeds are not ckear on that side and show nothing. I do not want the hedge row cutting down because it offers a countryside feel, height, privacy. We have been maintaining the hedge on our side throughout the 35 yrs. If I recall correctly from the party wall act, puttung that fence up does not mean losing the shared boundary? Is this correct? I am only interested in truth, not trying to claim anyting that is not mine or be awkard, only peaceful. If this is correct was wondering what folk do. Ask their neighbour for a letter stating these facts? Ask them to make it clear to new owner? It is important that I minimise stress due to health and I am not bothered about a foot of boundary but the privacy the hedge currently privides if cut will make it difficult to enjoy my garden anymore. Peace Clear33 thanks in advance
  5. I have not earned enough to pay back my student loan for the last ten years. I now find I am slightly above the threshold, if indeed it is a monthly threshold. Over the course of the last year I have earned less than the yearly threshold. Over the course of the last three months I have earned less than the threshold (divided by 4). However, the fact remains that my monthly salary is currently above the threshold and has been for the last two months. How is the threshold calculated? Is it on the previous years earnings divide by 12? On this months earnings? Thanks
  6. Hi, I'm unsure where I may need to post this question so took a stab at this section of the forum... I hope someone can help. A bit of history, my partner sold an item on eBay using my account, buyer collected the item and left. We then got an email saying there was a problem, we offered a refund after a bit of investigation but he refused to return the item to us, saying we should collect it from him... he lives 200 miles away. This went on for some time beore he instructed eBay to resolve the case. They awarded the case in his favour and told him to return the goods for a full refund, as we had originally asked. He failed to do this within the timeframe specified so eBay closed the case. Since then we haven't heard from him until yesterday when we both recieved a 'Judgment for Claimant' from Northampton County Count for failing to respond to the Claim Form. Neither of us has ever recieved a Claim Form to repond to! So my questions is, can I get this judgment set aside and get the chance to defend this claim? I'm reluctant to pay it in full as he is trying to claim twice what he paid for the item and I have't seen a breakdown of what he's trying to claim. Also, can the judgement be registered to both my partner and I, surely he can only claim against one person? As from the begining he's welcome to a full refund providing he returns the goods, otherwise I'm out of pocket all round... can this be dealt with in court. It doesn't seem like a court dispute to me, something we could have discussed in mediation perhaps but he's going all guns blazing because he's not getting his own way. Very childish! Thanks for reading, all help gratefully received. M.
  7. Hello, I raised a formal grievance yesterday by e-mail to my boss he replied cc'ing one of the employees I had raised the grievance against. A couple of hours later i was called to his office and put on paid leave is it usual to be put on paid leave for raising a grievance. I was not expecting this and it has made me feel worse. The grievance is in relation to the behaviours of two people above me who have taken away my autonmy and made me to feel inadeqate and undermined my confidence. I brought this to my bosses attention before i went on holiday since my return two weeks ago it has continued with my access rights being removed for software that i have managed since 2009 with no reason. thanks for reading
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