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Found 13 results

  1. My daughter told of this site and how it had helped her over the years reclaim unfair charges and it has been extremely helpful to her over the years, I know she donated several times and so I decided to register myself. My daughter has suffered severe trauma over the last 12 months and I am very pleased to say that she is in a much better place now. I am trying to sort her finances out, she is unable to work presently and unsure at this time when she will be capable of working. I was considering writing to the companies she owed money to explain what's happened to her and ask if they would consider wiping the debt in her circumstances, especially at the moment as we have no idea when she is going to be able to return to work, its not likely to be any time soon as she is in therapy 3 days a week for at least the next 6 months. The debts are roughly as follows: Vanquis £650 (paying £1 a month) Three Mobile £121 Lowell Financial £1200 Welcome Finance (Secured) £18K (paying £10 a month) Santander Loan (Unsecured) £9K (no payments made since 2010) HSBC £1500 Robinson Way (Barclaycard) £950 Creditlink account recovery solutions £94.76 My husband and I are old age pensioners and we cannot afford to pay these debts but I know all these letters that come through only add to her stress and depression as they do! We would love to be able to pay this off but we are financially just not able to. She has a mortgage which she is in arrears with although I am dealing with and they are understanding, there is no equity in the house but the mortagge payment is so low at £429 a month (interest only) we want her to keep this as renting would be of more cost to her. I am not sure if it is possible for anyone to advise us if it is worth writing to these debters with her situation and seeing if they might consider wiping these debts. Many thanks A worried GrannyMargaret.
  2. I wanted to ask for some advice for my husband. My husband works in a factory. The building is massive. As of late his employer has started turning off the heating during cold weather. His boss is saying that the heating will only go on between the hours of 6AM until 9AM. Nobody apart from the supervisors are allowed to touch the heating without his permission. Today, where he is it was 13 degrees. The boss is also saying that if anyone goes off sick for 10 consecutive days, he will refuse to pay for bank holidays. Is this also legal!? There is also talk of the employer putting up cameras on the shop floor to watch staff. Surely that comes under privacy laws!? We are concerned that by turning off the heating in cold weather, this will affect the health of the workers on the shop floor. Also, the boss is not approachable. His attitude is "If you don't like it there's the door". He also won't recognise unions and threatens to sack anyone who joins one.
  3. Hi guys, firstly sorry if this is the wrong section but im a bit lost! I have been attempting to deal with my defaults on my own but seem to continuously hit brick walls so i was hoping for some help. I have some large defaults on my credit file. A company called Mkdp LLP currently own them according to my file. One is an HSBC credit card for a little over £5k, this appears twice. Once for HSBC and then again for Mkdp in a slightly higher amount which i assume is due to the addition of their fees. To me it seems obvious that one or the other of these should be removed as they refer to the same original debt? The HSBC record shows agreement date in 2003 and a default date in May 2011. The Mkdp record shows the same original date of agreement but lists the default as in October 2011. The next debt was originally a Barclaycard which I owed just under £8k to when I defaulted. The record shows that the agreement date was February 2005 and the default was November 2011. It states the original balance was for £11,905. Much much more than I owed prior to defaulting. The final thing on my file is for £1513. It is for a bank account but im unsure if its HSBC or Santander as I had trouble with both back then. It shows an agreement date of April 2007 and default date of January 2012. I have had many letters from Mkdp and other DCA's regarding these amounts over the years. I attempted to have HSBC either take the debt back or remove their default to no avail. I also pointed out to Mkdp that they could not provide me with the correct notices for assignment of the debts but to be quite honest I gave up after a while. I just thought if i ignored it for long enough they would all become statute barred. I have today received a letter from Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Limited (Ex HSBC) regarding the fact that they are collecting a debt of £5968.70 (the exact amount of the Mkdp debt) stating they have bought the debt rights title interest etc from Mkdp. So i guess my question is how do I get the double entry on my file removed. Second question how do I go about dealing with them or do I just tell them the debts are statute barred and ignore them for another few months? Thanks a lot for any help you guys can provide
  4. Hi, I have been frequently told by my neighbour to reclaim PPI-he used a reclaim company. I always replied that we never took out PPI on any loans that we had, except one and that proved to me we didn't need it. The one time we did take it out was about 25 years ago, I think it was one of our first loans, my reasoning for not taking out PPI was 'my husband is a lorry driver and if he lost his job he could always get work from an agency so will never be out of work to claim for PPI'. So now I will investigate as many loans as I can remember to check if PPI has been added. Cheers Gill
  5. Hi all. Not sure if this is the correct place to post, so please move it as needed if necessary. A friend of mine has just visited me with quite an alarming story, or so I think. Unfortunately she has learning problems and other difficulties which clearly will show in the following. I find it difficult to see how this has happened and she is unable to answer my questions properly, so I thought I'd seek some help from you guys. this is the problem. On August 13th 2014 she went on-line and applied, or so she thought, for a loan. She was charged a fee for this. Then within one month I see from her bank statement she has also been charged by several other companies. After checking these companies on-line it seems they are some kind of loan brokers. Peoples Loans £49.99 ML Loans £69.95 Loan Rocket £69.99 My Loan Now £67.88 The Right Loan £59.99 PT Loans £69.95 All money was taken between August 13th and September 15th. She claims to have given her debit card details to just one of these companies, so I'm not sure what has happened. She doesn't have much of a clue to be honest and suffers with depression quite badly. This loss of money has hit her and her family very hard, they already rely on food banks. So my question is: What can I do to help her? If anything. Thanks.
  6. Ok hope i can get some advice here as the situation with my wifes employer, just doesn't seem right. Basically she started a job clening rooms in a hotel back in April. She is gets 3.15 per room and is given 30 mins to clean a room, so 6.30 per hour. Now this works out as less than miniumum wage, I know its only a penny but this is what got my alarm bells ringing. She has only committed to work Saturday and Sundays, but has made herself available during the week if she is free. She has been given no contract and no terms and conditions. If there is one complaint about the cleanliness of a room, then that room is deducted from the wage without notification. They are often asked to do things other than clean rooms, but as they a only paid a room rate and not an hourly rate, these extras are unpaid. They have told her she not entitled to any sick or holiday pay, and there is no extra pay for working bank holidays etc. There are other points which i will ask her about, but from what i have written, surely something isn't right? Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Hi Lots of debts, any help/advice greatly appreciated. Please see attached. Thank you.
  8. I am wondering if anybody can advise, if this is correct procedure - regarding a claim for ESA. My son, previously Incapacity Benefit (5 years+) - was notified of need to migrate to ESA /completed forms, attended WCA - was declared fit for work. He requested an appeal against decision and received the assessment rate of ESA (prior to 28 October/mandatory reconsiderations ruling). He lost his appeal, mainly because he had opted for a paper appeal rather than oral? Anyway, I posted situation at the time, looking for advice and general concensus seemed to be, for him to re-apply. He posted claim on 6 October, at some point, he was notified by text (DWP) that his claim had been received. He subsequently telephoned DWP to progress his claim, as was really finding it hard with 0 monies coming in and getting into rent arrears - which really worries him. He was told, his claim not yet processed. some time later he was contacted and told that they required a doctors certificate from him. He was confused as had sent one for 3 months previously (ie:just before his appeal). He was told, that it didnt count and he needed to get another one? (delaying tactic?). He made appointment to see his doctor and she basically issued him with a copy of that same certificate. He immediately posted to JCP. Last week he received a letter from JCP stating, with regards his claim for ESA, he was not entitled to contribution based ESA,& he may receive seperate letter telling him to attend Work focused interview and work capability assessment. I had thought this a little strange, but felt maybe it is part of the process (of elimination?). I suggested to him, maybe he will now start to receive assessment rate of ESA and advised him to telephone them. He called them on Monday 11 November, enquiring about payment and was told, he had claimed the wrong benefit (ie the wrong form) he had applied for contribution based benefit and he should have applied for income related. They said they would be sending him out a new form to complete!! (Nightmare!!!!) They also advised him that his certificate only had a month left so he may want to plan to get another, and that they can no longer accept notes for 3 months - now 1 month max!!! He is so down in the dumps about all of this, he feels they are just chucking obstacles in his way, preventing him from being paid. But he is really experiencing hardship now, not eating properly and never goes out of the house. I am so concerned for him and wanted to find out if this sounds right?? Any opinions /advice would be most gratefully received. Many many thanks in advance. Nadia
  9. and number 3.... Cabot DCA for: 2 x Halifax credit cards 2 x Lloyds TSB credit card 1 x Goldfish Bank credit card 1 x Barclaycard credit card 1 x Creation store card 1 x Lloyds TSB loan The reply to my CCA letter (covering all these together) "Thank you for your requests for information under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 ("CCA"). Cabot Financial currently does not have this information on file. However, we have requested the relevant information under section 77/78 of the CCA from the original lenders. We anticipate that we will be able to provide this information within 40 days. In the event we are unlikely to obtain this information within those time limits, we will write to you again." My CCA letter was posted on Thursday 22nd August. Any advice, next steps would be very much appreciated. Thanks TG
  10. Hi, this thread is to deal with the Lloyds part of my bigger debt problem found here, it explains how I got in this position and the overall debt mountain involved: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?387784-Big-Debt-Problem...HELP This is for an overdraft, I am going to send a SAR request next week... These guys have just arrived on the scene this week… (Loan) (Credit Card) Shall I CCA them?
  11. Good Evening All! I am trying to clear up my credit file, and have 3 defaults on it (all older than 2 years) so I know it isn't going to change that much in the next 4 years... but thought I'd at least try! Firstly, a list of my creditors and the situation: 1) Barclaycard CC - Currently being used, but over the past 12 months of online statements I've calculated in excess of £100 of charges (mainly overlimit, never missed payment) - possibly more if I request a list of charges going back several years. Can these be claimed back? 2) Capital One CC - Another one in use, only had it for 6 months and have had £36 of Over Limit Charges (usually only when its gone over by a couple of £s - I've asked nicely and they won't refund) - as above, can these be claimed back? 3) Lowell re: Great Universal - Paying back a small amount each month. This one is for a catalogue debt going back 6+ years and is one of the defaults on my account (due to a divorce at the time). It is small (£300) and I'm nearly ready to offer a full and final settlement (I've already tried the full amount in return for removing the default, but they refused - so I told them they can keep getting their £5/month). HOWEVER, looking through some of the statements I've found, I've found several charges before the catalogue passed it to "NDR" and then over to Lowell. I've seen some posts on here in regards to "CCA" and "SAR" - can I do anything with this debt in regards to these that may wipe the rest of - or maybe the charges situation? 4) Lowell re: Littlewoods - Another one paying back a small amount each month. Again, 6+ years old and again due to the divorce it has a default on my credit file. I have found 12 statements from them (4 months of non-payment before they sold it to Lowell despite me trying to contact Littlewoods to sort it out - see below) - with plenty of charges on. This debt is £1,400 and a fair percentage is "missed payments", "late payments", "non payments", "default" etc. Can these be claimed back? 5) MCS Ltd re: HSBC Bank - An account I held previous to the divorce, it went massively overdrawn during it and I currently owe £1,200 (have been paying a small amount for a few years now). I know for sure that the bank charges (bounced cheques, over limit fees etc.) come to the good part of £500. Can this be claimed back? 6) S&U PLC - Are these loans enforceable? Is there anything I can do to check? The loan is nearly 10 years old and I've been paying a very small amount for years. It doesn't affect my credit report from what I can see, just get some annoying person knock on the door every week if I stop paying. A few things to clear up the situation, all accounts are in my sole name and attempting to split any of them during the divorce was tried and ruled out. All companies accepted tiny re-payments due to the situation but Littlewoods and Great Universal were most unhelpful - not accepting lower payments and because I couldn't make my payments co-incide with their "4 week" payment plans (due to being paid monthly and 2 massive payments to catch up) I was actually advised by the telephone operator to let it go in to default and the debt collection company can help me better - I did... although I doubt they would ever admit it, they actually advised me to default. Can I argue the default at all? Will the CCA/SAR things help? Charges will certainly help reduce the debts. In reality, at the amount I'm paying, it is going to take nearly 20 years to clear the above debts. I've also recently taken out a PayDay Loan to fund a car (stupid I know), have let it rolled over to the second month (after paying £100 + charges) a nd calculated £350 in charges in total now (£750 loan). Dreading the end of this month if I can't pay it (£800+) and have to let it roll over a second month. If I don't pay and don't agree to roll over, what could happen? Or is it worth going all out and paying it in full? It is with "PayDayUK", or "Mem Capital" as it appears on my credit report. Any help would be hugely appreciated - and I thank anyone in advance for their help. NCCA
  12. Have there been any recent changes in what cca request we send ie Credit card cca and loan cca? Mr W
  13. Please read this very carefully. As you may be aware jbw enforcement limited has recently changed name and has also been reincorporated. As follows : J.B.W. GROUP LIMITED MIDAS HOUSE 62 GOLDSWORTH ROAD WOKING SURREY GU21 6LQ Company No. 04118149Status: Active Date of Incorporation: 01/12/2000 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Company Type: Private Limited Company Nature of Business (SIC(03)): 7487 - Other business activities Accounting Reference Date: 31/03 Last Accounts Made Up To: 31/03/2007 (FULL) Next Accounts Due: 31/01/2009 Last Return Made Up To: 01/12/2007 Next Return Due: 29/12/2008 Last Members List: 01/12/2007 Previous Names:Date of changePrevious Name25/09/2008J.B.W. ENFORCEMENT LIMITEDSo jbw 1 is now jbw group limited as of 25/09/08 look below and you have the new jbw enforcement limited which was incorporated on 25/09/08 Name & Registered Office: J.B.W. ENFORCEMENT LIMITED 16 HEWETT STREET LONDON ENGLAND EC2A 3NN Company No. 06708297 Status: Active Date of Incorporation: 25/09/2008 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Company Type: Private Limited Company Nature of Business (SIC(03)): None Supplied Accounting Reference Date: 30/09 Last Accounts Made Up To: (NO ACCOUNTS FILED) Next Accounts Due: 25/06/2010 Last Return Made Up To: Next Return Due: 23/10/2009 The catch. If you were levied on by jbw enforcement ltd on or before the 25/09/08 then you need to address all complaints/claims etc to jbw group limited. If you are levied on after the 25/09/08 then it is jbw enforcement limited which you need to complain or claim against. It would not come as a surprise to anybody if jbw again change their name. How ever recently jbw enforcement 1 bought out the debt collector tj meagher. According to companies house this company is in liquidation. However this does not stop anybody from buying the debt ledger at silly money and then collecting of people ?
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