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Found 19 results

  1. Hi, I'm hoping that someone might be able to help here. My wife bought a new car from a broker back in June on Hire Purchase, something we haven't done in a while. She only involved me in the purchase here and there and so I've only just stumbled upon this information, but I questioned her as to where the V5 was as we needed to apply for a Crit'Air sticker. It turns out she hadn't received one. She chased up the V5 and was told by the dealer that for the first year they are the registered keeper, but on the 1st year anniversary it will change to her. I've gone back through the paperwork she signed and it clearly states that she is the registered keeper and they are the owner until the final payment has been made - which I believe is normal. I'm a bit confused because I'm sure she should be the registered keeper as its a purchase and not lease. Is this common practice? Thanks in advance
  2. So within the past few months I had used a loan broker site in an attempt to get a loan. I don't know for sure which one so apologise on the unhelpful nature on this account. I was not accepted so thought nothing of it and moved along. A bit later on I had a random debit for £29.50 from a site I hadn't recognised and again at the end of this month the same payment occurred. I finally discovered who this was and it was a site called My Discount Codes, who offer a subscription service for some sort of discounts. Haven't a clue what they actually do since once I discovered this I demanded the account be closed and to be refunded for the money taken from me. They thought they were admirable in refunding me 25% of the funds and believe I signed up when seeking a loan - something I definitely would not have done and should surely require explicit permission - not signing up then hoping people lapse on the free trial they offer. When trying to figure out who they were and in my dealings with them, I was able to access the Zendesk helpdesk and noticed that it redirects sometimes to 'Loans Direct' (and also 'Old Brands' from My Discount Codes. A quick search of this forum shows they are well known for this sort of thing if it is the same Loans Direct company. Few questions; What are the legalities of taking details to sign up for things like this when the details were used for a completely different purpose? Who are the best bodies to address the issues I have here? What is the best way for me to go about getting a refund? Will my bank still be able to do this 2months on?
  3. Hello, New member, first post. Have any other businesses users used a Utility Broker/consultant before and found things to be not quite as honest as they should have been? In particular, has anybody found that they claim a secret commission that affects your unit price, and feel they mis-sold a long term contract on way higher rates than they expected to pay? I am, speaking to a law firm about this as we speak, and it would be beneficial if I could pass on a few details of some other people from businesses that they could take a testimony from which they say would help them to claim all commisions back and release me from my contract, let me know. Thanks
  4. I have just been trying to track a chap down for a hour or so. Not really what i was expecting to do on a Sunday evening. To have a chat.But although i can find some info on this man in a couple of countries,personal contact seems difficult.. Really i was trying to check out a story i had read about him. Enough time now spent searching i will let you read the story. And maybe it will give you a little taster of the sheer amount of predators out there trying to extract money from you and your communities in any way possible. The loan danger- SUN INVESTIGATION: We confront the sharks selling personal details of vulnerable payday loan applicants VULNERABLE payday loan applicants have been bombarded with hundreds of calls and fleeced of more cash after their personal details were stolen and sold to sharks. The illegal trade of huge amounts of private data held at Indian call centres has been uncovered by a Sun probe.The link http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/6698034/Hell-to-pay-Private-data-held-in-call-centres-in-India.html Listened to the video a couple of times now and it makes me want to ask him why.Part of this sentence just changed.I do not like to attack people personally. Makes me want to take the tyres of his Mercedes away. Sorry i do not usually get so angry.After all many of us over the last few years have seen many things connected to the problems out there with Payday Loans and Payday Loan Brokers and general debt. I see many now getting money back from the Payday Lenders with charges etc. And a few we have helped getting money back from the Payday Loan Brokers and their clear mischievous actions in extracting money from people at vulnerable times. So now it is time to tackle these Brokers and make them pay back going back years. Feel the ones that have got paid back so far are really just the tip of a iceberg problem going back many years. The guy is that crooked he must have to screw himself to his bed to sleep straight at night. I feel you know what i mean. Really dislike giving this man any kind of publicity but feel it is best for a warning to others to somehow protect your Data. How,well that i cannot answer personally.Perhaps someone can. For now i will calm down a touch and leave you with some info on payday loan brokers who have caused plenty of trouble as we have seen on the forums. Credit Brokers and Payday Loans If you are looking for a payday loan, using a credit broker to find one could cost you money in unnecessary fees. This page tells you more about what you should think about before you use a credit broker to find a payday loan. https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/articles/credit-brokers-and-payday-loans 2ND night running i have missed Strictly Dancing,when will it end. Bye for now enjoy your evening what is left of it. Tawnyowl.
  5. Hi, My car insurance is up for renewal and I have had a quotation from my current brokers on the best deal that they could discover. However the Statement of Facts they sent me includes the following incidents and I suspect that some of these are not required to be declared as they have passed their expiry date. Accidents and Claims 18 Jan 2009 TP hit Driver 05 Nov 2010 Driver hit immobile object 14 Aug 2011 Driver hit TP 27 April 2013 TP hit driver in rear 21 Mar 2014 TP hit driver Convictions: 1 Jan 2011 sp30 3 pts Ban 0 Fine 0 5 Oct 2011 sp20 3 pts Ban 0 Fine £60 I am going to search for a better deal and would like to know which of the above would need to be mentioned on the fact form so that I would not face a follow up of non-declaration and consequent increase in the cost. I understand all of the above should fall under the 4 year limitation. Would appreciate any help on this. Cheers, Bastun
  6. Afternoon All, Me and my partner are looking at starting a Motor Trade Business and are wondering what insurers or brokers are best to go through. We've been looking at a few local companies, but to be honest, we're not relying who we go with, on their location. It would be an added bonus to have a company nearby (North-west England) but does anybody have any companies they would like to recommend? Thanks, P
  7. I've come across something very unpleasant that for me shows the FCA to be a complete waste of time as a replacement for the OFT, regardless of which way you look at this. Send a MacBook Pro to a buyer on ebay on Monday 16th. Booked it on Parcel Monkey. Paid for extra insurance. It was collected on the Monday from my workplace, on a next day service. Cue the next morning and parcel tracking shows the item as at the Chessington Service Centre. But that's it. I try to find out why it's not gone any further using the Yodel live chat feature and get told that it's been delayed but is due for delivery the next day (Weds). This is clearly bull**** as the status still hasn't changed the next day and now I have to get the recipient to chase it. I also opened a case with Parcel Monkey as they are the account holder for the purchased delivery. As of today, the recipient has spoken to Yodel who have asked him for the particulars of the parcel so I've given him the description and the dimensions. Parcel Monkey still haven't had a response from Yodel though. What I find utterly unbelievable is that items like Apple computers and laptops are carried on what they call a "no compensation basis", yet they still let you purchase insurance when you book the delivery, knowing if something goes wrong they won't pay out on the claim. I'm amazed that this isn't regulated given the terms and conditions of Parcel Monkey state who their insurer is and that the insurer is regulated by the FCA. Surely selling insurance for cover that will never be paid out can't be legal? Also, in so far as compensation for missing items goes. If people send items that don't fall into an excluded or restricted items list (which is so extensive it must cover 90% of parcels so these companies must be making a fortune off of insurance purchases that actually offer no cover) and they go missing, they would surely offer compensation anyway, so why state these high value items as no compensation even if people buy extra cover for them? This sounds to me like the next great front page [problem] that needs to be investigated and the public made aware, like PPI and that kind of thing. I've had to message the buyer of the laptop to explain that if I'm right about this and it doesn't turn up, I don't have the money or access to it to refund him in one go. He'll need to let me pay him over the course of a few months. I think if this doesn't work out, I'm going to have to take some of these companies down.
  8. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/oct/29/payday-loan-brokers-bank-accounts-poor-customers They would never do this now would they
  9. The FCA has announced new rules that affect loan brokers, mainly the payday loan market. Further details can be found HERE and HERE Wonder how many will comply??
  10. Thousands of payday loan middlemen face tough new rules after the City watchdog highlighted "blatantly unfair" treatment of customers. Borrowers have complained about credit brokers taking fees without permission for "half-hearted promises" of payday loans. Some have complained that they thought the brokers were, in fact, lenders. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said clear contracts must be made explaining fees that could be levied. New rules, that come into force on 2 January, mean that credit brokers must give clear information to customers about who they are, what fee is payable, and how payment can be made. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30274718 New rules will protect consumers from harmful fee-charging credit broking practices New rules have been introduced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) today to tackle poor practice in the credit broking market which is causing serious detriment to consumers. The rules will ban credit brokers from charging fees to customers, and from requesting customers’ payment details for that purpose, unless they comply with new requirements ensuring that customers are given clear information about who they are dealing with, what fee will be payable, and when and how the fee will be payable. The rules come into force on 2 January 2015. http://www.fca.org.uk/news/new-rules-will-protect-consumers-from-harmful-fee-charging-credit-broking-practices
  11. Hi all. Not sure if this is the correct place to post, so please move it as needed if necessary. A friend of mine has just visited me with quite an alarming story, or so I think. Unfortunately she has learning problems and other difficulties which clearly will show in the following. I find it difficult to see how this has happened and she is unable to answer my questions properly, so I thought I'd seek some help from you guys. this is the problem. On August 13th 2014 she went on-line and applied, or so she thought, for a loan. She was charged a fee for this. Then within one month I see from her bank statement she has also been charged by several other companies. After checking these companies on-line it seems they are some kind of loan brokers. Peoples Loans £49.99 ML Loans £69.95 Loan Rocket £69.99 My Loan Now £67.88 The Right Loan £59.99 PT Loans £69.95 All money was taken between August 13th and September 15th. She claims to have given her debit card details to just one of these companies, so I'm not sure what has happened. She doesn't have much of a clue to be honest and suffers with depression quite badly. This loss of money has hit her and her family very hard, they already rely on food banks. So my question is: What can I do to help her? If anything. Thanks.
  12. Hello All, Family member just rang me to say that they have been to Barclays Bank this morning, to change their Debit cards, as an unauthorised payment of near £60 WAS TAKEN FROM THEIR ACC, The bank changed the cards for them straight away but they would not /could not do a Chargeback of the monies for them and advised to contact the co and either cancel, or request a refund of the monies, through the co procedures. This has apparently occurred as relation was looking for finance on the site of co but did not complete the form nor authorise the co to take any funds and signed out of the site prior to completion. I would have thought Barclays should have done an immediate chargeback from the co and placed monies back into relations acc. I know and have seen the cancellation conditions stated by the co and the Cancellation procedure under the Financial Services (Distance Marketing) Regs 2004 right to cancel within 14 days. By writing to them at: The 1loan, Beechfield House, Winterton Way, Lyme Green Business Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 0LP All advice/info will as usual be gratefully received as to: 1. Address above 2.The limited action/lack of by the Bank. 3. Which will be the better of the courses of action to take, to get the monies back/reimbursed asap, which to my way has been taken with no authorisatation from their acc. "EXEMPLO DUCEMUS"
  13. I have received a reply to a SAR request from Firstplus. I got my loan back in 2002 through a small financial services firm, but the documentation states that the 'dealer' is Capital One Homeowner Loans. I never had any contact with them, but I suppose that the small firm must have gone through them, so it appears that there are 3 firms involved! Looking at other posts I'm unclear about the position of brokers - some say that under the CCA 1974, ss. 56 & 75, the lender is responsible - does anyone have any experience/success in quoting this legislation?
  14. So. got myself into a mess by applying for loans online, whilst in a slightly unhinged mental state and without properly reading T&Cs - ending up being charged by 4 brokers totally nearly £200. Many tears, recorded delivery letters and learned lessons later, I have managed to get a cancellation/refund from 3 of the 4 within 7 days. Which is brilliant. BUT. One company - Loans Marketing (Sk11 8DZ) - which seems to be the same office /staff as 'My Loans' is dragging it's heels. Been in e-mail contact with Steve Matthews (customer service). He confirms they have my written cancellation letter and that they will refund the £69.99, but that they will be waiting 30 days. NOT that they will do it within 30 days - that they refund will be processed on 7th October and I should allow 1-5 days for it to show in my account from then. I have read the Financial Serives (Distance Marketing) 2004 Act, which says in sect 13: 3) The supplier shall refund any sum paid by or on behalf of the consumer under or in relation to the contract to the person by whom it was paid, less any charge made in accordance with paragraph (6), as soon as possible and in any event within a period not exceeding 30 calendar days beginning with— (a)the day on which the cancellation event occurred; or..... Can I argue to Loans Marketing that by waiting the full 30 days that they are not giving me a refund AS SOON AS POSSIBLE? I have no experience at dealing with this sort of thing, and am just trying to get my money back from these people asap. I hate that they are sitting with my money when they have done nothing to earn it, and I am left feeling stupid for falling for their business methods and seriously struggling to get through this month. £70 is a lot of money. Anyway, I suspect that they may be entitled to wait the 30 days but I just wondered if anybody would be able to clarify what 'as soon as possible' actually meant in this type of case? Who determines how soon that is? Sorry if this is a stupid question, as I say I have no experience in dealing with these types of company and feel stupid for giving them my bank details in the first place. Thanks in advance for any answers you can offer.
  15. Hi i have used this site on a few occasions and would appreciate any advice on the following mess. At present I am on holiday and had a cash shortfall (as always) so I typed in payday loans and proceeded to fill in the required areas only to find I was passed from one company to another all with promise of immediate payment, to cut a long story short as of 27/8/13 I have been charged varying amounts from the following companies Money warehouse Smile Merry wood loans and a couple more ranging from £27 to £69.99. Having looked into this I realise these companies were brokers and these are membership fees, the original amount I needed was £300 well the amount taken out of my account this week has surpassed the £300, I have been reading on here re this so have done the following rang the bank, to no avail as they are saying its my own fault and I willingly gave my details, contacted each company requesting a refund on there Cancel policy although I feel things went to smoothly, I am being bombarded with up to 80 emails a day and 30 phone calls a day. So I have taken advice from here and transferred my remaining money into another account, which is to pay direct debits, yesterday I transferred £30 for a D/D only for Smile to take £28 of it , I have had to cancel a lot of the d/d as I wont have the money to pay them until I get the refunds that I am due, following the horrendous year I have had, this holiday payed for by my parents has turned into a living night mare, any advice would be greatly accepted and appreciated and I apologise sincerly for my total act of stupidity.
  16. i recently applied for a loan for a new car the loan company took £40 from my account and now nobody cant contact them i also had nearly £50 taken out my account without me knowing. and now i cant get any money back from it. does anyone know how or who could help me
  17. Hi A friend of mine has introduced me to Banners Brokers, it sounds like the usuall "Too good to be true", so I am sure it is. However my curiosity has led me to ask if anyone has any experience od them. Any feedback bad or good would be very much appreciated. Thanks In Advance
  18. Hello, So there was me after a loan of £1000 with repayments over a year. I followed links, never believing that entering details meant the site I was on would be charging me, however they did. Getting my cash refunded was a bit of a nightmare with some of the responses more akin to dare I say even 'illegal' loan sharking! My experiences below might be of some help so hopefully will avoid others falling into the same trap. One important point is that BEFORE entering a single bit of personal information READ their Terms & Conditions. Bear in mind, (I'm sure someone here will confirm it), that under the current 'Distance Selling 2004' laws they must refund, however they can keep back £5 for so called administrative fees. E-Credit Plus - Take £39.99 from you - I managed to get it fully refunded and they'll even give you a reference number for this in case there's a problem. This is a company you don't even know are going to take money from you! Moneygaga - (Trading name of EQI Independant Ltd) aka My Money Group. They take £23.14 from you instantly. Their site has NO telephone number however you can contact them on 0800 690 6856 and tell them it regards Moneygaga. They will ask for your bank details for a refund (less the £5). MyLoans - Will take two payments, normally £1 (test) followed by £68.99 (totalling £69.99). They take the full 30 days (and you'll have to remind them!) to refund and you are advsed to send a 'signed for' cancellation letter within the required 14 days. You then get an email about it (aka delaying tactics). I managed to get the whole payment refunded and be aware their 'entranapenur' owned has on checkig had some bad press in Australia! LoansDirectUK - BAD NEWS people! Now these are what I call 'con merchants' saying we are a 'membership site'. Conned me out of £59.75 and under duress accepted a repayment of £31.25. They sent me an email saying 'agreed full and final settlement' - not quite true however my replied email stating this came back saying their mailbox was full (real or expected, I do not know)! They have nothing but many 'o844' numbers and an address in Bexhill-on-Sea however they take time to answer on the phone with an American accent 'answer' system - stay well clear! There were another couple I experienced who when claiming back cash, you could tell, were bluffing about the problems. So be very, very careful and I can assure you that I got more calls and messages to my mobile in a week that I'd had in 5 years! Michael
  19. Hello all not quiet sure were to post this or what im doing as dont really use forums. I was wondering what my rights as a consumer are, am i abliged to obtain copys of phone call recordings of my converstaions with a company and what is the next step i should take. All advice and replys and grately resieved. This is were im at now from start to finish. I serched online for a loan provider for people with bad credit .many came up and i picked through them. Found one i thought sounded ok and filled in thir online applicated. i was approved for a loan a a good rate and was affordable to me so I phone them and spoke to one of their sales assitants. He told me that I had been pre-approved for a loan, told me the arp, monethly re-payments and what the total amount borrowed would equated to. I asked him if they was a loan broker and he told me yes. i then asked him the brokers fee witch he told me was £49, I was abit warey about paying online fees ect so i questioned him some more and cept asking him to confirm that if I paied the brokers fee i would be given the loan he cept saying yes the loan is ready and waiting for you and once the paper work arrives back to us from you the loan would be paid to you in 3 working days. I got the papper work the next morning and read through it and wasnt happy with the questions it was asking and the information it was gathering on me that had no relevence to the loan applicated process. I then rang up and spoke to an adviser again and told him i wasnt happy with the amount of information gatherd on me and that is their any way after singing this agrrement i could be refused the loan. He said I wouldnt be refused the loan and that the loan was still waiting for me. So as I was desprate for the loan amount I begrudgeingly fillled in all the required data. A week later I hadnt heard anything I rang them again and they told me I had unfortunatly been refused the loan on the grounds of bad credit witch I think is absurd as i applied for a loan for people with bad credit. 6 weeks have nearly passed now and no loan has been payed and my money hasnt been refuned. I have requested numerouse times for them to refund my money as they have failed to provide the service reqied and payed for. They have now tried to offer me Guarantur loans and as this isnt wait I applied for I refused them. They are now asking me to pay more money to applie for copys of my credit files from two agenceys. The reason i required the loan is well gone now and i just wont my money to be refunded. It also stated in their contract that if they couldnt provide me with a loan then I would be refunded my money. I feel i was brought into the agreement under false pretenses and that they are in breach of the contract signed. Am I within my rights to obtain copys of all my conversations with this company? And what is the next thing I should do. Once again thank you in advance. Mike. P.s sorry for my poor spelling.
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