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  1. I have just been trying to track a chap down for a hour or so. Not really what i was expecting to do on a Sunday evening. To have a chat.But although i can find some info on this man in a couple of countries,personal contact seems difficult.. Really i was trying to check out a story i had read about him. Enough time now spent searching i will let you read the story. And maybe it will give you a little taster of the sheer amount of predators out there trying to extract money from you and your communities in any way possible. The loan danger- SUN INVESTIGATION: We confront the sharks selling personal details of vulnerable payday loan applicants VULNERABLE payday loan applicants have been bombarded with hundreds of calls and fleeced of more cash after their personal details were stolen and sold to sharks. The illegal trade of huge amounts of private data held at Indian call centres has been uncovered by a Sun probe.The link http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/6698034/Hell-to-pay-Private-data-held-in-call-centres-in-India.html Listened to the video a couple of times now and it makes me want to ask him why.Part of this sentence just changed.I do not like to attack people personally. Makes me want to take the tyres of his Mercedes away. Sorry i do not usually get so angry.After all many of us over the last few years have seen many things connected to the problems out there with Payday Loans and Payday Loan Brokers and general debt. I see many now getting money back from the Payday Lenders with charges etc. And a few we have helped getting money back from the Payday Loan Brokers and their clear mischievous actions in extracting money from people at vulnerable times. So now it is time to tackle these Brokers and make them pay back going back years. Feel the ones that have got paid back so far are really just the tip of a iceberg problem going back many years. The guy is that crooked he must have to screw himself to his bed to sleep straight at night. I feel you know what i mean. Really dislike giving this man any kind of publicity but feel it is best for a warning to others to somehow protect your Data. How,well that i cannot answer personally.Perhaps someone can. For now i will calm down a touch and leave you with some info on payday loan brokers who have caused plenty of trouble as we have seen on the forums. Credit Brokers and Payday Loans If you are looking for a payday loan, using a credit broker to find one could cost you money in unnecessary fees. This page tells you more about what you should think about before you use a credit broker to find a payday loan. https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/articles/credit-brokers-and-payday-loans 2ND night running i have missed Strictly Dancing,when will it end. Bye for now enjoy your evening what is left of it. Tawnyowl.
  2. Every now and again after spending a good few years reading many peoples stories on the consumer forums something about some peoples experiences give you a uneasy feeling in your stomach. After the subprime chaos came the payday loan crisis that is still raging in many countries causing misery for millions of people. These kinds of companies change and find new ways to extract money from their targets which is usually the hard working low paid in poor areas worldwide. Call them Legal Loan Sharks,Lepers of Lending many of us have names for them. Changing like Chameleons their products come and go hurting people, ripping extortionate rates of interest and charges which must mean money not being spent in local communities.Businesses must suffer in their target areas because the interest and charges paid to them is usually collected and shipped off to far flung destinations. Not spent locally. Then seemingly after a few years the targets are forgotten the products and people who thought of them slip off elsewhere in the world or think of a new product their targets forgotten in the mist Reading that Fathers,Sisters,Grandparents,Pensioners any relative you can think of has not spoken or fallen out with a family member for years due to these loans makes me sad as I suppose many of you feel the same. Some will say that is business, the way the world works. Some will feel stop the world I want to get off had enough of it all. I have just been reading a article abroad trying to link increases in deaths in areas targeted by the predators and their products. and it seems to stack up. If any of you have any stories or need help with these guarantor loans please write and tell us what has happened to you and how it has affected your family. When you start reading about proper checks not being carried out it usually means a bubble is bulding and ready to explode usually in this direction. Some guarantors and people who took them out must be in crisis or heading that way with implications for both. I hope that many of us on here the wise ones that I call the site team and of course myself somehow can help you in some way,just love a challenge when the odds seem stacked against you give us a shout. I feel these kind of loans have already been written about just thought I would try to get that feeling out of my head and put it down here. Here is a small article that I have just read,there are many more . Guarantor lending 'as damaging' as payday loans, warns charity http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33555764 Just gathering some knowledge about these loans in 2013 50000 people took one out.Estimated. How many now. No cap in place but I believe the FCA is looking into this. Report due soon Following the Bank of England announcement that an interest rate rise is due before the end of this year and government welfare and tax credit cuts due to start, concern is being raised over guarantor loans, which are not covered by the cap. More than 50,000 people a year now take out guarantor loans, which range between £1,000 to £7,500 and are repayable over periods between 12 months and as long as five years. Pursued by debt collectors However, there is evidence that proper checks are not always carried out over who is taking out guarantor loans and more than four in ten are unaware of the liabilities they take on. Family members or friends who guarantee the loans can suddenly find themselves legally pursued by debt collectors, even in cases where the borrower has died. One of the biggest problems facing guarantors is that they are not regarded as ‘customers’ by regulators. This inevitably means that a guarantor will not be provided with the information a traditional borrower would receive and are not protected by normal rules governing the fair enforcement of debts. Citizens Advice is urgently calling on the FCA to take action to now reform how the guarantor loan system works. So fair I would say to believe due to many people now having poor if not shattered credit ratings and other pressures that possibly family members or friends are coming under increasing pressure to be a guarantor. Recipe for trouble for many. Everyone has a view what is yours. And perhaps you have felt the pressure tell us your experience perhaps it worked out for you. But with loans spread out and 1000- 7500 available plenty of time for things to go wrong. Which personally I find they usually manage to. Just read a report by Stella Creasy MP for Walthamstow. Shocked to read this. Predators must be licking their lips you feel. Unsecured personal debt has gone up by £48bn alone since March this year and that’s not by accident. George Osborne is balancing the books out of the pockets of ordinary people, expecting them to borrow to make up the difference between what they need to live and what they earn. I am not making a political point but this MP does fight for people as many on here know. Here is the article. http://www.stellacreasy.org.uk/stella-sounds-alarm-for-generation-debt/
  3. I have received several phishing emails recently that are supposed to have been from my banks credit card people. I have never given them my email address and I don't have an online account with them. You can spot them often because they don't actually mention your name in the emails at all, but you should not touch them even if they do. Banks/credit card companies generally don't send emails asking for information. The point of this post is to make people aware of such phishing emails and that they should never open the emails or reply to them. If you open the emails attachments you will end up with malware on your computers and if you reply to them with any information, you may then suffer from fraud. Can people receiving these emails, forward them to their banks phishing/fraud reporting email addresses and then delete them from their email accounts.
  4. I have received several phishing emails recently that are supposed to have been from my banks credit card people. I have never given them my email address and I don't have an online account with them. You can spot them often because they don't actually mention your name in the emails at all, but you should not touch them even if they do. Banks/credit card companies generally don't send emails asking for information. The point of this post is to make people aware of such phishing emails and that they should never open the emails or reply to them. If you open the emails attachments you will end up with malware on your computers and if you reply to them with any information, you may then suffer from fraud. Can people receiving these emails, forward them to their banks phishing/[problem] reporting email addresses and then delete them from their email accounts.
  5. My son had to apply for his first adult passport and decided to do it online. After using the Google search engine he logged onto what he thought was the official passport website. He filled it it in and paid the fee of £62.50. 3 weeks later he got the form back there were issues with the form and they wanted the fee. After contacting the passport office we were told that it does happen all the time and these websites are not official. So now my son has now to finish the form return it and now pay a further fee of £72.50. It was his mistake and unfortunately I do not think he will be the only one. Lesson learned but he doesn't have the £72.50 to now pay the fee for the passport. I googled problems with companies who charge for an online application service and found an article in the Guardian by Miles Bignal who also got stung by thinking he had filled in an official form. We are gutted for my son who innocently thought he was doing the right thing, the form is identical to the official form. This post is to warn everyone just to make sure they don't make the mistake we have !!:sad:
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