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  1. The CSA called me over a year ago to ask if I wanted to write off a debt owed by my now adult children`s father from many years ago. I said I didn`t want them to considering he had managed to escape paying anything for the 14 years that he should have been. My children suffered hardships as a direct result of his (Quote) "I`m not giving you money to make your life easier" attitude. There was one period where they assessed him before he left the job and went self employed. They said they had his new address and would chase it up with him by letter. Now I have received a letter saying they plan to write off the debt, which is over £2000. My question is: Is it possible to claim the amount directly from your ex through the small claims process online? Can I request a copy of the paperwork stating the amount owed and send this as proof? I am aware I can do a SAR. I`ve briefly searched forums and not found any examples of people doing this through the courts (to recoup the money owed).
  2. Hi, I have received a letter from Lantern requesting payment for loans I took out years ago. The loans do not appear on my credit file and have not been on my credit file for at least the last two to three years. I think I defaulted on most of them six years ago that's why they are not on my credit record. Lantern have called me on my work mobile number once recently, ( within the last two weeks) and I refused to answer security questions because I was not sure who I was speaking to. But they did say they where formerly MMF. I do not wish to engage with Lantern, what steps do I take to ensure I pay them or not Thanks in advance.
  3. My daughter told of this site and how it had helped her over the years reclaim unfair charges and it has been extremely helpful to her over the years, I know she donated several times and so I decided to register myself. My daughter has suffered severe trauma over the last 12 months and I am very pleased to say that she is in a much better place now. I am trying to sort her finances out, she is unable to work presently and unsure at this time when she will be capable of working. I was considering writing to the companies she owed money to explain what's happened to her and ask if they would consider wiping the debt in her circumstances, especially at the moment as we have no idea when she is going to be able to return to work, its not likely to be any time soon as she is in therapy 3 days a week for at least the next 6 months. The debts are roughly as follows: Vanquis £650 (paying £1 a month) Three Mobile £121 Lowell Financial £1200 Welcome Finance (Secured) £18K (paying £10 a month) Santander Loan (Unsecured) £9K (no payments made since 2010) HSBC £1500 Robinson Way (Barclaycard) £950 Creditlink account recovery solutions £94.76 My husband and I are old age pensioners and we cannot afford to pay these debts but I know all these letters that come through only add to her stress and depression as they do! We would love to be able to pay this off but we are financially just not able to. She has a mortgage which she is in arrears with although I am dealing with and they are understanding, there is no equity in the house but the mortagge payment is so low at £429 a month (interest only) we want her to keep this as renting would be of more cost to her. I am not sure if it is possible for anyone to advise us if it is worth writing to these debters with her situation and seeing if they might consider wiping these debts. Many thanks A worried GrannyMargaret.
  4. As the title says really, i've been asked if i'd provide a reference, which i'm willing to do as former employer really took advantage of this guy for several years and then sacked him the day after he finds out his wife was pregnant. He was a good guy, hard working, gave it 110%, but used to get a lot of hassle/blame he did not deserve, mostly because of his age and inexperience in dealing with work politics.. I'm wondering what sort of reference is this, obviously it can't be personal, but how much can I say about the way I feel he was treated?
  5. Hi All I hope that you can give me some advice as I am not sure what has happened to me today is legal. I had to have the vet out to my horse last year and had to pay 500 in advance for his treament and then the rest on account. I had every intention of paying. The debt was in my married name (I have since reverted back to my maiden name) at an old address. My horse was treated however the vet made several mistakes (such as not adminstering him antibiotics which resulted in cellulitus) I disputed the amount at the time. The vet said they would reduce the bill if I could pay in full. At the time I couldn't so they recommended a loan company which would then help me out with a loan (and even sent me the link) to which I declined. A debt collector went to my old address (I know the new tenant) and was told I was no longer there. Today I went into work to find out the soliciors now instructed have written to me at work threatening me with a CCJ and saying I won't be able to find another job if they enforce it. Are they allowed to harrass people at work? How will they enforce the debt they surely cannot register it against the company that I work for? Obviously this will be really embarrassing for me at work as I am apart from the Director the most senior member of staff. Thanks
  6. Hi, I am a new member and this is my first post. There is something that is bugging me for few days. I am studying in London Middlesex University, and free parking is very limited. There are only 3 short streets half a mile away from the university, which are unmarked. As the parking space is limited, sometimes many park outside the pavement, on the grass and the platform I marked in the street view outputs below. 2 days ago when i was looking for a parking, I saw a guy with an unmarked vehicle writing ticket to all the vehicles in the platform and the grass. But ignored the vehicle parked on the pavement. Also I saw a no parking sign on the wall,which was not there before. I can understand that the platform can be a private land (which I doubt), but can a company issue a private ticket to vehicles parked on the grass. Isn't the grass a council land? Would you be able to advice me whether it is unlawful or not, as every day tens of students are getting ticket at this area. I have uploaded and marked the points in question. As i am a new member, I cannot upload links, but you can see the exact location on Google map by copying and pasting the following coordinates: 51°35'07.3N 0°13'21.0"W Thanks for your time spend. Kind Regards
  7. Hello there! First time post for me so apologies if I miss something! I received a letter from Robinson Way for an alleged barclaycard debt, of which I sent a CCA request enclosing the £1, which they banked. I received a letter saying that they would request the details from their client and it would be on hold until they received the details. Subsequently I've now received a letter saying: "Further to your recent request for a copy agreement on the above account, we are unable to obtain this form the original creditor as this request must be formally made to us in writing. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by us not informing you of this requirement at the time of your initial request. If you still require the agreement please submit your request in writing to us at the address above and we will process it as quickly as possible. Please note that the £1.00 fee normally required for a CCA request will be waived on this occasion. In the meantime, we have placed your account on a 30 day delay to allow you enough time to submit a written request. If we do not hear back from you within this time we will assume you no longer require this information and your account activity will resume." I sent the CCA request with the enclosed payment to the same address on the letter?! It is now 17 days since the date of my original CCA request. I'm not sure which way to respond to this - any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
  8. Hi, I cancelled my direct debit after the 12 month contract, received a swift letter from harlands stating I need to setup the Direct Debit otherwise I'll face a £25.00 administration fee. I was writing them a letter with the following (template used): I refer to your letter of 09/12/2015. My agreement with Xercise4Less was for a minimum of 12 months. The first payment was for the amount of £34.99 (joining fee + first monthly payment), dated 02/11/2014. The remaining payments were taken on the 2nd of every month up to and including 02/11/2015 with one additional monthly payment of £14.99 after the agreed minimum contract period, taken 02/12/2015. I cancelled my Direct Debit mandate on 07/12/2015 and this was adequate notice of my cancellation of the agreement, as per the case of The OFT v Ashbourne Mgt Services Ltd in 2011. I now realise I should have paid one further month's fee for the notice period and am willing to offer you £14.99 now. If you confirm in writing within 14 days that you'll accept £14.99 in full settlement of all amounts due, I will pay it promptly. If you fail to accept my offer within 14 days, or if you demand any administration or cancellation fees (unlawful penalties), my offer will be withdrawn and I may ignore further demands from you and/or CRS. Such demands may be reported to Trading Standards. Yours faithfully, However, I can't find my W-number in my email folders to add to the letter, just the reference number from the letter they sent regarding reinstating my Direct Debit. Should I just use the reference number quoted on the letter or? Additionally, what legal leverage do I hold on the situation? Thanks
  9. I have started writing my Will and intend to leave my house to my son. However, I have discovered a possible snag. I understand that due to having a Charge Order against my property I can't leave it to my son. I am of the impression that my house must be sold after my death to pay the Charge Order which prevents my son from inheriting the property. Is this correct?
  10. Been having problems with Vodafone all year - they just get worse and worse! I called in Feb to report poor network coverage. They assured me it was just 4G upgrades and would be over soon. They promised that once the maintenance was finished they would refund my monthly tariff, back dated to when the problems started. In March, I was still having problems (ironically even the call to complain failed from my mobile as I had no signal!). Same story but conveniently they had no record of my previous call and compensation promise. However they offered £15 goodwill and a months tariff. Pretty poor considering I had only been able to communicate via imessage / whatsapp (anything using wireless but not Vodafone's line!) 90% of the time since December. In May I had had enough and with my contract up in June I called to discuss leaving. The representative I spoke to gave me my PAC code and explained that it's activation would be the start of a 30 day notice period. We agreed this would work fine as my contract was up on 6th June. I passed this code to my new supplier on 9th May and they activated it on 12th May. An subsequent online chat with another rep after this was the most dreadful customer service experience of my life! He was rude, sarcastic and unhelpful. I had got in touch again as my credits had not been activated. He agreed to arrange these then he also then told me I would have early termination fees added to my final bill! After 2 hours (!) online chat, he and a superior assured me that this would be waived due to the advice their other colleague had given me. So, obviously, on Sunday I received a bill including termination fees. A phonecall got me nowhere. The rep (again conveniently) could not see the online chat transcript promising to waive the fees. So I got back on online chat and the rep checked the transcript and again arranged to waive these and resubmit my bill. I am yet to receive the recalculated bill and struggle to believe that it really will be changed. Pretty sure they will take the money then I'll have the mother of all fights trying to get it refunded. More time, more stress. I don't think I can put into words how shocked I am that such a company has such terrible procedures and gaps in communication between departments. Never, ever again will I go back. Vodafone has a long way to go in terms of customer service (bordering on aggressive in some situations) and also coverage for their customers. They really do not care!
  11. My JC is about to start electronic signing - they already have the little pads installed but are apparently undergoing 'problems' so it won't be operational anytime soon - no surprise there, then! According to what I've learned, as well as being proof that you attended, signing electronically automatically authorises the payment going through and the clerk doesn't have to do it manually. All well and good..until the damn thing goes wrong and there's no record of you having been there to sign on and your payment isn't put through. Even the advisers are worried about this happening and the mess it will create. I see no reason why they can't also retain the usual signing-on sheet as backup but maybe that's too easy. Yes, I'm being pessimistic but we all know what the DWP is like; if it can go wrong it will. We can't do much about it generating payments except to hope it works but make sure you get something in writing from the adviser to at least prove you attended. I always get them to sign and date my jobsearch, both to prove I attended and to stop them trying to raise any doubts after I've left. I distrust JC advisers and computer systems equally - cover yourself at all times!
  12. Good morning all, Been a wee while since i've visited the forum, used to visit regular and help out on the payday loan section. Having a little bit of trouble with civil enforcement and they are now taking me me to court. To cut a long story short I went away to Whitby for the day and parked in a CO-OP car park, I paid the fee but failed to put in my reg correctly. I have been arguing with them for the past two years and they have refused to provide a list of the invalid reg no's for around that time, therefore there is no way do I feel I should have to pay. I have now received a court date following failed mediation where I offered them £2 to cover any admin. The court date is early January. I have received their witness statement, so would be grateful if there is anyone out there who will take a look and help me write a defence. Many thanks Dan
  13. I recently had an unfairly issued and probably illegal parking ticked from ParkingEye. Has anyone here had any success from writing to their MP? I feel that this is a matter far bigger than the small claims courts. Something needs to happen higher up... I know there are some big cases going through the Court of Appeals at the moment. The collective voice of people on-line ( can see you a positive and highly motivated group!) could make the difference to change the law and stop this abuse of the legal system happening altogether. Has anybody had any success with this so far? I can post a template letter if anyone wants to join in.
  14. Name of the Claimant ? Lowell with Bryan Carter as solicitor Date of issue – . 10 Sep 2014 What is the claim for – The claimants claim is for the sum of £2305 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under an agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974 between the defendant and Next under account reference xxxxxx and assigned to the claimant on 1/11/2013 notice of which has been given to the defendant. The defendant failed to maintain contractual repayment under the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served which has not been complied with. The claim includes statutory interest pursuant to s.69 of the county court act 1984 at a rate of 8% per annum (a daily rate of 0.51) from the date of the assignment of the agreement to date but limited to a maximum of one year amounting to £22 What is the value of the claim? £2512 Is the claim for a current or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? catalogue account When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? before 2004 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. debt purchaser Lowell Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? yes Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? a default has been registered on credit file but I have no default notice in all my paperwork and don't remember receiving one Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? no but Lowell wouldn't be due to send one until nov Why did you cease payments:- everything got out of hand financially and was on a dmp but then lost my job and couldn't carry on payments Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? no Did you communicate any financial problems to the original credito r and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan?yes I hadn't done a cca request had written on and was planning to post today because I thought they would agree to the extension oh how stupid am I. I sent a CPR31.14 request to Bryan Carter on 2/10/2014 along CPR 15.5 request for an extension they received it on 3/10/2014 Yesterday 8/10/2014 I received a letter from Bryan Carter stating that as the case would be allocated to small claims tract part 31 does not apply and the original credit would have already sent the documents. They also refused the extension I need to submit a defence by sunday I did not sign an agreement with next I just order some clothes and ended up with an account this was in either oct/nov of 2004 is there anywhere I can find some help to put a defence together for example how to word it as my defence is that i didnt sign an agreement and i havent recieved a default notice. Also should I put something in the defence about the fact they refused my cpr request? thank you all for taking the time to help
  15. Afternoon All, I am sure everyone has seen the news about Wonga writing off peoples debts, but question takes it a little bit further. I am in arrears with Wonga and I am coming to the end of a DMP where I have been paying them off. The initial loan was for about £600, and after all arguing and trying to sort things out with them nearly £2000 was added. Can I claim that back ? I not holding my breath though:smile: Any opinions ? Cheers Graham
  16. I understand that an unsecured debt is statute barred six years after the last payment so long as the creditor does not obtain a CCJ during that period, and so long as the debtor does not acknowledge the debt in writing during that time. Does anyone have any reference material on what acknowledging in writing might look like? Any past examples of cases with samples of what would and would not count as an acknowledgement? I don't want to post some letters I sent here for obvious reasons, but I did send change of address letters which refer to "the account" and so on. Would like to get a better idea of how these would be treated.
  17. Hello Few months ago I have divorced with my wife. To keep costs down to minimum we decided to do it without solicitors. We have mortgage on property since 2008. I paid, and am still paying it. Need some advice how to write her off the mortgage, as it ruins her credit score. I know I can afford it myself, but the problem is that part of my income comes in cash (please forgive), therefore I cant apply to mortgage company to take it all over, as for them I can`t afford it. Is there any way to go around it? For example: She writes to them, that we divorced, she don`t live here anymore, and don`t want any ownership of property? Any way to do it without the bank checking my earnings? Any advice please...
  18. Hi All, I have an outstanding balance on a current account which has been terminated. I have an arrangment with the recovery dept making a minimal monthly payment. I am going to write an offer letter, for settlement of the account from a one off payment. Does anyone have a template or suggested wording for such a letter? Thanks in advance.
  19. Hi, I've been having the usual nightmare with Safeloans. I've made numerous offers of repayment which have been ignored, they can't even be bothered to say 'no' to my offers. It's now at the point where they've issued a Claim Form, hoping I'll give in, or they'll get a judgement against me if I don't turn up to court. I've already acknowledged service online, and plan to defend part of the claim. Their Claim Issue Date: 17 April 2013 Amount Claimed: 546.50 Court Fee: 55.00 Solicitor's costs: 0.00 Total amount: 601.50 Particulars of Claim: The claimant agreed to lend to the Defendant under a fixed sum loan agreement dated 25 November 2013 the sum of 200.00. The Defendant agreed to repay the loan upon pre-determined dates between 1 to 4 months. On 24/12/2012 the Defendant failed to repay the Claimant's loan and is in default under the terms of the loan agreement. T he Defendant has agreed to pay the Claimant's expenses and charges in the event of any default as set out in the terms and conditions of the loan agreement. . ...And the Claimant claims:.. 1. The unpaid loan balance 200.00... 2.Interest and loan charges of 346.50.. 5. The claimant claims statutory interest at 8% up until the date of settlement, under section 69 of the County Court Act 1984. .. 4. The Claimant total claim is 546.50..Date: 15 April 2013.... Note: The order of the Claimant's claims (1, 2, 5, 4) is exactly how it appears on the Claim Form. They've done some really nasty cut and paste job. Number 3 is missing. My Defence On 21st December 2012, I attempted early repayment as this was the last working day before Christmas. I made several attempts to pay from two debit cards, but their website refused to take the payment. I contacted my bank who said the payments were authorised and plenty of funds were available, but the money just wasn't taken. Safeloans allow early repayment at a discounted rate. On the 21st December I should have been able to clear the loan with £250. As I work in a rural location with a poor signal, I was unable to contact Safeloans by phone. They close at 17:15 which is before I get in range of a signal. I was able to discretely call my bank, but this took up my entire lunch break. When I was finally able to talk to Safeloans on 27 December, I told them about my payment problems and asked them to accept £250, which is what I should have paid if the site took payment. They refused and demanded I pay all the interest and charges they'd added too. I just hung up. Since then I've sent them numerous written offers of repayment. Most were £51.60 for five months to clear the original loan of £200 plus one month's interest of £58. All of my offers have been ignored. I made a payment of £51.60 last month, and will keep making them until I have paid £258. I think the court would look favourably on this. I intend to admit liability for £258 (minus £51.60 already paid), and then defend the rest of this ridiculous claim. A Counterclaim? I have spent hours writing long emails to Safeloans, all of which would be unecessary if they'd just accepted one of my offers. I freelance as a web developer and these hours could have been spent making money. My hourly rate is £30. Safeloans have also made at least five calls to my place of work. This is embarassing, could result in the loss of my employment, is extremely stressful, and damages my professional image. What costs and risks are there involved in filing a counterclaim? Can I claim: 1. My freelance rate multiplied by the number of wasted hours spent emailing them 2. One month's wages for embarassment, damage to reputation, risk to employment, stress 3. One day's wages for taking time off to attend a court hearing, which was entirely avoidable if Safeloans had negotiated Data Protection Act Safeloans made a massive balls up. In Feburary, they sent me a letter with somebody else's details in the same envelope as my own letter. Can I use this to my advantage? Thank you
  20. hey all my nan wants to re-write her will and i have just seen an offer on WOWCHER offering a will writing service for £19 from a company called WSL limited? how can i find out if there legit? (sorry if this is posted in the wrong section) thanks all x
  21. In 2002 applied for their credit card. This arrived adhered to a card with some info on Credit charges, limits, repayments etc..it didn't have any signatures on it. they gave me a limit of £3000 but by 2006 I was struggling to pay a new credit limit of £6,950. I wrote and they offered a maximum 6 months of £1 p/m and no fees/interest charged, this was extended a further 6 months to November 2007. Then they added interest again, and fees of £12. In january 2008 they agreed to me paying £1 p/m for 3 months with a possible additional 3 months after a review. However they continued to charge interest, late payment fees (even though I wasn't late) and over limit fees. I wrote and protested but they defaulted me in May 2008 leaving me owing £8,130 due to interest charges and fees. Next I get a letter from Blair, Oliver and Scott acting as agents, and they accept my £1 p/m payments with no further charges. Then in 2010 I get a demand and threat of court action from DLC (Hillesden Securites)... but after a few torrid months I get them to agree a nominal £1 p/m due to my circumstances (over 60 and on benefits). I send them I/E statements every 6 months under the threat of court/bailiffs etc. Having looked through this wonderful site I wrote to DLC and asked them to confirm their legal rights to pursue the debt, not a CCA just an enquiry. No reply. So, now I am going to send a CCA. I have also sent a CCA to Blair, Oliver and Scott and Sainsbury's...all recorded delivery. While I was at it, I decided to write the OC about the charges, but they replied about them being fair at £12.. .missing my point about the fact thye shouldn't have been charged anyway. So I've written again asking for all the late fees, over limit fees and interest after they agreed the £1 p/m to be refunded, am awaiting their reply to that. This will put the account with the OC in Dispute. Meanwhile, I will be giving DLC 14 days to respond to my formal CCA request. So that,s the long winded background. Where I go after DLC write back I have no idea, so any advice whatsoever would be wonderful. I have no chance ever of paying this £8000 off and will have it round my neck until I die. I am hoping that if DLC have paid a nominal sum, or not bought the 'rights and duties' there might be scope to come to a deal with them. Thank you for reading this, I might sound knowledgeable, but believe me..I am not really...
  22. Hi I have an unsecured loan with Everyday Loans with an extortionate APR rate. I don't have a copy of the signed credit agreement at present but I have requested this in writing together with a statement of transactions, as I have never received this either! At present my monthly repayments are £275 per month on a very small loan (£4k). Although I haven't missed a payment I am struggling to maintain the payments and wondered what my options are and if there's any way I can possibly get this written off? Any advice would be gratefully appreciated! Thanks
  23. My father exists on his state pension plus a small income from RAFA. He bought one of those DIY will packs from W H Smith and drew up the following will on a sheet of A4; I, Reginald XXX XXX bequeath all my property and assets in the United kingdom to my so, Ian XXXX XXXX if he carries out my instructions which he has agreed to, as follows: 1) My body to be conveyed to the crematorium in the cheapest way possible that the law allows. 2) No minister, no eulogy, no organ, but cremated without ceremony. Alternatively to allow my body parts to be used to help only any ethnic Anglo Saxon 3) Should any of the above conditions not be carried out, everything to be given to the British Royal Airforce Association or the S.S.A.F.A. (Soldiers, Sailors, Airforce Association signature......... Witness 1)............................ R X XXXXXX Date............................. Witness 2)............................ The concern here is that (1) is open to many interpretations. The witness signatures do not have any names below them and are only signatures with no names or addresses etc. Can someone please advise on (1) and whether the will is legal because of witness signatures only. Also does any one have any idea of the cost of the cheapest funeral? Thanks
  24. hi i started a thread a few days ago about defaulting on my wonga loan after alot of research on here i was advised to keep emailing them to arrange a repayment plan and not to phone. Anyways after 3 days after constantly emailing them without reply i gave in and phoned. I set up a 12 month plan in the matter of minutes got them to email the plan so i had it in writing, didnt have to explain anything no expenditure forms or anything they were quite helpful. I am sill abit wary of them trying my account to receive funds anyone had any bad experiences after setting up repayment plans? so phoning wasnt as bad as i thought. cheers
  25. Hi everyone, Me and my partner are members of DW fitness. We have been members for over 6 months now on student memberships. We have not been there to work out since July! We have been to swim a few times though. My partner got a job that gives him crazy hours so we hardly get to go. We have 2 kids so can't go whenever he isn't working. The gym is also an hour away so we don't get to go much anymore. Because it is quite far, we can't easily go and cancel in person. If I was to write a letter to them stating my membership number, and all the details I can think to give them would this be enough? Would I be fine to cancel my direct debit after I send the letter? I know I have to give a months notice so I won't cancel the direct debit until the November payment has been taken out. I would prefer to cancel by email as I will have more proof it's been sent if they try and deny it but I can't find anywhere to do this.
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