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Found 9 results

  1. i am trying to get debts in order and went to offer these £25 a month... Story is.. Bamboo loans £4527.71 from a loan taken in November 2016. Original opening balance of £5259.11 from a loan of £3000. Paid monthly until June 2017. Defaulted and paid nothing since, to be honest took a bit of debt out late 2016 and realistically don't know what I was thinking as there was no way I could have paid all back long term when I look back now. Have a statement from Wilkins, lots of £12 charges since missing payments from June 2017 too December 2017. I have asked for also a statement for 2018. Wilkin Chapman threatening legals, I offered £25 a month but they said fill in a i+e form first which I refused to do.
  2. Hi, I have received a letter from Lantern requesting payment for loans I took out years ago. The loans do not appear on my credit file and have not been on my credit file for at least the last two to three years. I think I defaulted on most of them six years ago that's why they are not on my credit record. Lantern have called me on my work mobile number once recently, ( within the last two weeks) and I refused to answer security questions because I was not sure who I was speaking to. But they did say they where formerly MMF. I do not wish to engage with Lantern, what steps do I take to ensure I pay them or not Thanks in advance.
  3. Well back again after a number of years following your success in getting unwelcome finance out of my life forever. I have been receiving emails from lantern relating to a quick quid loan I admittedly did not fully repay as I was at the time backed into a place where my only way out was to stop paying the payday loans and then deal with the fallout or lose everything. Just at that Time I had loans with Wonga, Myjar, quick quid and pounds to pocket using one to repay another and getting deeper and deeper in. Anyway Wonga wrote off their balance in full with no comebacks following a legislation change. I sent quick quid a letter stating I was intending to defend the way the loan had been approved after a number of previous loans, Irresponsible lending, and received a letter saying they were looking into my complaint and received no further communication from them so forgot about them, then sent their reply to Quick quid as they are the same company they simply replied saying they would take me to court, then heard nothing, now fast forward four years and I start getting emails from Lantern, I have not replied to any of them. Firstly for one quick quid account and now they are saying I have 2 quick quid accounts totalling 2,900 pounds. If I try to pay this it will put me right back to square one after managing to get back on my feet and clear all other debts, and start to rebuild my credit rating. Any advice will be welcome.
  4. I have received a letter today from Latern (formerly Motor Mile Finance) about some old short term loans from around 2012. This really is out of the blue, I've heard nothing from them for as long as I can recall and this letter was actually sent to my previous address but was re-directed. It is quite a jovial letter, it reads "So, dust off the BBQ, enjoy the sun and take this opportunity to clear your debts before winter approaches". They're offering up to 60% reduction. This is a summary of the debts: Quick Quid £512 - Last payment date: not shown Northway £838.88 - Last payment date: not shown Think Finance (UK) Ltd t/a 1 MONTH LOAN: £350 - Last payment date 19/06/2012 At least one of the debts (probably all) are 6 years since last payment / taking out the credit so are possible statute barred. None of these debts appear on any of my credit records (Experian / Equifax / Noddle / MSE credit club) 1. What is the best approach with these to avoid acknowledging but ensuring it doesn't escalate to CCJ for example? 2. The address on the letter is my previous address (moved 1 month ago) and the debts relate to an address before that one. Should I do anything about this? I have a postal redirect in place for next 6 months but don't want a door knock at old address because the new tenants know me and my new address. Note that since these bad days of pay day loans in 2012, I have taken responsibility for my finances. I'm a long time YNAB user and have my finances under microscopic control. I have no CCJ's but I do have a some defaults from 3 years ago that are now either satisfied or in a steady arrangement. I'm on the way to cleaning myself up so I don't want to make an error and set myself back. Any advice is welcome.
  5. hi, ive just recently looked at my credit report and in the last two weeks ive had 2 ccj's added to my credit report. one is from lowell and the other is from lantern drs which i assume is now what mmf used to be. both were issued at my old address and i knew nothing of the matters going this far. the lowell one is for an old shop direct account and the other is an old loan from 2013 which can only of been a payday loan. my question is what should my next move be im a carer for my disabled son so i dont work and claim income support. any advise would be great help. many thanks
  6. My wife received a letter today from lantern saying they have been trying to contact her. It says she owes £722.91 but doesn't say who to, it simply has an account number. She has no idea who the debt is with and nothing is on her credit file. They are saying unless she pays up in 7 days they are referring her to resolvecall. How should we deal with this?
  7. Hi I have had an ongoing battle with Lantern (motormile) trying to chase for an alleged Lending Stream Debt. I have provided them with a statement from Lending Stream showing a £0 balance outstanding which they have ignored and i am now receiving threat emails from Wilkin Chapman's "Lantern Team" saying they can't discuss by email due to data protection. I have sent them the same statement i have sent to Lantern and i'm certainly not calling them. Is there a templated response to an email? This is what they sent me "Good morning Thank you for your e-mail, we can confirm that for Data Protection reasons we are unable to discuss details of the account by e-mail without verification that you are the account holder. Please contact us on 01472 253965 or please respond confirming your full name, the first line of your address, postcode and your date of birth for confirmation. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to hearing from you within seven days. Yours faithfully"
  8. Hello guys. I need some help. I received this email below from lantern. I have received emails from them over the years about this same debt but I do not know which payday loan debt this is in relation to as it doesn't even say. I'm thinking maybe pounds to pocket. I'm pretty sure this is in relation to paydays loans I took out in 2012. I need some advice because my credit rating is shot and I need to try and get it back into the green. My question is; 1) Should I finally make contact with them and ask them what this debt is in relation to? What should I say? 2) Would this debt be statute barred? Is something statute barred from your last payment to the company or from when they put a default on your file + 6 years today date? I've checked my credit report and there doesn't seem to be any defaults which match this sum. I took out a few payday loans between march 2012 and july 2012. There might be an odd one in 2013. 3) Are lantern serious about taking me to court? My last known address was 10yrs ago and my current address isn't listed on my credit report so if they did take me to court the court papers would go to my old address and I would never get them. Having a CCJ against me would cause me alot of problems in my career, so I really don't want that. 4) Should I just carry on ignoring them? 5) I probably shouldn't have gotten this payday loan and I know they can be written off with some companies. I could probably make some monthly payment towards it every month if need be as I got myself into this mess but am looking at all my options. Should I contact them about it being written off? Any other advice on what action I should take? Al help appreciated, thank you. CURRENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE: £1400.11 Dear xxxxx Our efforts to contact you are becoming exhausted as we have made several attempts to offer you a repayment solution and even a discount. In light of this we are preparing your account for one of the following possible actions: Legal Assessment – your account may be sent to our Legal partners who will assess your account to determine if legal action is suitable. If they consider this to be the most appropriate action we will inform you of the next steps. You should be aware that there may be additional costs in the event that legal action is taken. Assignment of your account to our field agents, Resolvecall who will visit you at home to arrive at a solution Assignment of your account to one of our external debt recovery partners, BPO Collections Ltd or Tenron Credit Management Ltd. We consider the above to be a last resort, and hope they will not prove necessary, but without speaking to you we are running out of options. You still have time to set a plan with us if you contact us within the next 7 days. Please click for a payment mandate should you choose to pay by direct debit or standing order for your completion. Just to remind you, you can now manage your account online by visiting If you prefer you can email us at or call us on: 0113 887 6876 to speak to one of our agents. The details needed to set your plan are: Date of 1st instalment Amount of instalment Frequency of payments Preferred method of payment Please ensure that your priority bills are up to date for example rent / mortgage, utility bills, council tax to make sure your payment is affordable. Information pertaining to this account may be registered with credit referencing agencies, this information may then be used by future lenders, landlords and employers and may affect your ability to secure credit in the future. Yours sincerely Lantern
  9. Hi, I was a victim of identity fraud in around June 2012. "Someone at the time took out loans in my name with quick quid and lending stream". It was a lot of hassle at the time ( I went through the police action fraud, recived a crime number and after a month or so I signed a couple of letters from both companies and the matter was cleaned up. I also opted at that time to put extra restrictions on anyone else trying to fraudulently take out any more loans in my name. "Let me just say that I have never ever applied or taken out any loan in my life other that a mortgage for our home that is now fully paid off". back in June 2017 I started receiving letters from MMF motormile finance now Lantern, stating that I owed them £250 for another loan from what turns out to be taken at around the same time as the other loans in 2012! I phoned them straight away and explained what had happened. But all this did was for them to send demanding letters on a weekly basis! I forwarded the police action fraud crime number from 2012 thinking that that would be the end of the matter. But all they do is keep sending me more demanding letters. Are these people above the law or what! They keep asking for very personal details e.g bank statements from 2012, my national insurance number, payslips, photo id from a passport or driving licence. I'm sure it would be reckless to send such sensitive information to a bad debt collecting company! (Do they cover their costs by selling on this very useful and very accurate information to third parties?) It would be very lucrative if they did as they would have all the information to take out a loan in my name!! What's going to happen in another few years, Am I going to get demanding letters form another bad debt company?? As much I want to clear my name I am very sceptical about about how they would use that information. I lay awake at night worrying myself to death, I am frightened about what they might do. I have been to Citizens advice bureau who just say go to police action fraud! its bonkers. If a company doesn't accept a police action fraud number and the evidence from the time of the identity fraud then they are surly acting above the law!
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