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  1. Hi folks, For the last few months Cabot has been sending me letters demanding that I contact them. As the failed to provide me with the CCA in 2016, I ignored them. Today I received a letter stating that they are instructing Moorcroft to arrange a visit to my home. I sent them the template CCA letter on 28th July 2016, and received a reply on 3rd August 2016 stating that they were unable to get the relevant documents, and acknowledging the 12 day limit. (I still have all the letters). Up until recently I have not had any communication with Cabot for the past 2 years. My question is there a template letter I can send and where do I stand?
  2. I have a Vanquis account back from 2014..dont use it much,but made a purchase and wanted to clarify the balance as intend to pay in full and close the account as have other better high street cards. Went through security as normal over the phone,lady told me all what i asked and was just about to end the call when she said "Oh we need to speak to you regards your second account"...well i dont have a second account and you must be mistaken. I allowed her to transfer me to the "other department" and once id gone through name/address/D.O.B/phone number ect ect the chap said "You've been transferd due a debt you had with SKY back in 2011"" then went onto say he was with a company called Fresh Start and how would i like to pay my SKY balance..ive asked what the hell that has to do with my credit card account and he said it was a separate matter and how would i like to pay.? I've called Vanquis again and asked to speak to a manager and explained it all..and was told that Vanquis own New start and are looking at recovering the debt...when i asked about data protection and i felt like a breach,she said its fine and dont worry about it...i had a separate account (since when..no one told me) and data protection wasn't an issue. So hopefully a simple ish question...has Vanquis done anything wrong by misleading me about a second account (could only think someone had taken out a second card in my name) and this other company not telling me who they were until after id shared personal information,had they been honest at the start of the call id have told them to go forth and hung up. Should add that i record all my calls with Call recorder pro...free from Google Play store.
  3. Bit of a weird one here, I "may" have an old CC debt that was last paid in May 2012 and this looks to be the default date, no acknowledgement of account since then and no contact for 5 yrs they went mental around January this yr threatening all kinds of silly court stuff I CCA'd them and they couldn't come up with a signed CCA and recently very kindly said they would suspend any action for 30 days, believe me they aren't getting me worried at all but are now phoning several times daily and it's irritating .......... ... here's the weird bit... ..they have part of my details wrong somehow and this is reflected in my credit file, I answered one of their calls today but when providing my accurate details I sadly failed to pass their security check so they couldn't discuss anything with me:oops: They were a bit baffled to say the least ! I stated I don't acknowledge the account, really don't know what has occurred and from dates they had provided in letters that it is statute barred anyway. Is there a specific letter I can use to ask the to bugger off, also is there a chance of getting it pulled off my credit file, if so how ?
  4. Hi. I'm in a similar boat to others. I was stupid not to read the small print and cancelled my gym membership in December 2017. Since then I've been plagued by calls and texts and now electronic messaged left on my voicemail. I am tempted to write to CRS but am reluctant to start. I'm wary of giving them my address but I'm sure Xercise4less must have it as I had a contract with them. I think my fees are now up to about £200!! Should I continue to ignore it or send them a letter asking them to stop? Thanks in advance for advice
  5. Just popped in as i am wondering a few things. I got up this morning about 4 am i had had a lie in today.Seem to be getting up earlier and earlier. After letting the cat out and my two dogs had a look around the house. I have a small business,just getting by like many. Collecting Driftwood for the last 4 years and have a good pile of it. But i look at a piece and say,yes that is clearly a Shark,another oh yes that is a shelf,a bird,and it goes on and on. Now i have reverted to hiding my good pieces under the bed in rooms all over the place. And this has gone on for a while now.Trouble is when everything you pick up seems to have a use. I reckon one day i will move something and a chain reaction will happen and wood will appear from everywhere. Now do not get me wrong i have a tidy house,people say it is cosy. Driftwood Snakes,Trees,Birds always half finished are everywhere. Along with that i collect plants. Naturally they have their own room,like a rain forest in there. So i am just wondering if other people have strange collections in their houses. Another strange thing happening is i talk to a few people for ten minutes or so about certain things. I held court outside my house for ten minutes the other day rather loudly after about 6 workers shredding a dead tree asked me what Fracking was. Took great pleasure getting my wooden box out standing on it and going for it. But they slowly shrank away after the usual 10 minutes. Maybe they had to go to another job:lol: Wife and i were out walking to the local shops maybe 2 miles away and i was chatting away and after ten minutes or so asked a question about what i had been saying and she did not know. This resulted in a investigation and she said i often turn off and let you go on. So i have come to the conclusion that i am a hoarder and a right old boring grumpy old xxxx. Do you collect strange things and bore the pants off people. Is anyone there or are you asleep,it has been ten minutes now. The usual effect.
  6. Hi All I hope that you can give me some advice as I am not sure what has happened to me today is legal. I had to have the vet out to my horse last year and had to pay 500 in advance for his treament and then the rest on account. I had every intention of paying. The debt was in my married name (I have since reverted back to my maiden name) at an old address. My horse was treated however the vet made several mistakes (such as not adminstering him antibiotics which resulted in cellulitus) I disputed the amount at the time. The vet said they would reduce the bill if I could pay in full. At the time I couldn't so they recommended a loan company which would then help me out with a loan (and even sent me the link) to which I declined. A debt collector went to my old address (I know the new tenant) and was told I was no longer there. Today I went into work to find out the soliciors now instructed have written to me at work threatening me with a CCJ and saying I won't be able to find another job if they enforce it. Are they allowed to harrass people at work? How will they enforce the debt they surely cannot register it against the company that I work for? Obviously this will be really embarrassing for me at work as I am apart from the Director the most senior member of staff. Thanks
  7. Hi, I have joined the forum in the hope that somebody has useful information for me in my aim to shake Cabot Financial off, who are chasing a debt which becomes statute barred in September 2018. A brief outline of the debt I am being chased for: Type of debt: Credit debt - Santander Current account Outstanding balance: £590 (consisting £150 overdraft + £440 charges) Account closed: September 2012 After speaking with a helpful advisor at the National Debtline and explaining my situation, I was told it was a difficult one which needed careful consideration of my next steps. I was presented with three options: 1. Wait the seven months and risk court action 2. Set up a payment plan, which would reset the limitation act 3. As it was a disputed debt with Santander, present evidence to Cabot for them to investigate - but this would reset the statute barred clock. I have email records of a complaint I had made to Santander about charges on my account late in 2011. Santander acknowledged receiving my complaint, they even followed up with an email apology for the delay in responding to the complaint - but this was to be the last correspondence with no further follow up and the issue remained unresolved from their side. I have records of this correspondence. I stopped using the account and the charges continued until the bank decided to close it in September 2012. I really don't have the money to pay this debt. I would really like to avoid paying it especially as it was disputed with Santander in the first place, I can't afford a CCJ as it will stop me getting a mortgage which I hope to be in a position to go for within the next few years. I am looking for delay tactics without acknowledging the debt to get me into the statute barred date when I can confidently answer a Cabot phone call and tell them to do one! Any wisdom would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Just received letter from Fidelite, cant match up any account numbers on the letter but they are changing their name to Resolvecall by the way, and are threatening me with a home visit. Sayss they are acting on behalf of Crabotts. Want me to contact them else they will call at my home
  9. Hi, I have been eligible to defer my student loans since forever. I went on maternity leave march 2014 around the same time as Erudio started sending me deferal forms. Due to having a new baby and zero sleep I struggled to understand what was happening but didn't send the forms back. I was also made redundant a few months later. I told them verbally and by email that I had been made redundant. Fast forward to now, I'm a full time mum and my income is zero. I've sent them a letter from my previous employer which confirms redundancy and my final salary which was below the threshold. They have now sent a default letter I'm pretty certain a debt collector rang the doorbell last night at 10pm and today at 8pm! Help! What do I do?
  10. for a family friend In may she had a letter from a debt collector saying she owed £1200 to a water company for a property she moved out of in 2006 she contacted the water company who found the system was at fault and had the record of the phone call in 2006 (but not was said) to say i,ve moved and this is the new property. and direct debit payments continued for the new property. there system kept charging the account for four years and the new owner didnt pay anything they sent debt letters to the old address until may of this year the water company reduced the balance to zero and said sorry. now she applied for a mortgage with what she thought a perfect cra record then bang mortgage company have stopped in their tracks today. saying you have a debt collectors search on your record and the rate you want is no longer available what are her options
  11. Hi everyone, As you can probably see I am a new member and really need all the help and advice I can get. I was sent a claim form for Northampton regarding a debt I have no knowledge of and believe I do not owe. Before Christmas I replied to the court with an acknowledgement of service and stated I intend to defend the whole claim. At the same time I sent the claimant the two letters copied below, recorded post. [removed - dx] So as you can see these letters need a response by the end of this week and so I would appreciate any help and advice on how to respond. In honesty I found similar threads here and used templates for my original letters. Obviously the reply to these letters needs to be tailored and I have seen so many helpful posts here I am hoping some of you can be of assistance. If you need any further information I will be happy to provide, it's like a cloud over my head at present. Thanks in advance Amber
  12. Hi Everyone I recently received a debt letter from a company I have never heard of for an amount I don't recognise. A company called Wescot who is acting on behalf of Idem servicing (I have never heard of either before) I requested a full statement of account, a copy of the agreement and a signed true copy of the deed of assignment. I put £1 in the envelope to cover costs under the CCA guidelines, although it was a coin rather than a postal cheque. This is the response i received. "We refer to your letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement for the above account, pursuant to the consumer credit act. We are not the creditor for this account but are instructed on behalf of the above client (Idem servicing). In the circumstances, we are returning your £1.00 coin. Please provide a £1.00 cheques or postal order made payable to idem servicing. You can either send your request direct to our client or resend it to us and we will forward it to them. Also order for us to breach of the data protection act and continue with your enquiry, it would be most helpful if you could confirm your date of bitg and the last address that you have resided together with the date vacated. In the meantime, you will need to make arrangements to pay the account. We shall place the account on hold for 28 days to enable you to agree a repayment arrangement" My question is that they should surely hold those details if they are indeed acting on behalf of instruction? It seems odd that i have to go around them to get that information. Also the fact they are asking for my DOB and former address worries me. What do you guys suggest i do next? I'm half thinking to leave it for now as if this was above board they should have the information i requested shouldn't they? If they start up again after these 28 days I'll write a letter of complaint as they have still failed to provide evidence and under the CCA they are unable to enforce an agreement if they fail to comply with a request Many thanks for your help and advice.
  13. Hi everyone, Hope I am putting this in the right place. I pretty much cleared up all my debs quite sometime ago so I haven't been around on here much. However there was one debt I absolutely refused to pay. HBOS. My account went 50p over which was supposed to be covered the day it happened or the money went in after the 50p was applied or something and mushroomed out of all control. They added £32, then £32 more all for the 50p and I was livid. This was 2008. I told them they could chase me forever, I would happily pay my overdraft and leave the bank but I was not paying the extra £164 in charges. My over draft was £150.00 and they claimed I owed them £364. I am not proud of it but I cut up my HBOS card and never used it again I changed all my phone numbers and moved, and I spent quite a bit of time moving around so they never pegged me in once place for long. this debt reared its head again about a month ago. I new I had no contact with the bank whatsoever since end of 2008 so I sent off the statue barred template letter. Today I received a reply saying I had made a payment onto the account September 2011 so the debt was not statue barred. This cannot be true, the only thing I decided I would ever give HBOS after 2008 was some very colourful language should they track me down. There is NO WAY I made any kind of payment or even contacted HBOS at all beyond 2009, I remember full well because I specifically setup a Barclays account when I started a new job in 2009. Does anyone have a clue what I can do? I haven't been able to find any information on this happening to anyone else. Thanks for your time
  14. Hi All Thanks in advance for any help. My Situation: I left the UK in 2010, and used my MBNA CC in Canada, I think I last made a payment near the end of 2010. I have received a letter (dated 28/11/2014), asking 'What are you able to pay?' from 'Robinson Way' debt collectors sent a letter to my sisters address (sent on to me via my sister), stating that I owe them nearly £3150. It is asking me to work with them to come up with a payment plan, or they may allow you to pay a reduced balance over 3 months (which isn't very likely in my current situation). I have dual British & Canadian citizenship. And have no plans to come back to England in the short or medium term, but I might like to come back to live at some point. Question #1 My sister is upset at receiving these letters at her address, can I get them to stop? We're concerned that this is bad for her family. I've not lived there for over 4.5 years now. Question #2 What is my legal stance here? I'm very dubious about giving a debt collector in the UK my Canadian details. Question #3 What should I do next? What should I say to these debt collectors? I'm not sure they would like my desired payment plan. Thanks again
  15. A request for help to those more knowledgeable in this area: It's widely believed that instructing more than one debt collection agency at a time is not OK. Indeed, the Citizens Advice Bureau website states the following: Citizen's Advice do not cite where this advice comes from (e.g. relevant legislation). Despite best efforts, I have not been able to find it. Does this claim have any actual basis in law? If so, please provide details of where it may be found. Thank you!
  16. This is the first time I've posted on a forum, thanks in advance for any help I'll really appreciate it. Last January I paid David Lloyd up front for a 12 month membership. I was of course tied in because I'd paid up front. I did use it for first six months and not much for second six months. I always knew I wouldn't renew because it was a one off opportunity because I had money available. I thought 12 months, done the time, won't renew. Late last year I started to get emails to remind me I could renew along these lines: Dear Ms Barker, Membership Number: xxxxx Just to let you know that you can pay your membership fees:- Online with a debit or credit card by going to the website xxxxxxx and following the instructions on screen. Via our Automated Payment System with a debit or credit card, by calling 0207 048 7438 (you will need your membership number). If you wish to take advantage of either of these services your current membership fee of £891.00 is due for your membership at Newcastle. Both the online payments service and the automated payment service will only be available to you for the above payment until midnight on the last day of this month. Of course, if you have recently sent payment please ignore this email. Yours Sincerely Stephen Empson Group Central Membership Manager In January I got texts and phone messages- pretty constant while I was at work- asking me to contact them to renew my membership. As I didn't want to renew I didn't call them just allowed it to lapse and moved on to using a local pool. Nothing once we got to February. Then today an email from ARC Collections asking me to contact them. I emailed them back to say why are you contacting me, I have no interest in renewing. Then I googled it and realised from other people's problems that they will be expecting 3 months notice and now admin fees. Am absolutely desperate, I can't afford this and I don't know what to do. Am also outraged because DL never gave me a moment of indication what they were expecting in calls, emails and texts. Not even a hint. I feel this is set up to ensure people who pay up front fall into this trap. They should contact people in advance and remind about the notice period. I just didn't realise. And now am in trouble. I haven't done anything else yet because I don't know what best to do. Would be so, so grateful for advice. Thanks so much
  17. Hello! First off, apologies if this is an often asked and obvious question. I received a letter from Lowell Portfolio today telling me that they've purchased a debt from Burton (was a store card I had). The thing that's confusing to me is that the debt was taken to court a good few years ago and a CCJ was issued. Since then there's been no attachment of earnings or any communication from the court or the DCA who filed the CCJ. I've been meaning to pay the CCJ off as it's really hurting my credit score and I've just got in to a position to actually pay it off bit by bit (it was issued just as I started uni, getting on my feet now). So the question is, does this sound legit? And if I pay it off with Lowell, can I expect the CCJ to be updated to Satisfied on my credit file? Thanks in advance!
  18. I've been chased by a debt collection agency since 2012 have replied with the 3 letters trick from another website asking them to validate their claim to the same company trading under 3 different names all chasing the same debt, requesting verification of their claim, by providing me with true and certified copies (NOT photocopies) of the original credit agreement the Deed of Assignment (Not the Notice of Assignment) and Deed of Novation. I have now received a court claim despite the fact that they had not supplied me with any of the information I requested? I also sent them a letter by 1st class recorded delivery advising them that they had clearly breached their own industry guidelines and had not followed the pre-action conduct practice direction. I received 2 days later by recorded delivery a copy reconstituted credit agreement without any signature, a copy statement and a notice of assignment on plain paper and no letter head with a scribbled signature that appears digitally printed dated 5th May 2011? I've also and them cpr 31.14 for disclosure with out any reply. I immediately sent them an Estoppel and then a Bill as per my fee schedules outlined in my previous correspondence. I've also sent them CC Agreement request letter. Can any body help me prepare my defence before my court deadline which is 17 days from 17th January 2015. Thank you in advance.
  19. Hi, Today, a debt collector has knocked on our door asking for me. I was out at the time but he says he will keep calling back until he gets me! Apparently he is from Robinson Way, but I have no idea what this is about or how much etc. Yes I am in debt and trying to sort it all out, I have had some advice off here and through national debtline and know a bit about it all. Am I right in thinking that he should not be knocking and asking for money without my prior agreement? If so, I am thinking of passing him a letter when he next calls, explaining that I will not deal with debt collectors at the door but I am struggling to find the right wording and would appreciate your help. If the company write to me directly, showing their ownership of the debt and indeed some proof of what the debt actually is, I am more than happy to start negotiating with them but I don't want people hammering on the door and showing me up in the street. I am also expecting family next week from Scotland for two nights and certainly don't want him turning up when I have people over. Thanks for the help.
  20. Hi I received a letter from debt collector yesterday stating it is collecting on behalf of Euro Car Parks Ltd in relation to a contravention of overstaying the maximum period of time allowed in a Hayes retail park on 31st August. Fine has been escalated to £130 already and this is the first I've heard about it. States my address with DVLA was incorrect. I have checked with DVLA previously and know they have had my correct address since February this year. There are no details of the contravention or CCTV snapshot. I don't remember seeing any warning signs for maximum length of stay as this is not a car park you regularly have to pay for. Any suggestions please? Could I simply say I wasn't driving the car and don't know who was as it's a private company? Many thanks in advance
  21. After receiving £20 a month for 6 years Scott and Co decided to cancel a payment plan then request the full amount of the outstanding debt. With only 7 days notice giving no time to reply to a letter stating this they sent round a Sherriff office to attempt to reclaim the entire amount. The details of this debt are as such, it is an old council tax debt. Scott and Co issued a charge for payment 6 years ago and agreed a plan. The council have since received the on-going council tax and the plan has never been reneged on paying faithfully each month. Scott and Co claim to have sent a letter asking to up the amount, upon not receiving a reply they cancelled the direct debit and sent debt collectors to the door. IS this at all legal ? As the debt was being managed for Glasgow City Council would they not have had to go back to the court for a new Charge for Payment, would Glasgow City Council have had to request this action being taken ? After speaking to Scott and Co they simply claim an edict came down from head office with a report on all these small payment high balance debts and told them to chase them. Is this not outside their remit, this is not a credit debt this is a council debt dont they need the full court procedure to change the terms of a payment plan ? Sorry to ramble but it seems they just want to shaft us as fast as possible by claiming we didn't answer their mails ect, yet they drew the payment for the 28 sept, then cancelled the agreement.
  22. Hi Caggers The misses has just phoned me to say that we had post and one was from SIGMA DEBT COLLECTORS, Now i'll start saying that debt collector do not worry me in the least, but heres my problem... I was with the energy supplier scottish power, then we changed a few years later to a different company. A couple of months ago scottish power sent me a letter saying that I owe £79.00 for unpaid bill. I called them and stated, how do I owe it when I'm on a pre payment meter. His reply was, when you changed supplier did you give us the meter reading? I said no, because no body asked for it, I wasnt to know thats what I had to do and I wasnt told? My credit ran out on my phone before I could finish the conversation. Now I have a letter of Sigma, but where do I stand, like I said nobody asked me for a meter reading also I wouldnt even know how to get it up on the meter. Advice please Thanks
  23. Hi Caggers Just a quick question.. ...I am with payplan which are paying my debts to the original creditors and have been over a year and a half now, i have just had a debt collector letter through my post saying a debt collector is coming round my house tomorrow afternoon to speak about it. i phoned the water company and they stated that payplan have been paying even though they have been told that the offer of payment is not accepted. Is this deemed as harrasment if so what can i do? P.s if the debt collector comes round i will be armed with my camera and a notice of his implies access has been revoked
  24. Hundreds of thousands of people with student loans outstanding from the 1990s have been sent shock letters from the company that bought the debt from the Government. Erudio Student Loans was set up last year by the debt-recovery specialist Arrow Global. Credit industry insiders say the firm is renowned for “carpet bombing” potential debtors and, since taking over the loan book last November, it has been busy. Several readers with deferred loans have contacted The Independent with fears that they could end up with a credit black mark or be forced to repay their loans, even though they remain on benefits. They suggest that Erudio is trying to get ex-students to sign a note changing the conditions of the loan, allowing the deferral status and account to be reported on credit reports. http://www.independent.co.uk/money/loans-credit/former-students-in-uproar-over-debt-collector-9240014.html
  25. ..managed to reduce debt provided I pay within 7 days.. However, I need to avoid CCJ, debt collector agreed.. CAN I TRUST THEM?
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