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  1. Hello Last year, me and my girlfriend joined an X4L gym on a monthly contract basis. We paid the first month on the spot when joining (28th Oct) and shortly after had a bad experience. I went online and saw how bad this place is and we decided to cancel. I wrote down all the things I had to do and when, hoping to avoid this. I sent the cancellation request on 9th Nov online as instructed, saved the 'receipt' and also have the confirmation email that came through a few days later. I allowed the final payment to come out on the 27th Nov and then cancelled the DD on the 28th Nov. That's 48 days before the following payment would have been. I've stuck to the terms, yet here we are. As I mentioned, we both joined. I did everything for us both at the same time. I haven't heard a thing from them, but they are chasing my girlfriend. So far, their demands are 2 months membership plus x2 £25 penalties (sorry, 'admin fees'). Most threads around here are people cancelling DD without letting them know, etc. I can't be bothered to write a letter and post it, considering it's obvious they don't care and will just continue. I just wanted to check, am I OK to bounce their emails and forget about it? I know they have no powers... Or, shall I send a letter with the dates in, anything else?
  2. Hi, I know there are numerous people on here regarding these companies but I need advice. I joined the gym before it opened on the computers in the building. I never received a copy of my contract only 2 emails - one welcoming me to Xercise4less and the other the dd confirmation. I started uni a couple of years later and a dd payment failed. I incorrectly thought I could cancel just by cancelling my dd due to the emails - I had nothing to say otherwise. I had 2 charges of £20, Googled the gym and found the online forms to which I just got an answer 2 weeks later to say my account was in arrears then another 20 charge was added. Then a 60. I queried this with the gym which refused to do anything. I ignored letters and calls with the last letter being Jan 2017. In Feb 2018 I moved house and set up redirection for mail. In March 2018 I got a letter at the new house adding 37 tracing fee! I queried this and said that as I hadnt heard anything I didn't think to inform them but had the redirection in place in case of anything like this. They refused to remove the fee. I took this further, the financial ombudsmen don't deal with gym membership so I took it to the csa. They defended CRS and their charges. CRS have now started chasing again for the £207 and threatening legal action. I have offered 5 a month but no reply. I'm scared of any action as I haven't a clue. Please help. Thank you
  3. hello everyone i have been reading your answers and help to other members i really need your help. I moved from Amsterdam to UK I did not have bank account here my friend started paying my DD of 9.99 per month from March 2018 I started gymicon with him now in june some how he missed the DD. he received a call and letter stating that you missed a DD you need to pay 25 pounds plus your monthly fee for X4Less. he cancel the direct debiticon I only went to gym for a month because now I was little far from gym I was paying my friend to pay the DD. now I am receiving the text msg from X4L saying your account is default call on this number to solve the default when i rang on this number it says you have to pay all 9 months fee plus 25 admin fee Ii told him I was paying monthly and I want to continue gym again and I will pay month by month, he said you sell your membership to us with total fee and you can go to gym till march 2019 which is end date of contract. I also rang the gym and tell them I received msg from you but I want to pay monthly m/ship fee but I will not pay extra they said your account is default now you call on 0144444 ... number to clear your matter then you can start gym again. please advice me what should I do i want to continue my gym but I do not want to pay extra fee. I will appreciate help . thank you:
  4. Hi, Firstly I know there are hundreds of threads for this same matter but I don’t think any apply directly to me. I received an email today from Harlands claiming that I owe them £104.97. This is for a gym membership I took out around February 2017 whilst working away from home. When I signed up to the gym I was told it was a 12 month contract and nothing else. I was surprised to see the payment still coming out a few month down the line once the 12 months was up and I cancelled the direct debit on the online banking app. Heard noting and thought nothing of it until today I received an email saying I owe them the above amount. The email contained an attached letter from CRS threatening legal action if I do not pay. I rang immediately to question why I owed them and it’s because I didn’t follow the cancellation procedure and didn’t let them know and that they charge me every month for missed payments, the £9.99 per month membership fee and £25 late fee. I asked what would they accept payment wise and he said if it wasn’t paid in full by the 9th October they would take me to court. I refused to pay the amount as I believe it’s daylight robbbery! My question is what should I do next? I cancelled the direct debit in July so there are 3 missed payments. Should I email them offering to pay the 3 months I’ve missed and then cancel it after? I really can’t risk this effecting my credit score as I am applying for a mortgage next March/April! But I really don’t want them taking my hard earned money just because they’ve decided to ask for it! Any help would be awesome!!
  5. hi, i had a membership with xercise4less in late 2014/early2015. i was sold this membership with the understanding that there was no contract and that it was a flat rate of 9.99 per month and that cancellation was simple. i used the gym for a few months and then was due to be out of the country for the best part of a year on ops at with work. i called the gym and asked if i could cancel my direct debit and that id restart when i got home. i was told that this wasnt an issue and my membership was terminated and that was that. a few months later i realised that the money was still being withdrawn from my account i called again and again i was told ' yes, cancellation is confirmed'. a few months after this, the money was still being withdrawn from my account and at this point i cancelled the direct debit. i heard nothing after this. until i got home to some red headed letters from harlands and crs demanding over £200 in unpaid fees and admin fees. i tried to dispute this but received no reply from xercise4less i reluctantly paid it (early 2016). id heard nothing since. The past few months ive been hounded by crs with calls, emails and letters demanding almost £200 in unpaid membership fees. after explaining and them confirming that i had already paid these fraudulent fees, i was told that i still had to pay as there was still a contract. i called xercise4less and was told that i hadnt been active on their system since mid 2015 and they would try and sort it. i heard nothing for a few weeks assumed it was done with. a few days ago i got an email from crs demanding money i emailed xercise4less again and have been completely ignored but im still recieving voicemails etc from crs asking me to set up a payment plan... **crs** I have emailed the manager at xercise4less, again. I am trying to sort this as fast as possible but as usual, they appear to be using their usual tactic of ignoring people until they give in and pay. I am only one of hundreds of people that have fell victim to their staff incompetent, fraudulent business and complete lack of moral fibre. I will be in contact as soon when/if they decide to speak to me. From: Sent: 19 February 2018 11:13 To: Subject: CRS Ref No: ,,,,,, Dear Mr .... Re: CRS Ref No: ..../ Xercise 4 Less Ref No: ...... Further to your recent email, It is true that you have not had a contract with them for a number of years, but this debt has been outstanding for a number of years. We have been passed your file by Xercise 4 Less in regards to unpaid arrears due under the terms of your Membership Agreement. On you entered into a Membership Agreement with Xercise 4 Less. You agreed to pay £9.99 a month and give a months notice when you wished to terminate your Agreement. Xercise 4 Less have not received the relevant notice from you to cancel your Membership, but payments stopped in Autumn 2015. As your payments were not honoured and you failed to rectify your breach of Agreement charges were applied to your account and your file was referred to ourselves. Please contact us within the next 7 days on 01444 449165 to discuss repayment of your balance. Yours sincerely, David Castle Collections Department **xercise4less emails** I’m still receiving emails from this debt collection agency. As said in my previous email, I had already paid an ‘outstanding balance’ of over £200. I had been told by your reception staff numerous times that my contract was cancelled. Can you please contact me regarding this. I know I am only one of hundreds of people that are in this situation, brought on by what I can only assume is staff incompetence. As such an amount of time has passed, I can only hope that the current staff has had proper training to stop this fraudulent behaviour happening to other people. Please reply asap as I am being hounded for money that I have already paid, for a contract that has been cancelled for 3 years. Many thanks thank you if youve taken the time to read this far. all suggestions and advice are greatly appreciated. many thanks
  6. I have been having issues with the cancellation of my Xercise for less membership. I completed the online cancellation form on 14th November 2017. At the same time, I cancelled the DD with my bank. I realise now that they do state on their cancallation form that you must give 30 days notive, so in hindsight I did cancel my direct debit too early. After this date, I started to recived email/txt/letters stating that I owed money. I initially read some posts on this webpage and I ignored the correspondance. It went through the usual form: Harlands adding admin fee / CRS txting saying they need to speak to me urgently. I noticed that each correondance from CRS was getting higher in the amount owed. Finally landing at around £180. I decided to try and sort it with Xercise for less. I spoke to them on the phone last week. They saif they could reduce the pice to about £60, which was for my months membership that I didn't give notice for and the buy back fee for the dbt off CRS. They said that would "stop me getting issues with my credit rating, and make it all like it never even happened". I refused, I told them I would accept the £14.99 1 month membership for cancelling my DD too soon but I will not pay anything extra. I also asked why, if they received my cancellation reques form, did they ignore it and coninue to rack up dept on my account. He said because I did not follow the terms of cancellation and cancelled my own DD. I then sent an email (copied in parts from one I saw Slick write on here) about my change of address - as letteres went to my old one - and also regarding the nature of the intimidating letters. I reiterated that I would pay 1 month membership and nothing else. I recieved a phone call a few days later which I ignored and emailed them to tell me to put anything they have to say in an email to me. I have now received an email to say that as a good will gesture they will remove all CRS charges, however as I did not update my address upon relocating they will charge me a £25 admin fee plus my £14.99 outstanding membership payment. So £39.99. Should I refuse this? - also, I moved house AFTER I submitted my cancellation form so it is irrelevant to them where I live at that point. Any advice I what I should reply to them with would be very much appreciated. Thanks
  7. Hi. I'm in a similar boat to others. I was stupid not to read the small print and cancelled my gym membership in December 2017. Since then I've been plagued by calls and texts and now electronic messaged left on my voicemail. I am tempted to write to CRS but am reluctant to start. I'm wary of giving them my address but I'm sure Xercise4less must have it as I had a contract with them. I think my fees are now up to about £200!! Should I continue to ignore it or send them a letter asking them to stop? Thanks in advance for advice
  8. Hello. Please help me regarding the debt I got from CRS for canceling DD. I apologize in advance for my English because it is not good I registered for the xercise4less gym in January 2017 and during the visit I was interested in not having a contract and being able to resign at any moment because I come from Poland and at that time I worked in Great Britain. I was told that there will be no problem and I have to pay 19.90 per month where there was 9.90 on the chop, but I agreed because it suited me. In October 2017 I returned to Poland and canceled direct debit in my bank without informing them because I was convinced that I did not have to. I have now received a letter from CRS about debt for over 200 pounds. Can I somehow resolve this matter to avoid this penalty? Here is the e-mail I received 19 March 2018 CRS REF No: LIVERPOOL CRS HELPLINE: 01444 449 165 ACCOUNT BALANCE: £ 201.47 IMPORTANT - PLEASE CALL US TODAY ON 01444 449165 Re: CRS Ref No: Xercise 4 Less Ref. No: We regret that despite our attempts to reach an amicable resolution to your account, you remain in arrears to Xercise 4 Less. We must therefore give notice that failing to reply to this letter within the next 10 days will result in your account balance being passed to Zinc Group Ltd, one of the UK's leading providers of debt recovery solutions. WE WOULD STILL LIKE TO RESOLVE THIS MATTER We're still happy to listen to your reasons for not paying and will do whatever we can to reach an acceptable resolution for both parties. All that is required is for you to call us on 01444 449 165 by no later than 29th March 18 so we can discuss your account further. Yours sincerely For Credit Resolution Services Nuria Manson Collections Department Thank you for every help.
  9. Hi I've recently cancelled my direct debit to Xercise4less and received a letter from Harlands saying I owe them admin fee of £25 aswell as the monthly fee etc... I had been with the gym for over 3 years now (rolling contract atm). I haven't stepped foot in the gym since 27/06/16. So over £175 wasted (my reason for cancelling). The letter I received from Harlands states that if I do not pay by 10 December I will be charged another £25. So I phoned up Harlands today and offered to pay what I owed (£9.99) without the admin fee ofcourse. But as you'd expect they had declined the offer. I don't know what my next step is to take? I have read a few topics and I'm not 100% sure what to do in my personal situation thanks all.
  10. Hello everyone, I am very sorry to be posting such a familiar tale, but am also thankful to have come across this site. I joined Xercise4less as a rolling monthly member in February, as I knew that I would move before the year and chose not to sign up to a years contract for this reason. I moved away recently, so went in to the gym in October time and spoke to a member of staff about cancelling the membership, they advised me that I could cancel it when I liked as I was a rolling monthly member, so I cancelled my direct debit and thought nothing more of it. Until..... I was checking through my email and had received one from Harlands stating that I owed £19.99 and a £25 admin fee, which would increase by £25 if not paid by 6th December. I thought there must had been a mistake, so contacted the gym. The member of staff I spoke to admitted there had been fault by the staff who was new and not aware of the procedure, although said it was nothing to do with them, and I was subsequently passed from pillar to post between Harlands and Xercise4less with both feigning ignorance and saying that neither of them could clear the charge. I offered to pay the original £19.99, but not the £44.99 given that this was due to miscommunication, however I did this by phone and the terrible Harlands staff member was just very rude and said there was no way she could remove the charge without confirmation from the gym that they were at fault (which they refused to do) and told me that I just had to pay (which I didn't). Of course I am very anxious about being charged a lot of money/being chased by debt collectors, but have found this site reassuring. Please could someone advise me of the best course of action? Thank you in advance and best wishes, El
  11. Hi, I received this email Dear [my name] Harlands administer the collection of all payments due under your agreement with Xercise 4 Less. Your bank have advised us that your March instalment has been returned unpaid "refer to payer" as there were insufficient funds in the account to pay the amount due. We will therefore debit your account on 5 APR 18 for the total amount of £34.99 made up as follows: Instalment Amount £9.99 Administration Fee £25.00 Total Due £34.99 Please note that the submission for this will be made two working days prior to 5 APR 18 and if this date is not convenient, please contact us on the HARLANDS HELPLINE - 01444 449033. Our lines are open 8am to 8pm Monday - Friday and from 9am to 12pm on Saturday. Thank you Once the submission has been made the debiting of your account cannot be stopped. You must ensure that sufficient funds are in the account to prevent further charges being made and possible default action being taken against you. We trust you find this in order and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely Harlands TL;DR: Payments come out on 26th, had insufficient funds, 27th I get the above email I send them this: Dear Sir/Madame, I am a member of Xercise4less, [city[. I have been a member for about 3 years now. A payment of £9.99 was due on the 26th which I had insufficient funds for, immediately a £25 administration fee was added. Such administration charges are unlawful and unenforceable. I am going to cancel my direct debit to avoid paying this unlawful fee. If you at any point attempt to claim this money from me, I will ask my bank to refund me the money which I am fully entitled to under the Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme. To settle this matter, I will pay you the final fee of £9.99. This payment will be made only when Harlands confirm that this will settle the matter. If you fail to agree to this within 14 days, my offer will be withdrawn and you will be paid nothing. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Your Sincerely, [my name] I also send this to the Manager of the Gym: Dear Xercise4Less, I'm a student at University of [City] and have been a member of Xercise4Less for about 3 years now. On the 26th of March 2018 my DD bounced due to lack of funds and after less than 24 hours Harlands are now seeking to charge a £25 admin which I will not pay. Such administration charges are unlawful and unenforceable. To avoid Harlands abusing the DD mandate, I have had to cancel my DD. I am happy to pay you the £9.99 I owe and use your gym in the future but I will not fall victim to this disgusting practice and allow Harlands to charge unlawful fees. If you supply payment details within 14 days, I will pay you £9.99. If you don't accept this, my offer will be withdrawn and I'll consider the matter closed. Yours faithfully, [Name] Then I get this response from the manager (front desk actually cause i guess manager is lazy) Good Afternoon [my name] In regards too the admin fee you have been charged, this is standard procedure of missing a direct debit, same as any other standard order who may charge if missed. We have explained that this will happen is a direct debit is failed to be taken on our terms and conditions which you have accepted. When you activate your account with us and then go on to do your health questionnaire, you accept the terms and conditions before it's all complete. If you have accepted these, this too us means you have read them and agree. If you did not read those, i have attached them too this email for you to read through. Unfortunately, due to this being in the terms and conditions, there is nothing i can do to withdraw this. If you would like to take matters further, i have attached the complaint procedure too the email also, you will have to follow the instruction. However, there is no guarantee this will be cancelled for you, as all your terms and conditions have been accepted by yourself. Kind regards Reception team They also send me the T&C I replay like this Hello, Thank you for the swift replay. As you have not accepted my offer of paying you the outstanding £9.99, I will now consider the matter closed and you will receive no payments from me. I apologize if I did not make myself clear in my previous email. There is no need to withdraw the admin fee, I have canceled my DD to avoid paying this fee. I know for a fact that you cannot enforce this administration fee so if I refuse to pay it you will not receive it. I don't have to accept the £25 admin fee just because it's in the T&C's. The admin fee is punitive and not a true reflection of cost incurred by Harlands due to my failed DD. In the even any money is taken from my account I will have my bank refund it under the DD Guarantee Act. I will also refrain from using your gyms in the future and will inform individuals who use your gym of this ill practice. I am still willing to pay the outstanding £9.99 owed to you but from this point forward all correspondence from you will be ignored and I will only take this matte up with the head office. Kind Regards, [NAME] They replay like this: Hi, I have explained everything possible too you and also sent you the proof as to what happens if you miss a direct debit. There is nothing more i can possibly do here for you. However, you will receive letters from Harlands stating your direct debit has been missed/cancelled. If there is no payment made within 3 months, this will go too a third party. Please be aware, that if this gets to that point, there is nothing at all we can do from club level too help. We have tried to help today by explaining this is a one off payment, as this will happen if you miss it. I will forward this email too our Head Office to make them aware that you have refused to resolve this situation. If you do happen to contact Xercise4less regarding this issue in months to come, there is nothing we can do to help. Kind regards Reception team What is your take on this. It seems like i won't be paying them anything but I won't be able to use their gym anymore. My images dont appear so I just copy and pasted the messages.
  12. Hi, As many people have had an issue with Xercise4Less I too am having a problem with them right now. I saw a student advert on a free month from Xercise4Less and did not realise I was being sucked into a 12 month contract, and only realised after a month was paid for after my first free month. once I saw a month being paid for I immediately cancelled the direct debit! Now I have received a letter from a group of people called "Harlands", saying: (Date of letter 17/10/2017, Date recieved: 21/10/2017) "Your bank have recently advised us that your Direct Debit instruction has been cancelled. The terms of your Membership Agreement mean that you have to repay all your installments by direct debit. Therefore, you must call the HARLANDS HELPLINE immediately on 01444 449033 to reinstate your Direct Debit over the telephone. " They also said: "If you do not call us by 7 NOV 2017 you will be charged an administration fee". I really have no idea what to do! The idea of it being free was really appealing to me. I have already paid 1 installment (this installment got taken out on 09/10/2017), with 10 months left as I have already had a free month (my free month started on 09/09/17)! I'm not really using the membership, also I just can't afford to pay for a whole year, being an 18 year old student! Any help, to what I should do next? I've read on other threads that I should call up (I was about to until I read the other threads). Is there anyway I can get them to cancel my whole 12 month membership? Thank you very much!
  13. Hi All. My wife had a membership with Xercise4less for over 12 months and decided to cancel the membership. She cancelled the Direct Debit, thinking that was all she needed to do. She then received an email from Harlands advising that she had not responded to a letter that was sent out, the copy of the letter in the email had the wrong house number bot correct street name. She was locked out of herXercise4less account so she couldn't give 30 days notice via the website. She has since called Harlands and paid £34.99 (£9.99 membership and £25 Admin Fee) They have advised that they will reactivate the Direct Debit and that my wife can now give 30 days notice via the website. She has now cancelled the membership via the website. I have just found the forum after she made a payment to Harlands. My question is, why should she have to pay for another months membership after she cancelled the DD and made the payment when she couldn't access the account to cancel the account when access was restricted. Is it safe to cancel the new Direct Debit and ignore all correspondence from Harlands Thanks in advance for any help or comments. Tom
  14. Hi, just wondering how you're getting on with this? I'm currently having a bit of a nightmare with it. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?481432-xercise4less-harlands
  15. Hi, joined an Xercise for less gym around a year ago and was paying the peak membership of 19.99 a month with one month notice period. I had actually joined another gym and forgot to cancel the direct debit. I then took cancelling the direct debit would mean that my membership would automatically get cancelled. Recently I received a letter from Harlands saying that my August direct debit had not been received and they are charing me an administration fee of £25.00 which means in total they are saying I need to pay £44.99 to get my account in line. They also said that if I did not pay this by September 25th that I would be charged an additional £25.00. I have tried phoning them to resolve this which re-directed me to the Xercise4Less website. filled out their cancellation form they have now sent me an email saying they can't find my details and asked me to respond with other details which I have. I haven't received a response in this, which would seem odd for a company that apparently am I in debt too. I accept that I should pay the month of August as it is a one month termination clause but I don't see why I should be paying extra admin fee's that they are adding without explaining why. I also cannot get a hold of a real person on the phone, it just goes to an automated voicemal for xercise for less cancellations and re-directs you to their website. What is the best approach to take here as I don't want my credit rating to be affected? Thanks for any advice/help
  16. Hi there, First time posting, but in doing a bit of research before I delved into discussing a letter I received from Harlands, there seemed to be a lot of valuable information on this forum, so hoping someone can help with my specific situation. On 31st March I took out a gym membership with Xercise4Less on a monthly rolling contract with the following information in an email confirmation from that date: "You are committing to a single £20.00 admin fee payment and £19.99 per month for a minimum of 1 months. After this minimum term your membership payments will continue on a monthly basis. You have chosen to pay by monthly Direct Debit and we can confirm that the Direct Debit details provided by you are correct." "You have the right to cancel your Direct Debit Instruction at any time simply by writing to your Bank or Building Society, with a copy to us. Please note cancelling your Direct Debit does not absolve you of your Membership contractual obligations." The following dates had direct debits of £19.99 taken out: 02.05.2017 30.05.2017 30.06.2017 31.07.2017 30.08.2017 I since have been taking on more responsibilities within work that mean I am not getting to go to the gym at all, and as such have cancelled my Direct Debit a couple of weeks ago, and thus my membership (or so I thought, as had been the way at previous gyms...) However, yesterday I came home to the following letter: "Dear XXXXX, re: Your membership to Xercise4Less Harlands administer the collection of all payments due under your membership agreement with Xercise 4 Less. Your bank have advised us that your September instalment has been returned unpaid "instruction cancelled". You have therefore been charged a £25.00 administration fee which means you need to pay £44.99 to bring your account up to date. Call HARLANDS HELPLINE - XXXXXXXX immediately so we can collect this by DEBIT / CREDIT card and reinstate your Direct Debit over the telephone. If you wish to pay by another method, you must still phone to discuss your options. If you do not call us by 23 October 17 you will be charged a further £25.00 administration fee. Our telephone lines are open 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Friday & 09:00am - 12:00pm on a Saturday. Your sincerely, Harlands" My question then is how to handle this? I do not want to reinstate my DD / gym membership. I do not think they are legally allowed to charge me an 'admin fee' (?!), I do not want them to continue adding more lots of £25 to my 'account', and I'm not sure whether ringing them would be a good idea at all. Any help would be much appreciated!!
  17. I've read through all the threads here, and this seems like the best course of action - to write a letter to CRS (who have now taken over from Harlands with harassing my daughter). It's a similar situation to many on the forum - except she was 17 when she signed up, and there was no "adult" involved in either signing up or payments. We have emailed the gym once saying this (on receipt of the first Harlands email): Dear Sir/Madam I am contacting you after taking advice from your staff onthe phone. I have had a contract with you since 2/9/17, which wassigned when I was 17. I handed in a letter on about 12/7/18 sayingI wished to cancel my membership as soon as my year was up, on 2/9/18. Ihave now cancelled my direct debit, and received a slightly threatening letterfrom Harlands Group, asking me to reinstate my DD or pay an admin fee. I have tried to ring Harlands, and have evidence of being onhold for over 30 minutes. I have tried to use Harlands' online system, but thisdoesn't accept the reference number given by them (again, I have evidence). I would be grateful if you could provide some clarity onthis situation, as I have taken legal advice, and would like this mattersettled quickly, and to not receive any further harrassing emails fromHarlands. I wish to cancel my contract as of 2/9/18, as stated in myprevious letter, and would like you to action my cancellation as soon aspossible. As stated in my previous letter, please let me know if thereanything else I need to do. Regards I think it's time for a letter to go to them, so I wonder if someone would give me their thoughts on the text below? I'm a bit doubtful about the dates - it could be that daughter was a bit keen to cancel the DD, and that it hit before the notice period was up, hence the offer of £9.99. She will send this by regular post. She is very worried, but has been ignoring their emails/texts. Thanks in advance for any comments. Your reference: xxxxx WITHOUT PREJUDICE I have received an email letter from CRS on 14/12/18. It once again makes unlawful threats and harassing comments. My Xercise4Less membership was cancelled, in writing, to the gym on 12/07/18. The gym did not inform me of any additional requirements to accepting this notice (copy enclosed). I cancelled my DD mandate in September, and this can also be considered notice that my membership was to be terminated. I will offer a final payment of £9.99 as a fee for a final month’s additional notice. You have 14 days in which to accept this full and final settlement, and to provide details of where I should send the payment. It will not be made by direct debit. I will not pay any administration or penalty fees. Further to this: I was 17, and therefore a minor, when I signed this contract. There is no guarantor or co-signer for the contract. The staff used high pressure selling techniques on me. I will robustly defend any legal proceedings you bring against me. I will not respond to any text messages, email messages or phone calls from you or any other organisation on this matter. Any correspondence will be done in writing. If you continue to harass me via electronic means, I will raise a complaint with Trading Standards, the Financial Conduct Authority, the OFT and the Financial Ombudsman. I also reserve the right to pursue court action for harassment and seek damages. Under GDPR rules, I also withdraw my consent for your organisation to hold data about me, or to pass it to other organisations or entities.
  18. Hi everyone, Same old story, I cancelled my direct debit during August of this year and have been receiving the scary emails of debt collection from Harlands, who have then transferred this debt to CRS who continue to try and scare me. The difference I have compared to others is I had in fact posted my intention to cancel my membership, as I was moving away from the area as I had finished a placement role there, and was returning back to university. Now, to maintain that I cancelled my dd on the day of last payment I posted this letter a month and a few days before the scheduled date. I would have done this online, but I was in the situation where the internet was not set up in my new house, and I had evidence of my new address in paper form. I didn't think much of it and simply posted my intentions to the letter box on my street, addressed to the Xercise4less branch I frequented. Well it couldn't be easy could it? I received communication from Harlands in September, a month after the dd was cancelled, so the day the dd was usually withdrawn from my account. i was on holiday however and didn't read it. Then October came, and they emailed me again. This time I read it, and this is where the journey began. I owed them £72.80, (2 months of membership plus 2 emails). I decided to contact the gym manager with my situation as well as Harlands about the situation. Harlands? They decided to ignore me, and the gym manager didn't read my email but said they don't accept letters, which is (probably) why my cancellation never came into fruition. So, because my life does not revolve around chancers, I set up an auto response to harlands emails referring them to my initial sob story, while I focus on my studies. So now we're at this point, with CRS saying I owe them daft amounts, I would quote, but they sent the letter to my old address but I'm assuming it's over £110.40, their last quote. I'll be honest, I have learned my lesson that I should have read the contract in order to prevent this fuss occurring, but I am not letting them punish me this hard for it. So, I must ask, what should be my next steps, and should I seek to resolve this? Thanks in advance guys.
  19. Hello Need some advice. I joined Xercise4less in June 2015 contract was for 12 months then was a rolling contract. I decided to change gyms and cancelled my membership online on the 26/6/17. I received an email once I did this stating 'sorry your leaving' etc I understood I needed to make one more direct debit payment which left my account on the 30th June. After this I then cancelled my direct debit. I have now received a text from Harlands saying to call CRS on X number. What should I do? I thought as I cancelled online, they confirmed via email and took my last payment that would be the end of it. Any help appreciated.
  20. Hi all! Thanks for all your advice on these forums! They've helped a tonne and I've tried to keep well informed. I thought I'd just ask for some advice to make sure that I'm not doing anything wrong 26 Nov 2015 - Xercise4Less Membership for 12 months 26 Dec 2016 - Last payment made of £9.99. At this point I filled on the form online and cancelled my DD. And then the troubles and the letters started... 28th Jan 2017 - I sent a letter to Harlands using the templates I found on here stating: - I cancelled my DD on 28/12/16 as adequate notice of my cancellation of gym agreement - That I will offer a further £9.99 if they confirm in writing in 14 days this as full settlement of all amounts due. 1st Feb 2017 - Letter from Harlands stating that "All cancellations go through the Xercise4lEss website and that unless they have confirmation from the Xercise4Less head office to cancel, they cannot action my request" As per advice from this forum, I've ignored all further emails, letters and phone calls. 9th Jun 2017 - Letter from CRS stating an account balance of £171.47 and that I have 10 days before the balance is passed onto Zinc. I'm pretty sure that I should ignore further letters but was just wondering if there was something I missed or something that I should do? Again you guys are great! Fortunately I have the means to pay for this if it came to do it but I am not paying out of principle but it makes my blood boil to think of the kind of people they manage to extract money from
  21. I am hoping I can get some advice on my xercise4less membership. Summary of my story: Signed up at my University campus October 2015. I thought the payments would start after an induction at the gym and I never attended. Noticed I was paying and put a cancellation request in in march 2016, as I still had not attended the gym. Cancellation was rejected as I was in a 12 month contract. Forgot about this and was reminded when I noticed a payment on the 2/1/17. Gave notice again on 3/1/17. Cancelled DD as payments are made in advance. As my notice fell into a new billing month, by 1 day, xercise4less want another full months payment. I feel this is really unfair as I never even stepped on the premises of the gym and paid them 16 months. Spoke to their finance team and they didn't want to know and advised me to speak to the branch manager of the gym. I phoned the local gym and the manager was not in, so I left my details and was advised I would be called back. This was 2 months ago and I never heard back. I now have demands from harlands and CPS for £171.47 Any advice? Thanks Craig
  22. Hi guys, Following my recent situation, I've been reading your very informative forum, and thought I would ask for your help. In November 2016, I attempted to cancel my membership at Xercise4Less Glasgow online . Having worked in a bank, the first thing I did was cancel my direct debit to stop any further funds coming out. Although I'd completed the form, I now, in hindsight, realise my system must have crashed before it went through completely - and I take full responsibilty for this! I had also moved address, so did not recieve any correspondence from either the gym or Harlands. Fast forward to Wednesday 1st February: I recieve a text from Xercise4Less stating: 'Dear Member, Harlands have advised they will be sending your account to a third party debt collectors in 14 days. To settle with us please call 01132038602'. I rang straight away, explained the situation, and the Xercise4Less worker informed me that he would waive the fees and I had to make a 1 off payment of £64 to resolve the matter. We agreed that I would pay the amount this Friday - 10th - and that was that. Fast forward again to February 6th - I recieve a panicked phonecall from my mum, telling me a debt collection letter (dated Feb 2nd) arrived for me. Bear in mind this went to me home address in Northern Ireland - I don't know how they got those details. This letter was from CRS, and detailed that 'Our fees of £102.50 have been added. Therefore your account balance now stands at £162.49'. I rang Xercise4Less straight away to question why I had recieved this letter, when I had agreed upon a settlement with the gym already. The employee assured me that the payment on Friday (tomorrow) would end the matter and to ignore any further correspondence from CRS. Finally, today Thurs 9th, I recieved a text message from CRS saying they want to speak to me. Having read these forums, I have no intention whatsoever to respond to CRS/Harlands at all. Fingers crossed the matter is settled tomorrow, but I still have a very uneasy feeling about the entire scenario. Any tips or pointers will be greatly appreciated!!
  23. Hey Guys, It hasn't taken me long on this site to realise that you have dealt with a lot of situations regarding Xercise4Less and Harlands/CRS so, whilst that is comforting, I am still rather nervous as they continue to demand extortionate amounts! I'll keep it as brief as possible: Currently I am working abroad in Valencia, therefore I wished to cancel my Xercise4Less membership (I had membership for over 12 months.) I used their website for cancellation on the 19th December and received an automated email, saying I would receive official confirmation within 30 days. On the 9th January, this email arrived, mentioning that my account had now been cancelled. It further mentions that my 30 day notice started from the day of initial cancellation (19th December), and a direct debit payment went out on that very day (9.99 monthly rate). Therefore, when I received the second (and more official) cancellation email, I decided to cancel my direct debit, as I believed that the December 19th payment would be my notice payment. This however was not the case, and I received a letter from CRS to my parents' home address in the UK, demanding 207.47! am aware that it is absolutely pointless contacting them via phone, so I am only emailing them. I responded to their letter, mentioning how I received an official confirmation letter. However, yesterday they replied with this: On 18 November 2015 you entered into a Membership Agreement with Xercise 4 Less. You agreed to pay £9.99 a month and give a months written notice when you wished to cancel. As your payments were not honoured and you failed to rectify your breach of Agreement charges were applied to your account and your file was referred to ourselves. Xercise 4 Less have not received the relevant notice from you to cancel your Membership. If notice had been given correctly in December 2016, as per your correspondence, you would have still been liable to pay your January 2017 instalment as your notice period, this was not received. What I think has happened, is that I fell short of the 30 day notice by only a number of days, as I cancelled my direct debit a few days after I received the email of cancellation on the 9th January. I am willing to admit to them that I made this mistake and that I will pay 9.99, but the 207.47 payment is outrageous. ny help you guys can give would be hugely appreciated, and if I have missed anything out then let me know! Thanks!
  24. Hi there, I was first contacted by The Zinc Group on 24/02/2017 asking me for £171.47 for their client 'CRS on behalf of Xercise 4 Less'. I was a member of the Nottingham branch of this gym during my final year of university, and I paid the minimum of 11 monthly instalments of £9.99 between 26/10/16 and 25/08/2016. After this point, I had already moved away from nottingham I just cancelled my direct debit and assumed that would be the end of it. I now realise I made a mistake and should have notified the gym that I wanted to cancel. Since the first email from Zinc, I have received two others, the first offering a reduced one-off payment of £128.60, and then another asking for the full amount around a week later. I have not yet responded to any of the emails. Having read numerous other threads on this topic I realise I should not pay the full amount, although I do accept that I made a mistake so would be willing to pay something, just not the extortionate fee that they are demanding. Do you have any advice as to what (if any) move I should make? Any help would be greatly appreciated. N.B. The address they have for me is my old uni address, so I think the only correct information they have on me is my email address.
  25. Hi, I'm 4 months into a 12-month contract with X4L and have requested cancellation on the grounds that I'm frequently unable to park at, and therefore access, the gym (which is too far/long to travel to on public transport) – and this is on the higher £14.99 contract with the massive admin fee. I'm a new parent and work part-time, therefore can only go at certain days/times that fit around childcare and work. After several emails to the manager/front desk of my local gym, I eventually wrangled their head office email off them, who have responded that my reasons aren't covered by the contract cancellation policy and so they won't honour my request (also that their replies are automated and the inbox isn't monitored, which is obviously a lie, based on correspondence on this forum). Any help would be great (I hear Slick is legendary on this!) - Financial Ombudsman can't help because X4L are apparently not regulated by the FCA and although I've contacted Citizen's Advice, I've had no response as yet. TIA
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