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  1. I am having an issue with a very slow moving solicitor who is the executor of my mother's estate. In an attempt to be proactive I have just been looking on the government probate search site (https://probatesearch.service.gov.uk/#wills) and on there it shows a Probate Number and a Date of Probate for her will. Does this mean that - the probate process is now concluded and the funds from her estate can now be distributed? - does it indicate that the process has been started and that the case has been assigned a number but that is it not yet completed? Thanks in advance for any guidance you can give.
  2. I'm not sure if I am in the right area, but hope someone can re-assure us we are doing the right thing. I am a leaseholder in a block of retirement apartments. Two years ago, with 100% agreement of all leaseholders in the block (70) some residents acquired RTM and after lots of visits to other blocks, and doing all the checks they could, the RTM company employed a new MA. After 12 months they decided that these new MA's were actually worse than the original ones, so they terminated the agreement after 12 months by highlighting breaches, using a solicitor. They then employed another MA who, after 12 months, appears to be extremely efficient etc. The problem we have is that the 'old' MA won't release our fund to the new MA. They promised on four occasions over a period of 5 months to hand over at the end of a month, and, to date, they have handed over approximately 30% of our funds. After 3 months, we employed a leasehold solicitor to chase the funds. We were informed that we had to know exactly how much they owed us, by virtue of audited accounts. As the MA would never issue bank statement, invoices or monthly financial updates, we cannot do this. So the legal advice was to go to court to obtain all the account documentation. This was set for a date 10 months after the contract was terminated. Two weeks before the hearing, and after yet another broken promise of transferring the funds, the MA wrote a 'without prejudice' letter saying they would hand all the funds and paperwork over but not until a week after the hearing, as it would take that long to produce the final accounts. Because of this, our solicitor advised us to adjourn the hearing as it would save the costs of going to Court. The RTM Company refused on the basis of all the previous broken promises. From that we had constant pressure from our solicitor, changing almost on a daily basis, to adjourn. These pressure varied right up to the fact that, in the solicitors opinion, the RTM Company would have to pay costs of both sides, amounting to a total of around £18,000 + VAT. There was also a request for £1,500 + VAT immediately for a barrister, suddenly required three days before the hearing. Never mentioned this before in the cost estimates. Our RTM Company was braver than I would have been - they believed that there was no way the judge would deem them unreasonable knowing all the broken promises they had received. So they still refused to adjourn the hearing. Then came a Tomlin Order, written by 'the other side', which offered all the paperwork we required, except Bank Statements and cheque books, if the hearing was adjourned. I understand from paperwork I have seen that the RTM Company still refused until a point where their own solicitor assured them that the accounts could be quantified without the Bank statements. so they agreed to accept the Tomlin Order and adjourn the hearing. Four days after the time limit set out in the Tomlin Order, some invoices and a ledger run off was received. There was also a copy of service charge accounts prepared by the company themselves, not by an accountant. on looking at these documents, half the invoices were missing and there was not information regarding income to the service charge account or the reserve funds. We are now up to date ..... Our solicitor is now telling us we need to go back to Court to ask the Court to order the MA to obey the Tomlin Order. The RTM has explained to the rest of us leaseholders that they are in dispute with the solicitor as they believe all this will do is allow the MA to break it again and again, and they would have to take it back to the Court time and time again. There seems to be no penalty on the MA for breaking what they believe was an official Court order. the solicitor ignores their request for an explanation, and continues to talk in language that doesn't mean anything (according to the RTM) The RTM is asking for support to change the solicitor at this stage. They want to take the MA to Court for theft as they say simply that it is our money and someone wont give it us back. They want to find a solicitor who would do this for us. A number of leaseholders (who as a reminder are retired) don't really understand what is happening and are extremely concerned and upset that for (now) 12 months we have not been able to correctly manage the block and it is beginning to look a mess, reducing the value of our flats. Can anyone please advise what they would do in our position?
  3. Really hope someone can give me some advice! Took car to garage explained front wipers only working on fast and had done some research online but not sure if problem was the wiper motor or switch? asked to diagnose problem for me. Garage called back next day to inform me they had checked the motor and switch and that the problem was actually the ecu. Advised it would need to be sent away to be fixed £175 and gave me an estimate of £300ish total including labour and car back within a week. Two weeks later after 3 phone calls for update but none given, they inform me that ecu is back and fitted but showed no faults when tested. Mechanic then proceeded to tell me i will need a new wiper motor as he has just looked at it and it was swimming in water!!! Now i understand things are sometimes difficult to identify but surely if he had tested wiper motor properly in the begining we would not have proceeded to even looking ecu??? am i wrong??? what do i do now and what is reasonable to pay? I need car fixed as use it a lot for work but dont trust them now. I only have £500 anymore and will have to scrap plus will lose job!!
  4. i got the letter today informing me that tfl intend to prosecute and i can either plead guilty and not come to court , plead not guilty and come to court or plead not guilty and attend a trial. They have charged me with the following: On (date), you did enter a compulsory ticket area without having with you a valid ticket. Contrary to byelaw 17 (1) of the Transport for London Railway Byelaws Made under Paragraph 26 of schedule 11 to the greater london authority act 1999 and confirmed under section 67 of the transport Act 1962. The situation was that when i tapped my oyster card at a station without a ticket barrier, I didn't realise the red light flashed and the sound played differently, and I rushed onto the waiting train. I arrived at my destination and I realised I had insufficient funds on my oyster card when I was unable to exit. It was a genuine mistake, with no deliberate intent to evade the fares, but TfL are still intending to prosecute. I'm a regular commuter and a university student, with a pristine oyster card history, so I am worried about what to do now. Any help or guidance, or sharing of experiences will be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi, I received this email Dear [my name] Harlands administer the collection of all payments due under your agreement with Xercise 4 Less. Your bank have advised us that your March instalment has been returned unpaid "refer to payer" as there were insufficient funds in the account to pay the amount due. We will therefore debit your account on 5 APR 18 for the total amount of £34.99 made up as follows: Instalment Amount £9.99 Administration Fee £25.00 Total Due £34.99 Please note that the submission for this will be made two working days prior to 5 APR 18 and if this date is not convenient, please contact us on the HARLANDS HELPLINE - 01444 449033. Our lines are open 8am to 8pm Monday - Friday and from 9am to 12pm on Saturday. Thank you Once the submission has been made the debiting of your account cannot be stopped. You must ensure that sufficient funds are in the account to prevent further charges being made and possible default action being taken against you. We trust you find this in order and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely Harlands TL;DR: Payments come out on 26th, had insufficient funds, 27th I get the above email I send them this: Dear Sir/Madame, I am a member of Xercise4less, [city[. I have been a member for about 3 years now. A payment of £9.99 was due on the 26th which I had insufficient funds for, immediately a £25 administration fee was added. Such administration charges are unlawful and unenforceable. I am going to cancel my direct debit to avoid paying this unlawful fee. If you at any point attempt to claim this money from me, I will ask my bank to refund me the money which I am fully entitled to under the Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme. To settle this matter, I will pay you the final fee of £9.99. This payment will be made only when Harlands confirm that this will settle the matter. If you fail to agree to this within 14 days, my offer will be withdrawn and you will be paid nothing. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Your Sincerely, [my name] I also send this to the Manager of the Gym: Dear Xercise4Less, I'm a student at University of [City] and have been a member of Xercise4Less for about 3 years now. On the 26th of March 2018 my DD bounced due to lack of funds and after less than 24 hours Harlands are now seeking to charge a £25 admin which I will not pay. Such administration charges are unlawful and unenforceable. To avoid Harlands abusing the DD mandate, I have had to cancel my DD. I am happy to pay you the £9.99 I owe and use your gym in the future but I will not fall victim to this disgusting practice and allow Harlands to charge unlawful fees. If you supply payment details within 14 days, I will pay you £9.99. If you don't accept this, my offer will be withdrawn and I'll consider the matter closed. Yours faithfully, [Name] Then I get this response from the manager (front desk actually cause i guess manager is lazy) Good Afternoon [my name] In regards too the admin fee you have been charged, this is standard procedure of missing a direct debit, same as any other standard order who may charge if missed. We have explained that this will happen is a direct debit is failed to be taken on our terms and conditions which you have accepted. When you activate your account with us and then go on to do your health questionnaire, you accept the terms and conditions before it's all complete. If you have accepted these, this too us means you have read them and agree. If you did not read those, i have attached them too this email for you to read through. Unfortunately, due to this being in the terms and conditions, there is nothing i can do to withdraw this. If you would like to take matters further, i have attached the complaint procedure too the email also, you will have to follow the instruction. However, there is no guarantee this will be cancelled for you, as all your terms and conditions have been accepted by yourself. Kind regards Reception team They also send me the T&C I replay like this Hello, Thank you for the swift replay. As you have not accepted my offer of paying you the outstanding £9.99, I will now consider the matter closed and you will receive no payments from me. I apologize if I did not make myself clear in my previous email. There is no need to withdraw the admin fee, I have canceled my DD to avoid paying this fee. I know for a fact that you cannot enforce this administration fee so if I refuse to pay it you will not receive it. I don't have to accept the £25 admin fee just because it's in the T&C's. The admin fee is punitive and not a true reflection of cost incurred by Harlands due to my failed DD. In the even any money is taken from my account I will have my bank refund it under the DD Guarantee Act. I will also refrain from using your gyms in the future and will inform individuals who use your gym of this ill practice. I am still willing to pay the outstanding £9.99 owed to you but from this point forward all correspondence from you will be ignored and I will only take this matte up with the head office. Kind Regards, [NAME] They replay like this: Hi, I have explained everything possible too you and also sent you the proof as to what happens if you miss a direct debit. There is nothing more i can possibly do here for you. However, you will receive letters from Harlands stating your direct debit has been missed/cancelled. If there is no payment made within 3 months, this will go too a third party. Please be aware, that if this gets to that point, there is nothing at all we can do from club level too help. We have tried to help today by explaining this is a one off payment, as this will happen if you miss it. I will forward this email too our Head Office to make them aware that you have refused to resolve this situation. If you do happen to contact Xercise4less regarding this issue in months to come, there is nothing we can do to help. Kind regards Reception team What is your take on this. It seems like i won't be paying them anything but I won't be able to use their gym anymore. My images dont appear so I just copy and pasted the messages.
  6. Hi, After some advice if anyone can help. It's very complicated - well, at least it is to me as I'm totally out of my depth! I'll try to be brief... Back in 2013 I was on JSA and totally, brutally, skint. I had a small pension with Standard Life, the current value at the time was 10k. I received a cold-call from a company offering me a way to transfer my pension and release 20% of the value immediately. I was 38 at the time and even I knew that this was probably a bit dodgy as 55 seemed to be the only age this was allowed. But because I was so poor I figured that £2k now and worry about the 18k in 17 years time! The fees they charged me were horrendous, but I got £1780 and to be honest it saved my life. Fast forward two years and I had a phone call from a genuinely nice guy at HMRC asking me why I hadn't filed tax returns for my "company"! Long story short, this pension release firm had set up a holding company for me and transferred my pension funds to it, they then bought £8k worth of shares in some crazy business - I had no knowledge about any of this. The guy at HMRC basically said, "don't worry, we come across mug-punters like you all the time, your only crime is being a thick idiot, but we will come after you for 40% tax on the full 10k unless you transfer the funds into a proper SSCP" ? I've got in contact with the original firm which handled the paperwork (interestingly it's not the same company which cold-called me - they were just acting as an introducer for their commission). Again, to be fair, this firm who handled the paperwork have got back to me and said there's still about £900 my "fictitious" (to me) holding company, and the 8k shares are real. So, I've got the original share certificate coming from the business I "bought" 8k shares in, and the firm have promised to send me a check for the £900 once "they have concluded business with HMRC as they've deregulated your small stakeholder pension fund". I hope the above makes sense, as it barely does to me. I guess my question is, IF I get sent a cheque for £900, and IF these shares turn out to be worth more than the paper they're written on and I sell them, then do I need to tell HMRC and pay 40% tax, or do I wait for them to ask for it in the fullness of time. I'm still on JSA. Thanks if anyone takes the time to make sense of the above. And please feel free to ask me more questions - I'll answer to the best of my ability.
  7. Hi, After applying for a payday loan, I got through to the final stage of the process - where the loan was confirmed and I would next hear from the company when the money had been deposited. 'My account' page on their website showed the loan as 'approved', but the application was still 'pending'. I had to speak to the company on the phone to confirm financial details before the money would be available. Following this telephone conversion I was informed that the loan would have to be declined. 'My account' page on the website now shows that I do not have any current or outstanding loans with them. However, now comes the interesting part, the funds (total amount of loan requested) were deposited into my account. There's no option to pay the loan back as my account shows that I don't have any outstanding loans. Any thoughts about this would be much appreciated. Should I contact them to repay the money they have deposited in error? Or should I keep the money? Thanks in advance.
  8. Is it right that an online store (Debenhams) have got authorisation to take funds from my account for an item that they have now told me is not in stock - still advertised on their website as being in stock though. I completed the order and got email confirmation (although the T&C's say no contract is formed until the item is dispatched) and then shortly after received another email saying the order is cancelled. Are the online stock systems so poor that they do not update automatically. I have called my bank and I will not have access to the funds until the authorisation is withdrawn or 10 days pass. It is not the amount here but the principle.
  9. Hi All, Sent a parcel via Parcel2Go on behalf of My Hermes Parcel Shop, my scales showed the item at 0.98Kg however they have come back saying that was incorrect and it is showing as 1.4Kg and they want me too pay an additional charge of £1(for underpayment) then £2.49 (admin costs,) I have sent 100s of parcel using them and I said to them must of been a mistake and I will cover the underpayment but with the admin cost being 250% of the underpayment I don't want to pay it all they have done is sent an automated email to make me aware of this anyway (they say the held the package but they don't they still deliver it.) So anyway whilst disputing this I had to put a claim in for a parcel that got damaged at the value of £10 and they approved it, how ever they won't release the funds for me to refund the buyer with as I haven't paid the above fee, I can't see anywhere in their terms and conditions that state they can hold funds from an insurance pay out. Link here - http://tinyurl.com/hj7fn4x I have spoken via live chat several times but they are not budging. I also imagine with the 100s of parcels I have over paid myself as I round up the weight so I don't get hassle like this. Are they allowed too do this ? Thanks in advance.
  10. A large amount of money was left to me in a will as the sole beneficiary and the amount involved is approximately £8500 and the lot was misappropriated by my brother who owns a house probably worth £200,000 or millions in his country. My brother had already been given a large sum of money prior to my father passing away. I need help drafting a very threatening legal letter with all sorts of legal terms to see if I get any reaction otherwise I will need to engage lawyers. My brother lives in South Africa however the law is basically the same even though it is based on Roman Dutch law. I can adapt any legal terms to suit the situation, but thought of stuff like should he lose he will be liable for all costs which will probably amount to thousands and this may put his home at risk. Any suggestions are welcome as being a pensioner this money will help. Thanks.
  11. Hi, I have an issue with Motonovo finance I'm hoping I can get some advice on. A couple of weeks ago we put a deposit down on a van with a dealer called Cars and Vans R us, we didn't actually see the van they said they were internet based only that all their vans are ex contract 1 owner, and at a different depot blah blah blah, they have a large presence on ebay and offer a money back gaurantee if you are not happy we felt happy to proceed. They also arranged finance for us with Motonovo, they bought the papers to our house to sign five days later delivered the van, I was not happy with the condition they took it away to work on over the weekend bought it back on the monday however I was still not happy with it refused it and rang Motonovo straight away to cancel the agreement, so far not so good. We found an alternative van at another dealers and set about getting the finance sorted, we thought we were all set then Motonovo turned around and said they wouldn't release the funds on the new van because Cars and Vans R Us were withholding the original advance and the deal couldn't progress until the funds had been recovered. Is this standard procedure can they really penalise us because one of thier 'preferred dealers' won't give the money back, what happens if he never gives it back? Will we be liable? The dealer also claims he's now sold the van. Because of our circumstances we are limited to the funding options open to us otherwise we'd walk away and because they told us we were good to go I put a £300 deposit on the second vehicle. Feeling annoyed, foolish and embarrased in equal measures at the mo'
  12. I placed an order on the 28th of October with Amazon for £289.99. I was trying to get an understanding of when the payment authority would be removed because it just happened to go out on rent day! I have contacted Amazon and Halifax and both have been useless. Wont do anything until it's due to fall off. It would help if I knew if it was going say tonight overnight or next Thursday as I have to push to find more money if they are going to take longer. Have called Halifax twice (cost £5) emailed Amazon twice. What is the standard
  13. Hi all. I have just done an accurate expenditure and income sheet which amazingly shows that we have £500 a month free. I don't know where it is in the real world, but that's what it says. My wife sent it off to BWLegal (it's her debt of £7k+) with an offer and it was refused. Their counter offer is that they want us to pay £375.98 per month which is 75% of this 'surplus'. Would a court find this a reasonable percentage!? If not, what would be considered a reasonable percentage? There are other debts, If I divide the total amount against an accepted reasonable percentage, it would be normal to pay pro-rata, yes? Thanks for any help.
  14. Does anyone have points of reference for failed pension schemes they could nudge me in the direction of please? No urgency (I'm 46 so it'll probably all change before I get there) For a little background, I paid into a scheme for 20 years to a total of something iro 60k, my employer ( I thought) was matching same but apparently took a few years off here and there and paid nothing into the scheme during its final 4 years. I received a notice from the trustees and L&G who now manage the fund about 4 years ago advising it was only able to sustain those already in retirement or due to retire within the next 2 years. Do I have any recourse to recover anything at retirement?
  15. Hello, I am new here as you can see, I am not sure where to post this question. My ex partner and I are members of the same credit union, about a week ago he contacted them making a claim that I had accessed his account and transferred money from his account into mine (apparently done a year ago) the credit union has reimbursed funds to him from my account and have extended my credit to pay him back. I was told previous to this I could not obtain a top-up loan until I had paid the current loan back in full, so how is it possible they were able to 'loan' me more money so-to-speak. I knew nothing of their activities until I logged into my account. I was never informed by any means, no text, phone call, email or snail mail, no forms or loan agreements were sent to me either. My question is; do they have the right to do this without my permission just on the say-so of another member? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  16. I have put myself off from writing this because I am already on this site in regards to another situation I am currently going through, and the two people who have been assisting me with that may well see this and think to themselves: “Oh God - not them again”. I left Glasgow in May 2009 with a council tax (ct) debt of, apparently, £1000, covering 3 ct years and 2 addresses. While at these addresses I spent a vast majority of my time unemployed, only being employed for 2 christmas temp jobs from Nov/Dec 07 and Aug/Dec 08. Other than that I was in receipt of JSA. When I left Glasgow I was only due to pay for April and May 09 ct of £45.58. However, due to the nasty people at the letting agency I rented my flat through I am now, what appears to be, being charged a full year of £395.41 and not £45.58. Apparently, my former letting agency are holding me liable until the terms of my lease agreement (I don't know what they are or what they mean), and because they couldn't rent the flat between May and September 2009, rent they are trying to obtain from me but to date have done nothing about, I am being charged full (no 25% single person's deduction) council tax of £108.72. Now it appears to be £395.41. I received a letter in March 11 from STIRLING PARK informing me I owe GCC £907.98. After getting my act together I started to pay SP £5 per month as from March 12, which was all I could afford as I am on ESA due to having mental health problems and difficulties. In February 13 I received a letter from BPO Collections demanding the full amount of £960 19. I was confused about this as I had assumed that SP were dealing with this debt, and after writing to SP was informed that they are no longer dealing with GCC and BPO Collections have taken it over. To date I have paid them £5 (I pay £2.50 per fortnight), and to date I have paid £65 towards this debt as from March 12. In January 12 I received a letter from GCC informing me of a how much I owe in regards to each outstanding (os) year and address, and it was broken down for me to see. The total was £606. 41. I wrote to both GCC and BPO Collections, with enclosures of this letter, requesting GCC to amend their records and to inform BPO Collections of this amount. I have just received a letter from GCC informing me that I owe £950.19, and that since the letter of January 12 the amount has increased. However, I was not sent any paperwork in regards to this increase or any thing else. Basically I am to take their word for it and pay it. Tough on that. How can a debt go from £907.98 to £960.19 to £950.19 and no sign of the £65 I have already paid? As James Stewart says in REAR WINDOW: “Since when do flowers grow shorter”. I have just written a letter to GCC asking them to send me EVERYTHING they have on these os debts and I will get someone to look over the paperwork, but in the meantime any help and advice will, as always, be gratefully appreciated. Thanking you in advance. Bohomiz
  17. I do most of my self employed as a buyer for second hand cars and machineries and sends them to clients outside EU who also banks with Barclays. I had a barclays current business account that I've been using for the last 8 years got closed a month ago for 1 year dormancy without my knowledge. So un-aware of this, I gave the client the account number that was closed and when the money came to UK I couldnt access it. When I explained this to my business manager he suggested that the money could simply be transferred into my Business saving account that I've never used. So the other Barclays had to send amended SWIFT to Barclays UK with new instructions (the money should simply be paid into the Business Savings) In the meantime Barclays apologised and offered to open a new business current account which I accepted under condition that once I get the funds then I shall deal with opening a new bank account. So far its been 4 weeks back and fourth between making calls to the international payments, sending e-mails and of course being spoken to like a kid by my business manager and branch managers. In the end (two days ago) i found out that they were all giving me the same standard answers as to why they money isnt into my account. Apparently Barclays is withholding this money as they are investigating the source ( the gentleman works for an International Organisation in that country and banks with barlcays) and he sent the money through Barclays. So the most I could think of is money laundering, but I've received more money into my business current account that they closed than what's been sent into the savings. So far he says he is losing £2500 per day this issue delays as I cant buy him the equipment from here in the UK. He has presented the Invoice and additional information and also has confessed that Barclays at times withholds his own salary upto 2 months for no apparent reason. As it is, I'm aware I can easily report this to Financial Ombudsman as I'm also losing money every single day this money is withheld by Barclays and my business reputation with customers is also on the line. Can anyone advise me on legal or otherwise options, and how best I should handle this matter.
  18. Hi all, I've been advised that I need to get a whole new bank account to prevent my money being taken by PDLs. Does anyone know of an account/ bank that allows you to deposit funds the same day to cover dd's etc? I'm currently with natwest who will allow you until 2pm to get the money in to cover a payment going out that same day, therefore preventing charges when I've forgot to put money in or miscalculated my available funds?
  19. Hello All, I just noticed last night that some money was missing from my account, (Santander), after speaking to the bank it turns out two payments have been made, apparently using my card, and chip and pin. I am waiting for them to investigate. The problem is I still have my card, and I am very careful with my Pin, how is this possible? there is no way someone cloned my card, and if somehow they did, they could not of got my pin as well!. I have read banks are blaming customers if funds are taken using chip and pin, and there may be a new kind of fraud around where fraudsters have bypassed chip and pin, but I'm concerned now, if someone can steal funds without my card or my pin, and it still show up as chip and pin then nothing is safe?. How did they do this? are the bank going to try and not refund my funds as it was "chip and pin". Confused and concerned, Thanks for any help.
  20. Hi All, Apologies if this is in the wrong forum - I couldn't find anything that exactly matches my problem. Myself and 2 others setup a company (we're each directors with 2 shares each and we have a shareholder who isn't a director who also owns 2 shares, so we own 25% each). The main problem we have is one of the directors is withholding several thousand pounds cash (from an event we ran) from the company and we're not sure exactly what we can or should do about it. We have several witnesses that the director has the money and we have an email that confirms the amount. Also - we've literally just discovered that they have either stolen money from the till in the shop or have stolen stock... Any ideas what the best resolve for this problem is? Myself and the other director are thinking of involving the police - but we're not sure if they'll even do anything about it... If there are any questions please let me know and I'll do my best to answer them. Kindest Regards, Craig
  21. Hello there, just found this website thanks to google As the title goes, my debt is too much to handle, and I'm currently on JSA due to redundancy some time ago, I've been struggling with payments, basically I've been getting 0% interest cards and shifting them over when I can, but I cannot continue in this way for much longer, its really making life hard at the moment, I owe £7k to Halifax £8k to Barclays and also other cards below £2k. I've phoned debt consolidation, they said they could get it down to £100 amonth (currently paying almost £400, but I use it back around £250 of it). Thought that could help, but I heard its better to get in contact with the creditors themselves than rather call a second party so to speak. I've read here briefly of offering £1 amonth, is this doable? I mean can it be done? if so, be a tremendous help! and I can relax and get better food and spend some of the cash on getting some new clothes for my kids which I haven't done so for such a long time! I've never missed a payment btw, and I feel like enough is enough cannot go on, cannot afford it any longer.. Sorry if such a topic has already been opened or discussed, as I have limited time on the net. Thank you all for your time.
  22. hi, dont know if this is the right place to post this but maybe someone can advise. I recently saw some thomas cook vouchers advertised on a website for sale. I am trying to save money on my holiday as we all are, so I made an offer to the seller which they accepted. She said she wanted payment through paypal as this was safer all round for both of us. So I duly sent the money, including extra to pay for special delivery signed for. She said the money was received and entered a tracking number to show they had been sent. On trying to track the item i realised it was not a valid tracking code. i contacted her asking her to send me the correct royal mail tracking code which is 13 digits. she said she would contact royal mail. initially she said royal mail could not trace it. I was insistent she send me the tracking number but she still did not, kept fobbing me off. I contacted paypal who have put a dispute on her acct. she now says the vouchers have been sent back to her address by royal mail. she still hasnt given me the tracking number so i can validate this. ive said why dont you just send the vouchers now, once i receive them i can call paypal and tell them the matter has been resolved. but no she wants to issue me a refund, then send the vouchers as she "trusts me" then when i receive them i can pay her again. its all a bit dodgy. my question is, paypal have told me if she does not provide a reciept, they will issue me a refund. but what if she has spent the money already, and there are no funds in her bank account? can they still take the money back off her, even if there are no funds in her account? I also wonder if I should contact the police, as her refusal to send me a tracking number is worrying, its an easy enough thing to do and i have asked several times!!
  23. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2158352/Banks-siphon-refunds-owed-PPI-victims-square-unpaid-debts.html Are you one of those affected ? Post your story below.
  24. I am beginning to have a very stressful time with Barclays, and the fact they can't seem to let go of money that is not theirs. Below is a draught of a letter I am preparing to send to whoever I have to. It will explain my situation a little better. Otherwise tomorrow morning I'm going to my local branch and refusing to leave until I get something out of them. Any help or advice will be much appreciated. * Ok let me explain my situation here: My father sadly and unexpectedly passed away nearly 3 months ago now. Barclays were informed straight away and his accounts were frozen. The will was old, but my sister and I were the beneficiaries, not executors. I had the three valid executors renounce their right and applied for probate myself. This took some time. I received Grant of Administration on the 25th of November. I rushed up from **** as soon as I had the certificates in my possession, and took them to my local Barclays branch in ****. I naively had a hope that presenting myself as the executor of my late fathers estate (with the appropriate ID and certificates to prove it), would enable me to immediately take control of his assets. I had no idea that I had stepped in the ring with a beast of bureaucracy. The staff certified it all and sent it off to the service centre. The service centre confirmed that they received it the following day. I was told to wait by the branch staff to wait until the middle of next week before phoning to check up. On Tuesday the 31st I rang and was told I needed to specify a method for the funds to be released to me. As I did not have an account with Barclays I was advised that a cheque would be the best method. It would take up to 10-12 working days for the cheque to arrive I was told. I realised, that with the taking 5 working days it would take to clear into my Nationwide account, It would take up to three weeks for the money to be available. Three weeks was all I had left in the country. I told you this. You assured me that I'd have it by then, and to speed it up I could open a Barclays account of my own – so that you could do a direct transfer into it. This made sense to me. I open an account with the bank, and the funds come through quicker. I'd been thinking about opening a new bank account anyway - to deposit some of the £60,000 I'll receiving as part of the pension payout my sister an I are entitled to. Two birds with one stone as they say. So that same day I rushed down to the **** branch, before they closed, and booked an appointment to open an account the following morning, December the 1st. I phoned you straight after opening the account to inform you that the funds were to be transferred there. Over the next week and a half I phoned you on a regular basis to check on the progress of proceedings. I was told that the paper work needed to be controlled and checks made. I told you each occasion that my time was limited. Each time you'd reply by saying that you'd enter my case as 'urgent' in the system. At the beginning of the second week of December, I was at one point told that it could take up to another 15 working days! By the end of week I was informed that the funds would be transferred on Tuesday the 14th. This finally cheered me up. I started making plans to pay back monies owed. On Monday the 13th I phoned again to see if you could confirm that I would be receiving the funds the next day. “Any day now” you replied. I remained optimistic. Tuesday morning: nothing yet transferred Tuesday lunchtime: ditto. Tuesday afternoon: I phone the service centre once more. I'm told to wait another 10-12 working days. My normally good patience has now run out. Now that the 'case' has been handed to the processing team I have to possibly wait another two weeks? Two weeks is too late for me. How am I going to pay the bills when you don't even give me internet banking to the account I opened with you. How will I access the funds when half way around the world? Could you not of already starting proceedings from the moment you received the original paperwork? Why does it take so long to make a simple transfer. Most of us can now do this in an instant. Why can't you? This is the 21st Century! Are you too busy investing in the arms industry to update your own systems? You have had enough time to get your act together and now I am left in a very difficult situation. As an organisation you obviously have no heart. I have informed you from the start that my time is limited. I had to drop two jobs in Asia to come back and deal with my late fathers estate. The last two and half months have been non-stop, and I now have a lot of bills to pay. My sister, who lives in Switzerland, is also in a tight situation and has many bills to pay by Christmas. These last couple of months have been very hard for us and we don't need this unnecessary stress. On Sunday I leave to spend Christmas in Switzerland with my family (I'm trying not to think about if I'll be able to buy presents in time), and right after that I fly back to Asia. I will spend the first four months of next year conducting a wildlife survey in a very remote location. Naturally I will be in no position to deal with any remaining issues here in the U.K. I have a lot of loose ends to tie up by the end of this week. The only thing holding me back is a lack of funds. Why does it take all this time to simply release these funds? Why do I kept being told different stories? To me it seems as if you are merely playing one delaying tactic after another. All you seem to care about is keeping our money for as long as possible, so that you can profit from it. Profiting from the misery of others is not commendable. I had been considering recently that I might use your bank to hold on to a large sum that is due imminently. But after being messed around these last few weeks I am reconsidering my choice of bank. I no longer think it'll be wise to bank £60,000 of my money with Barclays. I am appalled at how you treat grieving families. I hope you can now understand my position. When I need something done, I do it in the quickest time possible. Why can't you? Your regrettably, ****
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