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Found 7 results

  1. Hi all. My mother has received the attached from Arrow. It purports to be for an over payment on a former debt which has been cleared some time ago. I can confirm that the debt did exist. I'm just querying whether this is legit and not some sort of phishing exercise. If it is legit could you advise on next steps? Many thanks in advance. DD Wales
  2. I have been in writing to Drydensfairfax Solicitors back in March 2016. They are acting on behalf of their client Max Recovery Limited who purchased a debt. I had previously asked them for a credit agreement and copy of the deed of assignment. Back in March 2016, they wrote to me in reply. They provided me with a basic office copy of a credit agreement. They claimed that their client, Max Recovery, had provided them with a copy deed of assignment, and that they had attached this to the document for my perusal. Upon checking the documentation, this assignment was not present as stated in the covering letter. For the past year, I have had no response from Drydensfairfax. Today, I checked my credit agreement, and I am horrified that they have placed a default on my credit file on the 30th May 2017. Under section 87(1) Consumer Credit Act 1974, I have NOT been provided with a written default notice prior to this default being placed. Can anyone please advise me what to do next as I feel that the default is illegal!? The other concern is that Drydens should not have put the default in their name as the debt belongs to their client Max Recovery Limited. Am I correct in thinking Drydens have done this default incorrectly it should be their client!?
  3. Hello CAG! As stated im 16 years of age. I am ashamed to say that one day I was extraordinarily stupid and stole an £8.00 rucksack from primark. I was stopped and detained by two men (who were very rude and arrogant) who proceeded to demand my name and address, which they said they would check on "police radio". I gave them said info and they let me go. A few weeks later I receive a letter from "RLP" demanding £186.50, and claiming that I stole £12 worth of goods. I have a few questions. what should I do about the letter and fine? is the police radio thing legit or a scare tactic? could I get into any trouble with police? could I get taken to court if I ignore the letter? thanks a lot guys.
  4. Hi All, I had started a CCA process with Idem servicing with the OL being Citi Financial. I took out the loan in 2007 and have had a minimum payment going out. All payments have been stopped whilst my CCA request is in process. Idem promptly replied within the set time of 12+2 days with many copies of the signed contract with Citi financial, i just want to make sure that what they have sent is enforceable, if so should i resume my payments and send a F&F offer to them. I have uploaded the documents that were sent to me.
  5. My husband and I are looking to buy a newer used car from xcarfinance.com (mother company is BIG MEDIA PRESENCE) on a finance deal with them. Before we part with our money would anyone out there know anything about this company...i.e. they are a [problem] or if there is any advise to keep away from them? The problem is they operate only on the internet only (have no showroom at all) and we pick cars from the pictures on line (which may not be a true reflection of the actual car). We have been trying to search on line for any customer reviews on this company but simply cannot find any... They are working with a company call MotoNovoFinance.com and we called them and they said that xcarfinance.com is a legitimate company and they have been working with them for 12months todate. I am still not convinced... Can anyone out there give me advise please?
  6. ordered some furniture from border bedrooms and beds in north wales but i am getting suspicious due to them not answering any calls or emails. the website is found through google under border bedrooms and beds (sorry cannot post link) .... does anyone have experience of dealing with them? i received a confirmation email 7 days ago but since then i have called and emailed many times requesting a delivery date and heard nothing. probably stupid of me not to investigate further before buying but thought everything looked ok on the website. they also seem to have about 5 different phone numbers listed on the internet but no one answers any of them. Any help would be much appreciated.
  7. hey all my nan wants to re-write her will and i have just seen an offer on WOWCHER offering a will writing service for £19 from a company called WSL limited? how can i find out if there legit? (sorry if this is posted in the wrong section) thanks all x
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