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Found 10 results

  1. A three-year-old boy has died after drowning in a swimming pool at a David Lloyd fitness club in Leeds. Police were called shortly before 9.45am on Saturday to the club on Tongue Lane after a report that a child had entered the pool and drowned. The boy was taken to Leeds General Infirmary where he was later pronounced dead. Although police are treating the incident as an accident, they are appealing for anyone who was in the pool at the time to make contact. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/boy-3-drowns-david-lloyd-fitness-club-swimming-120600253.html
  2. Lay-Z-Boy sell reclining chairs with a15 year warranty on the frame. This warranty is a key selling point. My chair broke within the warranty period and they have been very difficult to deal with. Firstly, they insist on proof of purchase irrespective of how long ago chair was bought. Now, they want me to pay £60 for an engineer to take a look at the chair before they would consider my claim. They are now saying my warranty is void since the present owners of the firm only took over 2 years ago and the retailer who I bought the chair from is now out of business. Wide & Berth springs to mind.
  3. Sentenced to life .... will serve at least 5 years ? Did I miss something? Surely life means that.. life ?
  4. A 15-year-old boy has been arrested by police investigating an alleged hacking attack on the TalkTalk website. He was held on suspicion of offences under the Computer Misuse Act, following a major breach of the telecoms firm's website last week. Police are now searching his home in County Antrim in Northern Ireland. http://news.sky.com/story/1576555/boy-15-arrested-over-talktalk-hack-attack
  5. I'm reproducing this email despite what it says at the bottom. Will I go to prison The address it came from is Johannesburg South Africa, is that near Richmond ? I live in a completely different part of the country.
  6. A SIX year old disabled boy from Swindon is receiving letters from the courts and the threat of bailiffs – for not paying a penalty charge notice. Brandon Blades, is autistic and can’t cope with crowds, public transport or unfamiliar spaces – he has been provided with a car as part of his disability allowance to help him get around. The car is registered in his name and displays a blue disabled badge which exempts his family from needing a permit to park outside their home. http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/14506018.Courts_chase_Swindon_six_year_old_in_parking_ticket_fiasco/
  7. Hi, I overheard a conversation today that I couldn't help but get involved in. The upshot was that a mum had got behind on her council tax and there was a liability order. She sent an email to the council copying in Rossendales who had visited her putting forward an offer of payment. Rossendales responded - the council didn't - but she did not respond to Rossendales. She has an outstanding complaint with them levying a fee on a car that had finance on it to which they had never responded and had refused to deal with them until they did. Rossendales turned up on her doorstep and she refused them entry pointing out that she will only deal with and pay the council directly, reminding them that there was still an outstanding complaint and that more over, since their visit 3 years ago, she had gifted all non-essential electrical items or those not fixed to the wall to her son. Rossendales response was to say 'so what, you still owe the money and we will keep on coming back so that you incur charges'. She advised them that she wasn't giving them access and shut the door. They exact same bailiff had visited her today and left a letter and that's what she was talking to her friend about. I chipped in and asked if she had given them proof that she had gifted the said items and that there was still a complaint and she said that she printed off both letters and handed them to them with the items blacked out as she had sent the letter to the council when she had complained to them about Rossendales previous conduct. The council had finally responded to her on Friday saying that they will accept her proposal and she replied informing them of what had happened with Rossendales last week, that she would not deal with for the reasons she had laid out and that payment would come to the council direct as well as reminding them that items had been gifted. I thought that Rossendales actions were intimidating and bullying as there is nothing for them to levy on and they admitted they would keep on attending to incur charges as did she. Does she have grounds for a complaint? Very interesting afternoon at the park! Bel
  8. Hi Guys Long time reader of the forums, have only posted in one thread before regarding parking tickets when I was issued one in 2009. Advice was sound, nothing came of it as usual, a couple of 'debt' letters and they soon stopped writing.. I went to the British Grand Prix in 2012, parked at a services so my Uncle could pick me up from there, issued a ticket - again a couple of snotty letters, it's been nearly a year since and not a peep. Recently though, they've tightened parking where I work. This means I'm choosing to park at a Sainburys across the road on a daily basis, for up to 8 hours a day, if I choose not to move my car.. The number plate on my car is pretty unique, so the guy who wanders round issuing tickets must love it each day knowing I'll be there long enough for him to issue a ticket. I've started amassing quite a few - all correspondence is kept for record, but ultimately ignored. I've started getting letters from controlaccount plc chasing the money, the usual stuff. In the back of my mind I'm worried that something more will come of it, because of the sheer volume that I am receiving. I've probably had 15 since the turn of the year.. Now I'm not here for pity or anything like that. I'm stupid for parking there knowing full well I'll get a ticket, and I know a lot of stories on here are "I was 2 minutes over the 3 hours period" and whatnot, I'm openly admitting I flaunt the rules daily, so no beef in that regard please. I just want your thoughts on how likely this is to go further, based on the 'evidence' they're gathering.. EDIT: Just to add - All of the regular 'charges' are issued by eurocarparks. Cheers Jaspen
  9. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2012/08/15/nl-olympic-athletes-touched-by-timbit-815.html
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