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Found 9 results

  1. My employer offers employees a payment if someone applies to work for the company on their recommendation, and the person they referred to the company stays with the company for a qualifying period. A colleague referred two people, and with each of those referrals she was told that the person applying hadn't put her details on their application form, which is a requirement to claim the reward. She knows as a fact that that's incorrect, because she witnessed the second referred person putting her details on their application form. I recently referred a friend, who accepted a position with my company. I've made multiple enquiries to confirm that I will be getting my payment if he stays with the company for the qualifying period. However, none of my emails have been replied to, and it feels like I'm being stonewalled (especially in light of my colleague's experience). Assuming that my friend remains with the company for the qualifying period and that the company doesn't give me the promised payment, what options do I have to recover the money?
  2. British army officer killed during WW1 is honoured as he is laid to rest READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-army-officer-killed-during-ww1-is-honoured-as-he-is-laid-to-rest
  3. Seven british Army soldiers killed during World War 1 are honoured as they are laid to rest READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/seven-british-army-soldiers-killed-during-world-war-1-are-honoured-as-they-are-laid-to-rest
  4. World War 1 soldiers finally honoured after over a century READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/world-war-1-soldiers-finally-honoured-after-over-a-century
  5. hi sorry I'm not sure where best to post this. We have a remortgage going through with nationwide. During the application process we were asked if we needed transfer of equity and we said yes. It then told us we needed legal advice for this and do we want a quote from one of their solicitors and do we want a quote? We said yes and it brought back a quote of £255, asked us if we wished to accept and I said yes and proceeded with the application. I then got the application summary which states everything: Transfer of equity required? Yes Free legals taken? Yes Solicitor quote provided? Yes, £255 Quote accepted? Yes We then got the quote breakdown from LMS with nationwides logo at the top which included solicitor base cost, telegraphic transfer fee and disbursements totalling. £255 including VAT. But doesn't include transfer of equity. We were then allocated to gorvins solicitors by lms. We received the welcome pack with quote and request of payment for £535. This again didn't include the transfer of equity but had everything in the lms quote breakdown but each item more expensive and other fees such as scanning and file storage. I rang them to query it but they didn't know why the quotes differed but said transfer of equity would make it more expensive. I've been passed back and forth the 3 of them with promises someone will contact me but never does. Until I spoke with someone at nationwide last week who has chased them up for me but rather than reply to her they replied to me. Gorvins stated I'd been provided with an old quote due to a technical error and it is now more expensive but agreed with nationwide. I then spoke to lms who had a supervisor ring me back today and tell me the same thing and that they can only apologise and close the file for me if I don't want to go ahead at the price provided by Gorvins. They said all the firms they work with will be the same price as fees are fixed and they can only apologise and told me to contact nationwide as they were the ones who provided the first quote. I said it wasn't good enough because they've now delayed us 3 weeks without any work even being started on the remortgage and now I have to find a new solicitor. They also asked if the nationwide quote stated £255+fees as it would normally be quoted as base cost for the remortgage(£325)+fees and I confirmed it hadnt and said this was wrong as the additional £210 fees are compulsory for the basic remortgage even without transfer of equity so shouldn't be hidden. She then agreed to submit a formal complaint. I then contacted nationwide to complain to them about the initial quote to be told the initial quote is provided by LMS even though it's their website they work together and solicitor side of it is nothing to do with them and it's fairly new but they've been asked that all complaints go through to LMS's complaints department so they are aware of it and it's happened a few times with others but LMS will be dealing with it. What do I do now? Do they not have to honour the quote that was accepted and agreed? LMS didn't really seem interested and just kept telling me I could decline and find my own solicitor and didn't have to go through with theirs. Should I just go with my own to avoid any more delay or wait for the outcome of the complaint? I've found one for £435 including transfer of equity? Thanks.
  6. Hi, I'm posting on my dad's behalf, who in May this year had his caravan repaired by a local repairer. The repairer is just a sole trader, and not a limited company. On his website he says that all repairs he does he gives 12 month warranties on. Although, on my dad's paperwork it just says "warranty, as dated above".. A few weeks ago he had a damp test done, and it showed that water was still getting in, due to not being sealed properly, and the panels replaced in May would need replacing again. The readings were around 30%.. My dad contacted the repairer and told him this, but he never came round to view the caravan when he promised. Ever since then my dad has had his calls ignored, or when he answered and knew it was my dad, he just hung up. He has also visited his unit in person, and he wasn't there but people tell him he had been working earlier in the week. If he had called round he could have done his own checks. My dad is due to get another repair company to quote on getting the work done, and he will also get his damp report in writing done by his engineer. He spoke to caravan & camping club legal team who have advised him to send a "letter before action" and give him 14 days in which to respond. I am due to write the letter at the weekend and think that I we will have to give him until early in January to respond because of the Christmas break. Would it be best to ask for whole amount to be refunded, or just ask the rogue repairer to pay whatever it costs to put it right? I will of course attach copies of the quotation, and also the damp report. I shall include a copy of the invoice to my dad when the repair was done in May. I'm not sure what rule he has breached by not honouring his warranty, so if you could tell me I would appreciate it. I've also asked for advice on a caravan & camping forum and was advised to post here as you could help more with the legal side. Thanks for reading. Apologies for the long-winded post.
  7. I thought it would be nice to post this article about this brave canine character. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-36814706
  8. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-battle-of-jutland-sailor-killed-100-years-ago-is-finally-honoured-after-his-grave-site-is-identified
  9. I requested a SAR from Arrow Global: template removed - dx read out rules please} This morning, I received a thinner-than-expected package containing some computer printouts and some copy letters (not all I sent). Within was also their statement: Data subject requests under the Data Protection Act 1998 do not entitle a data subject to gain access to all documents they care to mention nor even to all documents which may be relevant to them. The purpose of a data subject access request is to enable the individual to check whether the data controller's processing of his personal data unlawfully infringes his privacy. It is not an automatic key to any information, readily accessible or not, of matters in which he may be named or involved. Therefore we have conducted a proportionate search for personal data relating to you. Can anyone tell me if this is correct. I wanted everything they hold about me, including correspondence between them and MBNA. Many thanks for your help.
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