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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I have had a POPLA PCN Smart Parking appeal rejected and would like any advice on what may happen now. Details My wife was driving my car, parked at Matalan and paid £1 for the correct amount of time. No overstay. Only thing was she put in the car reg of her own car, not mine. When she realised this she tried to contact them to get it changed, but she couldn't get through on the day and on the Monday she was told she'd have to appeal the PCN. (Yes, she should have bought another ticket at the time but it didn't cross her mind and thought it would be an easy thing to rectify.) Appeal We appealed, they said no sorry, it was your responsibility to put in car reg. We went to POPLA, but they rejected appeal with the same conclusion. Question Now what? Will Smart Parking ask for the money again? Does anyone know how likely Smart Parking will take me to court if we don't pay? If they notify me of a court case can I pay at that time if I don't want further hassle? If I go to court and lose, would this be a CCJ against me? Thanks in advance.
  2. Waited for a parcel before xmas. option to collect from matalan. collected it along with £100 ticket. what to do next.
  3. I hope I have posted this on the correct forum I have recently encountered a very distressing experience with a store manager at my local Matalan upon complaining to customer services the customer services also have pulled rank and has taken the side of the store manager, making me out to be a blatant liar . I insisted the cctv be watched back on of my visit and conversation with the store manager which showed that i was the one telling the truth . They would not allow that I discuss this incident further with a area manager , and getting details of higher managerial to take my complaint to is impossible to come by . Does anyone know what my rights are when requesting information of the Chief Executive of Matalan please ? like an email address etc , thank you
  4. Hi, I bought my suitcase from Matalan what I thought was around 11 months ago. I can't seem to find the receipt but was told by your customer services telephone line that it's not needed due to the warranty that is on the suitcase of which is 10 years. It seems that a screw has dropped out of the metal arm that the plastic screws into and therefore has affected the way that the handle comes up and goes back down deeming it a manufacturer fault. The manufacturer informed me to take it back to Matalan and get it exchanged. Hooray! Upon taking it back, they scanned a barcode inside which said it was £30, though I remember paying at least £50 for it. They can only assume that the last price they sold this particular model at (which is now end of line) was £30 in a sale, and nothing says otherwise that I didn't pay £30 for it. The new equivalent models are £45 to buy like for like. I've contacted all of my banks and all of my credit cards, and can't find any proof of purchase anywhere, so I can only assume that I paid cash, which is something I hardly ever do, and I'm trying to think back as to why I would have. Where do I stand legally, as a friend of mine states it was 2012 I bought it, but I honestly thought it was less than a year ago, so shows how much I know about dates and times. I'm not trying to [problem] anyone for more money or anything. I just want a like for like suitcase as part of the worlds lightest range, with 4 wheels and a working handle. Where do I stand? Many thanks.
  5. I placed an online order with Matalan a few months ago, and a couple of days later received a card to tell me the delivery company had called. As I was not home (I work during the day), they had taken the goods away and would try again the following day. I found the card when I came home for lunch, and phoned the courier to get them to drop off the goods with a neighbour - they refused. I tried to arrange delivery on a day when I was going to be home. They refused - they would only attempt delivery for three consecutive days, then send the goods back to Matalan. I tried to find out what time they would deliver - they would not tell me. I tried to arrange delivery at my workplace two miles away - they refused. The courier was only interested in posting three cards through my door, as then Matalan would have to pay them. I immediately phoned Matalan (too long on hold - I gave up), and emailed, but their response time to emails is so slow that I had the full set of three cards before they even acknowledged my communication. I was completely frustrated - the items I wanted had been inches from my house, three times, and I couldn't have them. I sent a detailed email to Matalan setting out the history and demanding a full refund. This took some time, but eventually I got my money back. They also dismissed the courier and hired another one. They also sent me a money off voucher. Excellent customer service is not difficult, and it makes a great deal of sense. Matalan had lost me as a customer, but by their actions they rescued the situation. They also have some free publicity - I tell people about it. Thanks again Matalan - you are the best example I have seen of effective customer service.
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