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  1. PWE have sent an NTK to me claiming a charge of £50 for failure to pay for parking - I'm unsure what the best option is. To respond with your form : 1 Date of the infringement Tue 31st July 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] Wed 15 Aug 3 Date received Unsure 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] N (that I can see) 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Not provided but presumably what they went to DVLA with 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal]N Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N 7 Who is the parking company? Park with ease 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Ferry Meadows, Peterborough
  2. Hi I'm wondering if anyone can help. Received a parking Eye charge and appealed but it's been unsuccessful. I wasn't aware of a time limit, shopped for Christmas and I'm disabled so it took longer because a) I can't walk very well and b) the shop was busy with Christmas checkout queues/busy aisles. I was there 1hr 57 mins apparently. In my online appeal I couldn't find the receipt so uploaded a copy of my bank statement showing a purchase on that day. I've since found the receipt. The error I made from reading these boards now is that I named myself (registered keeper is my husband) as the driver. The email I've received today advises me theyve extended the reduced amount of £40 for 14 days further, or I can appeal to POPLA. Do I continue on with the appeal or just have to pay it as I named myself as the driver? Thank you in advance for any help. For PNC's received through the post [ANPR camera capture 1 Date of the infringement 20/12/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 01/01/2018 3 Date received 05/01/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] not that I can see 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes an anpr caprure of my reg plate (too dark to see driver) 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] y not sure how to put pics up Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up y 7 Who is the parking company? Parking Eye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Aldi Hampton Peterborough For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE BPA If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here Email stating unsuccessful appeal via parking Eye
  3. Hi, Apologies if this is in the wrong forum but wasn't sure where to post. Recently I attended Minevention - an event advertised as a convention for Minecraft lovers. Unfortunately we left after 15 mins due to there literally being nothing in the arena. It was a big event with about 4000 people showing up and there were some "popular" youtubers there. This was the only thing there really, plus a merchandise stall (which had counterfeit goods) and a sponsor stall and about 20 computers to play minecraft on. I think really it was missold - many people said if they had stated it was a 'meet and greet', they would have never have went. It turns out though, that many companies who said they would be at the event, bailed last minute, leaving a very empty arena. Lots of people have complained about the event and wanted refunds - quite a few people got them without question on the day, but many more (including myself) complained once we were home. Unfortunately the Organiser has since deleted all the negative feedback off their facebook page. They have finally responded to refund requests with offering tickets to their next convention, which most people are unhappy with - due to how poor the event was/travelling the distance to be let down again etc/feeling very ripped off. I personally wouldn't go to another one again. I am not too concerned about the money for myself - it was a lot of money to spend 15 minutes in an arena, then to walk out with a disappointed child, but I think I am more concerned with HOW MANY people were upset about the event. Some people travelled a long way for the event (fortunately we lived close by), even booking hotels, taking children for their birthday's - only to go to an arena with semi-popular youtubers, a few computers and queues and queues for food. I feel like something needs to be done for them (rather than myself). Some people have complained to BBC Watchdog but I am just wondering what could be done? As a collective could anything be done? Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I appreciate any suggestions/feedback.
  4. Hi thought I would add to the long list of complaints for Seetec. Today I found out that I was going to have my money stopped. Because the 5th new advisor had listed on my action plan the dates for me attending the wrong way round starting with the later date first. Sadly I got confused and did not attend the one listed later being the 1st one to attend, and attend the first one listed at the wrong time. Genuine error. I emailed my advisor to try to rectify this but guess what the useless Moran does not know how to communicate. Made a complaint to the centre manager he is just as useless did not address the complaint just kept saying the same thing it's listed in black and white. My guess is his priority will always lie with his staff as he is there manager. No phone calls or communication from them to be sent 2 good reason letters from the job centre. which is the first I knew about missing the appointments. Had they have communicated better and gave me a chance to sort this out. But no there are so gun hoe on stopping your money whatever. I have never missed an appointments or been late ever. But hey that's not even taken in to account. Found out also they get themselves a little bonus if they stop your money. Guilty until proven innocent. NOT A HAPPY BUNNY. The work program at Seetec is a waste of time. The staff are rude and useless. Don't even bother making a complaint cos that will get you no where. I made a genuine error which I was prepared to sort out and go in later that day another day but they don't care not interested in the slightest. You missed it end off. Let's see what my appeal says when I get it back in 3-4 weeks.
  5. Good evening This happened around two years ago I must confess and although I stumped up the fees the bailiffs wanted, this has been eating away at me ever since as I feel I have been completely stiched up. Background: I went through a very messy marriage breakup and moved away from down South to East Anglia. My now ex-wife left me in all kinds of crap. Long story short, I then got made redundant from East Anglia and found myself somewhat qucikly back down South whilst going through a severe bout of depression. Anyway, I had a rented flat and I fully admit that I didnt manage to keep on top of things including council tax. Bailiff: One day in October 2010, I had just come home and come through the front door. There was a knock at the door and there was a bailiff and their monkey boy standing next to them. They asked if I was Mr blah blah to which I confirmed I was and the bailiff pushed past me and stood in the hall refusing to leave. My now fiancee was very scared by this and called 999. The Police initially refused to attend until I said that we were concerned for our safety and they then decided to arrive Police: The Police were particularly arrogant and were of the view that there was nothing wrong and claimed I had made threats to them (this is for the record completely untrue but the officer who attended has issues with telling the truth) Debt: The fee from memory was about £1700. We paid this as we had no choice Why am I posting this? I dont understand how a bailiff can walk into someone's house without permission, surely this is trespass? I was never left details of their "totting up" of my valuables which I understand I should be and surely from reading the other posts, should the Police have allowed this to happen as surely as the home owner it is my choice if I let someone into the house? I realise this is some time ago but it is really upsetting me even now and I remain very angry. Rossendales were as you would expect somewhat disinterested and didn't feel anything wrong had occurred although they never provided me a breakdown of fees I would welcome your advice because this really upsets me and I am very down over it all. I realise some of this was my fault and that is fair enough but I certainly have not been treated fairly at all Thanks everyone
  6. I hope this is the right section as a first time poster I'm a little unsure. Been refered here by the moneysavingexpert site as posts there suggest better respone will be gained here. To put things in terms here goes: Firstly She has recently received 2 letters from a company called Tower Invertigations asking a person of the same surname as my mum (but someone else of the first name) to contact them about an investigation. My mum contacted me to ask about it as she is always unsure about such things. I done some research and said ignore as it's almost certainly a [problem] of sorts and they are probably blanket sending to a lot of people in the area with the same surname to locate a certain person. But today she gets a letter from a company called Global Debt Recovery Ltd which are saying there is a debt traced to the same person (as in the previous 2 letters) there. It just gives an account number and something along the lines of to contact them or futher action will be taken and something about baillifts or something being sent round. Research says again it's kind of the same company chasing up expired\about to expire old debts and possably using public\credit referance check details etc to find addresses with the same surname and sending out intimidating letters in the hope of finding the person they are looking for. Now the name on the letter is 100% not living there for as long as my mum has had the place. She even phoned the council and they confirm the person they are looking for is not regested as living there. But my mum is concerned that this latest letter may end up getting her and or the address blacklisted and her not able to get credit etc when she has spent years repairing and building up a fairly decent rating. My original thought was to tell her to ignore it. But are my mums concerns about the address getting blacklisted valid I wander?. Can a company chasing an apparent debt of a person get a court judgement against my mum and or the address?. Can they send debt collectors round and harrass her?. Or as I think can they do nothing as there is no way they can ever get or prove a person that they are looking for lives there as they never have while my mum has been there?. The next info is as follows: my mum has just got off the phone with me somewhat upset. As it seems that about the time of this last letter she has also had about 3 or 4 calls (today being the forth I think) asking for the same person in the letter and when being told there is no such person there then asking for another person. They then again ask my mum for the original person as in the letter claiming they must be there as it's there (the asked for person) phone number. It's been the same call each time my mum informs me. But the number is witheld each time But here is the thing, there is no way from what we can tell(assuming it's connected) they could have got my mums phone number as it's modile on payg. Latest, today (5-09-10) My mum has had another letter from this even more dodgy looking firm. And more fool her she responds and phones them!!!. The letter has the following details as I can confirm as I have a scanned copy of there letter. Dr Mr xxx Client Welcome Financial Services Ltd Debt due £53xx.xx Your name is regestered as non paying on a recorded debt. To clear your address now telephone us (thats right clear your address not debt) etc, etc. And it finishes with: It is our intentions (and I know that word myself means nothing as such) to issue proceedings withing 10 days of the date of this letter. There is then a direct bedit thing at the bottom of the scanned letter I have to pay either in full or via monthly rates. So she calles them and as repeated by my mum here is how it went: They insist the person in question lives there, and confirm to my mum they have her mobile phone number and thats is how they found her as it was a contract phone regestered is the persons name they are looking for. Yet no it is NOT, I bought that phone for my mum new never used on a PAYG basis and it has never been used as a contract phone. They then state the persons name (they are looking for), dads name and apparent previous address they lived at. And insint they live where my mum lives and she has to clear the debt. And if she dont they have pretty much insinuated they will blacklsit the address so she will never get credit again. They then pretty much call my mum a liar at which point she hangs up. But this is all doing my mums head in and she dont feel happy that she had to be made like she has another persons debt loaded on her and has to pat upon the threat of court action or having her address blacklisted. Please, any advice from fellow members?
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