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Found 14 results

  1. Good evening, I'll try to summarize briefly : - 10 day ago washing machine stopped to work at the end of the program, door locked... - I notified to the landlord the issue sending him an email with all details and a quick video where he can see what is the actual problem - After a couple of days I received a reply from him where he'll put me in contact with the guy who manage the house in his name so he can arrange the repair - This guy send me an email (landlord was in cc) saying and he requested a repair and he already arranged the payment. - This tuesday I received the visit of the engineer who made the work in about one hour This morning I found a letter in my letter box from the UK's leading specialist warranty provider about a "Repair and care plan" signed in my name (t's mentioning my name and surname as Customer Name) with a duration of 6 months. The payment has be arranged with Landlord's bank account, a Direct Debit Payment Schedule with a 6 Monthly payments. I'm pretty nervous cause he never agreed with me to arrange for a care plan and I never authorized him to do it in my name... I wrote him after a couple of hour I found the letter asking some explanation cause we never talked about care plan, he replied saying when he was doing the payment there was no different in price between the one-off repair and the care plan and due to the care plan is covering 6 months he decided (according with the landlord) to proceed with that. I replied him saying i'm fine with anything the landlord wants, but the contract needs to be signed in my of the lanlord... All email conversations contains the landlord as cc, at now they stop not replying ... How should I proceed?
  2. I received a voicemail message today on a mobile phone that I just use for data. Only two close family members know its number. It has a sim on a monthly rolling contract. My Equifax CRA file, via ClearScore, has an entry showing TalkTalk and the last 2 digits of the account number, but no details of the phone number. The call was from 03445560216: "This is a private call from Cabot Financial. If you are available now, please press 1" ...pause for a few seconds... "This call was placed by Cabot Financial. We can be contacted on 03450700112." Equidebt wrote to me over six years ago, soon offering 80% off. When they went out of business, Cabot took over. Last year, they wrote that they, Cabot, a debt collector, were passing my account to Ruthbridge, a debt collector. Serious stuff. Ruthbridge offered 70% off. Meanies. If I didn't take them up on this magnificent offer, they might, they wrote, return the account to Cabot, who might 'look at alternative activity'. Do they mean skullduggery? Does anyone here have experience of this sort of thing, debt collectors getting hold of phone numbers unlawfully? Or is it just some kind of scattergun approach where they don't actually know who they're phoning? I'm not really bothered, more curious. I just haven't got around to sending them the Limitation Act letter, which I used a couple of years ago on another matter to stop Robinson Way. Which was nice.
  3. Until this morning I'd never heard of Canada Square Operations, and now I'm just a little bit concerned. I received a letter from them stating that they'd previously rejected my ppi claim as it hadn't been mis-sold but that I can now complain again due to Plevin v Paragon. However I didn't recognise the account number they quoted and was surprised to see a complaint reference. So I dug out my old files and can see that the 16 digit account number is for an old Citi Visa Card that was defaulted in 2006, and when I cca'd them in 2008 they couldn't provide a copy of the agreement so that was the last I'd heard of them and I've never paid anything to them for 10 years. As well as being unable to send me a cca back in 2008, it's now statute barred in any case! I've never ever made a ppi claim to Citi (the only ppi claim I've ever made was to NatWest) so would anyone know how this could have come about? Would Citi have made a claim on my behalf? Is it some sort of trick? Thanks in advance Florish
  4. Hi, I've just returned to the UK after being abroad for 5 years studying, I moved into a new flat and tried to get electric moved to a credit meter and was denied. I requested my staturtory credit file and have found that Arrow Global have registered a CCJ against me with judegemnt by default (date 20/07/2017). I had no warning or knowledge of this and they used an address that I moved from at least a year before I left the UK. I've no clue what it is for, and have no idea how to go about dealing with this properly. Ideally I'd like the CCJ set aside but first I have to find out what it is for? Thanks
  5. On holiday in Thailand, I kept my phone in flight mode throughout my holiday, or used hotel wi-fi... . Except for one inadvertent internet session in a restaurant three doors from my hotel lasting, at a guess, approximately 30 mins (thought I was still connected to hotel wi-fi, nothing on the phone to tell me otherwise until a text message arrived to tell me the cap of 50 euros had been applied, for which I was grateful). Annoyed that I'd spent £40 unintentionally, and cursing myself for a fool, I put the phone back into flight mode. Needless to say, when the bill arrived (from Utility Warehouse, but I suppose it could be anybody) it wasn't £40...it was £754! I put in a complaint and the response is to reduce the charges to £300, which I actually think is quite reasonable... But I thought I'd see what others think before I accept - any ideas?
  6. On the 1st of September i enquired about downgrading my unlimited high speed broadband to a bt basic package with a 10gb limit. They charge for every 5gb you go over. This was due to take affect on the 16th of September. 16-19th September the internet refused to work and i had to wait for it to stabilize. On the 16th of September they sent an email saying i went over the limit and it was over 300gb! For some reason, they decided that they would charge me from the 1st of September while i was still using unlimited broadband. At no point did anybody mention to me they would be monitoring the usage while i was still using unlimited, i phoned them up and they said i will have to pay the usage charges, at the moment i absolutely refuse to pay as it would end up costing over £350 Where do i stand??
  7. Can anyone help me out with some sanity checking? Based on meter readings, from 9th December to 4th March (86 days) I've used 8,601kWh of gas. 100kWh a day seems an awful lot to me given that the house hasn't felt particularly warm (albeit not particularly cold most of the time either). Since the last bill, I've managed to put 943kWh through the meter. 85kWh per day again seems quite high to me. It's a two bed mid terrace (circa 1910) that came in as a 'D' on the last EPC. Do these numbers seem reasonable to anyone? I never used anywhere near this much gas in the last house I was in (2-bed semi, albeit more modern).
  8. I received an unexpected later from my insurance telling me I should pay £525.23 (after my policy had been cancelled). I rang them up to ask what this figure was for, being told that my claim I had put before was because I was at fault. ??!! I had not been made aware of this before, neither is this in the handbook policy. Please help!!!! I thought insurance is there so it covers you up in case of an accident, whether your fault or not!! I am with only young drivers. thank you.
  9. First, some background: I'm 77 but both my wife and I are still working due to need. I work through a private limited company in a form of consultancy, my wife in a retail business partnership. We rent privately a house where we've lived for some 20 years and where the Council Tax has now risen to nearly £280/month for 12 months. During 2015 my work opportunities dropped dramatically, worsened by a couple of largish bad debts. Although I was always up to date with CT payments things started to get particularly difficult from about February and I fell into arrears amounting earlier to over £900. For other reasons (non-priority debts) I'd worked out personal financial statements and these showed monthly shortfalls of income over expenditure of between £350.00 and £150 at different periods; I've steadily reduced expenditure, applied for and received from April Working Tax Credit (about £80/month) and steadily and systematically sell possessions (eBay mainly) while also trying to get work-related income. I've corresponded and spoken with the local council who were prepared to make some timing concessions re payment by scraping around as mentioned above I've got the debt down to just under £500 while still keeping monthly CT payments up to date. I've looked into both getting housing benefit or some form of CT relief but this isn't possible because my wife both owns a house elsewhere in the UK, several hundred miles away, and has tied-up financial assets of over £16,000. My earning are currently zero and so my monthly income (other than from sales of personal goods) is around £525 (state pension + WTC) while my wife's is about £800 (state pension + about £550 earnings). Despite making slow progress in reducing the debt and despite keeping the Council updated with my situation I received last week a court summons for the £500-odd, including a £40.00 court fee. In my last letter to the Council I'd pointed out that I was genuinely doing what I could, that clearly I didn't want to incur additional costs unnecessarily and that if the issue went to court I would argue that I simply had insufficient funds or access to funds and so the Council would perhaps get less than I was actually paying at present. So, some questions: there was no notice of an imminent summons although there had earlier been a general warning of court action. Is it not the case (as the Patricia Perl book suggests) that any court action should be preceded by a clear final demand a fortnight or so before that action? By juggling money around and probably defaulting on other expenditure (including September's CT) I can probably just about meet the demand in time (court date is 5 September) although I'd been working towards paying the current CT and another £100 off the debt. I'm not at all pleased not only about the actual summons but also the added £40.00 I'm considering making a complaint to the Council about premature action contrary to apparent agreement and refusing to pay the added cost (though I guess I'd have to pay it and subsequently claim it as a credit against future payments). How realistic are these approaches and is there anything else I can or should do? Clearly the long term need is to get properly back on track but that's going to take months and in the meantime I need to avoid getting prosecuted. I've seen references to protection of OAPs but I can't find anything specific which supports that. So, any useful suggestions will be very welcome. Thanks in advance.
  10. Yesterday we published the results of the latest National Rail Passenger Survey (NRPS). We surveyed more than 31,000 passengers in spring 2015 and found that overall satisfaction had dropped again. The latest results show poor performance, particularly in south east England. This has led to another drop in overall satisfaction at 80 per cent: down from 82 per cent for the same period last year. Other key results ​include: satisfaction with punctuality is down to 75 per cent (from 77 per cent in 2014) – this figure drops to 65 per cent for commuters value for money ratings remain below the half-way mark, at 45 per cent.
  11. I received a PCN which was issued by a CCTV vehicle instructed by Havering Council in 19/04/2014. When I received the PCN I appealed it on grounds that I was dropping off my heavily pregnant wife - 'Person alighting from a vehicle' The appeal was rejected but I did not receive a 'Notice of Rejection' letter. I then received a 'Charge certificate' without any reply from my appeal. I emailed Havering Council parking but was told that because a charge certificate was issued there was no grounds of appeal nor could the fine be paid at the lesser amount and I could only wait for a witness statement to be posted and filled in. I received a letter stating I needed to pay or fill in the witness statement by 02/12/2014. I submitted a TE9 Witness Statement on 18/11/2014 by email to an email address printed on the letter on the grounds that I hadn't received the rejection notice. I was told a decision could take a few months. On 13/02/2015 my wife was home with our 8month old daughter and had a knock on my front door from a bailiff stating that he had a warrant to seize my vehicle on behalf of Havering Council for an unpaid PCN. I had not received any letters from Havering Council, nor a 'Notice of Enforcement' from the bailiff giving seven clear days before his attendance. Had I received anything, I would have sorted this out ASAP, without the threat of my vehicle being seized especially as I need it for work. His attendance was a total shock to my wife and I. I contacted the court on 13/02/15 and was told that the email address on the letter sent out was incorrect. Therefore I have submitted a TE7 'out of time request.' and a TE9 'witness statement.' to the correct email address. I have an acknowledgement email for the submission and was told any bailiff action will be put on hold. I have informed the bailiff and they have said they have not received any notice from Havering Council to suspend any action. I feel that I can't be penalised for a letter having an incorrect email address, I had submitted the TE9 within the time limit. I believe the procedure after my appeal has been unfair and by not receiving letters in the post, I am being issued a higher fine and bailiff costs. I haven't received a 'Notice of Enforcement' therefore the bailiff turning up at my door is a breach of The Taking of Goods Regulations; regulation 6. He also didn't give me a copy of the warrant or a break down of supposed charges. I have been told that I need to supply evidence that I didn't receive any letters before his attendance. How can I do that? Usually it's proof of postage - confused. I am awaiting to hear if my TE7 out of time is accepted or rejected. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Had a visit from the bailiff the other day, I wasn't in but my landlord was doing some maintenance work so answered the door and was served the bailiffs letter. Its for £124 of council tax for September from a property I lived in two years ago. I have had no letter asking for the tax, no letter warning me of court proceedings and no knowledge of the debt, so it was a bit of a shock! I was receiving council tax benefit in the property, and then in September started university. I have a council tax exemption certificate from the 12 of Sept, but am worried the council are going to charge me for the first two weeks. I'm thinking of writing a letter to the council and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice as to how to word it? I think its pretty bad that they have sent the bailiff round without even telling me about the debt, so am hoping that will give me some leverage?
  13. Hi everyone, I tried posting this before, but my internet went down, so this is going to be abit shorter! Anyway, I have two contracts with T-mobile for use as a work phone. One was taken out last year. The other was taken out in April this year, as I broke the original phone, so took out another low tarriff contract, essentialy for the phone. The original sim was put into the new phone. I just put the new sim in the glovebox of my van (stupidly) and forgot about it. Anyway, the last few months I saw my bill rise from £30 pcm (which it was meant to be) to £90 and then on the 23rd it flew up to £163. They have all been taken out of my bank by direct debit. Out of curiosity, I contacted T-Mobile and asked them for a break down of the charges. I thought that maybe it was due to a few 0844 numbers that I had contacted. They told me that that made up about £3 of the bills, and that the rest of the charges were made on the sim card I thought was in my glovebox. So, I rang the insurance company. They have said although the sim is insured, the phone has to be stolen aswell, and reported within a shorter time. So thats that plan out of the window. The direct debit left me £100 over my overdraft limit, so the £163 has now cost me around £200. I asked T-Mobile for a few of the most frequent numbers they have been using. I rang them, but just recieved abuse down the phone. The number itself appears to be dead, and I have now suspended the sim. Is there nothing I can do? Except lean a hard lesson.....
  14. hi all, i purchased a washing machine on line from curry's on 26th december 2012. my wife and i are pensioners the reason we chose to purchase from curry's was, they offered free delivery and collection of our old machine, and the new machine had a five year warranty, the first paragraph of the conformation of order e-mail states, we will contact you to confirm a date for delivery. at 17.15 hours 3rd january 2013 while my wife was alone at home, they called to deliver the new machine, we had not received an e-mail or telephone call to confirm a delivery date, even though we have an online account registration with our e-mail and phone numbers, the old machine was still plumbed in when they called, we were still waiting for a delivery date so my son could disconnect the old machine ready for them, my wife age 65 tried to refuse delivery, they cajoled my wife to except delivery browbeating her with threats she would not get another delivery for 4 to 6 weeks, they carried the machine into our small kitchen and left it there with all the packaging still on the machine for my wife to remove, when I arrived home half an hour later i was incensed at the delivery driver, and angry at my wife for not refusing delivery. (who is recovering from removal of kidney and later womb through cancer) fortunately my son lives near and came and plumbed in the new machine, but we still have the old machine in the kitchen it is far to heavy and awkward for my wife and i to move down a narrow hallway, I know we will be held at fault because my wife accepted delivery, and that curry's don't give a toss now they have been paid, i feel impotent against them and the way we have been treated.
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