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Found 19 results

  1. Hi All, It's a quick question. I took a credit card out with Lloyds Bank, then unfortunately I was made redundant. I went though their income and expenditure document to inform Lloyds and they put a hold on the card. About 5months later they put a repayment plan in place and according to them, they sent a letter. I did not receive this letter and they made no other contact to me about this. The bank said that because I had failed to pay the repayment plan, the account will be sent to another company. My point is, if I receive nothing about a repayment plan, and the bank don't contact me about it, how can I be held liable for not paying a repayment plan I knew nothing about? It's incredibly frustrating dealing with Lloyds Bank, they've been nothing but difficult all the way through. Soon as I got another job I contacted them to make repayments and they told me I no longer have an account with Lloyds so I can't pay anything right now and no-one would speak to me about the account. I went through with the complaints manager who in his final letter he stated that he will uphold my complaint but then and the end of the letter he stated nothing will be done. Anyway... My question was about the repayment plan, if the bank are using that against me to say that I didn't pay, surely they have to actually tell me about the plan so I can pay it, right? Thanks
  2. This article was I believe first published in December 2016, but has been updated as of today, 3rd April 2017. Looking at the chart, in each of the 5 quarters since 2015 - Vodafone is consistently the most complained about provider. Of course we here on CAG didnt need OFCOM to let us know this, did we ?
  3. Is it illegal to tell jokes if someone is offended by the topic..
  4. I know i am, it's not just because it's about people claiming benefits, but all the inaccuracies contained within these programs, the one on channel 5 about benefit cheats, is the latest, a Liverpool lad , claiming what was described as sickness benefits ,for PTSD told the undercover reporter that he was getting a total of £1,500 per month ,inc DLA , I find that very hard to believe, which makes me think of those IDS and his sanctions work leaflets that were based on lies , Also are those that are cheating the system really that dumb that they will boast to someone they hardly know about the hows and why's of what they do? Are these tv companies paying for stooges for entertainment value, and to help keep the governments hate propaganda against people on benefits alive ? if it isn't about cheating the system in some way, it's about their health conditions ie" too fat to work" ect
  5. I received an unexpected later from my insurance telling me I should pay £525.23 (after my policy had been cancelled). I rang them up to ask what this figure was for, being told that my claim I had put before was because I was at fault. ??!! I had not been made aware of this before, neither is this in the handbook policy. Please help!!!! I thought insurance is there so it covers you up in case of an accident, whether your fault or not!! I am with only young drivers. thank you.
  6. Hiya, we moved into our current rented property in October 2015 and were told that Spark energy are the gas and electric suppliers. Ever since then they have sent us a monthly bill of which we've always paid. This morning we received a bill for 315.64 for electric and gas, 288 of that just electric, upon ringing them up we were told it's because all our previous bills were estimated and we should have been giving monthly meter readings (of which we were NEVER told) and that we have to pay that plus any future bills (set up a dd for a minimum of 150 a month) after telling them no one has ever told us we're supposed to give readings and that they never come to read the meter like a 'normal' energy supplier they've just been worse than useless, not even took my complaint about them not telling us about the estimated readings etc. Long story short do we have a leg to stand on? We're a low income family of 2 adults and 3 children (one being 5, another having suspected adhd) We don't have any disposable income, we've always budgeted to pay these 'estimated' bills and they're ramming this bill down our throat. Thanks in advance, kylie
  7. Strictly, speaking this is not a subject that would normally feature on the 'bailiff discussion' section of the forum. However, with the subject matter regularly featuring on the popular TV series; Can't Pay We'll Take it Away' it may well assist some viewers. Anyone watching the TV series would have seen the many instances of a tenant is being evicted. Routinely, the tenants had been advised by their local authorities that in order to gain assistance with emergency housing, that they must remain in the property until the actual eviction. It would seem that this practice must stop. The following is taken from a recent article from the Sheriffs Office: Housing minister, Brandon Lewis has told all local authorities to stop routinely advising tenants to stay put until the enforcement agent arrives before they can be accepted as homeless. Mr Lewis has written to all the chief executives of local councils saying that households should not be put in this position, and clarifying the guidance about homelessness. In his letter he says, “Authorities should not routinely be advising tenants to stay until the bailiffs arrive; there is no barrier to them assisting the tenant before this. By doing this, local authorities miss a valuable opportunity to prevent homelessness.” Mr Lewis writes that the statutory Homelessness Code of Guidance, which local authorities are required by law to have regard to, is clear on this matter and contains guidance on how they should treat homelessness applications where a tenant has received a valid S21 notice. This is what Mr Lewis’s letter highlights about what the guidance states: -Housing authorities should not, in every case, insist upon a court order for possession and that no local authority should adopt a blanket policy in this respect. -If the landlord intends to seek possession and there would be no defence to an application for a possession order, then it is unlikely that it would be reasonable for the applicant to continue to occupy the accommodation. -Unless a local authority has very good reason to depart from the statutory guidance, then they should not be placing households in this position.
  8. Just had phone call from DWP telling me my ESA is ending today(8 weeks after my medical)??? I had my medical on the 1st July 2016,which as usual I have received "0"points! They have told me I have to make a claim today (so that I get a continuation of benefit??) Can somebody please tell me if they can do this with no warning? And will this cause problems with my housing benefit/council tax(which happened to me before, whilst waiting for my appeal and took months to sort out(but lost out on a lot of benefit) so now i'm terrified that its going to happen again!!!! Any advice would be welcome Thanks
  9. Are they kidding me? Any advice would be really appreciated. I had a payday loan with this lot a few years back. They never made any checks on me, and lent it totally irresponsibly . I ended up on benefits, and agreed a payment plan with them. They then on the day my benefits were paid, they took the entire amount from me, leaving me with nothing to live on for a month, including disgusting amounts of charges. I was in tears, literally begging them/my bank lloyds for help, they told me tough luck we can do what we like (Literally said this) and the bank told me we wont help. I ended up scrounging and getting into more debt over it. I have just seen that they have to repay people they did over, and I emailed them to ensure I am included. Just got this back: 'Good Afternoon, Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, you are not due redress following a review of your account. Cash Genie has been working with its regulator (the FCA), and an independent skilled person to ensure all customers who were affected by past business practices receive redress. Cash Genie is contacting all customers who were affected. The redress has been verified and you were not affected by those business practices, although we appreciate your disappointment. Kind Regards Customer Support' Is there anything I can do? These guys still give me massive anger, I wish I could meet their CEO face to face for how I was treated
  10. Hi, Been living in Canada for 2 years and had a seizure 14months ago. I did not send my UK license back as I wasn't driving and didn't have a car. My license is up for renewal and I need to complete a medical form. I am worried I will be fined £1000. What will happen?
  11. My elderly mum 76 was very ill so I made an emergency GP appointment for my mother. I suspected she had pneumonia she was finding it difficult to breath, had immense aches and pains she was vomiting throughout the day. She was unable to stand up herself and was on the verge on collapsing. She had visibly got worse and worse as the day professed. Me and my brother struggled to get our mother into the car to get to the GP. My mother was in immense pain it was terrible. She was made to wait in the GP's waiting area for at least 20mins in great pain and her lungs were tightening up and restricted her breathing (no body from the GP's office took any notice of the state my mum was in). We were repeatedly told 'your will be next soon'...we struggled to get our mother to get up off her chair she had to be supported by me and my brother on each side getting her out of the house and into the car and from the GP car park inside the surgery. Eventually it was our turn and me and my brother held our elderly mother on each side and struggled to gather off the chair and to walk the distance along the corridor into the GP's room. Once inside the GP room.. .the GP just looked with a blank expression at my mum. ..my mother was struggling to breath and tell him she was struggling to breath and had a terrible burning sensation in her chest and terrible pain in her head as well as chest. Then GP checked my mums temp and heart rate and said my mums heart rate was a little high. The GP told my mum 'I'll give you antibiotics and go home and rest you should be ok.. .the antibiotics will take 24hrs to start working and if she gets worse you can call the ambulance' I turned around and said I think my mums got pnemonia and he said 'what makes you say that?'. ..I replied 'She's 76 she's been coughing for last 4 weeks but today she is on verge of collapsing finding it hard to breath..' then the DR used the stethoscope to check my mums lung and said 'She's got Pneumonia in the right lung' 'I suggest she goes home takes her antibiotics and rests'...I replied 'no I want her to go to hospital look at her state...' The GP gave us a letter and told us to go to the hospital with the letter to the 'Medical Assessment Unit 4'.. . I asked the GP can you please call the ambulance the GP turned around and said to me 'the ambulance I just like a taxi all they will do is take her to the hospital...you can take her in your car' I was left gobsmacked at his response...we struggled to get our mum out of the surgery not the car. At the hospital I went to main reception whilst the car was parked outside the main reception to the reception. There were 4 porters sat behind reception and I asked 'I need a wheel chair fort elderly mum, she's got pneumonia' The porter turned around (with 3 other porters sat around him) and told me 'go find the wheelchair yourself we have to do the same as you and look for a wheel chair. ..go find one somewhere in the hospital' I replied 'its your job to find a wheelchair, there's 4 of you sat in reception your porters' he looked at me and then instructed one if the porters to find a wheel chair. I needed the wheel chair to get my mum into the hospital from the car park. I turned around and saw my brother bringing in my mum into the reception, just as the porter was bro moving the wheel chair' We then went to the medical assessment 4 gave paperwork to a girl behind the counter who to is to wait in the ward on a chair instead of a bed. As 'no beds were available' we waited close to 2hrs my mum was in agony day on the chair. I went back to medical unit assessment reception told them my mums in agony with pneumonia she needs a bed asap. I was told again to wait. I saw a consultant walking towards me and told him 'my mums 76 she needs a bed asap'. He replied 'I'll go speak to someone for you' Eventually a health care worker came over snd said 'your GP sent you to the wrong ward. ..he should have sent you to ward 3 which is for elderly people'. I told my superior to send your mum to A&E and she over rode my decision, we are sending your mum to another ward and will find a bed for her' She got a wheelchair and took my mum to the other ward. ..where she was eventually a consultant came examined her too her blood pressure, heart rate and bloods and examined her chest. ..she said your mums got pneumonia I'll get her onto a bed asap. Eventually my mum was placed on the bed still in agony with her burning chest and difficulty in breathing, later she was placed on a drip for fluids as she look pale and very dehydrated. The next day I was told they had also given her antibiotics and the oxygen mask to loosen her lungs. I was told the bloods would be sent and looked at and a chest X-ray would be done the same night to determine what damaged if any happened to the lungs etc and the course of treatment. The next day I rang the hospital to enquire about my ma and was told 'she has a virul infection' when I got to the hospital the healthcare nurse dealing with my mum said 'it's not pneumonia but a viral infection.. .' I replied 'Our GP confirmed it as pneumonia' She replied 'it's a viral infection like people get it's common...' She said said we are waiting for her xrays which have been taken this morning (I was told the xrays would be taken last night!) She tells me 'your mums asking to go home, she's been walking independent...she'll be home today' I went to my mum and told her this is what the nurse is saying my mom said 'I never said I want to go home, why they sending me home I'm in agony. The nurse helped me get out of bed and helped me to the toilet' This healthcare worker kept denying my mum had pneumonia and it was just s viral infection. The way she came across was that she wanted my mom of of bed even though she was unconscious and in pain on the bed with pneumonia. They put the oxygen mask on her face again. Later in the evening I went back and the same healthcare nurse told me 'she's going home she had no pneumonia she's needs rest and to take her medicine at home. We asked for a wheel chair as my mom was not strong enough to walk ...the ward had become empty of healthcare workers who had disappeared too I asked a consultant who was passing through we need a wheelchair as my mum is being discharged. He rang the porters downstairs to ask for a wheel chair to be brought up. We waited 20 mins and nothing do I faked a nurse on the ward I need a wheelchair, she told me 'go to reception and find one yourself' I waited close to 30 mins and nothing do I faked another nurse who asked another nurse. My mom was sat on the bed still in agony. .. I went down to reception and the told the guy at reception 'I've been waiting for a wheelchair for over 40 mins'. He just looks at me and goes 'there's one behind you use that' I took the wheelchair to the ward gotynmum into it and took her home, The discharge letter confirms my mum has 'community related pneumonia' and the xrays showed some damaged or cackles in the lungs etc - complete opposite to what the healthcare assistant who was keen on my mum to leave kept sAying 'it's just a viral infection' My mum is 76 with pneumonia she's been sent home with medicines and antibiotics. She's ill and should never have been sent home until the pneumonia was cleared. What can I do to get justice with the horrendous way my mum has been treated and what action against the GP can I take and against the hospital? My mums health is important and I want justice even if it means taking the legal route and going to solicitors who deal in medical cases like these? Now everyone on the household is ill and coughing - my elderly father is coughing very badly and wheezing sometimes. The hospital and GP are to blame, why was my mum discharged if she at 76 still has pneumonia?
  12. just read this. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2955012/Wages-rising-six-times-faster-prices-Boost-family-budgets-ahead-election-inflation-predicted-fall-0-3.html#ixzz3RtsgHw11 then read this article.
  13. My mum has been in her Private Rented house for 13 years. Her landlord is a local company who has several managers covering different areas. The house is in a dire state and needs lots of work. The toilet in the bathroom is leaking (been reported but nothing done), the leaking toilet has caused some of the ceiling to fall down in the kitchen and the rest is sagging, the bathroom floorboards are rotten, the downstairs toilet doesn't flush, the back door is difficult to open and close (made of wood), most of the window frames (wooden) are completely rotten and my mum can't open several of them, My mum never wants to make a fuss so I contacted the Landlord Manager by email. He told me to get my mum to contact him which she has now done (although she is not happy with me. Manager told her that she is responsible for the leaking toilet and the kitchen ceiling which I don't think is right. He also said that he has sent someone out several times to measure up for new windows but there is never anyone home (this cannot be true as my disabled father never leaves the house) and that the bathroom is getting replaced (but he told me this last year) and still has not been done. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do?
  14. no one believes a word he says because he can't help but mislead is there anything this man hasn't been truthful about?! he can rant and and rave all he likes but at the end of the day no one is having any of it..he's just one big fake end off! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2291288/Welfare-minister-rages-bishops-Theres-moral-trapping-people-benefits-says-Iain-Duncan-Smith.html
  15. I've been renting my home for 6 years. Over the past months I've accrued rent arrears for the first time ever due to serious illness. The arrears are at 12 weeks. The landlord has served a Section 8 notice giving the grounds of 2 months or more arrears. I've now received a Possession Order claim form from the court giving me a hearing date. On the same date of the hearing I've got an appointment with a Consultant at the hospital which i had to wait 7 months on the waiting list to get. If I go to the hearing I will have to miss my hospital appointment and wait another 7 months or so to get a new appointment. By the hearing date I will have reduced my arrears to below 2 months but I still think it is important that I attend the hearing in person to try to defend myself. My question is can I apply to the court, sending my appointment letter from the hospital as proof, and ask them to consider adjourning the hearing date to an alternate date?
  16. Hi I'm looking for some help regarding my gas/electric with British Gas. Due to my husband being off sick for over year I now have a £740 bill for my gas and £350 for my electric both of which need paying now or they will install a pre-payment meter and charge me upto £200 to install each meter. They have said if I agree to a meter then they won't charge me and they will only take £6 per week per debt. I have always been under the impression that you are charged more on a pre-payment meter but British Gas have said I will not pay any more than the tariff I am on at the moment as a credit customer. Is this true? They are installing the meters on the 10th Sept but if I clear the outstanding before this date I can canx the installation of the meters. Many Thanks for any advice.
  17. I have been paying cabot for years, and eventually I asked them for proof of everything. I have now recieved a letter telling me they cannot provide me any information and the debt is unenforceable. So far I have paid cabot £500 out of a total £800 debt, I was thinking rather than just not pay them, can I offer them a small payment in full and final settlement of the debt, so that it doesn't get sold on and on and on and on? Would they accept that just to get rid of me? And how much should I offer?
  18. Hi, I'll try to keep this as brief as possible. I'm writing this on behalf of my father in law. He was hit by a taxi whilst stationary at some traffic lights at the end of April. There is a really distinguished mark in the back in the shape of a grill at the front of black cabs. They've been messing him around, no offer has been made formally but he managed to get them to informally mention £2100 during a phonecall but readilly admitted that they couldn't find a match in the Auto Trader and the car is worth at least £3000. He's found his own car in a spares and repair yard in town without a word from Hastings. He duly phoned Hastings to ask what is going on as the spares yard have told him that they've been sold the car by Colport who were given authority by Hastings to sell it on. Seemingly my own car could be dismantled tomorrow for spares and there's nothing he can do about it. Hastings called him a liar and told him that the car is still 130 miles away in Bristol. He went back to the spares yard to take pictures which he will send to them to prove that he's telling the truth. You couldn't make this up!!!! Does anyone know the name of the CEO or anyone high-level within Hastings Insurance please??
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