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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, Been living in Canada for 2 years and had a seizure 14months ago. I did not send my UK license back as I wasn't driving and didn't have a car. My license is up for renewal and I need to complete a medical form. I am worried I will be fined £1000. What will happen?
  2. Hi, I have epilepsy. The type that renders me unconscious and I had an attack and asked work very late to take a day or two off from my holiday bank. This way I could have treatment I need and to get better later this week to get back in. The only other option is to go in and that is rather risky but I can't afford to take time off. Any ideas as they have said it is difficult to make an exception? Thanks
  3. I have taken daily medication for epilepsy that I have had for many years and this has controlled my disability for more than 10 years but I have recently suffered a recurrence of seizures due to stress at work. The type of seizure I always suffer is a grand mal or tonic clonic where I have fits and eventually lose consciousness. When I recover I have no recollection of the event. I have been asked to provide a statement of the effect of my disability on my day to day activities. I don't understand the question. Can I just say that when I suffer a seizure I am unconscious for many hours and suffer memory loss and therefore I am incapable of any day to day activities?
  4. Hi, Just need some advice and I know someone on here will be able to help....... My partner has epilepsy has been completely controlled for approx 20yrs. Medication has recently stopped agreeing with him and neurologist has changed medication. This has resulted in seizures - both full seizures and absence seizures. He did self cert from work for first 5 days then GP signed him off of work for 4 weeks. Informed employer and posted in sick cert - kept copy for records. End of 4 weeks, GP issued another sick cert for 4 weeks. I spoke to his manager, his speech is very slurred and he is confused and muddled at all times, and explained. She said that 1st cert not received, I said I had a copy and should i send that with the new one. She said yes. I sent this a couple of days ago He is now on half pay which is same as SSP. Manager has been phoning every couple of days for updates. He isnt improving and being referred to UCLH Neurolgy hosp as urgent case with a view to admitting as epilepsy so unstable. Manager calls today and says no certs received. I said new one and copy only sent a couple of days ago and sent 2nd class - money is v.tight. She said that copy is now no good as shes checked with hr, and they also needed it by today for next months pay!!!! I said I can request copy from GP but earliest i can request that is next weds!! She then said she wants a meeting with my partner as hes been off 4 weeks. I explained that he cant, hes completely out of it most of the time, having absences and wouldnt be abe to speak for himself in the meeting. She then asked if her and hr can come to home address errr no. Can they suddenly hold ssp/half pay without the cert? Have called GP and no gps there now. Earliest it would be ready to collect is next thurs afternoon..... Can they request meetings when he is in this state and signed off work???? Any help would be great as with 2 small children, and a very poorly partner I cant even think straight! xxxx oh and when i get the next cert i have to take it into the employer in person and hand it to her......
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