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Found 3 results

  1. Ingeus have mandated me to send out 40 speculative letters a week. I have to bring in 40 pre addressed envelopes each week with a covering letter and CV enclosed. They then take them away saying they will stamp and post them. I have issues with this and wish to lodge an objection based on the section in the WPG https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/505310/wp-pg-chapter-3a.pdf Which states: Please Note : Do not notify a participant to apply for multiple vacancies on one notification - you must issue a separate notification for each vacancy . So my question is should that also apply to them mandating me to send out speculative letters? One mandate per speculative letter ? I asked for a reconsideration as I feel it is not only a waste of time, I cannot find 40 business addresses that are within my range and would be viable job prospects let alone 160 which will be the total they are expecting as this activity lasts a month, I can send off to businesses that I have no hope of securing jobs with and quickly fill my quota but that would be pointless. I asked if my advisor could help with producing a list but they said it was my job to do that and lastly I am suspicious that they did not post my speculative letters at all and binned them to save postage, how would I go about proving this, I sneakily put one in with my friends address and it never arrived.
  2. I've always kept a paper record of my job search activities, however, it seems that at my Jobcentre, claimants are being heavily pushed to record this on Universal Jobmatch. One of the issues with UJM is that the vast majority of the jobs listed there don't allow you to apply within the site itself and take you to an external site, such as CV Library, Adzuna etc. This then means that your application is not recorded in the 'Application history' section. So, does anyone know if it's acceptable to manually type this information into the 'Activity history' section instead? I am also considering typing all of my job search activities - not just those sourced from UJM - into the 'Activity history', so that everything is one place, and so I can do away with writing it all out in hard copy. I don't intend to give the Jobcentre access to my UJM account, and haven't ticked the box that would allow them to do so, but would there be any issues if, when signing on, I logged into my UJM account, so they could view my job search activities?
  3. I have taken daily medication for epilepsy that I have had for many years and this has controlled my disability for more than 10 years but I have recently suffered a recurrence of seizures due to stress at work. The type of seizure I always suffer is a grand mal or tonic clonic where I have fits and eventually lose consciousness. When I recover I have no recollection of the event. I have been asked to provide a statement of the effect of my disability on my day to day activities. I don't understand the question. Can I just say that when I suffer a seizure I am unconscious for many hours and suffer memory loss and therefore I am incapable of any day to day activities?
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