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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, My daughter aged 26 last week died an unexpected death, her case is with the coroner and it is anticipated that we will be issued with an interim death certificate at the end of this week to be able to start the process of burying her. I have instructed Funeral Directors so that I don't have to do it later on. I spoke to the Coroners office yesterday at they told me that her father (We are long divorced) has requested a copy of the interim death certificate, I cannot even begin to imagine what he wants with this, apart from burying her which is what I am doing, can any shed any light on what he might want? kind regards Lula
  2. When you claim Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), you have to send in medical certificates to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to support your claim. Medical certificates are also known as fit notes. Did you know that if you write your mobile phone number on the top right hand corner of the medical certificate, the DWP will text you to tell you when they get the certificate? They’ll also tell you if payment is due and the payday. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/news/employment-and-support-allowance-esa-medical-certificates/
  3. Hi, I am new to this so hopefully i'm posting this in the correct place. I have / had several loans dating back to the 1990's to present , all except the last two (which are still running) included PPI and each loan paid off the previous one. I cannot remember ever remember receiving insurance certificates from Barclays on the loans taken out back in the 1990 to around 2005. Is this normal for the bank not to issue a certificate?
  4. Hi everyone I hope starting this new topic I havent broken any rules, my big worry is my new GP who I registered with recently has refused to give me a certificate as she is insistent the rules have now changed. I have chronic back pain since having discectomy in Nov 2010 and also take very strong pain killers such as codeine phosphate (2x 30mg every 6 hours or every 4 if I am absolutely screaming in pain combined with neurophen and paracetamol) Jan this year i was told my condition is caused by a degenerative disc disease so dont have a hope in hell of ever having my life back and was told by one of the doctors at pain management that the only thing they can offer me is an anterior spinal fusion, something that sounds horrific from what I have read, 75% of patients that have this are worse off. My condition is such that I can only sit or stand for no more than 10 minutes and walk maybe 50-100 mtrs with rests in between. Plus I use a crutch and living in SW London I am scared to go out as I have had a few falls and people around here generally don't give two hoots if you have difficulty walking they just shove you out of the way crutch or no crutch. To make a long story short I am receiving housing benefit, DLA (£20 for each component) and ESA, I have been put in limited capability to work group and in order to continue to receive payments for ESA have to give them medical certificates. The problem is my new GP -who was highly recommended by one of the other doctors at this practice. She outright refused my request for a new certificate for the reasons I put above, she didn't even bother to read my notes and it was only at the persistence of my best friend who also helps me with shopping and cleaning (i have no family or friends apart from him) that she gave me a form for 5 weeks. To make things worse she also cut my medication without giving me a good reason. I used to get a supply of months worth of tablets now she has only given me 28 of them and put instructed to take ONE ever four hours! Again she obviously didn't care to read about my medical history and no matter how much I argued was not interested in what I thought. My blood test results showed my organs are fine and I am well aware that this medication I take is strong and I do control how much I take very well so either she thinks I am an addict despite her saying all tests look fine. She suggested I go swimming learn a trade go to the gym even pay for private pilates class which is funny because as I dont work and rely on ESA how the hell does she expect me to pay for these let alone try to live? I have tried all the excercises possible with the physios and again she was not interested in my telling her how much I tried to improve my condition. She really was unpleasant a horrible horrible woman. My question is can I do something about this, I want to work but my pain prevents me from doing much at all, I have no friends apart from this one that helps me out when Im really stuck, he phoned the DWP and was told by them there should be no reason she is doing this and we should contest her decision and demand to know EXACTLY why shes taken it upon her self to behave like this. I also want to know if its possible to register in another GP despite not being in their cachment area. I regret changing to this new one as my old one new all my medical history, the problem was that I no longer live in their area and from where I am its six miles away which in my condition was a nightmare to get to and getting cabs there is very expensive as I am living hand to mouth. If it wasnt for my friend helping me out sometimes with cab fares i really don't know what would become of me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated and again I apologise for the length of this post Marone
  5. On my last medical certificate, my GP wrote it's ongoing and put no end date on it. I've now just received a reminder that my certificate will run out on the 16th. 2 days is nowhere near enough time to get a GP appointment. Is it right that my ongoing medical certificate is only valid for 2 weeks?
  6. Conmen are exploiting a flaw in new style MoT certificates to rip-off motorists. Watchdogs are warning that the new test certificates can be easily faked by crooks selling secondhand cars to give the impression that a car is road-worthy. The warning comes after a 38-year-old man was arrested by Cleveland Police on suspicion of forging MoT test certificates. He has been released on bail. The Trading Standards Institute has voiced concern over the new system, in which the paper certificates are simply receipts for work carried out and not proof that an MoT took place. Proof of a valid test is kept online by the Vehicle & Operator Services Agency, VOSA. "We are concerned that motorists still do not know that paper certificates are no longer proof of existence of a valid MoT certificate," said Gerald Taylor, the Institute's lead officer for motor vehicles. "The downloaded certificate be altered and abused at will using the simplest of computer software available with nearly every personal computer. "There is also the possibility that unscrupulous traders, and service and repair outlets, could agree to MoT a vehicle and charge accordingly but not carry out the test at all - the prospective purchaser would be none the wiser unless they go online." The advice from watchdog is: if a seller won't let you check a vehicle's MoT online before you buy, walk away. You can check MoT records through the VOSA website, [email protected] or the MoT enquiry line 08703 300 444. http://blogs.mirror.co.uk/investigations/2012/09/beware-fake-mot-certificates.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mirror%2Finvestigations+%28Mirror+-+Investigations%29
  7. Hello After winning my First Tear Tribunal Court Case for Social Entitlement last October, i am unsure whether i have to still submit my regular Medical Certificates. The Decision Notice received from the Judge does not state anything about 'not having to still submit my certificates', but my Decision Notice does state that the DWP should not assess me for two years. Does this still mean that i will have to submit my medical certificates for the Two Year period i won...? Cheers, Klantee
  8. Hi, Just need some advice and I know someone on here will be able to help....... My partner has epilepsy has been completely controlled for approx 20yrs. Medication has recently stopped agreeing with him and neurologist has changed medication. This has resulted in seizures - both full seizures and absence seizures. He did self cert from work for first 5 days then GP signed him off of work for 4 weeks. Informed employer and posted in sick cert - kept copy for records. End of 4 weeks, GP issued another sick cert for 4 weeks. I spoke to his manager, his speech is very slurred and he is confused and muddled at all times, and explained. She said that 1st cert not received, I said I had a copy and should i send that with the new one. She said yes. I sent this a couple of days ago He is now on half pay which is same as SSP. Manager has been phoning every couple of days for updates. He isnt improving and being referred to UCLH Neurolgy hosp as urgent case with a view to admitting as epilepsy so unstable. Manager calls today and says no certs received. I said new one and copy only sent a couple of days ago and sent 2nd class - money is v.tight. She said that copy is now no good as shes checked with hr, and they also needed it by today for next months pay!!!! I said I can request copy from GP but earliest i can request that is next weds!! She then said she wants a meeting with my partner as hes been off 4 weeks. I explained that he cant, hes completely out of it most of the time, having absences and wouldnt be abe to speak for himself in the meeting. She then asked if her and hr can come to home address errr no. Can they suddenly hold ssp/half pay without the cert? Have called GP and no gps there now. Earliest it would be ready to collect is next thurs afternoon..... Can they request meetings when he is in this state and signed off work???? Any help would be great as with 2 small children, and a very poorly partner I cant even think straight! xxxx oh and when i get the next cert i have to take it into the employer in person and hand it to her......
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