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Found 7 results

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38164590 I probably would have ... But I hope I would have had the kokum to pull my hoody up...
  2. Hi All, Recently a motorcycle dealer changed ownership. I had some parts left with old owner to be done. New owners say they know nothing about it. Are they liable for my parts? How can I make them get my stuff back? Can I even? They took over under different name if that matters. Help urgently needed. Thx for help.
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2802677/woman-rips-apart-atm-bare-hands-wouldn-t-let-withdraw-cash.html
  4. Hey, Can someone offer me some advise here, back in November we purchased 2 of the Google Nexus 7 tablet computers for the kids christmas presents. One of them has not gone faulty with a common issue where they stop charging and become unusable. We have contacted CPW to see what they can do under the warranty and they are basically saying that as they no long have a service agreement with Asus they can unable to offer me any support in regards to replacement or repair - I have to go directly to the manufacturer. The manufacturer are saying other wise and again CPW are having none of it - I have escalated this to the CEO's office at CPW however they are still sticking to the story of not being able to offer any help and my need to speak tot he manufacturer again. Is this right or am I being royally fobbed off. The tablet is 7 month old, undamaged and fully boxed. What can I do? Many Thanks
  5. Hello, A debtor who had a charging order/preliminary OFS hearing against them from a 2nd creditor, have now handed back the keys of the property to their 1st mortgage lender. The mortgage lender is now trying to sell the property without the 2nd creditor being involved. Can the mortgage lender simply sell the property for any price they want just to cover their own debt and simply ignore the 2nd creditors charging order or do they need the 2nd creditors permission to sell. Anyone with any advice would be greatly appreciated....
  6. Hey Ive an issue with my car- I bought it from a ford dealership 3yrs ago through a finance company.It was 1 year old when i bought it and had 2 yrs left on the warrenty.In this time it has had a list of problems,new steering rack fitted,new parking sensors(still not corrected)new cluster(screen for car computer)new parking sensor "brains"box(not sure what the correct word is)numerous valve defects. The new serious problem is that the Turbo chrager has seized up and Ford dealership are qwuoting 1200.00.plus vat to repair it. The car has only done 66k,is 4 yrs old and apart from when i missed 1 sevice last yr(even though i had full oil change and filters)it has been the the dealership for serviceing. Where do I stand in regards to SOGA in reclaiming my monies due to the fact that the engine cannot be of merchantable quality due to the failure of one of its components in such a short space of time,with not real wear and tear either. I am at a serious crossroads as a recon turbo will cost 700 to fit(but the repair wont be warrentied)or spend the rediculously high figure from the Ford dealers to get them to fix it(which would at least be warrentied) I am fairly confident regarding issueing proceedings if I need to go down the legal route but am feeling very vunerable as not experienced in these cases... please help. MJack
  7. Hi, I'm new and, until yesterday, when I read your Announcement about BCOBs, I didn't even know I was legally entitled to fair treatment by a bank! In 2005 my sons and I took out a loan with HSBC to fit out and start a restaurant. As planned I took out a 60% mortgage on my house(interest only) to complete the startup. On the plan we were due to have paid everything back in three to five years. We negotiated an additional loan in 2006 as we were starting to run up costs. In 2007 I needed to go to the bank again. I had rewritten the business plan with actuals and you could see that if we had additional money we would be turning the corner at the end of 2007. The manager I'd always dealt with agreed in principle, then disappeared off the face of the earth. Too many weeks later after numerous enquiries HSBC said he had gone on 'sickness leave' and there was no record of our discussion or the promise so we had to start again. I was turned down. Not only that, they sent someone from a team called special measures or similar to 'help' me. His 'help' included a threat that if I didn't go to an administration firm he would close the account: also that because he was a specialist all my charges would now be increased. I went along to the firm he recommended who said they couldn't help me, the only route was bankruptcy. For various reasons this was not an option so I managed to mortgage the rest of my house. For their own reasons HSBC wanted my business closed. I was an old customer and immediately prior to this business loan, had successfully borrowed, used and paid back a £480,000 short term loan. I was also in parallel running another small business with an overdraft and business loan and had been with First Direct since it started. So it was nothing to do with my history, which had been impeccable. The manager who 'went sick' had been working alongside me and helpfully advising, but once he disappeared the bully boy tactics started. I did not go bankrupt but will have to work until 70, at which time I lose the roof as I sell up to pay the mortgage off. While the above sorry tale was happening, I was obviously subject to the usual practices of bouncing payments, charging for that, then going overdrawn, then charging, then bouncing etc etc. They also threatened to plunder my other accounts which I rapidly changed. Is there anything I can do - or is it all too late?
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