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Found 15 results

  1. Britain’s banks face the threat of a huge new PPI bill that could add billions of pounds to the £30bn already paid out in compensation, following a court ruling lauded by claims management companies as “hugely significant”. The case opens the door to a renewed claims bonanza as it suggests that even if the PPI policy was not mis-sold, the buyer may still be able to reclaim because the scale of the commissions paid were excessively high. While the ruling does not mean any more cash for people who have already received compensation, it may allow cases that have been rejected to be reconsidered. The ruling is likely to be appealed against but if it stands it presents a fresh PPI nightmare for Britain’s banks, after one claims expert said new payments could run into the tens of billions. Lloyds Bank has so far paid out £18.8bn for mis-sellingicon claims, while Barclays has paid more than £9bn and RBS nearly £5bn. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2018/jul/02/uk-banks-could-face-new-multibillion-pound-claims-after-ppi-ruling
  2. Government could pay out more than £1bn due to benefits 'shambles' The government could pay out more than £1bn in back payments after finding out that tens of thousands of people claiming sickness and disability benefits have been underpaid. Due to a "historic error" at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), 180,000 people claiming Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) have been underpaid and may be owed an average of £5,000 each. The blunders date back to between 2011 and 2014, when claimants were switched over from incapacity benefit. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/government-could-pay-more-1bn-due-benefits-blunder-152800162.html https://uk.news.yahoo.com/government-owes-more-1-5bn-152323666.html
  3. Hi There, I am new to this site and need some advice please. I have recently submitted a PPI claim to Natwest in respect of PPI. I sent them a copy bank statement (dated 1998) depicting 'Credit Card Repayment Protector' being deducted at GBP30.67 per month on a balance of GBP4151 per month. I rang them and they have stated that this is CPP and not PPI. I know that this is not the case and have told them that. Any advice at all please and thanks? I have been informed that a rough calculation is that the PPI would have cost 77p for ever GBP100 outstanding on my credit card balance each month. Therefore the monthly payment of £30.67 on a balance of circa £4151 seems to suggest I was indeed paying the above insurance premium. Whereas NatWest CCP Credit Card Plus cost £36.99 a year
  4. Hi, Just looking for a bit of advice on a situation that's happening to me at the moment. Back in March 2017 noticed my car wasn't where I'd parked it. This is in London, so first checked https://trace.london/ to see whether the council had taken it and the car wasn't listed. Called up Trace London just to be sure and they told me to call the police and report it stolen as no London council had the car. Called the police, they confirmed the same thing, spoke to the insurance company (Diamond) and started the process of the claim. I got £250 about a week later in lieu of a courtesy car from the insurance company. Police called me a couple of weeks later to say they couldn't find the car anywhere and told the insurance company to write it off. Sent logbook and car keys over to the insurance company and they paid out £1,550.00 (after my excess) on May 4th. Fast-forward to now and have had a call from the insurance company saying the police have found the car, that the council had taken it all along and that it's in the pound. I asked on the phone since the car had effectively been transferred to Diamond whether they were offering me the option of getting the car back, or if they were forcing me to collect the car and pay back all the money. They said since it wasn't an "insurable event" it was void and they would force me to collect the car and repay all the money. Now aside from the fact that there's a bill of several thousand pounds for it being in the pound this long (as I'm pretty sure this will amount to procedural impropriety? the police have given me a reference number which I'm hoping means I could pick the car up without having to pay anything), can the insurance company force me to do this? In the event that car's "found" after being stolen everything else I see online says it's now the insurer's car not mine. Can they force me (by force I mean take me to court to get the money back), or is it just the claims handler being pushy? He did put me on hold to check just wondered whether anyone had been in anything similar and whether there was anything to this "chargeable event" thing. How are cars that are stolen, parked illegal, and then towed to the pound treated for example? Any thoughts or advice welcome thank you!
  5. http://news.sky.com/story/fca-says-750000-mortgage-customers-could-net-compensation-payout-10623570 I dont think this is or was a blunder - it was a deliberate action by the mortgage companies.
  6. Hi, Earlier in the year I received a letter from a well-known PPI claims company saying that they believed I had a valid claim against my bank (they named the bank) and that if I signed their form they would do everything on my behalf - of course I didn't properly read all the conditions and figured that as I wasn't even aware that I could make a claim that I might get something for nothing. They then emailed me to say that they couldn't continue with the claim unless I provided additional information on the loan I took out. As I didn't have any information from that time (and figured there wasn't much chance of making a claim) I told them to cancel the arrangement. They immediately mailed me back and told me that our arrangement was cancelled and that they would not contact me again. Three months later - to my surprise - my bank contacted me to tell me that the claim had been successful and gave me a form to fill out with my bank details so they could make the payment to me. The same day I received a letter from the claims company asking me to fill in the details on a form to send to the Ombudsmen, and from then on I started receiving phone calls, letters and emails from the claims company at the rate of one or two a day. I ignored the letters ('Return to Sender') without opening them, ignored their calls and voice mails, but read their emails. Because I was ignoring them I then started getting calls from a mobile leaving a message 'Hi Chris, it's Pete, can you give me a call mate' - presumably hoping I would assume it was a friend calling me and just call it back. This harassment has gone on for over a week, despite me emailing them several times to tell them that we cancelled our arrangement (and I have proof that they agreed to that cancellation). They have, however, now sent me a bill for 'completing the claim on my behalf'. My first opinion was that they have no legal right to claim any money, as our arrangement was cancelled - and because THEY told ME that they couldn't proceed without further information from me - which I didn't provide (I assume that by that point they had already contacted my bank). However, now I'm concerned that by not paying them I might be in the wrong - especially as I didn't read their terms and conditions. Can anyone advise? (What I'm hoping is that someone can tell me that under paragraph X of Law Y they cannot claim any monies off me after they have agreed to cancel the contract. If in indeed that is the case, then can I send them an invoice for all the harassment they have subjected me to, and the time and effort I have expended on it, and indeed the stress they have caused?). Just to put things into context, it was only a small loan and the repayment offer was less than £2,000. Cheers, Chris.
  7. Hello I was put at risk of redundancy , the letter said they would consider volunteers but no guarantee, was intending to leave later in the year i volunteered . had a one to one with the director and said i was interested , have worked there for over 10 years so the payout was considerable and would help with my new venture . The request was refused. There are 2 positions and 4 people , have un offically been told one of the roles is mine even though i said dont want it, was un offically told they want me to take the job as if i dont they will be forced to give it to one of the people they want to get rid of . have a very good relationship with the director who said if i stay until all the dust settles he will try let me leave before the 3 months notice is up maybe 2-3 weeks early but this wont help me much . The whole thing stinks tbh why offer someone a job who has told you they're intending to leave , also i will have to put in my notice during the 45 day redundancy consultancy period and not sure how that would work . i have not spoken to HR yet as this will cause issues but im seriously considering going to Hr . Need some advice please asap . Thanks
  8. Hi All, Having the same run around as a lot of other members it seems, I used a claims company for some credit card PPI claims and saw it was an easy process so I decided to go after Halifax myself, I had records that we had three mortgages with them: 1) 1994-1997 2) 1997-2000 3) 2000-2007 June 00 - July 07 I didn't have all the details so called halifax - they first said we didn't have any mortgages with them!! I gave all addresses and dates. I had to go through some old credit files which gave me one roll number, then they found them all! what a surprise - at that point they confirm all three had poi - I asked for them to setup a complaint - I then had to prove who I was and supply other details.. This was done and they went forward with a complaint - I also found a document from our house purchase (3) which had a redemption figure and confirmation of the mortgage repayments insurance figure - £140.84 a month After about 8 weeks we got a cheque for £16,800 which already had tax deducted - the rate on interest is at 8%, they have said they the overall amount we paid towards the MPPI is £9,539.24 although I have the letter stating £140.84 a month ( just mortgage 3 ) maybe it increased as the years went on. They have put the interest at £9,270.90 based on the amount above and mention this takes into account the date we get paid back, maybe I have used the wrong PPI calculator but the figure I'm getting with interest is near £27k based on their figure of £9539.24, when I put in £148.284 a month its at £33.5k. Am I getting the working out completely wrong? The unbelievable thing is the wife said that doesn't sound right for all three mortgage's - we rang them up and they said, you have only made a complaint about the last mortgage - I said why would we go through everything listing all mortgages then only complain about one, they again confirmed the two previous had Mppi and set a new complaint process going - they even took our account details to hopefully make the payout quicker. 10 days later we have a letter dated 12th saying that they cant find any PPI on those two mortgages, the next day we have a questionnaire asking about why the PPi was taken out, did we claim etc. I called and said we had it confirmed that Mppi was across all mortgages and said we were even given a rough monthly cost when we put in the original claim, the lady let it slip that in the last few days all systems have been updated and old records could have been lost as its so old, I asked her to confirm that this could have deleted the details she said yes. I then said we have been in contact for two months and there must be a record somewhere, she asked me to send in any paperwork to the complaints dept! Great! Thanks for any advice.
  9. 'Martyn Uzzell, from North Somerset, was thrown into the path of a car after hitting the pothole. An inquest heard North Yorkshire County Council had missed opportunities (even reported to them by the police) to repair the A65 in Giggleswick....' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-32215664 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3033555/Widow-cyclist-killed-hitting-pothole-Land-s-End-John-O-Groats-charity-ride-wins-six-figure-compensation-payout.html also, Mrs Windsors designer killed whilst cycling to work http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/london-arts-visionary-moira-gemmill-killed-by-lorry-while-cycling-near-lambeth-bridge-10167161.html
  10. The following story features in today's Daily Mail and quotes comments from Marc Gander (Consumer Action Group) and Martin Lewis (Money Saving Expert) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2763083/Victory-bank-charges-open-payout-floodgates-Court-backs-customer-hefty-overdraft-fees.html *
  11. Hi all, I'm really hoping someone on here can assist me with my dilemma, its rather long winded so please bear with me.. I took a loan out with HFC Bank in 2001 with my at the time partner (and father of my child). I was pregnant at the time, so HFC said it would need to be a joint loan as I was due to go on maternity leave soon, so it ended up having his name on it too. He wasn't working at the time I must add, so found this all a bit odd!! The loan was for £4000 over 60 months @ £140 p/m. Anyway, ALL the repayments were made by me, came from my bank and I never missed a single payment right up until when the loan was cleared. Also, I split with my partner in 2003. So, this year I decided to see about reclaiming the PPI back that I paid on it, as when I took the loan out I was told I had to have PPI added or wouldn't be successful. The box on the credit agreement was already ticked for me so I never really would have had much choice! (I had also taken out another loan with HFC in 2004, but this was just by myself and was for a purchase agreement for about £1500 so added that one to my claim as well). So after a few letters going back and forth to HFC, or HSBC which they are now better known as, I was eventually awarded a refund of £3250 which I was more than happy with. All I had to do was sign the paperwork that accepted the refund (and a signature from my ex partner), then send it back to them which I did. But two weeks later I received a letter from them saying my ex partners signature does not match what they have on their records so would need either a copy of passport or drivers licence to verify his signature!! But who's signature would stay the same after over 12 years??! The bug bearer of this is that my ex partner does not hold a passport nor a drivers license so that would be a no go. I phoned HSBC and was told that a photocopy of my ex partners bank card, front and back, and stamped and signed by his bank would be accepted. It should have all been straightforward from now onwards, but it has been anything but. The first time my ex partner eventually went to the bank for me, he only got a bank statement stamped by his bank which needless to say HSBC rejected. He then told me his bank refused to photocopy his bank card for him but they gave him some sort of list of bank cards, and never stamped it which again HSBC rejected. Its difficult to describe the sort of person my ex partner is, he doesn't like going out of his way for anyone regardless of the fact that I am the mother to his child but I have been asking him now since July for him to do this for me but all he's managed to get is what I am not asking for! And now he keeps fobbing me off, is too busy, isn't well, or some other excuse why he cant do it. It seems that he just doesn't want to do it, despite knowing what it is for and insisting he knows the refund is all due to me! I've even offered to give him some money out of it which again he has refused! Also, he lives quite far away so my child only see's him during school holidays, so its not like I see him regularly. The thing is, HSBC are not budging on this and I desperately need this refund as quite frankly, its my money. I'd just like some advice on what other routes I can go down, as now it appears that I may ending up falling out with my ex partner which means I wont get the information I need at all! And that's exactly what HSBC said, without that I wont get my refund which I find incredibly unfair as he had nothing to do with the loan. I hope I've explained all this clearly enough, its all driving me round the twist as this money that is due to me is still tied up with a bank that ultimately screwed me over. It was information on this forum that got me as far as I did with my refund, so I'm really hoping you can help me with this final piece. Thank you in advance
  12. Due to a car cutting me up then braking I swerved whilst braking and clipped an Audi TT this morning. The Audi suffered minor scuffs to the rear bumper whilst the bonnet of my 13 year old Scenic crumpled a few inches and the drivers head lamp cracked. The car that suddenly changed lanes and braked causing me to swerve did not stop. I assumed responsibility and called my insurer. I explained the situation and the contact centre call handler - who was very nice and calming - advised me that I should consider claiming on the car as a write off. "With the other guy claiming you may as well - whether you are liable for £10 or £1000 it won't make a difference and your premium will rise the same amount next time as there will be a mark against you" I said I didn't want to do this unless necessary as I was attached to it and it was a great runner. I could myself replace the bonnet and lights from a breakers. However, at lunch time I examined the car and found that what I thought was superficial damage was a little more involved and teh lights were pushed in. It was amazing that a tiny scuff on the Audi had resulted in my car looking like it had hit a wall. I called the number I was given to speak to the claims team. I was advised that an inspector would call out to me within 48 hours. To clarify I have only just swapped insurers and I pay monthly DD. After the call, I received an email along the lines of "What happens next?" This quoted paragraph worries me - should I withdraw the claim and simply repair the car myself? Payment - as soon as we agree settlement and the vehicle documents have been verified, payment will be sent by cheque by first class post. If you pay your premium by instalments the outstanding balance may be deducted. In addition if there is finance outstanding, settlement will be sent to the finance company directly with any remaining settlement sent to you.
  13. Hello, really hope someone could help me in this matter. Car insurance issued me with a cheque for cancelling policy, but I never got the cheque. After many calls to get my cheque, I was being told it will be reissued. Still nothing. Then 6 months later they tell me it was cashed long time ago. They claim I cashed it, which I didn't. They refuse to help any further and will not be issuing further cheque. They gave details of bank account where it was cashed (Lloyds account). The account is not mine. Upon calling Lloyds, they don't have such account (the account number appears one digit too long). Again, my insurer, don't even want to give proper bank account. They suggest there is nothing more they can do for me and that I should contact Ombudsman. How do I go about it? Any help greatly appreciated P.S. I only have 2 suggestion where my cheque is. It either got stolen in post or some at the insurer. . It definitely never arrived at my address.
  14. I had a loan with Smile with PPI, against which I made a claim just before the loan was due to end. (I had brain surgery) I phoned Smile recently to ask about PPI against this loan and they have now offered me a refund "as a gesture of goodwill". I am struggling to understand how they have worked out the amount they are offering me. They have sent a refund calculation but I have no idea if it is correct. Is there a tool that shows what is the correct way to calculate the refund if there has been a partial payout? I'd be so grateful for any assistance.
  15. Hi there, this is my first post. I had a letter from RBS offering me a goodwill payment for PPI of £1760. I accepted and returned the forms. I have two accounts with overdrafts managed by Payplan at about £500 each and a Natwest Credit Card at approx £5000. I no longer bank with Natwest due to the terms of my DMP and my old accounts are managed by Triton credit services. A few days ago, RBS credited £1028 into the overdrafts thus settling them. They paid a further £210 into my old savings account which is now £211 in credit. They have said they will decide what to do with this money in exactly 28 days and no sooner and that they are at liberty to just retain the money and close the account. RBS sent a cheque for £93 as 8% interest but all of this adds up to £1331, which is lower than their original offer. I have tried to contact them but they have said that this claim has been settled and closed. I feel that Triton are holding onto £200 ( which I dont mind going on the credit card), and RBS have conned me out of almost £400. Advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kevin:|
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