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Found 7 results

  1. We are in the process of taking our builder through the small claims court. We paid him money for a major build which included re-wiring and supply of kitchen. The kitchen was not supplied and we had to pay the supply company ourselves and the wiring was so bad we had to get an electrician in to re-wire the house. The court has asked for the Particulars of the claim but I need to know what legislation is involved and why. All I know is we want a refund of money we believe we have paid twice but legally I don't know what this is. I really need to get this sent off ASAP so any help greatly appreciated! OP
  2. Any help would be appreciated. I am trying to establish whether my solicitor has acted negligent by not following the pre-action protocol in respect of a Disrepair claim which has now been settled, after 6 years of my local council denying liability under the OLA 1957. I had an accident during the period where liability was being disputed but my solicitor is claiming that he did not have the funds to pursue a PI claim but never advised me on this, and on checking the pre action protocol under Disrepair claim there is reference that would suggest that in any event, a claim for PI arising from a Disrepair claim could and probably should have been made by a qualified legal representative as the Disrepair procedure makes reference to a PI claim if an injury has occurred because of the disrepair, in this case a out-house flooded everytime it rained.
  3. Hello Caggers, I have been having a discussion with Barclaycard because I noted, in May 2016, that the period between the date my bill was issued and the date my payment was due had been shorted by several days. This very nearly caught me out as the payment is had always before and since (I now realise) been due on the 15th working day of the month. In May it was "due" on 11th working day of the month. I had a look on their website, it says: "Your payment date is fixed to a particular working day of the month...". I take that to mean it is fixed - in my case to 15th - working day of the month. So, for example, this month (August 2016) the 15th working day of the month would be 19th August. Am I wrong in my understanding of this sentence on their website?
  4. Hi all, I know everyone on these forums are very savvy regarding PPI matters, and there seem to be some experts also. My late father owed "Monument" money but once Death Certificate was issued then it was resolved (no will, no assets). I have now received a letter saying they owe PPI, or PBP as they like to call it. However, their dealings look suspicious as essentially they say "We will not give you money unless there is some left over what is owed." Why should I pay what is owed? This does not seem fair. They also want me to sign a "Statutory Declaration" and I fear that if I sign that they may be charging me for what is owed. Please, is there any way to get the full amount of money they owe? It is over £1000 pounds. Here are the letters below, I hope you can help: [ATTACH=CONFIG]55404[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]55405[/ATTACH]
  5. I understand the 'excuses' given by the majority of mobile companies for the high rates charged for roaming in other countries, the main one being that other companies charge punitive rates to use their networks. However, as the market becomes ever more globalised and with the constant mergers and acquisitions of the various companies, we see a company such as Vodafone in particular, with a footprint in a significant number of countries is effectively punitively charging it's own customers under the guise of 'separate corporate entities', whilst still the majority of functions are under a single roof and all reporting through one structure, the Vodafone Group. In addition, Vodafone Group also owns large chunks of the underlying infrastructure, the cabling and fibre, used to route these calls internationally across the data backbone, therefore the costs here are also negligible internally. This seems inherently unfair to the consumer and certainly makes a mockery of their public statements as to the reasons for such high charges. If the market was not a near monopoly then surely these costs would more accurately reflect the actual costs of the roaming.
  6. Hello all, I made a CCA request a couple of years ago, I got the usual reply, reconstituted agreement and application form, I wrote back and told them that this was not good enough. All went quite for 2 years, then I was contacted by a debt collection agency, I asked for deed of assignment, they claimed that the account was still with the original provider, I then made a CCA request of the debt collection agency, they responded by passing on my request to the card provider, this request has not produced the credit agreement either, although I have asked the debt collection agency what further recovery action can be justified, they have not replied though they insist that I must write to card provide, this I am in the process of doing, Can I just add that all the other Debt collection firms I have dealt with on this matter have closed their files when I have made my CCA requests. Any help would be greatly appreciated Benjamin
  7. Hello guys, I am looking for a bit of advice. I have read quite a few threads here and my problem seems to be quite a frequent one, however I think I have a unique circumstance which may change the outcome so I felt I needed to make my own thread. today I received a letter in the post from a company called 'Collectica enforcement services' stating that they have been instructed by 'South East London' to execute the warrant with immediate effect, the amount due is almost £400 for the offence of 'Vehicle - Fail to Notify of alteration to particul' (I assume it means particular and was cut off). There is no other information on this letter, no registration number, no date of the offence, nothing. I have contacted the company and they informed me that it was the DVLA for the reason stated. I asked for more information on this matter such as time and registration number and she told me that she would email the client and get back to me at some point today. (I assume it was my last vehicle which was a motorbike and sold over 7 months ago) I was living with my parents at Address A, I had the bike at this point, then they split and I moved to my Mums address B and lived there with the bike for about 6 months, then moved to my girlfriends house at address C and was there for around another 8 months but I sold the bike around 6 months into living there. I am now at address D with my father. I completely forgot to tell the DVLA my new address and its still set as Address A (all my insurance for the bike etc was changed over). this is where all of the fine letters have gone to and obviously I have not seen them. Apparently it was taken to court on the 2nd Sept and I was found guilty obviously because I didn't attend. When I sold the bike it was put into my friends name by myself and then he sold it for me. He definitely sent off all of the log books because I was with him when he did it. do I have a leg to stand on at all guys? I know I'm in the wrong for not changing my address is there anything I can do. As a student this £400 is going to kill me. Thanks for any help guys I really appreciate it. Any more information you need please let me know.
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