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  1. Advice please - I parked in NCP Barnet on 27.12.18. No barriers and am not local, but local friend I was meeting assured me it was pay to park...….thought I'd take a photo of the location number, finally found a machine - weren't any notices, and then tried to pay at the machine. Was as number plate one and despite several attempts could only pay £1.50 ……..then received PCN to keeper last week. Anything I can do - I think I prob underpaid by £1, and I know its my fault, but £60 seems a bit steep! Any help gratefully received, Many thanks Date of the infringement 27/12/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] Date of sending is 18/01/19 3 Date received 21/01/19 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? NCP 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Spires Barnet For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. It says complain to NCP There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE- BPA If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here I have not received any other information but the letter does say that if payment is recieved within 14 days then I could pay £60 instead of th £100 they intend to charge. The letter also says that if I want to appeal I must do so within 14 days.
  2. Hi all, I travelled to London on 12/02, returning on the 13/02. I have TWO parking charge notices on my windscreen, one for each day - for not parking within a bay. When I arrived at the carpark, there were no spaces available and several vehicles were parked in places that were not marked as bays, but in areas that did not cause any obstruction to the carpark in the slightest. If it was one fine I would probably suck it up and pay it, but the attendant could clearly see I paid for two days parking (obviously not returning to the car in the meantime) and has ticketed me on both days. now my blood is boiling. The tickets are £85 each (£50 if paid in 14 days) and quite frankly, I can't afford to pay them. Any advice you can give me would be fantastic, thanks in advance for your help. 1 The date of infringement? 12/02 and 13/02 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? No have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) Not yet as only received fines this week what date is on it Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? On the online appeals section, there is photo evidence (note I haven't appealed or put any info in, just checked to see if there were any photos) 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) N/A 5 Who is the parking company? NCP 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Newport Train Station, Long Stay - South Wales
  3. 1 Date of the infringement 12/1/19 - 16/1/19 2 Date on the NTK 6/2/19 3 Date received 8/2/19 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] n 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? yes Photo of me entering on the 12th and leaving on the 16th. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] y Didn't say much, just that I could prove the car wasn't parked in the car park for the entire time. Have you had a response? [Y/N?] n 7 Who is the parking company? NCP 8. Where exactly Market Place Boston I was at the car park on the saturday, but left same day. Also came back 2 days later on the 14th and left on time again (not registered the car entering or leaving then). On the 16th I did overstay by about 20 mins, but I'm still appealing as their evidence is completely wrong.
  4. Hello I'm hoping you can help me. I received a NTK from NCP using ANPR for parking longer than paid for. Now the issue is that driver (not me) brought a ticket for 24hr parking costing £2.50 and i have a photo of this. The car park in question is protected by ANPR and the driver brought the ticket at 17:07 before leaving the car park 17:16. in my simple world there is nothing to worry about as we should win the appeal ? As i'm the keeper and not the driver who should appeal ? what would be in your minds would be the best approach ? 1 Date of the infringement - 25/10/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - date on letter is 05/11/18 3 Date received - i think i received either the 7th or 8th 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] - Not sure i will need to check further 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - yes photo of the car leaving with time and date. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] - No - Not as yet, as the driver has a ticket i was going to appeal 7 Who is the parking company? NCP 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Crawley Kingsgate Thanks in advance for your help
  5. I paid for 2hr and went over by 30 mins, do these parking charge notices to keeper have to be paid. What are the options What are the chances of it going to court and then debt collectors. 1) Date of Incident. 28/10/2018 2) Date of them sending NTK 09/11/2018 3) Date recieved 12/11/2018 4) Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of the protection of freedom act 2012 No 5) photographic evidence Pictures of front and rear date and times 6) Have i appealed No 7) Who is the parking company NCP. 8) where East laithe gate, Doncaster. Appeals body BPA
  6. HI I drove into the NCP in Lincoln several times over the last few weeks to collect keys from an office behind. I park in the private car park at the back. You have to drive through the NCP to get to it. I have received a PCN for £100 as they clocked me going in and then leaving 19 mins later. I didnt park in their car park!!! I will get several more of these over the next few days so am livid. Surely they cannot charge you to drive through their car park, it is the only entrance to the private one at the back that they dont own. Also, now they photograph you arriving and leaving does that mean i cant wait in there anymore for my disabled partner? They are getting bad. Any advice appreciated Thanks
  7. My wife parked my car in an NCP car park in Ipswich for 15mins on 6th dec. She had some issues paying with her phone via Ringo. However, payment was made successfully as was confirmed by her bank statement. Yesterday we received a letter from Trace debt recovery for 160 pounds. We phoned NCP who said they sent letters (they didn't). We have finally managed to get them to allow us to appeal on their website, previously it was locked out. How should we appeal? I can attach a screenshot of the bank statement, but what explanation should I give. I've never had this happen before and it is keeping me awake at night it was a ZP serial number if that helps
  8. Hello all, I have been directed your way from an advice thread on reddit. I received a letter in the post from NCP the other day stating that I now owe them £100 (reduced to £60 if paid within 14 days) for parking in their car park without paying. However, the kicker is that I didn't actually park there. I entered the car park to pick somebody up and left 15 minutes later. I've logged in to check what pictures they actually have, all they have are pictures of my vehicle entering the car park and leaving 15 minutes later. They don't have any evidence of me walking off into town for example (they wouldn't, because I remained in my car the entire time). it seems to me that they can't claim that I parked there without paying if they have no proof of my car actually being parked. I would like some help with appealing this and any suggestions would be appreciated
  9. Hi, I got slapped with pretty much the same PCN at the same car park. My wife was driving the car and she did pay the £2.50 after she arrived. However as we only got the PCN 22 days after the day she parked there the ticket is long gone. The date of the incident was the 6th of December and we got the PCN on the 28th of December. I have seen from the signs posted here that they say you don't need to display the ticket in the car but that you should keep it as a proof (who keeps their tickets?). The PCN claims we breached the 'contract' by parking without payment and as evidence they just show that the car entered and left the car park. That is only evidence that the car parked there, not that it wasn't paid for. As we don't have the ticket anymore we can't tell when the ticket was issued or whether the registration number was entered correctly (always a change of typing it wrong). In my opinion they would need to prove that you didn't pay. So they would need to show an audit trail of tickets issued during the period and list which tickets that were issued do not match any cars that entered the car park. If e.g. 1000 cars parked during the day and 1000 tickets were issued they can't really claim that someone did not pay. The Levenshtein distance (how many letters you need to change to go from one string to another, E.g. Hello to Hillo would be a distance of 1 as you have to change one letter) between the reg numbers entered on the ticket machine and the reg numbers of the ANPR system would show straight away if some reg number had a typo. If a type was the cause for this PCN then another question is if the system knows at any time which cars are in the car park, why does the parking ticket machine not reject numbers that are not in the car park? So what is the best way forward. I've read that you should not appeal. Why? I fully understand that they will reject the appeal as this is their business model but can't you use the appeal to put them on notice already? I am not a lawyer but I would request the following: -Proof that the parking charge was not payed -Ask them to reserve the CCTV footage (if they have) of the ticket machine for future use in the court of law as that would show my wife making the payment (making clear that you won't be bullied) -Provide a list of tickets issued during the period which do not match any of the numbers of the ANPR system and their Levenshtein to our registration number. -Audit trail of the ticket machines. Are there any gaps in the ticket issued? My wife has her father as a witness that she paid and there she helped an elderly couple at the ticket machine (but we don't know them). So what do you suggest we do? Wait until they write they are going to court? What would the worst case be, it goes to court and you have to pay. How much would that be? I know that that is what they bank on that people are scared of going to court and lose especially now that they won a few (or at least one) cases in court. PCN attached Signs (thanks to User999 for getting all those pictures) One of the signs is saying: "Please ensure you enter the full and correct vehicle registration number of the vehicle you've parked today. Failure to do so may result in the issue of a Parking Charge Notice (PCN)"
  10. Hi, Appreciate some advice on my situation. I am the keeper and owner but was not the driver for the following situation which I have ignored totally upto now. Circumstances of the charge and correspondence to date February – driver parked at London underground car park run by NCP. Paid for ticket but did not park correctly within the marked bay so Parking charge notice issued for £100 reduced to £60 if paid within 14 days. This PCN ignored. Forty days later I get the NTK letter from NCP which I don’t respond to. Thirty days later get letter from ZZPS stating the details of the parking and advising that I should now pay £160. This letter ignored. Twenty days later a further letter from ZZPS states that if the charge is not paid then they shall pass to WH and the charge will increase by £30 to £190 payable. This letter ignored. Forty days later get FORMAL LETTER OF CLAIM from WH stating that the balance is now £196 and if I do not pay within 14 days of this letter they will commence County Court proceedings. I am still within the 14 days of this letter and have made no response. So I am the keeper and owner but not the driver who I believe is the only party liable to pay the charge??. My choices as I see it are to either Continue to ignore. or Respond to WH letter stating that I was not the driver and they should seek the driver. I know who the driver is but am I obliged to disclose this?? Can I ask for a fee for disclosing this information?? Would like some advice on how each course of action might develop from here. Regards Brassica
  11. Hi all, Looking for some advice regarding a parking charge received in an NCP car park for having an expired ticket. I park there every weekday for work, I pay for 2 hours as I'm in the office usually for about an hour before heading out again, but on this day I was delayed leaving and returned 20 minutes after it had expired to find one of their lovely bogus charges. I received the ticket stuck to my windscreen, with the time of year and seemingly countless work and personal life issues I didn't get round to writing an appeal. The Notice to Keeper arrived in due course and I haven't responded to that either, most recently I received a Keeper Liability Notice stating that it is now too late to appeal and they will pass the matter to a debt collection agency who may take me to court if I don't pay up. Now I'm not worried about their scare tactics, but I've reached the point where I have room in my brain's limited attention span to deal with this What would be the best course of action at this point? I understand that I was at fault but they're asking for £100 which is ludicrous, and I know they cannot charge more than the amount of lost revenue for the car park owner. Should I write to them offering payment equivalent to 1 hour's parking to cover the lost revenue? Thanks in advance, Nick
  12. Hi a quick question please. I waited in an ncp station car park when collecting someone from a station. didn't get out of the car but unfortunately my passenger was delayed as his coach broke down was there about 20 mins or perhaps a bit longer. didn't buy a ticket as I was just waiting in what I thought was a safe place. could just have easily waited on the street as it was in the evening. was shocked to receive a ticket by ANPR recording me arriving and leaving the car park. appealed but it was rejected have to pay £60 (rising to £100 if I delay payment for any reason including appealing to POPLA). I was wondering whether there are views as to whether it's worth appealing. I didn't see any signs about waiting but admit I was in their car park in their rejection of my appeal they say I was using the facilities and they have a 10 min grace period which is apparently stated at the exit and entrance. Would appreciate people's advice/suggestions. Thanks
  13. Hi, I received a PCN for parking on the entrance to a train station car park but the PCN states I have "not parked correctly within the markings of the bay" Can anyone spare any thoughts as to whether this will be successfully appealed? First of all, I was parked before the barriers to the car park and secondly I wasn't parked in a bay to be not parked in it correctly? Yes, I probably shouldn't of parked there but as the car park was full, there was no where else to go. Besides, it`s not like I was causing an obstruction. Thanks in advance. D
  14. Hi everyone, not sure how to make my own post, but need some help. Firstly I will say I am in the wrong for what I am doing but it is all down to a member of employment from the Ncp. I park in an Ncp on the regular, one day an employee told me to park in a disabled spot as there was no spaces, so I did this. On returning to my car I had a ticket on my window for parking in a disabled bay, even though I was told I couldy. I'll just say ever since then I have had a vendetta against the Ncp, and I basically drive out behind other cars without paying (stupid I know) well I've done this numerous times, and I have been recieving letters from the Ncp and now from dpr or drp? One of them. I am a little worried because on each letter that are asking for £119+ and I have received over 10-15 of these letters, they are also threatening court action? I know I am in the wrong but I need some help, should I ignore all letters from ncp and drp/dpr? Will they take me to court? Any help would be appreciated
  15. Hi guys, you were amazingly helpful in the past, so thought I would try you all again. Been doing lots of reading on the forum, but to be honest, just confusing myself. I parked at Newport train station, rushed for my train and forgot about paying for parking (usually do it via their app). remembered about 2-3pm so though "bugger, probably too late now" so paid it. Came back from London at 7pm with a parking ticket. The irony is that the ticket was timed for about 10 minutes before I paid for it online. I wrote a letter (probably against all your advice now lol) to them explaining all this and how I have paid the other 8 times I have used the parking, and how I did pay, but 10 minutes too late. received their "thanks but no thanks letter" What should I do now? pay the speculative invoice or appeal or ignore??? Please find attached the letter if anyone wants to read and help me out !! One of the funniest bits is, I am a guy !! Idiots thanks in advance guys
  16. Hi Just interested in your views. The car was parked at NCP's carpark at Edinburgh airport, on returning a sticker was applied to the windscreen saying "OOPS you have parked outside the marked bay... this is a warning you may receive a parking charge notice is you do it again" or words to that effect The images is where the car was parked. I believe it was inside the bay, but more importantly the full bay marking was a short line on the ground, on the left side of the image you can only just see the mark and that was in the daylight. It was parked early morning while still dark. The main question, for my own benefit, would you say it's inside the bay, granted near the edge...? I'm just wondering if this is a prelude to them trying to increase revenue through PCN's Thanks
  17. I recieved a parking charge notice from NCP in the North Greenwhich 02 car park which is ANPR controlled. The barriers were open when I exited so I was not aware I had to pay
  18. Hello All, thank you all for the advice that follows; My car has been photographed at the above station and issued with a PCN in the early evening but that PCN has an incorrect reg on it. I, like many others, just want assurance that the PCN is invalid due to the incorrect details being taken down and not to do anything with the PCN nor write to NCP. I always pay my parking, all the time, including this day pay by phone but I did this just before leaving London some 2 hours after the PCN was issued but by the time I got back to my car the dreaded sticky envelope was on my windscreen. This is a company vehicle which both myself and my wife are allowed to drive. If any more information is needed please let me know. Thank you all once again. NCPSucker
  19. Hello, A friend of mine has approached with their PCN they have received from NCP for not correctly parking within the lines of the space. This is new to me. In my mind how can they make any claim for this, espcially having suffered no loss. Also the car park is poorly maintained and the white lines are in fact just very small T bar at the start of the bay. Can they claim for not parking correctly in a bay? surely this is something to be appealed like all other pcn I cant upload a copy of the PCN at moment, but it is a standard one stating £50 or £100. The car park is the NCP at Haywards Heath Harlands Road. The ticket has a code F2 written on it for the contravention with date and time. The PCN number is REDACTED and the vehicle reg is REDACTED you can log onto their website to see the photos www.ncp.co.uk/pcn
  20. please help. i paid and displayed a valid ticket at an NCP car park in April 2015. when i returned to the vehicle i had a parking ticket as the ticket i had displayed on leaving the car had fallen on the floor. there was no sticky label so it was left on the dash board. NCP were not interested in my appeal nor were POPLA both stating it was my responsibility to display. i now have a letter from debt recovery plus threatening court action if i do not pay. what should i do any advise will help
  21. Hi, I have received a PCN from NCP on 30/04/2015 It states Code F3 - Not parked correctly within the markings of a bay space The fee if paid within 14 days - £50 Goes up to £75 afterwards. The registration plate on PCN has got a '0' instead of 'O' in the second field. I have, unfortunately checked PCN on their website and typed in my actual VRN but that did not bring up a result. Should I just pay £50 and have peace of mind, or wait for them to send me a letter? Many thanks!!
  22. Hi all, I have been pointed to this forum by a friend who was certain someone on here can help. Back in November, I parked in my usual train station car park, run by NCP. I arrived later than usual, so there was no spaces in my usual spot downstairs. I had to drive to the top floor, where i found plenty of spaces. I parked up and walked away, paying for my ticket on the 'Ringo' mobile app as I do every morning. When I returned to my car I was surprised to find that I had received a ticket, as had about 12 other cars around me. It turned out that the space I parked in was a 'Premier Bay' (not usually what I'd expect to find on the top floor of a multi-story). When I looked closer, the bays were indeed marked (unclearly) 'Premier Parking', however the words were spaced about 15 foot apart, meaning in front of my car there was just the word 'Parking'. There was also no visible signage. The only sign displayed was next to the pay and display machine, which I never use due to preferring the mobile app. This was on a lamp post around 20 meters from where I parked, positioned side on so I wouldn't have noticed it even if I looked that way. There were two lamp posts either side of my car, neither of which had a Premier Parking sign displayed. I appealed to the NCP but it was declined (in hindsight after reading a few posts, this was the wrong thing to do). I then appealed to POPLA, but they said my appeal was received more than 28 days after the ticket was issued, so was declined. I have now received a letter from 'Debt Recovery Plus' demanding payment or court proceedings may commence. I have genuinely forgotten to purchase a ticket on occasions, and reluctantly paid the fine as I was in breach of the car park conditions, but on this occasion I believe NCP should have done more to make it clear that the spaces were allocated Premier Parking bays. Can anyone please advise me what would be best in this situation? The amount owed is now £120, which is outrageous considering I paid for a ticket that day. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Neil
  23. Hello guys i wonder if you could help me. I work at a hospital that has the misfortune of employing NCP to run the parking and have now retrieved 5 tickets (Monday to Friday) for parking in a parking bay near to the department that i work in. I have now received 5 notice to keepers demanding £60 a time that's £300 ! for 5 days parking. i have checked the entrance to the site and there is no signs stating that it is pay and display car park or that parking is in any way restricted (the bay that i parked in did have short stay painted on the ground next to it but no indication of how long they consider short stay to be). having checked the other two entrances to the site (they are 3)only 1 which was not the one i used has any sort of signage stating that you must pay and display. any advice would be gratefully received. thank you mark
  24. Hi, can someone please advise on the above? I am reading here that I shouldn't ignore. I had read on other forums that I should ignore. I have jotted a letter up basically stating that I will not pay due to the fee being disproportionate and according to the unfair consumer contract regs the charge must not exceed the cost to the landowner etc. I have also put that the signage is insufficient (which it is) so I was not made aware of the terms and conditions as I didn't see them. So I have not entered a contract etc. Is this the right thing to do? basically I have parked in the said place for years at night, but it seems NCP have arrived and changed the rules there. I was not aware and parked there as I have done so for the past 5 years. There is no lighting and I genuinely wasn't aware of the such new inforcement so I didn't buy a ticket. The ticket price should have been £3.50 and the fine is £100!! I hope to get this letter off today so appreciate any help as I do not intend to pay this 'fine'
  25. Hello CAG, First post ever... have been a lurker for a long time, and now need some advice myself! This is the email sent to NCP on 12th December 2013: ----- Dear Sirs, I have received PCCN#: (photo attached) this evening after parking my vehicle at your car park at Ickenham Underground Station. I have contacted the number on the parking ticket itself to report that the machine is FAULTY and they have asked that I contact yourself in regards to the PCCN. Upon purchasing my ticket on MONDAY 9th DECEMBER 2013, your machine did NOT state the expiry DATE or TIME. Just the PAYMENT AMOUNT and the DAY/MONTH. No expiry TIME was shown. The machine is STILL doing this. Please see the attached photo this evening which shows exactly the same as Monday, and just shows the expiry as FRIDAY. This to me, as the consumer, means that parking is covered for the WHOLE of the day, not just until 02:59 on THURSDAY/FRIDAY as this is actually printed on the ticket. I aware that it’s up to me to check the ticket issued is correct via the machine, but I was in rush on Monday and just put my card in, chose the number of days, so pressing + to move the day till Thursday and pressed the green button... If I had known I needed to buy the ticket until 02:59am on FRIDAY, I would have. Please be aware that I have been using the machine and the one at North Ealing underground station for over SIX YEARS so have paid a substantial amount of parking fees to your company, let alone the parking fees I pay when in other towns and city’s across the UK. And, to be honest, as the machine just STATES on the screen, THURSDAY, then in effect this means, the WHOLE of THURSDAY. If you have any queries in regards to the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards, 123NeilyB ----- NCP then replied back on the 30th December 2013, saying basically my fault... should have checked the ticket, and YES, in theory I agree with this but on the type of machine in the NCP operated London Underground car parks, if you have to park more than 1 day you press the '+' button to increase the day, which I did and scrolled it along to Thursday, and even though ive been using different car parks with the SAME machines, didnt clock (haha) that the expiry time was missing. In my eyes, the MACHINE was faulty and sold me the wrong ticket. If the time had been working then I would have paid for the extra day... NCP included the link to POPLA, which I have done, and appeal hearing day is this Thursday, 6th Feb. What do you think my chances are of POPLA telling NCP to cancel the PCCN? All in all, I owe NCP a days parking in effect, which is £4, but they want £75 as per the PCCN (no discount for early payment either!). I have attached a photo of the machine, which if you look above where there is a small dot, that part should display the time... Cheers, thanks & keep up the good work!
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