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  1. Hi, I got slapped with pretty much the same PCN at the same car park. My wife was driving the car and she did pay the £2.50 after she arrived. However as we only got the PCN 22 days after the day she parked there the ticket is long gone. The date of the incident was the 6th of December and we got the PCN on the 28th of December. I have seen from the signs posted here that they say you don't need to display the ticket in the car but that you should keep it as a proof (who keeps their tickets?). The PCN claims we breached the 'contract' by parking without payment and as evidence they just show that the car entered and left the car park. That is only evidence that the car parked there, not that it wasn't paid for. As we don't have the ticket anymore we can't tell when the ticket was issued or whether the registration number was entered correctly (always a change of typing it wrong). In my opinion they would need to prove that you didn't pay. So they would need to show an audit trail of tickets issued during the period and list which tickets that were issued do not match any cars that entered the car park. If e.g. 1000 cars parked during the day and 1000 tickets were issued they can't really claim that someone did not pay. The Levenshtein distance (how many letters you need to change to go from one string to another, E.g. Hello to Hillo would be a distance of 1 as you have to change one letter) between the reg numbers entered on the ticket machine and the reg numbers of the ANPR system would show straight away if some reg number had a typo. If a type was the cause for this PCN then another question is if the system knows at any time which cars are in the car park, why does the parking ticket machine not reject numbers that are not in the car park? So what is the best way forward. I've read that you should not appeal. Why? I fully understand that they will reject the appeal as this is their business model but can't you use the appeal to put them on notice already? I am not a lawyer but I would request the following: -Proof that the parking charge was not payed -Ask them to reserve the CCTV footage (if they have) of the ticket machine for future use in the court of law as that would show my wife making the payment (making clear that you won't be bullied) -Provide a list of tickets issued during the period which do not match any of the numbers of the ANPR system and their Levenshtein to our registration number. -Audit trail of the ticket machines. Are there any gaps in the ticket issued? My wife has her father as a witness that she paid and there she helped an elderly couple at the ticket machine (but we don't know them). So what do you suggest we do? Wait until they write they are going to court? What would the worst case be, it goes to court and you have to pay. How much would that be? I know that that is what they bank on that people are scared of going to court and lose especially now that they won a few (or at least one) cases in court. PCN attached Signs (thanks to User999 for getting all those pictures) One of the signs is saying: "Please ensure you enter the full and correct vehicle registration number of the vehicle you've parked today. Failure to do so may result in the issue of a Parking Charge Notice (PCN)"
  2. It seems my car overstayed in a free car at Morrisons and now have a "Parking Charge Notice" (PCN) yes this is what is called even though I am fully aware it is nothing more than a speculative invoice. Does this invalidate it if indeed it could be classed as valid in the first place The driver and party visited to do weekly shop - had a tea in the stores restaurant on the way in, then did the shop then decided to have a meal at the restaurant to save cooking dinner when they got back home. They had not realised that the time allowed had recently been reduced to 2 hours so by the time they exited they had been in the free carpark owned by Morrisons for nearly 3 hours. It is Euro Car Parks with a date of issue of the 27th Feb however they do give a from date of the 7th March.. .. it has only just arrived today (11th) In the past on the rare occasions I have received these I have just ignored the threratograms but I gather law may have changed. I was not the driver as what in my workshop with a client and I do not see why I should name the person who was driving - all the photos show is the number plate. The vehicle is insured for several drivers Looking on Google I can see a poster stating that the hours have been reduced to two hours but it is not in a position where it would be seen easily if driver is concentrating on the road ahead (as he or she should be) - if you need to look it is Morrisons store, and car park entrance is in Pegler way, Crawley West Sussex Advice please of how best to tackle this - i.e. play their game and get an appeal refusal and give them the cost of the POPLA route or just ignore them
  3. Hi, I'm new to this site. I hope you can advice me a little. I received a parking charge notice that I think is unfair. I will lay out some of the background details to help understand the issue. Please let me know if more information is needed. 1. Morrisons opened in June 2014 in a multi storey complex, part morrisons and part travellodge. The car park is managed by Euro Car Parks. 2. Initially Morrisons offered around 3 hours free parking. Before parking there, we checked with Morrisons staff this was correct and read the signs put up by Euro Car Parks. They were scattered randomly and not particulary large. The signs at the time were vague and stated Morrisons customers could park for a period of time, the actual number of hours was left blank at the time. 3. With this knowledge, we have been parking there on and off there without re-reading the signs any further. We do not stay over three hours. 3. In early June I overheard some other customers mention that Morrisons had changed their parking times. I then went to read the ECP notice and it looked very similar apart from now the blank was filled in with a two hour limit. It was a very small ammendement, and I saw no other notices, no large notification of change of policy or change of parking times, when entering the car park, or or at the pedestrian exit doors, or inside morrisons. i immediately reduced my parking times to comply. 4. In June 15, a "notice to keeper letter" letter was sent to my address stating I had parked longer than the maximum period and parking charge was £85 as I hadn't paid in time. The date of alleged infringement was 16 May. The notice was from Euro Car parks. I believe this is the first letter they sent me. I was away from home and did not see it until early July. Looking at other websites the info was to ignore it. I also was very annoyed and thought it was unfair as there was no notification of changes of policy that I had read entering the car park or the shop. 5. At the beginning of August I got a call from my family home saying they received a letter from Debt Recovery plus. The letter is quite threatening but carefully worded. It states they are acting for the creditor to recover an unpaid debt. They said they as there was no response from the registered keeper address they have used other means to trace my current address - i.e. family home. 6. As I don't want my family to be tainted with this issue, earlier this morning I sent an appeal to Euro Car Parks directly. I used my registered keeper address. I did not divulge who the driver is, but requested they cancel the charge as there change of policy was not clearly stated. I have not contacted Debt recovery plus nor made any mention of them to Europarks. 7. The notice to keeper stated the breach being "Your vehicle was parked longer than the maximum period allowed". It does not state what that time was, nor does it provide any other evidence of the breach. I have asked they send me some evedence that my car was there on May 15. I would like to know what I should be doing from now on. a. Do you think that the situation is unfair? b. Do I have a case to appeal to anyone further? c. Does appealing to supermarkets to cancel the charge work? I do shop at Morrisons but small amounts - is there a price limit before they revoke parking charges? d. What other information can Debt Recovery plus actually use to try and trace me further - is this legal....and is it common? e. To what extent do private car parking websites look at websites like this, and take further action based upon comments here. I think i will be fairly traceable from the detailed background. In this case can the thread be private until the case is closed? - I am new here remember! f. In addition, I would like to know if the policy is changed by the parking authority what effort should the parking authority make to ensure customers are aware of the changes. I have a sneaky feeling they may say we put a sign up a week before...............but If i was not at the car park that week how would I know. All advice is greatly appreciated.
  4. I had front and back disks and pads replaced on my Grand Cherokee by Kwik-Fit on 14th May 2013. It was done at the Crawley, County Oak brank. I was charged over £500 for the job. Last night, 18th May 2013, with my two children, wife and I in the car, we had just started off on the motorway, travelling at aprox 60 miles an hour, when we smelt a horrible burning smell. We immediately got of the motorway, stopped, jumped out to have a look and found the rear passenger side wheel glowing red and the tyre smouldering. Luckily, we have a couple of drums of water in the car and dowsed the wheel to cool it down and then called the AA. The AA arrived some hours latter, but even after this time the AA man could still smell the horrible buring smell. He checked the car and confirmed the fault was rubbing break pads, which had caused friction. In the words of the AA man "Kwik-Fit have messed up the job and your lucky to be alive". The AA man pointed out the the smouldering trye was on the same side of the car as both the petrol and LPG tank and if we had not have stopped and had the water to dowse the wheel, from the heat damage he could see, the tyre would have burst into flames and potentially ignited the fuel and LPG. He also explained that the tyre was only moments from failling due to the heat and this could have caused the car to crash if travelling at speed on a motorway.
  5. The following link is to a news article from this week's Crawley local paper in relation to charges applied to a council tax payer's account by their bailiff provider: Rundle & Co. What on earth is Crawley Council doing !!!! http://www.thisissussex.co.uk/Bailiff-charged-110-making-wait-hour/story-18857109-detail/story.html#axzz2SjC3AdRF
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