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Found 5 results

  1. I got a ticket today. A Sunday at 11.58am. It was a single yellow line in Greenwich, London. Any advice on what the sign is all about please? Since, it didnt mention a weekend, I parked there and this is how i find myself here.
  2. Hi everyone, Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can give. My parents (both OAPs) have just received a PCN out of the blue for supposedly taking an illegal right turn on a town centre road. There are actually zero right turns on the street in question, so the only thing that could have happened (although they cannot remember it) is that they made a u-turn using a supermarket loading bay situated on the right of the road. There is a photograph enclosed that only shows the car driving down the street, (it could be on any street, in any town, judging by the photo!), so naturally we went online to check the supporting video footage that this photograph was supposedly from, only to find that the photo is the only evidence included on the page. The main question here is what should they do now? It is impossible to speak with a human on the telephone, but they do not want to pay a fine without seeing the video of the incident actually happening. Is there a particular contact they should make to request the footage or should they challenge the PCN? Obviously, they worry that if they take too long or challenge and fail, the fine will double. Thanks guys!
  3. Dear Forum, I have never driven to London before as I live in the countryside and have had no need to visit the 'big smoke'. On 17/11/2013 I decided to go and collect some second hand furniture from a place I had not visited before. After a 4 hour journey I had hit a busy and confusing (sometimes aggressive) traffic system. My Sat Nav which needs upgrading was politely taking me all sorts of directions which at one stage must have been a bus lane because this morning I received a fine for £130.00 or £65.00 if I pay in the next 14 days, with photographic evidence. Do I really have to pay this:???::???: Do London Borough of Hounslow care that I was confused and Sat Nav had told me to turn left at the traffic lights so I took the left lane. In the picture I can see another car behind me, were they also asked to pay a fine? Please can you help. Thank you P.s. It was on Chiswick High road
  4. I am jumping up and down like Tigger with rage. I have been on housing and council tax benefit, disabled buying home, Had a few probs with council tax in 2009, benefits were wrong and had a bill, sent to bailiffs CER and then they went ceased trading. Had a few ups and downs but managed to sort it out. We had a discrepancy but thats in past and has been left hanging. Now with the changes have to pay council tax again, but just haven't had the funds. I had a traffic fine and finished paying that off in June. I had a letter from council and decided that I would do a payment plan. I agreed £6 a fortnight which they accepted. This was for both amounts. I made it £6.50 and it was OK. Have paid 2 payments so far, another going on Wednesday. This morning a letter arrives sayint that I haven't kept up with my plan and they are taking me to court for the £33 outstanding. an the rest of the year. They have taken £6 off the old one and 50p off this years. I can't afford any more....... what should I do?
  5. The following link is to a news article from this week's Crawley local paper in relation to charges applied to a council tax payer's account by their bailiff provider: Rundle & Co. What on earth is Crawley Council doing !!!! http://www.thisissussex.co.uk/Bailiff-charged-110-making-wait-hour/story-18857109-detail/story.html#axzz2SjC3AdRF
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