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  1. Any legal guys here need help In January I needed to be fitted with a pacemaker. My surgeon told me that I must inform the DVLA but to also tell them that I had fully recovered due to the procedure and me bionic heart. Soon after I told them by phone and they said I would get a questionnaire to fill in. The facts ----- Due to the questionnaire not being returned in time my driving license has been revoked. Following a telephone call today I was informed that My license will not be reinstated even though they have the said questionnaire in their possession. I have informed them that it will cause severe hardship and distress to me as a registered disabled person who needs a vehicle at all times. Even asking them what I should do they said to go to the post office and apply for a driving license. I told them that I couldn't because I am on my own and can't get there because of my disability. Not their problem basically! They did not get the questionnaire in time but can't tell me what law/guidelines they have in place and what grounds there are to have the license reinstated even temporarily until the whole thing is investigated. It is actually a paper exercise for their records because when I rang them the medical condition did not exist. You can legally drive with a pacemaker all you have to do is inform the DVLA. I also asked them how they can impose a punishment as harsh as revoking a license of a disabled person who is deemed fit to drive and why they can't come to a compromise now that they have the questionnaire. They told me that the time limit is 14 days from the date they send me the letter and I told them that I got the letter today dated 16/03/2018 informing me that it had been revoked?? I asked them how they could impose a time limit on something that they cannot prove I got never mind got late like the letter i got today? Does anyone know how I can fight this? Can they impose what is deemed a punishment on a time limit that is instigated on a letter that they cannot prove was received by me on time? Common sense would dictate that it be reinstated on a temporary basis now that the information has been received and is, in fact, a paper exercise. I cannot find anything in writing on the net stating when the time limit is imposed? Should it not be sent recorded if there is a punishment attached? Like they have the form but won't do anything because it was late and the letter i got today informing that my license was revoked was dated 16th March hence why I rang them??? PLZ Help
  2. Hello, can anyone help me to fill in this directions questionnaire, it is a long story I have to tell. Myself and My Partner were living in a two bedroom bungalow that we purchased in 2006 we have 3 children now and the bungalow was too small but we couldn’t afford to move, his parents (who at the time were giving £50k to my partners brother and sister) said they would pay for an extension to our bungalow to the same value (because they didn’t trust him with money) this was great my partners dad instructed a builder (sorry trying to make this as short as possible) who built the extension (started April 2016 finished July 2016) I had no say in who was contracted to build I did have a say in the kitchen as long as I kept it below a certain figure and the bathroom, the builder was a shoddy worker in my opinion, told us we had to move out for a couple of days while he knocked through meanwhile 3 months later and still living at my parents while the builder (a friend of my partners dad) a man in his very late 50s and one other person was coming to my house at 9 am and leaving at 2 I left for work and to drop kids at school at 8:30 and came home around 2:30 there was no chance to speak to the builder I even took a day off work just so I could catch him to talk to (he was working on the roof and left my house exposed and the rain had poured into my kitchen hallway loft which I still had all my property in which got ruined) when I finally got to talking to him to ask why he left the house exposed why we were supposed to be moved out only for a few days and why it had turned into months he simply replied I am not working for you. My partners dad was not much help either he only used to come to give the man his cheques to which I didn’t even know how much was being paid out, eventually his dad realised he was being taken for a ride had an argument with the builder the work was botch finished and that was that. My partner then asked me in around November 2016 could I sign this piece of paper as my dad has spent so much on the house , it’s to do with tax , he said, so I did. Around December 2016 I was aware my father in law was pursuing the builder for shoddy unfinished work through a solicitor (the building work cannot be signed off until further works are finished which the builder has just ignored requests to come back and do) March 2017 I left the home with my 3 children after suffering domestic abuse I moved in with my mum and dad, on the 31st March I received a solicitor letter from mum and dad in law saying I owe them £47k. Before extension my bungalow worth £130k Then on 14th April another letter showing a loan agreement I had supposed to have signed on the 2nd April 2016 and with a valuation of my Home (£145k) and offering to buy me out for £5000. I was flabbergasted I could not afford legal help I just didn’t reply, in August 2017 I received another letter informing me they intend to go to court to recoup this money (all the while their son is living in the house and has changed the locks) i received the court papers and filed a defence but I’m just stuck now, I have this questionnaire to fill in by 16th November , I’m just annoyed that my house was worth £130k before works took place ive spent 11 years of my life paying my mortgage had the work not been done to sell it and split the interest I would have been looking at around £28k to walk away with, it’s had £47k spent on it and now it’s only worth £145k I know the money was really for him and they can have it back for him (which is why they are doing it) but the fact they controlled the whole thing (we have a builder living next door and the build should have only come to £35k had we had any say) it just annoys me they are calling it a loan when it wasn’t at all, surely if it was a loan discussion about repayment would have taken place, time scales etc the fact they only asked me for the repayment not both of us and the works have not been worth it and eaten into the interest already built up in the property. I am now in rented house with my children who’s father has not paid one penny towards since I left has not seen them since July I contacted child maintenance he has denied paternity of two of them (just to get out of paying, although he thought, he is obviously the father and the results have showed that so he is supposed to make payments now but hasn’t because he has put a change of circumstances in with the cms but he still has to pay (I am still waiting though, I won’t hold my breath) just trying to paint a picture of the people I’m dealing with) meanwhile I’m working two jobs just to try to provide my children with some sort of nicer life. the best thing about this is being free, now , we are all so much happier. To be fair they are going to get the attachment on the house which is what they are going to court for to ensure their sons interests because money talks I can’t afford a solicitor to help me I want to fight it all the way the best I can because it wasn’t a loan it was a gift. The “loan agreement” which I am supposed to have signed is an a4 piece of paper with this sentence on it “ we hereby loan the sum of £50k ( fifty thousand pounds) to (my partner name) and (my name) of (my address.) The loan is subject to an interest of 0% and is repayable on demand. Then my signature his signature and both parents signature I didn’t sign this I signed something in November 2016 not on this dated 2nd April I was even at work that day. Has anyone got any advice what so ever? Please xx
  3. I have just joined the Community here for your thoughts and we thank you in anticipation of any help you may give. We had a questionnaire from Abbey Life regarding enhanced annuity. They state on the bottom of the letter with the enclosed questionnaire - 'Abbey Life did not offer enhanced annuities, but one may have been available to you from another provider if you were eligible, and therefore you may be due compensation.' So we wrote to them saying we consider we may have been entitled to an enhanced annuity via an Independent Financial Adviser. (They do say this questionnaire is in relation to the purchase of your Abbey Life - Joint Annuity.) They have now phoned because of the letter and we have arranged to talk to them Friday afternoon. 1. My husband had a Waiver of Contributions implemented as a result of an accident before he reached retirement age. He does not get a huge amount because he only took out what we could afford at the time . We had hoped to increase it over time, because his employer did not offer one, even so we were pleased we did a Waiver of contributions option. Note: He went onto have a TIA and now has a pacemaker. I also went onto have breast cancer in 2007. 2. Looking at the questionnaire in our mind it was not relevant - we thought he was committed to Abbey Life. In fact it starts off with 'Why did you contact Abbey Life ......' So our question is - (a) this person from Abbey Life is saying he could help us over the phone to complete the questionnaire. But we are wondering if we should be seeking independent advice now? (b) being my husband was already on 'Waiver of Contributions' then is he in a different category? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  4. Had to email the court to see where a claim against me was as hadnt received anything. Received an email from them today stating that due to me not filling out the questionnaire my defence was struck out, further down the email stated that the claim has also been struck out as the claimant did not file a directions questionnaire. I can pay money to have my defence considered, but its seems to be a standard email sent out as as the case has been struck out it is pretty irrelevant. My real questions are Can the claimant pay £XXX amount to reopen the case? If YES do I need to pay to have my questionnaire submitted or does it reset the clock? If they can do this will I be informed of this and my defence accepted? Full email below. Unfortunately we cannot process your Directions Questionnaire as it has been received outside of the time allowed. The defence has now been struck out. If you would still like to contest the claim you will need to apply to re-instate the defence. This application should be made using an N244 Application Notice and should be accompanied by a completed Directions Questionnaire. You will need to explain why you did not file your Directions Questionnaire within the deadline provided and why you feel you should still be allowed to contest the claim. All forms can be downloaded from www.justice.gov.uk/forms. If the claim against you was for over £10,000 please attach an N181 Directions Questionnaire; for claims of £10,000 or under please attach an N180 Directions Questionnaire. You will need to provide one copy of the application for each defendant, one copy for the claimant and one copy for the court. There is a £100 court fee to process the application without a hearing or a £255 court fee to process the application with a hearing, payable by cheque or postal order to HMCTS or by card by calling the Helpdesk between 9am and 3:15pm. If you are applying as an individual rather than on behalf of a company and you cannot afford to pay this fee you can check if you are eligible for help with fees by downloading the EX160A booklet. Please note that the claim has also been struck out as the claimant did not file a directions questionnaire. Please note, applications are not automatically granted. The outcome of your application is at the discretion of the District Judge or court appointed Legal Advisor. If you require any further information please contact our helpdesk on the number below. Alternatively you can email us at [email protected]; Please ensure that you state the above case number in the subject heading of your email
  5. Just looking for a bit of advice. I received a letter on Saturday saying my health questionnaire needed to be completed by December 2nd. I didn't know what they were talking about as I hadn't received any questionnaire from them. I have spoken to someone today who said a questionnaire had been sent but they put a new one in the post and I am to return it as soon as possible. They did say that I would miss the deadline for Decemeber 2nd and that a decision maker would decide on whether not receiving the original form would be a good enough reason for submitting the replacement late. The person I spoke to on the phone said it probably wouldn't be as post would be assumed as recevied as its been posted. It was then stated that if it goes against me I would receive no money until I pass a medical assessment that could be a good 6 months away or more. Even if they agree to accept my reason why it was late then I would not receive any money before Christmas. I am due to be paid next Tuesday and now I have to face the prospect of no money coming in to pay bills. As I have been signed off with anxiety then this situation is not helping matters. Is there anything I can do or just accept my fate when I return the new form? Thanks
  6. Hi. I'm being taken to court over an alleged debt that I thought was unenforcable. I'm not sure how to respond to the court questionnaire. Brief Background In September 2012 I made a CCA request to Lloyds and their DCA at the time (Robinson Way) over an alleged debt from 2003. My request was ignored. "You owe us money" letters continued to arrive. In November 2012, I re-requested the CCA from them both, adding that I required a "legally enforcable original signed consumer credit agreement" before I would correspond with them any further. I heard nothing for 18 months more or less. Then, in 2014 I began to receive letters from First Credit. I ignored these, and binned them without reading. Current Situtation In August 2015 I received a Claim Form from the County Court Business Centre (the claimant was First Credit). It required me to admit the debt or file a defence. I realised it would be foolish to ignore this. I gave the non-response to the CCA request as my defence (exact wording below). A few days ago I received a Notice of Proposed Allocation to the Small Claims Track, accompanied by a Directions Questionnaire. It asks about dates / locations for a court hearing, and also if I agree to the case being referred the Small Claims Mediation Service. How should I respond? Should I bother with the mediation? I don't want to come across as unreasonable, but in this case I don't see what help the mediators could provide. I would like to avoid court if at all possible, and I don't see how they can actually take it to court without having provided me with the requested CCA.
  7. I was kicked off ESA the end of 2014, successfully won my appeal March 2015, scoring 27 points from the original 0 that ATOS gave me, the letter I received from the appeal court, states review after 2016, but to my surprise the other day I received a letter with the ESA50 questionnaire that I need to send back by 5 February, This as seriously stressed me out, as I didn't think I would be called so soon especially after the appeal court letter stating review after 2016.
  8. Envelope dropped on the door mat this morning, to which my boy retrieved it... oh not another bill but upon opening it to find what is was....Capability For Work Questionnaire... Oh balls....thought it had been to quite and I'd not been asked to see anyone at the JC since August.....Somewhere in my mind I knew it was coming... and here we go again.... The last time 2013..I completed it myself, went for the Atos medical and was kindly informed I was fit for work....appealed it.... won it and then got the JC within weeks of winning my appeal to see what they can offer " How they can help me back to work " Well let me tell you.... no help..no one, no money in the pot for retraining... if you want it then get a loan..so from a support point of view those interviews are a pure waste of time So Ive rung the CAB and ask for them to help me fill this form in and lets see happens from there....
  9. Hi, I sent in a complaint to QQ and they have emailed me saying that "in order to better assist you, we ask that you fill out below information so that we can thoroughly review and respond to your complaint". The questions briefly 1. Income per pay cheque at time of loans 2. Monthly expenses (mortgage,rent, travel, bills etc) 3. Recently, we have seen an increased number of complaints where the complainant has obtained a template from a website or blog. Did you use a website template? If so, can you pleaserovide the name of the website? 4. Did you tell us that you were experiencing financial hardship? If so,when? 5. Copy ho banks statements from roughly time of loans 6. Payslips from roughly time of loan. Surely they should have all the information they needed before providing the loans regarding g income, expenditure etc
  10. Good Evening I am sure I have not posted about this actual debt before so wont get told off. I received a claim form from the court on 10th Feb from Lowell portfolio which I replied to and defended sayind I had asked for a cca and a sar which I had not received a reply to I have now today received a notice of proposed allocation to small claims track now I believe I just fill this in saying I case be referred to small claims mediation service what worries me is I did this with the form I received for a different debt next thinh I know the judge awarded for the claimant don't want to be in that situation again should I just go ahead fill this form in and wait or should I be writing to someone else MANY THANKS
  11. What is the return address for above questionnaire ? I have lost the other info that came with it and I'm trying to find the address to send completed form back. Thanks
  12. I have an ESA50 Medical Questionnaire to send back, I also now noticed you can download one online which is a PDF version. Would it be best to fill the form they sent me or do it on the computer and print it off? Has anyone ever printed off this form and sent it? and would it be accepted?
  13. Hi all, Title says it all, I have this morning received the ATOS questionnaire to fill in and send back by the end of May. I only sent my ESA1 back around 2 weeks ago and have yet to receive confirmation of my ESA. So how do I view this? is ESA dependant on ATOS assessment now or will they write to me separate? I don't fancy filling that huge booklet in unless i have to. Thanks Adam
  14. Hi could anyone give me some advice, I have a debt with capquest from a catalogue (one of many debts accrued when my husband lost his job) i wrote to them offering them a £1 a month as the rest of my creditors have all accepted, today i have got a letter off drysdens Fairfax solicitors with reference to the capquest debt asking me to fill in their financial questionnaire and provide 2 recent payslips. do i have to provide payslips to them? im not trying to hide my wage or anything just that it has all my personal info on like national insurance number. should i do what they ask? thanks in advance
  15. Hi Please can someone point in the right direction for how to complete an allocation questionnaire? My defence and counterclaim are related to PPI mis selling and unfair charges Will mediation help me? What would be involved in this? Would this help me explain how my PPI was mis-sold as I have not yet had the opportunity to complete a PPI questionnaire and apply for a refund. What does a 1 month stay mean and would this be a good thing? I only have two days left to fill this in and I have no idea what to do Thanks
  16. hi just recevied my limited capability for work questionaire form,can anyone tell me when i fill form in and send it back ,how long it takes for atos to get in touch with me for my dreaded medical
  17. Hi In 2005, I took out a Wellcome finance for £10k, and was told that without ppi, I would be declined because of my credit record. Therefore, I had to tick the PPI option. In 2007, I repaid the whole loan, ppi including. I know that the PPI was a lump sum paid to Wellcome (not monthly). I have all the documents and have sent an email with everything scanned to the appropriate people, but so far have been fobbed off from one person to the next. Now I have been sent a long customer questionnaire which I feel maybe a delaying tactics. Looking at the questionnaire, I feel like ti is going to take me forever to get all the facts together on there( it has questions like if your employment status has changed since, which I find irrelevant?). Please help.
  18. I filled a claim against Barclaycard charges. I was expecting to receive an allocation questionnaire form N149 not direction questionnaire N180 which does not contain the section G (additional information). My question how do I attach the draf direction to the N180. Pease any advice ?
  19. I have recently been asked to attend an ATOS assessment but have heard that other people were sent a questionnaire first. ATOS site also quotes the below. "Every time the DWP refers a claim for a WCA, a questionnaire is automatically issued to the person claiming. When the questionnaire is returned to Atos Healthcare, a fully trained healthcare professional carries out an initial paper-based assessment. During this early check, they look for information that would indicate the person does not need to be invited for a face-to-face assessment and advise DWP accordingly. The DWP may have enough information to make an immediate decision on entitlement to benefit." I can't get to the assessment & did not receive any questionnaire, just ATOS letter telling me I must attend.
  20. Attended my ATOS medical yesterday. The woman who saw me said she was a nurse. She checked my pulse and said it was irregular. She checked my blood pressure, it was higher then normal!! She then asked me a lot of questions, and all I could do was answer her as honestly as I could!! My MIND advocate stated to her that I was currently waiting an outpatient appointment with adult mental health because I have long term issues, and that my gp has said I am not fit for work!! I described as best I could how my heart problems were - I have sinus tachycardia which makes me breathless on the least exertion. How my mental health is - not very good which is why the mental health team have been contacted again!! She also asked about how do I pay the bills - I stated my partner does that side of things because he pays the mortgage etc etc!! Various other questions like do I cook, do I bath or shower, do I watch tv to which I replied I have to be in the mood!! She then asked me can I walk to the shop - I replied no because it was too far, then she asked can I walk to the bus stop to which I said yes but I take my time and when I get there I stop and rest as I am out of breath!! She seemed to be polite though and sympathetic - but I am aware of the lies that re told on the reports!! I have already requested a copy of the ESA85 ATOS medical report - I phoned them up when I got back!! How is best to appeal if I get turned down, and can I ask my gp for a medical report to send in with the appeal!!?? Thanks!!
  21. Hi Everyone, Only a quick question I hope. I've filled in the PPI consumer questionnaire form that I downloaded from the MSE site, but I'm unsure of who to send it too. The policy is an AVIVA (or Norwich Union as it was back then) one, but it was sold to me via the Coventry Building society when I took my mortgage out. It was redundancy protection insurance, that at the time (2003) I thought was an integral part of the mortgage I was getting and not an option. So who to send it too? The Coventry or AVIVA? Cheers Dave
  22. Hi there, I served a Prohibitive Conduct Questionnaire to my employers for discrimination and harassment regarding my disability prior to us locking horns at a tribunal(I'm confident I'll win, I have some great evidence!). They have come back to ask if I have any issues with them supplying the response in email form. It sounds a straight forward request that I would usually accept without question but they are being a little trixy so I'm just checking first! Any advice, as always, is appreciated.
  23. Please can someone help. My daughter is taking her horse's vet to small claims court. The vet treated her horse for a period of 3 weeks and during that time failed to conclusively diagnose the animal (it progressively got sicker). The vet also mistreated the animal whilst it was hospitalised for three days for a 'standing sedation' operation. He could not get the horse under sedation but continued to adminster 4 x sedation, used a twitch and in his words wrestled the horse down claiming it was dangerous. The horse is an inexperienced 4year old and was actually very sick. The horse became adrenalin fuelled and was extremely distressed - on her visit later that day the horse was in a bad way. Another week later and still no diagnosis,following yet another yard visit the vet left my daughter in tears with a very sick horse, claiming that he would carry out pus cultures which would take a further 5 working days to get results. In all this time, the vet ignored information regarding the horse's inability to chew and flex its neck, the fact that the horse was worsening and now appeared depressed with a purulent open wound to its face which was getting bigger etc. This same day I instructed another vet practice for a second opinion. Within one hour of admittance the horse was x-rayed and scanned, examined thoroughly and treated with patience and understanding, and a definitive diagnosis made of bone infection and fractured jaw. The horse was immediately hospitalised and placed on strong intravenous antibiotics, painkillers and sedation. The horse remained hospitalised for 7 days, and 6 weeks later has not yet been discharged. Bone infections can be fatal. My daughter has two vet bills, one of which (the second vet) is paid up, the other is in dispute. So, we have the allocation questionnaire and G. Other Information - what do we put here? Letters have gone back and forth quoting Sale of Goods Act, supply reasonable care and skill, and provide in a timely manner. Also, the first vet contacted my daughter's colleague for information regarding the horse and breached data protection. \Never having been to small claims we are finding the process difficult as can't find any examples of how to fill out this form and what is and isn't relevant. Any help and advice is much appreciated pls jacobina
  24. Hi all - I have a question really. Whats the general consensus when declaring past depression on a mandatory medical questionnaire after getting a job? I have acquired a little part time job at my university calling up alumni and fundraising whilst being at uni as I needed some extra cash. Its a minor job sitting down on the phone and calling people up, nothing more. Our contracts were being prepped by HR in December, but they said we could all do some shifts, I racked up only 18 hours and I have two shifts booked for next week. Recently we have been handed our contract packs and on the front page of the contract it says my employment is subject to "occupational health clearance" and included is a Medi-Gold medical questionnaire which has to be sent off. On this questionnaire is a little thing for you to sign saying your happy to have your medical records accessed along with your happy to have a physical examination. In the past I was treated for depression by the NHS and I know it is as a result on my record, however I left the service myself and i've been good mentally for a year and a bit so far. I was speaking to friend recently about it who also had a mental illness at one stage in their life and they said not to declare it as they didn't do so in the past and are still within their job now, I spoke to my parents who both told me not to declare it as and I quote "people don't understand these problems nowadays. I won't be able to get paid until I sign the contracts and do the medical questionnaire. Thing is I want to declare it as I don't want any repercussions later down the line, but i'm guessing i'm going to lose my job now as a result? Its not my first job, I have another job in retail and I didn't have to do this questionnaire so that's why i'm just generally unaware what would happen as a result of declaring it? Thanks for reading.
  25. Hi all. I need a little help understanding a letter i have received today from Arrow Global. I will first give brief details of the case. AG/Bryan Carter made a claim for a CCJ against me at Northampton CCBC, i defended the claim as i cannot be 100% sure this was even my debt. Defence received by the Court on 03/09/12. 04/10/12 letter received from Bryan Carter stating he is no longer acting for Arrow Global. 05/10/12 letter received from Arrow Global as follows, letter is dated 04/10/2012 We refer to your defence filed 30th August 2012 Please find enclosed the Notice of Change that we have today sent to the court by way of service against you. Please therefore ensure that all future correspondence is sent directly to us. We have read the details of your defence and respond to the same as follows. With regards to point 2 and 3, we can confirm that the claim form was issued by the NCCBC and the courts protocol was followed when issuing the Claimant's Particulars of Claim. Practice Direction 7C point 1.4 (3A) eliminates the requirement to attach the documents to the Particulars of Claim when they are issued by this court. In response tp point 5, we are unsure why you believe we are not entitled to the monies owed and ask that you clarify this point further. In response to points 6 and 7, we can confirm that this claim relates to an MBNA credit card taken out on the 4th June 1996 and defaulted on the 15th January 2007. The last payment made on 30th December 2006. Further Arrow Global acquired the account on the 15th January 2007 and sent to your pursuant to the law of property act 1925 the notice of assignment on the 31st January 2007. We hope that the above information helps you to identify the account. Should you still wish to defend the claim, and in order to attempt to rectify the issues surrounding the particulars, we ask for your written consent for us to amend the particulars in line with CPR 17.1(2). We look forward to receiving your written consent for the particulars to be amended which we trust will be in both parties interest. I have no idea what this means or what my next step should be. I have today 05/10/2012 phoned the court, they told me that they have yet to receive anything from either Arrow Global or Bryan Carter. Can someone please explain to me in layman's terms what Arrow Global's Letter means and what i should do next. Thank you all.
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