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Found 4 results

  1. Can this form be filed via Email to the courts rather than snail mail? Ditto for the Claimant? Thanks
  2. Could I please have opinions as to whether this guarantor agreement linked below would be legally upheld - the landlord referred on this to is actually the letting agent, and the witness is also an employee of the same agent. A county court claim has been issued for an amount of rent oustanding less than £1000 but has nearly doubled due to their charges and fees despite the claim form stating no solicitor has been instructed... No breakdown of fees was given with the tenancy agreement (referred to as an appendix but not provided) and has been requested twice but not provided so we are minded to dispute the claim based on the unreasonable fees (the rent is still being paid by the tenant) http://s6.postimg.org/hcha1cpm9/img023.jpg http://s6.postimg.org/god0w5ga9/img024.jpg http://s6.postimg.org/th14w2rw1/img025.jpg Any views welcome please
  3. Hi, dealing with a N180 at the moment and decided to ask if anybody redacted the contact details of the defendant when serving a copy of the N180 on the claimant? There is also (in the claim I am involved with) a matter of the claim being issued with the wrong name of the defendant. I ask because these details are supposed to be used by the mediation service to enable them to arrange/mediate a telephone conference between the parties, and I would be concerned that the claimant would use the telephone number to harass the defendant. So, better to leave these boxes blank on the claimants copy, or ? Thanks for replies, Bill.
  4. I filled a claim against Barclaycard charges. I was expecting to receive an allocation questionnaire form N149 not direction questionnaire N180 which does not contain the section G (additional information). My question how do I attach the draf direction to the N180. Pease any advice ?
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