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Found 9 results

  1. Hi I have been reading the following thread forum thread 353395 - Letter-to-send-if-you-are-being-charged-bank-fees-whilst-on-benefits (Will not allow link) and have been trying to locate the initial letter sent to the bank, before action However there is a link at the first comment at the top of the page yet it simply goes to the forums titles and no letter I wonder if anyone can help at all as i wanted to send to my bank to see if i could stop monthly overdraft fees occurring which because i seem to be in overdraft most of the time, i always receive at least £33 in fees every month from their £1 per day overdraft fee and is quite a chunk from my ESA payments i receive Any general advice will also be greatly appreciated Many thanks for your time Regards
  2. Hi guys, i've been trying to register to other forums (more than 14 days!!) but cant even register, thank this website i was able to register and post for help!! I have a PCN here with correct picture and vehicle registration number, but the contravention address is not printed clearly, cannot even read it. The stated junction does not exist; Colney Hatch Lane with Alexandra Road. The juniction with Colney Hatch Lane is Alexandra PARK road, not Alexandra Road. Although Alexadra Road exists near Colny Hatch Lane, it is not a junction with it. google maps coords: 51.603039, -0.142909 (this is Alexandra Road, Colney Hatch Lane is near it but not a junction). I don't have permission to post links or images as i'm new here, but basically on the letter the only part of the location is readable is Colney Hatch Lane j/w Alexandra £$£$@£%^$%. That last part is jumbled up like that, also no postcode. The online details held also states Alexandra Road N10, which is wrong. Do i have grounds for this? i believe i do with the incorrect location but i don't know how to word it. I have like 2 days left (thanks to the other forums). Many thanks.
  3. Hi, I'm new on here so first of all hello everyone. I wonder if someone could lend some assistance. I recently received a parking ticket from my local council (Leeds) however, the location on the PCN is incorrect. Having reviewed a few posts on here I made an online appeal stating that I had reason to believe the alleged contravention had not occurred & requested sight of photographic evidence along with a copy of the CEO's notes. I received the photos back which clearly show my vehicle on double yellow lines along with a rejection email stating that the PCN would still stand as a result of this. They have not however mentioned/ noticed the fact that the alleged location of the contravention is incorrect & in fact, if they were to check the location where they allege this contravention took place, they would find that there are no yellow lines whatsoever on that street! The rejection email I have received simply states that if I still wish to appeal then I will need to wait for an NTO through the post & take it from there. What do you guys think I should do? What do you think may chances are were I to continue to appeal? Or, should I simply pay the reduced fine & be done with it? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Zen
  4. I have today received a letter from the above mentioned asking me to contact them (letter is addressed to me by name) as i may be the person our client wishes to make contact with. The address is a huddersfield address and the DPA reg number links it to global debt recovery in malden. I am assuming its best to leave it well alone until they come up with more concrete stuff (my credit file is fine , no missed payments defaults etc etc) I have no idea what this might be about , but looking at previous threads seems like they have come up with a different name again to disguise their intentions
  5. Hello, I recently stupidly forgot to park my moped in the free motorcycle bay on my road when I went on holiday. It's quite quiet and I found I had been given 2 tickets on my return. I assumed I would have to pay both but the second PCN had the wrong road location - stating Arlingford Road which is the one parallel to mine. I appealed on the basis the PCN had been issued incorrectly, as I wasn't parked on the street the offence was deemed to have taken place. The rejection on my appeal came through today with the reason: "The photo you refer to was taken of the time plate for the location at which the vehicle was parked". This may well be true but I was not arguing the location of the time plate, I was arguing my moped was not parked at the location they stated. If I am to appeal again I have to wait for the Notice to Owner. What I'd really like your help with is whether I still have a chance of winning if I wait for the NtO to come through and argue the same case? I attach a photo of the rejection letter. Thanks, jimbo.
  6. I normally park on Sandford Road, Bromley which operates residents permit parking and pay and display bays. The ticket machines accept cash or you can pay using your mobile, via the Ringo App and the location code 6031 (I used it every day so know it off by heart!). On 13th Oct '14, Sandford Road parking bays were all full and a big blue sign said "Pay and Display Parking 7 Spaces" with a big arrow pointing towards Streamside Close. Streamside Close is a cul-de-sac off of Sandford Road and has a solitary parking machine which I have now learned serves ONLY those 7 parking bays. I parked in Streamside Close and purchsed my ticket via the Ringo App but used the Sandford Road location code as I usually did. I was not aware that these 7 bays had a dedicated machine as the blue sign gave the impression that Streamside Close was an extension of Sandford Road. The parking charges are exactly the same for both roads and there was nothing to lead me to knowing that each road had a different machine. Given Streamside close only had 7 parking bays it does not seem sensible or practical to have a dedicated machine. What if it was to fail, then surely it would be reasonable to expect to use machines on the adjacent road. I'm really annoyed by all of this as I have actually paid for a full day's parking and was an innocent mistake. The parking attendant would have seen an active parking session on his handheld for my vehicle for the adjacent road. The charges were the same so no advantage to be had by me. It's just unfair and unreasonable to enforce parking like this and it's cases like this that earn Council's their often well deserved bad reputations. This clearly revenue generation as no payment avoidance was made - I paid for the while day. That said, whilst I feel my position is morally sound, is this a legitimate appeal reason for Bromley Council (who are notoriously, greedy revenue generators - they'd tax air if they could!).
  7. Hi I have received a repossession hearing date at my local county court due to mortgage arrears. I was made redundant last year and have only now secured employment (due to start next week) which is on the other side of the city. Is there any possibility of the location of the county court hearing to be changed from my local court to one which is much nearer my work. The reason for this is that as I will be newly employed after nearly a year out of work and I don't want to request time off straight away for obvious reasons. If the hearing took place near work I would have a much better chance of reducing the impact on work ie take minimal, if any, time off work. Is there a form or procedure for this or is this location set in stone? The mortgage company said 'their hands were tied' when I asked them if they would consider it I'm grateful for any guidance on this. Many thanks.
  8. A few weeks ago someone on this forum noticed, when logging in to a DWP website, that they were receiving HTTP redirects to an IP address outside the UK. Unfortunately I can't remember who it was or which thread - sorry folks. Anyhow, the worry was that data was being stored on server farms in the US. Obviously this would be a concern since the nation where the data is physically located would have jurisdiction. I thought the concern to be unfounded - I was fairly sure it would violate the DPA - but hey, Freedom of Information requests don't cost anything and take five minutes to send. So I asked the DWP about it. The short version of their response is that no, data is not stored on servers outside the UK.
  9. So after making an idiot mistake, I've got a PCN with incorrect Location on the ticket. The tickets state I am parked in Charlecote Road, but I am actually parked in Warwick Gardens, indeed there own photos of the location show the end of the road and the beginning of mine - so do I have grounds to contest?
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