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Found 9 results

  1. CAG Reported on the safety issues regarding these products in 2015.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?456048-Hotpoint-Tumble-dryer-safety-issue&highlight=Whirlpool+tumble+dryer However it seems despite their assurance that their items are now considered safe and the fact they have continued to sell this product.. they have now advised.... owners not to use their dryers until they have been repaired !! Whirlpool orders plug to be pulled on millions of faulty tumble dryers until they can be repaired http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/whirlpool-orders-plug-pulled-millions-9898350 Believing them to be safe I purchased a new one just a couple of weeks ago !!
  2. Dear whom this may concern, Cut a long story short. I purchased a tumble dryer from Argos it became faulty l had a replacement under warranty believe it or not it happened again I received another replacement then the 3rd machine set my house on fire and made me and my family homeless. The manufacturers insurance company hired a fire investigator 'hawkins' so they can conduct a report after months of chasing the insurance company they have told us that the report says it could have come from outside or inside the machine they will not pay a claim. Me and my family lost everything there is a initial fire report that the London fire brigade took when the incident happened that mentions the fire was caused by the tumble dryer. If anyone can help with some advice or what rights I have it would be greatly appreciated I believe they are diminishing their rights I can't believe they are not paying a claim. Thank you Lyes K.
  3. Because of the tumble Dryer recall, my sisters tumble dryer had to be replaced. She paid 59 pounds to get an upgrade of dryer, the Hotpoint Aquarius arrived on 1/9/2016. On the 12/10 she phoned for an engineer to come out. He replaced three parts to the dryer, and left with the dryer not working, saying that she would receive a phone call from Hotpoint. I rang them for her today as she has not heard anything. The engineer is coming out on the 20th October to replace another two parts. This is a brand new dryer, used about 5 times (my sister lives on her own and puts washing on the line to save money). I told Hotpoint this was unacceptable and the dryer should be replaced, but they are refusing. Can we insist on a new dryer?
  4. Could I ask please. I bought a tumble dryer online from Co Op electrical 4 months ago. A week and a half a go it just stopped working. I called AEG the manufacturer, the chap got me to press several buttons in sequence so he could see what the fault was. Seemed to think circuit board had gone. I called Co op, they said I have to have an engineer sent out to fix it. They were supposed to show today but called to cancel saying the part had not arrived and don't know when it will. I called Co Op again and told someone would call me back, but that did not happen as promised. I tried quoting them the under 6 months old and deemed to have the fault from new and would like it replaced, but they said no has to have an engineer to fix it. So I've waited a week and a half already and no idea how many more weeks before an engineer can visit. I've got wet washing hanging everywhere! Any pointers to how I should proceed with this appreciated. Ideally I just want a new one, if its gone wrong in 4 months it does not bode well. Many thanks
  5. For those that haven't seen this. Some tumble dryers from the Hotpoint- Indesit- Creda range have had a safety alert issued. If you have one of the affected models, complete the form for a free modification. http://safety.hotpoint.eu/ Unfortunately, I am one of those affected
  6. It could take Whirlpool more than three-and-a-half years to service and modify all of its fire-risk vented and condenser tumble dryers, new Which? research can reveal. With owners of fire-risk dryers already being told to get in line and wait up to 10 months for their machines to be serviced, it’s emerged that it could take Whirlpool several years to service the almost four million machines it says are still in UK homes. 5.3 million fire-risk dryers were sold to UK consumers between 2004 and 2015, made up of 127 models from Hotpoint, Indesit, Creda, Swan and Proline. Parent company Whirlpool hasn't released the names of the 127 machines, and is instead asking customers to check online or call to find out if your dryer poses a fire risk. But even once you find out your machine is at risk, you could be in for a long wait for a repair. What you can do if you own a fire-risk dryer If your dryer has a green dot sticker on the back panel, inside the door or on the door rim, it will be a newly produced machine and not affected. If there’s no green dot sticker, it will need to be modified – call 0800 1510905 or go to safety.hotpoint.eu (for Hotpoint, Creda and Proline) safety.indesit.eu or safety-swan.eu to register for a modification. Read more: http://www.which.co.uk/news/2016/04/three-and-a-half-years-to-fix-fire-risk-tumble-dryers-438193/ - Which?
  7. We're looking at buying a tumble dryer from Currys and have been offered a warranty extension for 5 years for £50. Has anyone done this and is it worth it?
  8. Hi all, Bought a hotpoint tumble dryer from John Lewis back in December 2012. So far I have had no problems. In december 2015 I received a letter (attached ) stating that the model I have TCFG87C6P, is faulty, a fire hazard and needs modification to make it safe to use. Now I have used the machine many times and gone out leaving it on, only now to find out that it could potentially have burnt the house down. Luckily this has not happened. I am aware the product is out of warranty but am I within my rights to request a new tumble dryer from John Lewis, considering that the one they sold me in the first place was never fit for use of more to the point safe to use. Any help much appreciated. Kind Regards BB John lewis tumble dryer indesit_Redacted.pdf
  9. My tumble dryer was delivered by Knowhow on 8/12/14. It worked was. When I tried to use it on 14/12 it would not work, the flashing lights indicating a problem with the thermostat. Currys are now refusing to do anything about it as the dryer was placed in my garage & blame me for misuse. There is no mention in their online specifications that the appliance should not be used in an outside building. The appliance is obviously not fit for purpose or of satisfactory quality as it broke down within 6 days. I'm now left with a useless dryer & Currys refusing to do anything about it. Surely, they are breaking the SOGA? Any advice would be appreciated. Janine
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