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  1. I have an ex Friends Life with profits investment bond now under the ownership of Aviva. This was transferred to me by my mother. Over the past three years I have made a number of successful partial withdrawals on the policy without issue. This all changed when in early September of this year, I submitted another partial encashment for £3000. After not receiving the money within 10 days I contacted Aviva and was told that due to a technical issue sufficient units could not be cancelled to action a payout. Therefore, the process was delayed. To exacerbate, the issue, I had a building project which was underway and tradesman and materials need to be covered. Towards the end of September I decided to encash and cancel the whole policy. I was reliably assured that this would not be hindered by ‘the technical issue as it was a full encashment. I submitted a claim for a full encashment for £28000. Once again, after 10 days I still had not received my funds I contacted Aviva. This time it was claimed that I needed to submit certified copies of my passport and bank statement despite Aviva having paid out in the past from the policy to my bank account, Aviva suddenly needed to check my documents. I had these stamped by the bank on Friday 12th October and sent them off. On Friday 19th October, I was assured that all was fine and that the payment was on the way. Having not heard further I again phoned on Wednesday 24th October only to be told that actually the payment was delayed again as they needed on the verification documents, the contact details of the person at the bank who stamped the documents. I would therefore have to resubmit new verification documents again. Even at that stage I felt that the handling of the matter was unacceptable especially with different customer agents giving confusing and contradictory assurances and information. However, I resubmitted new verification documents this time stamped with contact details of the person verifying them. On Wednesday 31st October, I was informed that the documents had now been verified and payment would now be authorised the next day and sent out. On Tuesday 6th November I phoned Aviva again to check on the progress of this payment. I was told that the payment had just been authorised but it would be with me in “3-5 working days” By Tuesday 13th November I still had not received any money I contact Aviva, yet again. I was informed that the payment was definitely on the way and I should contact my bank to see if it was coming through. On Friday 16th November, Aviva finally admitted that there may be a problem and that my money could be missing. My bank told me not to worry and that they could trace it if given a payment reference number. Despite requesting this on both Friday and today, the Aviva/Friends Life call centre have been extremely reluctant to furnish me with this simple information which would help Barclays easily trace the money. Today it is Monday 19th November and a payment that I was due to originally receive on September 15th is still delayed with no one seemingly knowing where it is. Any suggestions would be most appreciated as I have lost all faith in the ex-Friends life branch of Aviva and am starting to suspect there has been a misappropriation of funds. Two weeks ago, I was offered and given £100 compensation for the stress and inconvenience caused by the initial delays but I think any objective person would agree that in the circumstances, £100 is extremely paltry compensation. In short, you have to remember that the original request was submitted in early September. We are now in late November and I still have not received any of the money from the policy (apart from the £100 compensation!) Also, I needed that money to pay bills and tradesmen as soon as possible. The two-month payment delay has led to me having to resort instead to credit cards to pay for my £50000 renovation project as the builders became fed up with my excuses as to why their labour and materials had still not been paid for. The cost of this interest has been astronomical. This has been so stressful, but I believe I can’t take this to the financial ombudsman until Aviva close the matter (?) so any suggestions would be very much welcome.
  2. Hi to all community, I am here newbie but before I register with you I read through many other related threads and now I know that Harlands and 'friends' is a [problem] company and they don't have any legal rights. I would like to get help with this just to make sure that I do the right thing. my situation: I decided to join Xercise4Less gym on 31st of May 2016. I signed for £9.99 11 month's contract membership. After 4 month's I read very bad reviews about this gym and all other threads related. I decided to cancel my membership through their website twice but their reply came back negative. After I called Harlands and asked if it's possible to pay all the rest installments and she answered yes you can but it is not possible to cancel membership with them. in the end I agreed to pay all the rest and also I cancelled by myself my DD with them as I know that they keep taking people money after term. Now after 8 month's I received letter from Harlands on 10th of May 2017 saying that: Dear ... Harlands administer the collection of all payments due under your membership agreement with X4L. Your bank have advised us that your April instalment has been returned unpaid 'instruction cancelled'. You have therefore been charged a £ 25.00 administration fee which means you need to pay £ 34.99 to bring your account up to date. Call blah blah blah so we can collect this by Debit/Credit card and reinstate your DD over the telephone. If you wish to pay by another method, you must still phone to discuss your options. If you do not call us by 23 May 17 you will be charged a further £ 25.00 administration fee. Our tel. line open blah blah blah. Your sincerely, Harlands Harlands I would be really thankful if you could help me with this further. Thank You, meistar91
  3. Hi, I have been given permission to use a fellow residents space while they are away and my permit must have slipped off the dash and landed on the floor. So UKPC have given me a ticket. Do I just need my neighbour to inform UKPC that I was given permission to park in their space?
  4. Hello. My Father in law has taken early retirement and is part of a large social circle of friends. His friends travel often and would like to pay him to be their driver to take them to and from the various airports they fly from. Please can I ask if there will be any insurance issues with this arrangement?
  5. Just 3 months ago I started a new thread on here to highlight the problems that debtors face when taking advice from the internet to issue court claims against bailiff companies or local authorities. In that thread (a copy of which is below) I highlighted the outcome of yet another court failure where the debtor once again lost his case in court and was ordered to pay the local authorities (London Borough of Southwark) legal costs of £4,399. In the above case it was revealed that the debtor was charged £2060 in fees by this highly unqualified McKenze Friend who has an appalling history of court failures behind him. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?452784-More-legal-cases-against-bailiff-companies-lost-in-court-after-taking-legal-advice-from-the-internet-!! It would seem that during December he has been involved in two further court failures. Interestingly in the very latest one, he claims to have represented the debtor at the Magistrates Court hearing in relation to a criminal complaint. It would seem that the Magistrate refused to allow him to either address the court or to 'cross examine the witnesses'!!! According to the written report from the McKenzie Friend the Magistrate was extremely critical of the defendant and considered that he was lying to the court and that consequently, the McKenzie friend: "executed the procedure to force the trial to be aborted and be re-listed for a new trial" and that: "Im due to Mackenzie again for him, but if I'm declined a second time, then I have a solicitor ready to be pulled from a hat there and then and execute the defence structured on a crown court appeal" What is particularly alarming about this is that with very limited exception, the use of a McKenzie Friend is restricted to County Court proceedings !!!
  6. hi wonder if any one can shed some light on a situation. 12 years ago a friend lent another friend some money to set up a business. the friend lending hoped to be involved in the business at a later date. the friend who lent the money later decided she wanted nothing to do in said business as had found other work/ commitments. There was a receipt detailing money being loaned for business. no terms no repayments etc. as yet no payments back have been made as verbal agreement was, by the lender working with the business would recoup money loaned, this did not happen and the business was not successful the lender now wants the money back, the lendee thinks that she was let down by the lender. where do they stand? Is it statute barred? Does the limitation act cover this type of loan? TIA
  7. Today the Judiciary released their long awaited Consultation on McKenzie Friends. Most importantly, the consultation proposes a ban on fee-charging McKenzie friends in order to protect ‘vulnerable litigants’ from unregulated, uninsured and unqualified individuals. The article from the Law Gazette website outlines the Consultation in detail (and the online comments make interesting reading !!!). http://www.lawgazette.co.uk/practice/judiciary-proposes-ban-on-fee-charging-mckenzie-friends/5053851.article
  8. I'm helping a friend with a few debts a year ago sent a CCA request to Robbers way who couldn't comply. Just received a letter from Hoist - "we refer to the query .............As we are unable to resolve in a satisfactory manner, we have taken the decision to write off the account and cease all collection activities....." Although my friend is pretty sure she didn't have PPI, we are now sending an SAR to Captial One and I'm betting her that not only will there be PPI but also charges. Just for interest I'll keep you posted BTW, she's been cash cowed for years!
  9. Would be great to get your advice.... Last Friday I travelled from London to Leeds with east coast. I used my friends 16-25 rail card, and an inspector realised the rail card was not mine and prosecuted me on the train. I am yet to hear back from them, however after speaking to friends and reading online about the severity of the situation, I would really like to prepare a good defence . Why I used his rail card? I used my friends railcard because my wallet was stolen the week before with my rail card in it. I had a busy few weeks working late shifts as a waiter and did not remember to buy a new one until the day of travel. When I checked my bank balance I did not have enough money to pay for a rail card. I thought I would take a risk and use his. Very stupid of me, and now I have to deal with the consequences. I have recently graduated from University and do not want a criminal record. I have worked incredibly hard to get to where I am today. This is the first offence I have committed. I hope to embark on a career in accountancy and I know a criminal record will make it difficult for me to get a job. Thank you!
  10. Hi all again, sorry if I've put this in the wrong place but not sure where it would go. My sister's partner has been working at [removed] for about 5 years now, and he's brought to my attention that he believes he's not being payed for the hours he is working. Now he starts work at 8am and only finishes when "the job is done" which is normally half 5 to 6pm. He gets weekly payslips and he's latest pay slip (21/11/14) says: TAXABLE PAY: 260.85 NON-TAXABLE: PAY 0.00 TOTAL PAY: 260.85 INCOME TAX: 13.60 NATIONAL INSURANCE: 12.94 NET PAY: 234.31 TAX CODE: 1000L Now in the hours column it doesn't have any hours in it at all. Surly the company has to put the hours he works. As always any advice is much appreciated. Thanks Andrew
  11. driving my friends car with him in the back seat i was flashed and he has received a speeding ticket. i don't know if I'm insured or not ?? a) im insured but only as a named driver on my dads policy b) my friends has fully comp insurance and was in the car when i got flashed (we are both 26years old) will the DVLA check insurance if i say it was me ?? am i covered by either policy ? whats my best plan of action?
  12. My 9 month old Springer accidently pressed the electric window button down whilst we were going round a bend and fell out of the vehicle, hence breaking a back leg, vets bill nearly £3000, animal friends refuse claim now saying the dog was not properly secured, has he's normally happy sitting on front seat and likes to stick his nose out of the window all seemed well, this happened in a split second, I googled Animal Friends and was gob smacked to see the negative remarks....any advice would be very welcome
  13. MY friend in Australia has lent me money which totaled £4500 so as I could buy a car and some christmas items, but in the midst of it the ESA review officer has asked to see bank statements, I never declared it and it was very recent, within the past 6 weeks and was in 3 installments. I will be setting up a standing order after Christmas to pay him back. Will this effect my review and will I get in trouble? I never stopped to think at all about any of this as I just saw it as what it is, a loan. Now I am having panic attacks galore, other than that I am not too worried about the review.
  14. So, let me set the background. A friend of mine has some serious issues, owns a house with his wife ( who has left him for some 4 years). mortgage well in arrears ( now intrest only payments taken from his benefits) He's getting letters asking him to have a valuation done by the mortgage company ( they have been in talks for over a year) If i wanted to purchase the property, and my friend agreed, how would i go about that? This is a circa 220k house, with an oustanding mortgage of 145k including arrears. If i simply called the lender, and offered to take a new mortgage out in my name, for the amount owed, and have the property signed over to me......That clears the debt, and everyone is happy ? any advice welcome
  15. If you have friends who know the CAG and who may have been helped by Martin, please let them know about this sad news. This is the tweet which has been sent out Change the message - but the short url comes to this forum of condolences
  16. I have just had to change my deodorant as I have realised that out of the 16 friends I have on CAG, only 4 of them are still active users. It must be me. I am now on the hunt for new ones. Just send me a request, or sign below.
  17. Hello all, I have just registered as the advice I was reading has been invaluable, thank one and all, having many problems with wescot at present, they keep threatening court proceedings, holding them off at present, I made an access request to the credit card provider and all they have given me is the application form, advice seems to suggest that a reconstituted agreement will be enough to enforce the debt, is this true, the debts precede the change in the law, so I am covered by the 1974 act, any practical advice for next steps with wescot, it also seems to me that their solicitors are possibly in breach of the solicitors regualtion authority when they communicate with people, their disclaimer seems highly dubious. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I need to protect my young family. Regards benjamin brittan
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