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Found 12 results

  1. I have an ex Friends Life with profits investment bond now under the ownership of Aviva. This was transferred to me by my mother. Over the past three years I have made a number of successful partial withdrawals on the policy without issue. This all changed when in early September of this year, I submitted another partial encashment for £3000. After not receiving the money within 10 days I contacted Aviva and was told that due to a technical issue sufficient units could not be cancelled to action a payout. Therefore, the process was delayed. To exacerbate, the issue, I had a building project which was underway and tradesman and materials need to be covered. Towards the end of September I decided to encash and cancel the whole policy. I was reliably assured that this would not be hindered by ‘the technical issue as it was a full encashment. I submitted a claim for a full encashment for £28000. Once again, after 10 days I still had not received my funds I contacted Aviva. This time it was claimed that I needed to submit certified copies of my passport and bank statement despite Aviva having paid out in the past from the policy to my bank account, Aviva suddenly needed to check my documents. I had these stamped by the bank on Friday 12th October and sent them off. On Friday 19th October, I was assured that all was fine and that the payment was on the way. Having not heard further I again phoned on Wednesday 24th October only to be told that actually the payment was delayed again as they needed on the verification documents, the contact details of the person at the bank who stamped the documents. I would therefore have to resubmit new verification documents again. Even at that stage I felt that the handling of the matter was unacceptable especially with different customer agents giving confusing and contradictory assurances and information. However, I resubmitted new verification documents this time stamped with contact details of the person verifying them. On Wednesday 31st October, I was informed that the documents had now been verified and payment would now be authorised the next day and sent out. On Tuesday 6th November I phoned Aviva again to check on the progress of this payment. I was told that the payment had just been authorised but it would be with me in “3-5 working days” By Tuesday 13th November I still had not received any money I contact Aviva, yet again. I was informed that the payment was definitely on the way and I should contact my bank to see if it was coming through. On Friday 16th November, Aviva finally admitted that there may be a problem and that my money could be missing. My bank told me not to worry and that they could trace it if given a payment reference number. Despite requesting this on both Friday and today, the Aviva/Friends Life call centre have been extremely reluctant to furnish me with this simple information which would help Barclays easily trace the money. Today it is Monday 19th November and a payment that I was due to originally receive on September 15th is still delayed with no one seemingly knowing where it is. Any suggestions would be most appreciated as I have lost all faith in the ex-Friends life branch of Aviva and am starting to suspect there has been a misappropriation of funds. Two weeks ago, I was offered and given £100 compensation for the stress and inconvenience caused by the initial delays but I think any objective person would agree that in the circumstances, £100 is extremely paltry compensation. In short, you have to remember that the original request was submitted in early September. We are now in late November and I still have not received any of the money from the policy (apart from the £100 compensation!) Also, I needed that money to pay bills and tradesmen as soon as possible. The two-month payment delay has led to me having to resort instead to credit cards to pay for my £50000 renovation project as the builders became fed up with my excuses as to why their labour and materials had still not been paid for. The cost of this interest has been astronomical. This has been so stressful, but I believe I can’t take this to the financial ombudsman until Aviva close the matter (?) so any suggestions would be very much welcome.
  2. I have bought a Capital Investment Bond with the money I inherited from my mother. The financial advisor who set this up, informs me that the monthly sums I receive from my Capital Investments Bond are neither interest or dividends, but that the bond is simply returning my capital to me which I used to buy the bond in the first place, and is therefore not taxable. Thus, the sums I receive are simply not entered on my tax return, and should not be declared for the purposes of assessing my Working Tax Credits either. Is this right? I ask, because last year the advisor I spoke to at HMRC said that the sums I receive DO count as income (he obviously had no idea about Investment Bonds and the notion of "return of capital"). I suspect I have been diddled, as my Tax Credits have been reduced in consequence. Should I take matters into my own hands and simply not mention my Investment Bond? I have been searching the Internet for hours in vain, hoping to find answers. And now I have washed up here.
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/aug/16/daniel-craig-confirms-he-will-play-james-bond-again
  4. Probably the wrong forum but don't know where else to put this. On Friday I received a letter from the DWP. Enclosed was a letter from the same pension company that my (very modest) lump sum pension payment came from a few months back. Same company, different department it would seem. Anyway, the letter reads: Dear X Our Ref: Final Salary XXXXX Dear Mrs X Bond: 123456/1 (not the real reference number) There is a benefit due to you for the above bond. Now, I'm very intrigued and of course, it arrives on the Friday and I can't find out what it is until tomorrow. I do remember some 30 years ago when the company I worked for had a meeting with some financial advisor for everyone them extolling the virtues of the pension plan they'd chosen for us - in their own words at the time - the best money could buy. I have vague recollections of the advisor saying something about investing a portion of our pensions in the pension scheme itself and something about the remainder but what exactly I can't recall. Anyway, despite searching the Net for information about Bonds, most of them seem to relate to American Bonds and the only information I can get for this country are ISAs. Whatever this Bond is, it was long before ISAs. If anyone can shed any light on this, please let me know otherwise I will have to kick my heels until tomorrow. Not clued up on financial institutions or products I'm afraid.
  5. The number of people who have failed to claim premium bond prizes has broken the one million barrier. More than £47million is waiting for winners unaware they’ve won a cash prize. Three bondholders have scooped £100,000, four have won £50,000, there are three lots of £25,000 to be claimed and 19 of £10,000. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3299629/The-number-people-failed-claim-premium-bonds-passed-one-million-including-25-prize-1957.html#ixzz3rNkdwLEq http://www.nsandi.com/do-i-have-any-unclaimed-prizes
  6. Hi All, I'm seeking advice on housing rental matter. I've recently moved house and have been told by the letting agents of my old house, that the Landlord has submitted a claim for our Bond. She is claiming £500 of it for various things. I am aware of the process to dispute this, however the problem is I wish to counter claim against her for failing to meet her contractual obligations by not carrying out repairs on the house which we had reported. I had reported many of the problems to Reeds, such as door knobs coming off the doors, light fittings faulty, railings in doorway loose, fire needing replacing, etc. Some of the problems I spoke to the male Landlord about directly, I know this is not the ideal way of dealing with house problems. Many of the issues she is trying to claim for are verging on ridiculous. For example, the fire didn't work throughout the 4years we lived there, and when someone came to look at it they told us it would be unsafe to use due to the positioning of the gas pipes, and that using it would mean carbon monoxide risks. The gas engineer sealed off the pipe and this was reported back to the landlord, however it was never dealt with. Now we have moved out the Landlord is claiming back for the missing remote control to the fire, which must have been accidentally picked up by one of the home removals men. This is not really the problem. The actual problem is that she is asking for £100 for a remote. I feel she is trying to pull a fast one by overcharging us so she can use the money to replace the whole fire fitting. Also, she says that the garden was not in acceptable condition when we had moved out, as there are now a "few weeds". In fact she has told Reeds that she spent the whole day weeding the garden and cutting the grass. Looking at the pictures taken by the agency upon their final check following us leaving the property, this is not true. Whilst I will admit it was not in a state that would make Alan Titchmarsh jealous, when we left the grass had been cut, we had weeded any areas that needed it and made sure everything was left in an acceptable state. But that's not all. Two months before we were due to leave the property, the decking had begun to rot to such a state where it was breaking. Given the landlords poor record of carrying out repairs when requested, I decided to repair it myself so that no one, including my two young nieces, would break their necks on it as it was posing quite a risk. I bought three new boards and fit them myself. I told Reeds afterwards that this is what I had done. I would appreciate if anyone has any advice on the best way to get some success out of this dispute. Is there anything else I should be aware of or any tips anyone can give me?
  7. Hundreds of thousands of over-65s who invested in National Savings & Investments pensioner bonds will see their savings rate plummet from Jan 15th. The rate on the one-year 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds will fall from a market-leading 2.8% AER to 1.45% AER. NS&I is writing to around 470,000 bond holders, giving them 30 days’ notice to consider their options. Due to the volume of customers making their decisions at the same time, NS&I will only take maturity instructions online or by post, not over the telephone. The first bonds are due to mature from Jan 15th. If you do nothing, you'll be automatically reinvested for another year into a standard Guaranteed Growth Bond paying 1.45% AER. You have 30 days after the bond matures to move your money elsewhere, otherwise you face a 90-day interest penalty if you want to access your funds. Read the full story.... HERE
  8. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/remembering-the-battle-of-the-somme-a-bond-of-trust
  9. Needing help with regard to which route to go down to get back my refundable damage bond. To cut a very long story short, I booked a short caravan break through a private owner website. Paid the full amount upfront, included in this was a refundable £75 damage bond to be returned within 7 days of leaving the let, if left as found and damage free. I paid for the holiday with my credit card as refused to pay by bank transfer. I contacted the third party by email to book the holiday and paid by card over the phone, she said that the money would be paid into the owners account on the holiday park. Left the van on the Friday, contacted the third party on the Sunday to ask when I would receive my refunded damage bond. Heard nothing until I contacted them again on the Wednesday when I was informed that the owner had claimed that we damaged a piece of furniture in the holiday let. I was stunned to be honest, as left the property as found it, no damage by ourselves. Asked for proof of the damage, was sent two undated photos by the third party that were taken by the owner on the Friday we left (apparently). I asked the third party to contact the owner to ask him to send us dated photographs of the damage, she then said she wasn't getting involved anymore and we were to contact the owner direct. She sent us a name and email address for the owner. I have been in contact with him and again asked for my money to be refunded unless he had sufficient proof that we caused damage in his property and also to send us dated photographs of the damage. He sent a short email saying, because the let was so popular he hasn't been able to get access and he hasn't had time to get quotes to have the furniture repaired or replaced. No mention of the proof I've asked for or the photos. I replied stating that he was in breach of contract and has failed to provide any sufficient evidence that we damaged anything. Needless to say I've heard nothing back. I have been in contact with Citizens Advice and waiting to hear back from Mastercard. Is there any other measures I can take to try and get my money back?? Small Claims, Trading Standards?? All advice welcome.
  10. When we 1st started looking for a house it had to be with garage for my classic car. Found a house that came with a garage perfect. Paid for all the fees checks ect and eventually signed a lease to move in. Got the keys and brought my classic car down from old house to put into the garage. Landlord (who lives next door) said she didn't want me using the garage as she didn't want to be liable for anything. Even though house were advertised inc garage. She said i only could use it if i sign a fore fit notice saying that if anything happened garage falling down damage to my car ect then she shouldn't be liable. As we had already given notice and moved put of our old home this put us into a corner and we had to sign as it would have left us with out a home. Its now come for the time for us to move after 10 months and im wondering if there's anything i could do? we move out next week. Am i entitled to a re bait as the house wouldn't have been so much in rent with out a garage? the landlord does contact us alot through text asking us to clean the drive gardens ect and is pretty much on our case all the time hence the reason for moving. any help would be gratefully appreciated. many thanks
  11. I moved into a privately rented house that is managed by a letting agents on 01.02.2012. When I first went to view the house it was in a bad way, it needed to be re-decorated throughout and the carpets were filthy. The agents explained that the work was due to be done but just hadn't started yet. Despite the property not looking its best I decided to take as I knew that it would be sorted out. When I moved in things weren't perfect, it had been painted throughout but wasn't a great job (patchy walls, odd marks here and there) and the carpets had been cleaned however were still very marked and stained. I accepted this as with a rental property you are never going to get perfect however I noted these down on the itinerary I was given that stated that walls were "immaculate" and carpets were "clean throughout" and posted it back to the agents the next day (it said to be returned within 7 days). There were quite a few things on the itinerary that were wrong and I corrected, such as the light fitting in the living room that was stated as "working" was actually just dangling there, not attached to any wires or the ceiling so clearly didn't work and curtain rails and a shower rail that were hanging off the walls. I called a week later to check that they had received my updated itinerary and one of the agents told me they had it. Anyway, I moved out on 25.04.2013, while I was there I put up some shelves in the living room and the odd picture here and there, and when I moved out, i filled, sanded and painted the marked areas using the paint that had been used used to paint the house in the first place that had been left in the garage. Although this wasn't left in perfect condition, it wasn't prefect to begin with and matched up very well. I also paid to have the carpets cleaned by a cleaning company and the bathrooms steam cleaned as I wanted to leave the property in a good condition. The carpets didn't come up immaculate but that was because they were marked and stained when I moved in, I couldn't make them any better than they were when I arrived. A few days before I moved out, a lady from the agents came round to have a check and tell me what needed doing, but she only had a copy of the original itinerary not the one I had posted them, she said she would check when she got back to the office for the one I had sent in, but called me the next day to say they couldn't find it I hadn't heard anything from the agents until this week when I called on Monday to find out why I hadn't heard about having my bond (£600) returned, I was told someone would get in touch with me as they were still liaising with the LL. Today the agents left a message on my phone that said due to having to have the carpets cleaned and walls repainted as they were all "immaculate" when I moved in, they would be deducting £380 from my bond to pay for these repairs. I provided them with a receipt to show I'd had the carpets cleaned and they said it wasn't good enough! The message said if I accepted this then they could process everything on Monday and contact the DPS for return of the money or I could dispute the deductions but then in their words "this would be time consuming and obviously it will be a long time before any money is returned". I don't know what to do now, I left the property in a better condition than when I moved in (I don't think the oven had ever been cleaned, and I had fixed all the broken curtain rails and replaced the shower curtain rail that was broken. It was much cleaner than when we moved in and the walls looked just as good as when I rented it. What can I do?! Is there anything? Or should I just be grateful I'm getting anything back at all?? Any help at all would be appreciated! Thank you!
  12. My partner and I lived in a flat for 12 months where the bedroom and hallway were carpetted. We moved out 12 days ago. On the day of leaving, a man from Entwistle Green came to inspect the flat and said it was in "very good" condition - and it was! Now ,12 days later, we have recieved a call advising that there are carpet beetles and the new tenant who moved in on Saturday has reported this. We are now being told our bond of £500 will be needed to cover the cost of this. Surely this can't be allowed? We moved out on the 26th of October - it's the 7th of November! And from what I've read, carpet beetles can fly through windows, be taken in on shoes, a number of things. What can I do?
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