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Found 7 results

  1. Defence Secretary announces massive £2.5bn investment in UK nuclear submarines READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/defence-secretary-announces-massive-25bn-investment-in-uk-nuclear-submarines
  2. I have bought a Capital Investment Bond with the money I inherited from my mother. The financial advisor who set this up, informs me that the monthly sums I receive from my Capital Investments Bond are neither interest or dividends, but that the bond is simply returning my capital to me which I used to buy the bond in the first place, and is therefore not taxable. Thus, the sums I receive are simply not entered on my tax return, and should not be declared for the purposes of assessing my Working Tax Credits either. Is this right? I ask, because last year the advisor I spoke to at HMRC said that the sums I receive DO count as income (he obviously had no idea about Investment Bonds and the notion of "return of capital"). I suspect I have been diddled, as my Tax Credits have been reduced in consequence. Should I take matters into my own hands and simply not mention my Investment Bond? I have been searching the Internet for hours in vain, hoping to find answers. And now I have washed up here.
  3. Hi, I have just found a website for the above company which looks interesting, does anyone know anything about this company please e.g. what is their reputation like and do you know anyone who has had any dealings with them? Thank you Maybe
  4. Hello you kind people. I believe my long standing case fighting an energy company has, to some extent, contributed to my anticipated divorce. After 42 years of marriage, I am considering divorce. Indeed as you always advise, there are many financial factors to consider. Nevertheless, in the absence of money, I need to make some preparations at this stage before letting him know of my action. My husband has a private investment pension pot. It is set up in connection to his company and he shares the scheme with one other director partner. I am sorry to describe it so naively but I really have no idea of the scheme name. I know that he has included shares, a number of properties and perhaps other assets in the pot. I believe he is entitled and benefits from annual cash withdrawal up to a percentage. He can add to the pot by buying and selling those, new properties and shares. This pot does not bare any connection to me. However my concern is that I need to know how I can protect my share of interest in the pot in the case of divorce. He has kept all our assets within this pot and I guess immune from SHARING THEM WITH ME! Once he finds out about my divorce action, he can easily empty out the pot in no time. What is the name of this scheme? And can I put a freeze of some sort over his assets and at what stage? Do I have a chance or is it a lost cause? I hope I can get some opinions from you kind people here; believe me, I know I should go to a lawyer! many thanks and as always I am grateful for your support.
  5. My Bank, (HSBC) has been negligent and mis-sold me an overdraft on the basis of funds coming from an investment which turned out to be a con trick the bank had said the investment was sound and actively encouraged me to run up a large overdraft knowing I only had a very small income- they were so desperate to get all of the funds from the investment deposited in their bank they advised me badly and when it was found to be a con trick, they placed a charge on my property to cover the overdraft and are now trying to repossess my home! I have complained to the FOS but they were biased in favour of the bank, so I complained to the Independant Assessor who said I`d been treated badly by the FOS and things had been done wrong and awarded a small amount of compensation- I believe things were done wrong as they were biased in favour of HSBC. Now the Bank is going for a repossession order for my property so I`ve been to see a solicitor today who`s told me I have a good case and may get legal aid but after ringing the legal aid line I was refused legal aid...probably because I`m not on any benefits! I can`t afford to take the bank to court myself as this whole fiasco has ruined me financially and seemingly I can`t get free help but surely there must be something I can do? Please help if you can as I feel so helpless and am at my wits end. I was at Court on 10th June for a Possession Hearing and put in a Defence and the Judge adjourned to enable me time to submit a fully pleaded defence and counter claim but I can`t afford a Solicitor to do this? The day before I was at Court in June, HSBC e-mailed me and offered to knock the amount they claim is owed down from £91500.00 to £59500.00 and no costs would be payable, provided I signed an agreement saying I wouldn`t take any further action against HSBC either now or in the future...I find this `offer` all very odd and feel I`m missing something that HSBC are worried about? Sorry for the length of this- can anyone advise me please as I`m due in Court again next week...thank you
  6. Hi, I hope someone can help, I went bankrupt in May 2010, included in this was £3000 to a Virgin (MBNA) credit card, I was discharged in May 2011, after looking at my credit report today I noticed I have a CCJ in March 2012, I contacted the courts and they told me it was from Varde Investments who bought the debt from MBNA. What I want to know is how to get this CCJ removed, I know I can apply to the courts to have it removed and pay £80 but then I guess Varde could just reapply the CCJ and I'd be back to square one, How do I get it removed? Any help would be much appreciated
  7. Good morning! In 1977 (yes, I said it was old!), my parents invested money that had been left to my sister and myself by our grandfather (his entire estate other than his house, bless him). They decided to put it into what my mother said were "agricultural bonds". Over the years, up to 1989, every now and then we were able to take out small amounts, and I remember one of these paying for a school trip, in particular. In 1989, I got engaged, and was very happy with the fact that I had Granddad's money to help me make a decent start to married life, namely on the property ladder. It was agreed, therefore, that the investment as a whole would be reviewed, and my share taken out in its entirety, to give me a deposit for a home. The initial investment had been £6000 each for my sister and me. Imagine my parents' horror, therefore, when they were told that all that was left to share between us was £2,300. Of course they had always understood that such investments can go up and down, but this seemed rather extreme, and they had had no advice that things weren't looking good, would they like to review the arrangements. It would have been better, ultimately, if they'd just put it all in a building society. At least we would still have had the initial amount. If I could find out the company via which they invested this money, would there still be a chance that we could seek some sort of compensation? I know it's also a long time since 1989, when the shortfall became known, but I don't think my parents even thought of doing anything other than writing to the Daily Mail's "Money Mail"! It's always made me feel really angry that it was just left as "one of those things", with my parents feeling very guilty that they'd made a bad investment, when in fact it might not have been down to them at all. Any thoughts on this would be really interesting! Thank you!
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