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Found 4 results

  1. Hi All, Looking for some advice please (I have a number of debts I am looking to gain control of), I will start one at a time and create a separate thread for each. I had an HSBC Advance current account from 2009 - 2014, during this time on several occasions, HSBC allowed me to go into an unauthorised overdraft and charged significantly (many times charging £100 - £150 for this "priveledge") - admittedly my poor account management was to blame for the situation, but ultimately meant every month my account would go overdrawn by up to £150, most times made up solely from the charges from the previous months unauthorised borrowing charges. On one annual statement, I had paid over £1200 in bank charges, majority of these for unauthorised borrowing. Now there is some background, in December 2013, the same thing happened, but this time I decided I would not pay the charges (not very smart) and I would open another bank account with a different bank. HSBC then added more and more charges to this till the point the account reached £727 made mostly of charges. Like a fool, I simply ignored HSBC and buried my head in the sand. The account was defaulted in June 2014, I then started making payments to HSBC and the outstanding balance dropped to £646 until 3 months ago, when I ceased making payment and more recently Wescot are writing and calling chasing this debt. I have looked through threads on this site, but most deal with loans or credit cards, but I know a bank account works differently. Is there any way to challenge the charges that HSBC placed on the account, or should I simply resign myself to slowly paying off this debt? Thanks in advance
  2. hi wonder if any one can shed some light on a situation. 12 years ago a friend lent another friend some money to set up a business. the friend lending hoped to be involved in the business at a later date. the friend who lent the money later decided she wanted nothing to do in said business as had found other work/ commitments. There was a receipt detailing money being loaned for business. no terms no repayments etc. as yet no payments back have been made as verbal agreement was, by the lender working with the business would recoup money loaned, this did not happen and the business was not successful the lender now wants the money back, the lendee thinks that she was let down by the lender. where do they stand? Is it statute barred? Does the limitation act cover this type of loan? TIA
  3. http://newsthump.com/2015/04/21/wonga-declares-37-3m-loss-after-accidentally-borrowing-a-fiver-from-itself/ "Wonga’s CEO, Norman Bugger-Crumpets, said “The irony isn’t lost on us.” “I’ve begged our collections team to let us off the hook, but we’ve programmed them to be single-minded heartless w*nk-pheasants of the highest order.” “They’ve told us we either have to pay up, or some thoroughly terrifying men will come to take anything that isn’t nailed down, and maybe have a go on my wife.” "
  4. The OFT are writing to 29,500 state Schools asking them to remove restrictions. Where parents are forced to buy from specialist suppliers. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2223168/Parents-lose-52million-year-uniform-costs-state-schools-force-spend-169-skirt.html
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