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  1. Please can you help. I received a parking fee from Vehicle Control Services for parking at Doncaster Airport for 47 seconds. This was due to my 5 yr old niece taking off her seatbelt whilst driving. I pulled into a bus stop to sort it out. It was on Sunday 5th July. I appealed on 18th July and VCN rejected this on 4th August. Then I appealed to the Independent Appeals Service and they rejected my appeal. I've just received a Notice of Intended Court Proceedings dated 22nd September. I would like some advice about what to do asap, as it requests I settle this by 6th October. I've been in touch with Citizens Advice Bureau and have tried POPLA and British Parking Association, but they can't help as VCS is a member of IPC not BPA. From looking on forums, I'm guessing I just wait now for a court date?
  2. Hello, Probably as most of the people here I feel like I've been heavily fined for minor offence. As mentioned in the Title I'd been issued a PCN for 'Parking on a restricted bus stop/stand'. The most important question for me now is whether I should pay full amount (£154) or take it to the court. I don't know if I have the case here and whether it is worth risking for that kind of money. Also the way I dealt with it up to now was probably not too good and on top of it I'm not British which makes it even more difficult for me to understand all these legal procedures. here is the story: 1. On 02/04/2015, 22:15 at Doncaster airport I stopped in the bus bay. It's located just outside the fenced carpark but apparently is still within airport premises. I guess it might have been ca.30s and to be honest I don't remember why I stopped. As I had a kid with me and just picked up my parents from the airport it might have been some safety issue (not fastened seatbelts) or just simply to set the sat nav. I'm not from the area and didn't exactly know which way to go meaning I had to stop somewhere and that bay seemed to be the safest place there. 2. I received a PCN on 20/05/2015 with a £60 discounted rate. 3. I appealed (in my own way, not too professional and legal manner - unfortunately I confirmed in my letter that I did stop in that bay and tried to explain the circumstances.) and obviously it was rejected on 06/06/2015 having found no extenuating circumstances. Still could have paid £60 but decided to appeal to IAS as suggested in the letter. 4. I went to IAS webpage but there was no option suitable to my case so I just left it. 5. I've received a letter on 13/04/2016 from VCS that the case had been moved to legal department: BW Legal and should pay the outstanding balance (£154) or it will be taken to Court They threaten me with CCJ, affecting my credit score and employability. Any suggestions welcomed. Personally I'm leaning towards paying the penalty and getting it off my head. £154 is not a fortune.
  3. Ongoing since Feb 2014. Flight I had gone to meet was delayed so I reversed into an unfinished spur from a roundabout. Eventually the dreaded white van sneaked up and pointed his camera at another vehicle, then mine. I was mindful to drive off but couldn't enter the roundabout as there was a muppet with a camera van moving slowly round it. This vehicle (The camera van) then drove to the opposite side and started to swivel his camera round towards us again. I drove away quickly before he got a second shot. In due course a letter arrived with one nice picture of my car apparently stationary at some dashed give way markings, and an invitation to send them £60 for this small black and white picture for being " stopped on a roadway where stopping is prohibited" I always thought you had to stop at give way markings when there is a vehicle coming from your right. I didn't respond. Since then : Increase of charge to £100 : Then the usual rubbish and veiled threats from Rossendales. When that was ignored nothing for over 12 months until today. bw legal now £154 and an attempted frightener mention County Court etc. It does say in the small print they would have to "seek our clients instructions " to commence legal proceedings. As I've ignored everything so far, should I carry on stonewalling? Or ask them to contact the driver and stop bothering me. Obviously they don't know who the driver was, and I'm not going to tell them. Advice Please.
  4. a few days ago my wife ,myself her sister and our daughter went to Doncaster , our return journey (incase anyone knows the road layout) consisted in coming down the road behind the market to the traffic light junction . when the lights turned green we approached onto market roundabout into the middle lane labelled A19SELBY /A638 WAKEFIELD. which as a spiral roundabout takes you over the bridge towards sprotborough etc in the left hand lane as you exit the roundabout onto the bridge. a few seconds onto the roundabout at a speed of less than 20 mph we were hit in the drivers side rear quarter panel by an articluted lorry of at least 7.5 tonne (has a forklift truck on the back ) so could have been of a heavier weight . the lorry spun the car around 90 degrees and we were fully across the front of the truck . the only thing we could see from the drivers side was the full front of the vehicle . we have no idea wewre the lorry come from ,it either come from over the bridge ,or come from wheatley hall road . the car wasn't ours it is my brothers car on loan to us from time to time on the understanding I paid for a separate insurance policy . (as he is a garage owner and has trade insurance so we wold not be covered) I did this in march (maybe earlier) and also included him on the policy as he is the owner and registered keeper as the car is usually kept at his home address. then wagon driver jumped from the cab and shouted its your fault not mine . I didn't respond at all I was in shock my 3 year old daughter was on the side that was hit . luckily the car was an audi and seemed to take the impact well , hate to think if it had been a small car like a corsa . police attended the scene made sure everyone was ok they exchange details not us and then let us go on our merry way . I took pictures of the damage to the car , the rear quarter back door , front door and front wing are all badly damaged .the rear bumper has a slight crack and the rear wheel is scuffed , im devastated and feel wholly responsible to my brother , when I phoned my insurance they stated that as my no claims was unprotected I will lose 8 years ncb if it ends up been a 50/50 split . as there unprotected policy does not consider any ncb over 5 years I wasn't even driving my wife was and Is a named driver. I have been in contact with there transport mamager who was very polite and said don't worry we will have your vehicle sorted in no time as the have a very good insurance company , he said the drivers pride was dented and he was been ribbed by his colleagues . also said if it was my car I would have throttled the guy . I know we are not to blame I know we were in the correct lane on the roundabout , but I have no idea were the lorry came from so quickly I have attached a picture of how the car ended up on the roundabout me and my brother are now in the process of assessing whether it would be better for him to fix the car , in case it goes 50/50 as the car if taken to audi for assessment would be wrote off due to the cost of fixing it. further upping an insurance premium next year as the car was valued on the policy quote at over 11k the wagon didn't seem to suffer any damage except blue paint on it from the car seems my insurance is worth nothing , and all ive had is personal injury specialists phoning me to claim for injuries , all of us eneded up with none , except it effected my sciatica , but I am due to see a neuro surgeon this week as I already have 2 slipped disks the small picture attached is from a mobile phone taken by luck from a girl who works at the public house my sister and daughter work at in scawsby.
  5. Hi all I'm two months in arrears with a company based near Doncaster as they haven't completed the job they were supposed to do almost 12 months ago. To cut a long story short, I had a call a few days ago to discuss this from a Mr Morley supposedly of 'Doncaster Debt Collectors'. Called from a mobile number. Has anyone heard of this company or had any dealings with them? I have googled it and there are no results. I suspect he is from the company that I am having problems with rather than a debt collector. I explained the problem and he agreed to remove all charges from my account and to send an engineer out to finish the job. I have previously discussed this with the company in question, sent a letter in the post etc, with no joy and now, as soon as I stop paying, 'Mr Morley' is offering to make it all better! Surely this is not the job of a debt collector? What do you think? Looking forward to hearing your views and thanks in advance.
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