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Found 9 results

  1. Need help with my council contractors they damage to my home. Council employees called to my home and took pictures of damage now council says person left their employ and no record of photos. Also contractors denied any damage was done. Council said they want correspondence where contractors confirm that damage was done to my home..:roll:
  2. Hi all, My wife had an accident parallel parking the other day. It`s with the insurers at the moment but it would be good to have a view of who`s to blame so we`re prepared for anything that they may come back with. First the good news: It was a low speed impact and no one hurt. The Incident: My wife was parallel parking into a space on her side of the road. She was positioned parallel to the car in front of the space and had just started to reverse with the wheel going to full lock. A car travelling from behind overtook her at this point and my wifes front driver wheel and the other cars passenger wheel/arch bumped as the car continued past us. My wifes wheel was knocked out of alignment and the other car has scuffs on their wheel arch/wheel. There was no other damage. Our thoughts are that the other car passed too close (if they even should have passed) and my wife was only just starting the turn manouver, as only my wifes wheel was hit. From what I understand this indicates that they were only about 6 inches away from the car when passing, otherwise they would have hit the front of my wifes car too as this would have been further out in the road if hit. Any thoughts on how the blame might be allocated? Feel free to ask any more about the incident in case I`ve missed anything relevant. Many thanks. I forgot to say that the other cars "REAR" passenger wheel arch/wheel bumped.
  3. a few days ago my wife ,myself her sister and our daughter went to Doncaster , our return journey (incase anyone knows the road layout) consisted in coming down the road behind the market to the traffic light junction . when the lights turned green we approached onto market roundabout into the middle lane labelled A19SELBY /A638 WAKEFIELD. which as a spiral roundabout takes you over the bridge towards sprotborough etc in the left hand lane as you exit the roundabout onto the bridge. a few seconds onto the roundabout at a speed of less than 20 mph we were hit in the drivers side rear quarter panel by an articluted lorry of at least 7.5 tonne (has a forklift truck on the back ) so could have been of a heavier weight . the lorry spun the car around 90 degrees and we were fully across the front of the truck . the only thing we could see from the drivers side was the full front of the vehicle . we have no idea wewre the lorry come from ,it either come from over the bridge ,or come from wheatley hall road . the car wasn't ours it is my brothers car on loan to us from time to time on the understanding I paid for a separate insurance policy . (as he is a garage owner and has trade insurance so we wold not be covered) I did this in march (maybe earlier) and also included him on the policy as he is the owner and registered keeper as the car is usually kept at his home address. then wagon driver jumped from the cab and shouted its your fault not mine . I didn't respond at all I was in shock my 3 year old daughter was on the side that was hit . luckily the car was an audi and seemed to take the impact well , hate to think if it had been a small car like a corsa . police attended the scene made sure everyone was ok they exchange details not us and then let us go on our merry way . I took pictures of the damage to the car , the rear quarter back door , front door and front wing are all badly damaged .the rear bumper has a slight crack and the rear wheel is scuffed , im devastated and feel wholly responsible to my brother , when I phoned my insurance they stated that as my no claims was unprotected I will lose 8 years ncb if it ends up been a 50/50 split . as there unprotected policy does not consider any ncb over 5 years I wasn't even driving my wife was and Is a named driver. I have been in contact with there transport mamager who was very polite and said don't worry we will have your vehicle sorted in no time as the have a very good insurance company , he said the drivers pride was dented and he was been ribbed by his colleagues . also said if it was my car I would have throttled the guy . I know we are not to blame I know we were in the correct lane on the roundabout , but I have no idea were the lorry came from so quickly I have attached a picture of how the car ended up on the roundabout me and my brother are now in the process of assessing whether it would be better for him to fix the car , in case it goes 50/50 as the car if taken to audi for assessment would be wrote off due to the cost of fixing it. further upping an insurance premium next year as the car was valued on the policy quote at over 11k the wagon didn't seem to suffer any damage except blue paint on it from the car seems my insurance is worth nothing , and all ive had is personal injury specialists phoning me to claim for injuries , all of us eneded up with none , except it effected my sciatica , but I am due to see a neuro surgeon this week as I already have 2 slipped disks the small picture attached is from a mobile phone taken by luck from a girl who works at the public house my sister and daughter work at in scawsby.
  4. Hi all We are in the middle of an outstanding account wrangle with our vets... The injury(s) in question was fully covered by our PetPlan cover and dates back some time BUT... One of the excess payments I made in cash - that never made it onto their system - they are saying I still owe it and they won't even entertain the notion that it wasn't entered, or worse someone pocketed the cash. One of the Lab Fees was processed 2 months after the last appointment for that particular illness, which meant the subsequent claim for this was in a new policy year, and was subject to a new excess which meant the entire lab fee was not paid by PetPlan......when questioned why it was processed 2 months after the op, they said that's just the way it is. I had been having email conversations with one of their senior vets early this year about what was claimed, and what wasn't.....before the emailed matter was resolved, they stopped replying.....they are saying they had asked for claim forms and payments in one of the emails which i didn't supply.....it is now too late to claim for these items, and they are saying I need to pay instead. For all of these claims, they had originally been supplied claim forms for, but they failed to submit them.....when questioned about this, they said they don't lose claim forms, I never supplied them. I have offered to meet them half way on the outstanding £315.24, but they have outright refused and say I am responsible for the total amount. They will not accept that they have made any mistakes AT ALL. So, what can I do? Fight it and take the dogs elsewhere....or....swallow the cost, pay it so they continue to care for my dogs. Obviously, this is all my word against theirs, but I was astounded when they wouldn't even meet me part of the way on the cost, given that most of this outstanding amount is due to them. Any advice gratefully received!
  5. Hi, I am new to the forum but Plusnet has driven mad with continuing excuses and lack of any service. My broadband went out on 26th July and an engineer called on 31st July and advised there was a problem at the exchange, it should be fixed today (31st) he said. Every three days since then it was going to be fixed and we even got to "it will be fixed by 9pm on 14th August". Now it seems it won't be fixed until 28th August. Why if it was going to be fixed by 9pm last night is it now going to take another two weeks? Why have I spent a cumulative three hours waiting for Plusnet to answer the phone in my attempts to get some sense? the problem is always down to a Major service outage with BT, it seems difficult to believe they would take five weeks to sort this out. Am I just being strung along? Any one else had this problem? Alan
  6. I rang Edfenergy to provide them with the new details of the new a/c details where I wanted the Direct Debit to come out from (it was previously set up on anothe a/c I have). The lady at Edfenergy took the s/c and a/c of the new account. today I have found out that: Barclays let the Edfenergy direct debit go out from the new a/c details I had given Edfenergy (but there is no direct debit actually set up on the Barclays side on the new account where I wanted the DD to come out and which I gave the details of the new account to Edfenergy) Later on the same day the direct debit came back straight in as Unpaid into my Barclays a/c. now because of this Edfenergy have changed my payment from The orginal direct debit of £140 to a wholesale payment of £240 (Edfenergy are wanting the money in full as opposed to the direct debit payments) Edfenergy office was closed today so could not get through, so did live chat with Edfenergy who said Barclays are to blame and I should find out why Barclays refused the payment. Barclays are saying Edfenergy did not notify them about the new direct set up? Who is to blame and what steps can I now take to make sure Edfenergy put the payment as it originally was as monthly direct debits. Who is to blame and can I claim any compensation for the upset and inconvience caused?
  7. hi,ive posted on here before about the dwp posting my medical files to my ex sister inlaws address for my ESA appeal. i really need advice about who is at fault for this error. i have complained to the dwp but they say it was the CSA who downloaded this address and the CSA are saying the dwp are at fault .im getting nowhere here fast .(reregistered on here because i forgot my login details) .advice please .
  8. Hi Just looking for some thoughts My wife was parked in a local shopping centre carpark, they use a one way system. She was coming out of a space as a car drove past, she shopped to let him go by until he was about 4 or 5 spaces along. She then continued to reverse out of the space looking in the direction of the normal traffic flow. Unfortunately the car that passed decided to reverse back down the one way system (approx 20M or so) and ran into her. As they were moving fairly slowly there was no huge damage, but enough to warrant an insurance claim. My question is who would be to blame for this? My wife as she was going into the road, or the other party for reversing down a one way street? Thanks
  9. the other day a bailiff attended my home and had a warrant for my partner for a parking ticket at a cost of over £700. The bailiff clamped the car and went away. we phoned the bailiff later around 3pm that afternoon to tell him that the t7 and t9 forms was in place. I phoned him at about 6.30pm and asked him to remove the clamp and he refused saying the clamp would stay on the car over the weekend. He then turned up about a hour later to find the car and his clamp had gone:!:. Today we got a letter from Newlyn Plc saying that "we have removed your vehicle for non payment of a road traffic contravention" your vehicle will be sold\scrapped at auction in 7 days from the date of this letter unless you pay the sum of £1,465.85 plus storage. in the same envelope there was another letter saying "our records show that the debt has not been paid and furthermore, that the wheelclamp has been forcibly removed without permission. It is therefore our intention to increase the balance of your debt by £250 to cover the cost of the loss of our property, and the criminal claim we intend to start against you In order to avoid further bailiff action and to obtain a speedy settlement of this matter, we are prepared to accept payment of the outstanding balance of £1465.85" I phoned up Newlyn and asked if they had the car in a compound and they said "No" and that we cut the clamp off. I said that it wasn't me or my partner that cut the clamp off. I then asked how their fees have gone from £700 to £1465.85 if they didn't have the car in a compound. I said that this is not correct, and further more is "a act of deception" as they knowingly know that that car was never removed. The woman on the phone said that its the bailiffs fault as he told them to charge the fees. I said that the letter are from Newlyn and that the request for the money is from them and this maybe a criminal act asking for money that is not to the fee scale I checked the certificate bailiff register and the bailiff is listed to work for JBW Group Ltd and NOT newlyn. this may well be that the site is not up to date but might well be correct. his bail bond is only got another 6 months to go. I want to know what I can do I know I can file a Form 4 about the bailiff but what can I do about Newlyn act in trying to charge fees that did not happen and the letters saying that they had the car when the didn't.
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