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  1. Hi all, My dad who is a private hire driver was dropping off a passenger at birmingham airport IBIS hotel. This hotel allows passenger drop offs/pickups only by private hire drivers and is a red route in all other circumstances. My dad recieved a fine i sent off an appeal to APCOA detail that he was a private hire driver and eligible to drop off. No response was received from and in return we got a debt recovery letter. I then sent off another email to APCOA stating that i had sent an appeal but not received a response. 4 months down the line and without a response, i have now had a DCBL letter (although the letter states that this case is not subject to high court or bailiff action). What is the best course of action? For PCN's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement - 5th March 2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - i do not have this to hand as have misplaced it 3 Date received - as above 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes there is evidence of showing my dad doing a drop off, but i have since gone and taken a photo of the sign which states drop offs for taxi only. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] - appealed on 14th APril 2018 stating that my dad is a private hire driver and is eligible for the drop off Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up - NO response 7 Who is the parking company? APCOA 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Birmingham Airport For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. Hope you can help THanks
  2. Not sure if anyone's seen this, I doubt it will make it onto the Can't Pay show. DCBL agent forces his way in to a residence where the occupant has told him he is not the debotor and does not know the debtor, Police are called and as usual support the agent in his incorrect actions https://tinyurl.com/yad63obg
  3. Companies House today 12/06/18 confirmed that Claire Louise Sandbrook, High Court Enforcement Officer and owner of Shergroup Ltd is officially a resident in the USA, as per her completed form for Persons with Significant Control dated last year on 02/06/2017 (but filed today). 12 Jun 2018 - Change of details for Mrs Claire Louise Sandbrook as a person with significant control on 2 June 2017 - New Country /State usually resident: United States https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/04771589/filing-history Given that aside from Shergroup, Sandbrook sells her authority as an HCEO to the likes of DCBL and many other HCEO "franchises" does she really have control of the writs issued in her name? With the recent DCBL case it would appear not - DCBL Ordered to pay £20k Maybe it's finally time for a review into the HCEO system...
  4. Have been sent a notice of debt recovery from dcbl after losing against gladstones in court. Went to court over a parking ticket in June and lost. Waited for a further letter from the court with instructions to pay. I received a letter from the court ordering to pay on or before 3rd of July. But this letter was received after the 3rd of July. The envelope has no date stamp of when it was posted. There is no where on the letter stating the judgement will be entered in the Register of Judgements, Orders and Fines. I have no registered CCJ either on trust online or any credit search. I do not want to pay gladstones on either their very scamy looking website or automated phone line. What should be my next steps?
  5. The following is an extract of the news report published in the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/feb/22/couple-filmed-evicted-channel-5-tv-show-win-damages-high-court
  6. premier parking logistics are a part of BPA. i got one and now a letter form DCBL stating that a notice of debt recovery. what do i do? dont want to pay. but will pay up to £60 if needed dont want to say that and then they decline. Hi, got a letter on the 27th Feb 2018 stating that £100 invoice. Also, got a letter from DCBL stating that it is a notice of debt recovery. on the rear of the dcbl letter says case is not subject to high court or bailiff action What to do. dont mind paying up to £80 in installments but not really the £160 Thanks Quick replies needed please as 14 days from dcbl letter is up tomorrow. Was issued in birmingham. Both machines were out of order but stupidly did not take any photos of the machines!!!! They are with the BPA. Any Help thanks !
  7. Hi, I have received a letter from DCBL which states: "Your overdue amount of £269.48 due to Excel parking services ltd in relation to a county court judgement number xxxxxx has now been passed to DCBL to recover the debt on their behalf" It also mentions a further £75 + vat charge. I have searched lots of forums and the advice has been consistent to ignore all letters from Excel parking or any debt recovery firms. i am concerned this letter mentions CCJ number which suggests a CCJ has been issued. I dont recall receiving any court letters, although i have changed address. Normally, I would ignore these letters as per the advice on the various forums but im worried if a CCJ has really been issued and what I should in this case? Should i respond to DCBL? Should i contact the court (and if so, which court would i need to contact as i have not had any details)? Or should i continue to ignore? Please help as i am really stressed out now Many thanks in advance for any advice/help. Cheers
  8. My friends vehicle has been seized and a notice of sale has been received. I am the debtor. I have included this debt in my bankruptcy which was approved a day after the bailiffs came. The Official Receiver accepted evidence that this vehicle was not my asset. My friend has provided a receipt, a bank statement, a sworn statement and a letter from DVLA confirming the car has not been in my name since February 2017. The v5 was temporarily in my name for insurance purposes as I was borrowing the car. The owner has submitted an N244 application. I have submitted a form 4 in relation to a massive list of complaints about the bailiffs conduct. I have also written complaints to both the bailiffs (DCBL) and the creditor (UKCPM) The vehicle was due to be sold this Monday but I have not seen it on the auction website. It has been reported to the Police and they have said it is a civil matter. DVLA have also been made aware. The original creditor and bailiffs are refusing to respond to any emails. On the last phone call I had with them I was told the evidence provided was not enough to prove my friend owned the vehicle as I have to prove I never purchased it. I have emailed them asking if they would like a years worth of bank statements to prove no funds ever left my account for this vehicle. I have no idea how else I can prove I never purchased it or how else my friend can prove it is his. The only response I have had from DCBL is that the vehicle will not be returned until after the N244 application hearing. Does this mean they are planning on charging the owner storage fees if the Judge deems the vehicle is in fact his? If the Judge for some unknown reason deems this vehicle is owned by me can they legally sell it if I have been made bankrupt? I have spoke to CAB, national debtline, payplan and a whole load of other agencies. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  9. A few months ago I sold my business which was a Ltd company. There were several debts on the business and I'm in the process of winding up the company with a liquidator. As far as I'm aware I did not offer a personal guarantee to any debt. Out of the blue yesterday, I got a visit at my home from a company called DCBL to collect the debt regarding one company. The bailiff said he was there to enforce a high court judgement and either we pay in full or he will seize the goods in the house. Unfortunately, I had already let him into my home at this point and realised that was my biggest mistake. Whilst I tried to get more information from him about my options he started to take a camera out and began to take pictures of my belongings. Obviously, this was aimed to intimidate me and it worked. When I asked to see his paperwork he refused to let me hold it. Instead, he turned over the 1st page which was more detailed and showed me a page underneath which showed what the original debt was and the charges put on top which is what he was there to reclaim. The total sum he was looking for was just over £11k. I told him that the debt was against the Ltd company and the company had no connection to the home other than that I as Director lived there. We had never received notice from the court about the case and he then said that DCBL would have written to my home. Which they haven't as I had no letter. When I said I needed a few minutes to get the funds together he said: "that's fine, I'll continue to take pictures". I told him that I was going to pay as I didn't want him to take my goods he just ignored me. I got out my debit card and paid the debt and he went away. The issue I have is; 1) The debt was in the company name, did they have a right to come to my home to collect it? 2) His aggressiveness in talking to me. I gave no indication that I was not going to pay and actually just queried if he was allowed to collect it from me which he ignored. 3) The paperwork, what was he trying to hide? He was adamant that I wasn't allowed to touch it and when I suggested he hold it and I view it he quickly turned over the pages to show me the page he left with me. 4) at the door, before entering he simply said he was from a company called DCBL regarding a debt to company XYZ. He didn't mention he was a bailiff. Looking at the paperwork he has left me, the title of the page is "Notice that goods have been removed for storage or sale". He hasn't removed any goods. The charges on this page I would imagine are higher than the page where he doesn't have to remove goods? There are charges like; Enforcement Stage Fee Sale Stage Fee Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I have spoken to DCBL this morning who suggested I write a complaint, which I will do seeking advice from this forum. Thank you.
  10. Hi Everyone, A newbie here looking for some advice. Myself and a few others work for a company in an office that has no parking. This means we always park off site, currently on a small spot of waste ground with room for 5-6 cars. Between 2013 and 2016 there was an abandoned Post Office sorting office that had room for 9-10 cars. There were no signs at all so we all happily parked there without worry. At some point in 2016 SiP Parking suddenly put up signs. The signs were usually all different, there were no clearly marked bays for us to park in and there was no machine for us to purchase a ticket. Granted, there are council owned spaces across the road which do have spaces and a machine but even I know the Council and SiP operate independently. A few of us started to get tickets. They were ignored. Then we got more. They too were ignored. After receiving my 5th ticket I decided it was best to park elsewhere. Others lasted it out longer and one colleague ended up with a glovebox full of tickets, at last count it was around 24 tickets. Lots of advice online state to just ignore them and they will go away, which is what I did (naively or not). Fast forward to February this year. 7.30am and there's a loud knocking on my front door. 2 Bailiffs are at the door with a film crew (from I believe the Channel 5 show Can't Pay, We'll Take It Away). Luckily I was upstairs and conversed with them from an upstairs window. They wanted my name which I refused to confirm until they told me what it was all about. They refused to tell me before proceeding to wake the neighbours up. The neighbours confirmed they did not know who I was (which is genuinely true, as they only know my first name). They then proceeded to knock on most of the doors on the street which would've proved fruitless due to us not knowing most of the people on the street. The bailiffs were taking photos of the house whilst the film crew did whatever it is they were doing. After around 30 minutes they disappeared. They posted a couple of documents through the door one of which was a poorly photocopied court document claiming I owed one amount. The other document was on DCBL headed paper claiming I owed a different amount. The supposed court document had a PP signature on it whereas the DCBL document had no signature on it. I did a bit of digging online and it seems these guys are not actual bailiffs (searching them on the Bailiff register produces zero results). Today, March 17th 2017, my neighbour has called to give me a letter posted through her door. I do not know how long it has been there as they've been on holiday the past 2 weeks. The envelope has a stamp dated 02-03-2017 so I can only assume it was posted that day. The letter states it's a Notice of Enforcement, has an enforcement agent reference number on it and an amount of which I owe (£978.26 which in my opinion is ridiculous for 5 parking tickets). The letter states that I must pay or agree a repayment by March 13th. Well, that was impossible as I only got the letter today because it was posted through the wrong door. The letter goes on to state what will happen if I don't pay. I have no possessions for them to take, as I've signed them all over to my wife who is not named in any of the documents, and the car I drive belongs to my sister which I can prove. Sorry for the long winded story but my question is simply, what should I do? Since getting the tickets, which I no longer have as they were for a car I no longer have, I've only ever received one letter from a supposed solicitor, which is linked to SiP Parking , and no court documents. I believe I should have received a letter from DCBL advising they were going to call at least 7 days before their initial vist back in February. Although I understand it's hard to prove but I never did receive that letter and I also understand they will magically be able to say they did send it. I really don't want them calling back round as my wife suffers severely from Anxiety and Depression and I'm her carer. Our daughter also suffers from mild mental health problems so, as you can imagine, it's undue stress they can well do without. Any help is greatly appreciated I should also add: One of the DCBL people, different to the previous guy, has just been banging on the door. The cheeky So and so even tried the handle. Thankfully the door was locked. And: The guy has now gone and posted 4 pieces of paper through the door. Photocopied Headed Paper stating it's a "Notice After Entry Or Taking Control Of Goods (on a highway) And Inventory Of Goods Taken Into Control" This shows a different amount to the one that was posted through my neighbours door god knows when. Also included was a goods taken into control document with the car that I use written on it. Now, I guess this means they are claiming they've taken control the car. The car, however, is not mine. It belongs to my sister and the log book will show that. Yes, I am insured to drive the vehicle but my sister is the registered keeper. I should add, the car is still parked outside. I'm worried now as I need the car to drop off and pick up my daughter from school. Again, any help is greatly appreciated. Sorry to keep droning on. The letter dated 02/03/2017 which was posted next door shows an amount of £978.26 owed. The piece of paper Mr DCBL has just posted through the door shows an amount of £1802.30. How on earth has it doubled in just over 14 days, 14 days in which I never had the letter stating I had until the 13th of March to pay.
  11. HI everyone my first post on this site as i am in a bit of a pickle around 2 years ago at my gym ( which also happens to be a hotel & restaurant ) company called "millennium door and event security randomly turned up and decided to start slapping tickets on everyones cars ( gym users , hotel stayers & restaurant eaters all included ) as you can imagine there was quite the uproar with many complaints going to the hotel manager about this whom seemingly was unaware what exactly was going on ,but someone within the hotel had agreed that millennium could start ticketing peoples cars under the pretence that they were " managing the car park " i imagine of course the hotel would receive a percentage of any " charges recovered " i avoided the whole thing for a while although i will admit things like this make my blood boil as this business model is created to inflict misery on innocent people and to generate pure profits for the robbers that own these companies i cannot believe that in 2017 companies like this are still allowed to get away with slapping tickets on peoples cars on land they have absolutely no affiliation with anyway around a year ago i damaged some ligaments in my leg , i still attended my gym as there was a good physiotherapist there and i liked to use the pool facility however for around 5-6 months i was unable to walk distances and therefore i would use the disabled spaces provided by the hotel this is where the problems began everytime i would return from using the facilitys i would find a "ticket" on my windscreen i must have collected around 20 of them in 6 months however as i pay a monthly fee for my gym i believed i was more than entitled to use the private disabled parking space provided by the hotel and simply ignored the nonsense tickets i can remember even querying this with the gym manager who said the rules do not apply to patrons and members ( the sign millennium door and event security had put up even mentions this ) i kept throwing the tickets away and thought nothing more of it , until i started receiving mountains of letters from "max recovery" and "goldstones solicitors" more con artists i ignored all these swell thinking it was all huffing and puffing trying to bully money out of me next thing i am being served county court papers from some business centre in Nottingham ( 200 miles from where i live ) first i received one claim stating i owe £400 - this was the first one and i actually went to court with expecting somebody to see sense and throw it in the bin gladstone rocked up with 3 solicitors and had carefully analysed every single defence point i had I'm not joking they must have spent more time on this than the OJ simpson trail myself and the magistrate had lost all interest by the end and the court awarded them the full amount minus a little bit of interest they were trying to claim i ended up paying these ba*stards £374 in full they were not prepared to negotiate a payment plan of any type then a few months later i receive one stating i owe another £350 - by this point i had enough and just threw it in the bin ( i know stupid ) the judgement defaulted and they yet again get the result they so desperately wanted along with a CCJ which has now been handed to DCBL aka don't pay we will take it away i also have another case with them waiting to go to court for another £400 - but i have been clever in dragging this one out for along as i possible can by switching addresses and saying i am out of the country for 5 months but i have no doubt that gladstone will be after this one like a dog after a bone too anyway its the defaulted one they have a cci for i am most concerned about at the moment because i live with my parents and where as if i was on my own i simply wouldnt even acknowledge they're existence and would potentially consider an acceptable level of force to remove them from my property ( yes i feel that strongly about it ) my mother is old and would get frightened easily if 2 burly debt collection attack dogs and a camera crew turned up at the door one day i am aware there is no where else to really turn now I have accepted i will have to pay the criminals £350 and be thankful for it however like most ordinary people who don't con others on a daily basis i don't actually have a spare £350 just laying around to pay them i am insolvent and live on very little i am going to ring DCBL tomorrow to see if i can pay £50 a month I'm already anticipating they will politely decline this and i notice there is no way to contact them via email ( meaning no paper trail of attempted negotiations for court ) so assuming this will probably end up in high court a few questions 1) could a £350 debt even incur a high court writ and if not does it just go back to county court what sanctions do they take 2) i am aware you can ask the court to set aside the judgement or set up a payment plan however they want £50 minimum to do either of these extremely difficult tasks and seeing as the debt is £350 I'm not sure its really worth it to add another 50 on 3) is it worth speaking to citizens advice or will they just give me barrel answers 4) the outstanding judgement thats waiting to go to court could anyone help me on here with a defence ? because obviously my last one didnt work very well sorry i know the post is long but this is literally so frustrating if i had actually incurred a debt with someone for a service or goods they had provided i would of paid up straight away however these "debts" have seemingly appeared out of thin air i still after all thisl fail to see the damage I've actually caused to warrant nearly £1000 pounds worth of parking charges all i did was park at my gym thanks to anyone that takes the time to respond
  12. Hi, I recently received a parking charge. Firstly it went through one debt collector then transferred to DCBL as they were unable to collect the fine. I have received two letters from DCBL and this is the second letter, question is can anyone turn up at my house? Should I be expecting? Or should I ignore?
  13. Given the seriousness of this thread, it really does need to get wide coverage. Accordingly, I would hope that the moderators allow it to remain on this section of the forum. Sadly, this is not the first time that I have taken issue with documentation from DCBL. There is a long thread on here regarding this firm and their letters regarding private parking debts (more later). This firm are also behind the TV series....Can't Pay...We Will Take it Away. Yesterday, I was contacted by a gentleman who had received a letter from DCBL the previous day. The letter was received by post and was on headed notepaper from DCBL and clearly stated at the top of the letter (beside the word DCBL) the words: Certificated Bailiffs and High Court Enforcement Officers. The letter referred to a 'debt' in excess of £10,000. Interest of 8% (since May 2016) had also been added. The letter stated the following: Unless we receive immediate proposals from you regarding the repayment of this debt, the recovery process will commence 7 days from the date of this letter. We may also make arrangements for a representative to call upon you to open up lines of communication. The person receiving the letter knew about the 'debt' and knew that it was heavily disputed. More importantly, he was adamant that court proceedings had not been undertaken against him and that a judgment had not been obtained. He intended writing to DCBL. Before being able to, he had a visit at his home from a High Court Enforcement Agent from DCBL. It is fair and accurate to state that an argument broke out. The 'debtor' called the police. Astonishingly, the police refused to attend stating that they were satisfied that DCBL had authority to attend his premises to enforce the debt. The High Court Enforcement Agent from DCBL refused to leave the premises unless he received payment. Under duress, the debtor borrowed a sum of £2,000. DCBL yesterday confirmed the following: That the debt had not been subject to court action. That a judgment had not been obtained by the creditor. That they were enforcing a 'pre judgment' debt. That the 'High Court Enforcement Officer' was attending as a 'Debt Collector' Members of the public receiving letters such as these will no doubt be hoodwinked into believing that the debt was legally due and that a court order exists. They would be wrong.
  14. Hi everybody, I've been pointed in this direction by a reddit user for help relating to a Parking Charge Notice. I took my car to my local garage to get an MOT check done on 01/09/2016. The owner then drove the car to the MOT garage and parked it up inside and then returned back to his garage. A few hours later I hadn't received a phone call yet to say it had been completed so I rang up to find out that my car was OK to collect. I then made my way there and collected my car from the (private) parking lot less than 30 meters away from the MOT garage. Fast-forward a week or so and I've received a letter in the post saying my car was broke the allowed parking period in the car park and I need to pay a fine for £100, I replied to the letter stating the address of my local garage and to take it up with them - I then received an email a month later saying that the time period had ran out and I had to pay urgently - I reminded them that I sent a letter in the post some time later I received this response I then replied with this email (1, 2) using a template I was advised to use. I then explained to take this matter up with my local garage and the MOT centre. I then received this. What should my next action be? I'm really not in a position to be able to afford £100 so close to Christmas. My local garage has told me that they can vouch that I wasn't the person who drove the car there/parked it in the space. Any ideas? Thanks in advance EDIT: I now have a signed and stamped note from the doctors saying I was there when this incident took place. I've managed to find my google location history showing the time I dropped the car off at my local garage and when I picked it up from the MOT centre, this is attached. My local garage has said if it goes to court they will provide further evidence that I didn't have the car after 9am until Also included text to girlfriend with date and timestamp. Omitted names etc for confidentiality EDIT 2 - it turns out I cant include links or images, any idea on this first?
  15. I've received the following letter from DCBL Certificated Bailiffs & High Court Enforcement saying that my overdue debt of £180 to New Generation Parking Management (NGPM) has been assigned to them to recover. The letter is printed on really poor paper and looks like it's been printed on a teenagers printer in their bedroom where the ink is almost running out. The letter is titled "Notice of Debt Assignment" :- I have this letter on my Flickr account but this website won't let me put links in any posts. This was for a parking charge notice (PCN) from back in early summer 2014. I ignored the first ever letter saying I had to pay this and I never received anymore letters. Then over 18 months later, today this letter in the link above arrived on my doorstep. So now what do I do? I read other posts etc. And they all seem to say that once it gets to the debt collectors stage to totally ignore everything and not to contact them in any way. But is this at that stage now? Or further on. Is this a further scare tactic or actually serious? Their website on this new letter shows that they were on the TV program "don't pay, we take it away". Any advice would be great appreciated.
  16. Hi all, I've looked through and tried to find a similar case, and was wondering if someone could help shed some light on the issue I detail below: 1 - my wife received a letter stating a £65 private parking charge from NGP (New Generation Parking) for supposedly parking in an unauthorised area of Capital Retail Park (Cardiff) in October/November 2012.......subsequently ignored the letter as per instructions elsewhere on the web. This letter had been sent to an old address for my wife. 2 - received a letter from DCBL saying they had been instructed to claim the 'debt' by NGP, and had added charges so the new sum 'owed' was £180. This letter had been sent to an old address for my wife. 3 - as my wife had not received the letter in point 2, we were not aware of the charges/actions, and have recently been sent another letter stating (something along the lines of) ''as all attempts of contact have been ignored, more charges, now totalling £340 are payable immediately to DCBL, or they shall instruct their client to file for a CCJ. If possible, could someone please advise on the following points? 1 - What right do NGP have to chase the debt and what proof do they need to provide? 2 - My wife's name is spelt incorrectly (2 letters different) on all correspondence, is this a 'strike out' and therefore unenforceable? 3 - My wife has changed her name, as we got married in the 2 years during the time where there was no contact from NGP/DCBL. Should either/both parties have conducted any relevant identity/address checks? Again, can this be struck out and therefore unenforceable? 4 - My wife sold the car around 18 months ago, therefore she is no longer the registered keeper, is the 'debt' therefore enforceable? 5 - Are DCBL legally allowed to add on £275 in charges if they are now returning to NGP and advising them to try and obtain a CCJ? 6 - Would NGP/DCBL be successful in obtaining a CCJ if (as per above) my wife has changed name, address and sold the vehicle? Sorry for all the questions, am hoping that I've covered all the points and some of you experienced people will be able to help! Thanks
  17. Hi Guys hoping you can help me in some way. Ive returned home today from a week away and had 2 letters from dcbl one is a notice of debt assignment saying I have an overdue amount for £180.00 due to new generation parking management and has now been assigned to dcbl certificated bailiffs & high court enforcement to recover. the second is a notice of enforcement saying I now owe £340.00 and if I dont pay or agree a payment arrangement by the 7th November 2015 they will visit and charge me an additional £265.00. I had completely forgotten about this ticket, at the time I had it I was advised by family and friends to just ignore it. What do I do now, any advice? ticket was dated 29/03/2014 according to enforcement details
  18. A few weeks ago, I contacted PP to alert him to DCBL. Today, this blog went up. http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/race-to-600-parking-charge-begins-dcbl.html I have to say that I disagree with his advice to contact them.
  19. A few weeks ago, I contacted PP to alert him to DCBL. Today, this blog went up. http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/race-to-600-parking-charge-begins-dcbl.html I have to say that I disagree with his advice to contact them.
  20. Hi All, Please can you help me out. My father received a letter from excel parking services over a year ago, after investigating them find tonnes of material online including watchdog stating i should ignore the letters, i did. The signage in the car park has not changed in year and is the same as the one in the watchdog video on youtube. Nothing else came through since then. However today i have received a letter from DCBL stating my father now owe £160. The letter reads. Notice of debt recovery Dear ......... Your overdue amount of £100 due to excel parking services limited in relation to an unpaid parking ticket has now been passed to DCBL (direct collection bailiffs limited) to recover the debt on their behalf. a futher £60 administrations and recovery fee has now been accrued therefore the total amount now due is £160.00. To ensure no further action will take place please make a payment ....... On the back of the letter it states. This case is not subject to high court or bailiff action. Do I need to pay or take any action ? As i have seen online this company sometime make the fees over £1000 !!! (Google race-to-600-parking-charge-begins-dcb) As the back said this is not subject to HC or Bailiffs should i do a ccj check just in case. Do I need to pay or take any action ? Do i need to email them a denial of payment ? Thanks all
  21. Hello all, RE: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?459551-DCBL-and-me-now-a-new-letter&p=4908261#post4908261 I have just received my 'Legal Recovery Action' letter from DCBL, although interestingly I've had no communication in regard to which parking ticket or company the charge refers to, I can only assume its in relation to an Excel parking ticket from many years ago, anyway following your advice I have ignored all communication. As I can't see any further posts since CitizenB uploaded the last letter titled 'Legal Recovery Action' I presume DCBL have got bored of sending misleading letters regarding the case?
  22. Where to start... I really need some advice On the 3rd March this year I parked my car in what turned out to be a private car park, which was right next to a road that had parking bays and local authority ticket machines. I purchased a LA ticket thinking it covered me in the space I was parked in and then returned a couple of hours later to an NPS parking charge affixed to my window. The signage for the private car park wasn't great and there was no barrier between the carpark and the pavement where the ticket machine was, so I took some photos and sent in an appeal to NPS (within their 14 day limit to stop the charge increasing to £100), asking them to waive the £60 charge due to the circumstances. I wasn't sure if they would buy it or not, but thought it was worth a try. I now realise that this was probably my first mistake! I sent the appeal to the email address on the back of the ticket and heard nothing. Then through the post (I guess they got my address from the appeal email that they hadn't 'received' or acknowledged) I got a letter saying 28 days have passed and the £100 is now overdue. There was a different email address listed on this letter so I re-sent the appeal email to this address and asked for acknowledgment and for this to be considered as within the 14 days. No reply. I also tried to call NPS but every phone number I could find went through to the payment line - at no point could I talk to a person. Several letters later I received a letter from another company that looked like some kind of debt collection agency (I forget the name but it was another 3 letter acronym starting with an H), which I found through some digging on the internet was closely related to, or part of the same company/group as NPS. This time the amount I owed had increased to £172. I called them on three occasions, taking names of people I spoke to, explaining the situation - that I was waiting for my appeal to be acknowledged. To be fair the people I spoke to seemed quite sympathetic and I do know that at least one of them had written up notes on my file as a later person read it back to me. Each time they said their manager would call me back as they would need to contact NPS. No-one ever called me back. The latest in this saga is that I now have a letter from DCBL called 'Notice of Debt Recovery'. They have added a further £60 to the total so I now 'owe' £232. On the back of the letter it says the phrase 'This case is not subject to High Court or Bailiff action'. What does mean exactly? Now I just need to know what my best course of action is. My initial appeal has never been acknowledged - if they had written back to ne saying it had been rejected I probably would have just paid the £60 quid (reluctantly, given the circumstances). However, since then I have felt I should stand my ground - why should I pay these escalating costs when I have appealed within the time frame and repeatedly tried to resolve this, but to no avail. Also, if this did end up in court, I could evidence my attempts to resolve the situation and their complete lack of response. I am worried about it affecting my credit rating or getting some kind of CCJ against me - to be honest I have enough going on without the stress and hassle of this. Is it safe to ignore the letter from DCBL or should I continue with trying to address the situation head on? Any advice greatly appreciated! In some ways I wish I could go back in time and pay the £60!
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