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  1. Dear all, Exeter Road Car Park, Braunton, EX33 2JJ - Parking Charge Notice I have also been subject to this rather off-putting Parking Charge Notice in the same place; Following the thread above I have completed the questions from the link below: 1. Date of the infringement: - 05/10/18. 2. Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date]: - 11/10/18. 3. Date received: - 12 or 13/10/18. 4. Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?]: - Yes. 5. Is there any photographic evidence of the event?: - Yes. Two photos of car. Two of numberplate [both dark]. 6. Have you appealed? [y/n?] post up your appeal]: - Not yet, but I have drafted it and posted below. Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up: - N/A - not yet. 7. Who is the parking company?: - Premier Park Ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town]: - Exeter Road Car Park, Braunton, EX33 2JJ Draft online Parking Charge Notice Appeal wording: "Dear Sir/Madam, Please be advised that in normal circumstances I am law and rule abiding, in any case.
At the time in question this was no different, however, after recalling this journey to an area that I am not familiar with and which receives a significant amount of tourism traffic, I would state that the terms and conditions of the car park are not sufficient for the average visitor to use and create a valid contract. Specifically I am appealing against the availability of, and clearness of, the signage and how well lit the car park is to make this reasonably visible to any user in order to create an acceptable contract. At the time of the evening stated, and as can be evidenced from your own photographic evidence stated, it was almost pitch black dark if not for the light omitted from a vehicle itself. So much so that the vehicle make, model, colour or driver cannot be determined. If I recall correctly, at the given time of the evening, a bus also pulled into the bus lane outside the car park on Exeter Road, meaning that anyone would have to tightly pull in front of it to gain access to the car park, missing blocked entry signage and parking terms signage. The darkness of the evidence provided also does not display and make clear were my car was photographed and if it even entered the car park or remained stationary/unattended there for any period of time at all. 
Please can I appeal to good faith that if the displays were clear and visible I would have seen no option but to comply with the terms and conditions, but in this case, for multiple reasons, the terms were not clear enough for me to be made aware to do so at the time. There is also no evidence provided to the contrary that the car park is clearly displayed, including its terms, or sufficiently lit to substantiate the claim that any contravention was intentionally made at the time. If you do not agree that this penalty has been unfairly applied and reject my appeal, I will be left with no option but to further this appeal with IAS. I look forward to hearing from you Regards," --------------- Any help you could give here would be greatly appreciated?? and I hope that this helps others Thank you
  2. I'm posting this on behalf of an elderly gentleman who has absolutely no computer skills. In March he received a Parking fine from Premier Park for 15mins in a local carpark. He swears the machine wasn't working on the day but has no independent witnesses. He spent 15mins looking at the instructions including when he went out of the carpark to see where the nearest phone box was. when he realised it was too far he came back and drove out. I'll attach the correspondence to this post. I helped him draft letters based on forums we'd looked at. Premier Park were useless to say the least. Unfortunately he didn't get his POPLA appeal in in time (i.e. by a few days and although POPLA state appeals might be submitted late, they don't make it easy), and there is a letter attached showing how they were less than useless with this also. We are now at the County Court stage. Is it worth fighting it further or just paying the £235? 1. the claim has been filed in Exeter and the gentleman has a heart condition so cannot travel that far, his nearest court is in Liverpool. he was served on the 3rd. does the 14days mean he can apply to change courts. 2. Is it possible to have the charge reduced? the first time Premier Park even mention checking the machine to see if it works is the their court statement, if he'd known before maybe he might have thought there was an issue with the coin and paid the original £60/£100. He's still adamant it wasn't working. 3. I didn't include the POPLA complaint form as it's the same as the original letter. Thanks in advance Popla complaint redacted 15:6.pdf Popla complaint ADR redacted 18:7.pdf Premier Park Case.pdf
  3. Hi As the title, I had received a letter from BWLegal dated 3rd July 2018, regarding a ticket from nearly 6 years ago; 22August 2012. Upon recieving the ticket in 2012, in my first instance I sent the following email to 'Premier Parking Solutions' On returning to my car this afternoon I found a fixed penalty notice on my drivers side window. This was a terrible shock to me, knowing I had purchased a ticket from the Pay and display ticket machine. once inside my car I realised the ticket I had purchased was on the center console of the car, I can assume that upon closing my car that the Non adhesive ticket that I had purchased and placed on the dashboard had been blown off by the gust of the closing of the drivers door. I have taken a photo and attached the image so you can see the purchased ticket. Please take this email as a formal appeal for the issue of the parking charge number …., with the reason why charged was issued ' No Valid ticket on display' After a automated reply all that time ago, I received many letters from so called debt collectors, and after reading advise online; I ignored. I did think after nearly 6 year, they would have dropped the case; not so. I have shot myself in foot in regards to not being driver. I have since contacted BWLegal, regarding the case within the 30 days they requested. I have also sent them a photo of the ticket via email, and asked for all documents of proof; They have now replied to the email with Photos of the car and the original letter of from Premier parking; but not any signage. What would my next course of action be? Would it be to request a CPR 31.14 by post? Is there any way of finding out if they have started court procedures? As I think if I can delay them a couple more weeks I would have taken them over the 6 years (Statute of limitations for civil cases). Thanks in advance
  4. Location : Sandy Park Stadium, Exeter The penalty notice states that it was parked in a manner whereby the driver became liable for a parking charge. The notice states date was 02/04/2018 entry time 17:59 and exit time 19:31 total duration 01:32. Charge £80. The access road is shared to gym and Exeter chiefs Sandy Park stadium. It shows car leaving (doesn’t appear to be in car park itself) and shows car where I pulled up to pick him up (which arguably is adjacent to gym and in front of stadium but not in any parking bays itself) My husband entered the site at 17:59 to drop my 15 year old son off for his gym class at 6pm. He did not park in the car park itself e.g. designated parking bays as he pulled up to the kerb adjacent to the gym to simply unload/setting down a passenger e.g. my son. The engine was still running and you can see headlights are on from the Premier Parking ANPR Picture they provided. He then left the site immediately. I then entered the site around 19:30 (son's phone shows he phoned me at 19:29) to pick my son up at the same place. My son was waiting for me and again left the site immediately. I explained this to the Premier parking and asked them to check their cameras which would provide the evidence that the car wasn't parked for the period claimed and that my husband had just pulled over temporarily to set down/unload my son and then left immediately and I then entered with the same vehicle when I returned in the same car to pick son up. They didn't comment on this in the appeal. I can only assume they did not check their cameras for the car entering and leaving on 2 separate occasions between 17:59 and 19:31. They don’t have any evidence to refute my claim that either of us wasn't parked for the duration they state. They have taken the time from a first-in last-out’ basis which is incorrect. The parking ticket is therefore issued incorrectly. Unfortunately I didn’t see this forum or indeed watch the Watchdog programme on this until I had already appealed and lost to Premier and submitted a further appeal to POPLA. I am now waiting on Premiers response via POPLA. I used the explanation above! I realise now that it is too late. Is there any advice anyone can give me? I am sure that they will say that there is nothing on their cameras as it is not in their interest to do so. Do I have any recourse with regards ANRP being unreliable / flawed? Is there anything I should be saying back to POPLA to counteract? I have no evidence other that screenshot of son’s time when he entered the gym but doesn’t record time he left. I have a screen shot of his phone when he called me to pick him up. We live 2 miles away and the car was parked on our drive. I have checked for receipts, I have no tracker on car and don’t have CCTV at home and can’t show google map logging the journey and so I could only submit a picture to POPLA of where we pulled over. Perhaps I should have got son to write a witness statement … I didn’t see signs at the time (they are there I have subsequently checked) they mention a grace period of 15 minutes) I wasn’t paying attention to signs as we have dropped him off and picked him up in exactly the same place for the last 18months or so!
  5. do they do court or just threatening letters,will or may go to court,?.
  6. premier parking logistics are a part of BPA. i got one and now a letter form DCBL stating that a notice of debt recovery. what do i do? dont want to pay. but will pay up to £60 if needed dont want to say that and then they decline. Hi, got a letter on the 27th Feb 2018 stating that £100 invoice. Also, got a letter from DCBL stating that it is a notice of debt recovery. on the rear of the dcbl letter says case is not subject to high court or bailiff action What to do. dont mind paying up to £80 in installments but not really the £160 Thanks Quick replies needed please as 14 days from dcbl letter is up tomorrow. Was issued in birmingham. Both machines were out of order but stupidly did not take any photos of the machines!!!! They are with the BPA. Any Help thanks !
  7. Apparently in the world of Premier Parking Solutions this amounts to parking outside the parking bay and is worthy of a £100 fine. Rest assured that all four wheels were inside the (small) bay and the photo shows the only bit of overhang. I'd like to think this was issued by some over-zealous newbie warden but then he/she placed the ticket right at the bottom right of the windscreen no doubt in the hope that I would move the car before I noticed it. I've already 'appealed' and put them on notice that unless cancelled forthwith, I will be seeking recovery of costs for my time. I'm actually quite tempted to report them to Action Fraud as well.
  8. hello. im just wanting a bit of advice please. august 2016 i entered a 12 month gym contract - in october 2017 i went in to my gym and asked to cancel my membership. the receptionist took my details but it now seems she failed to cancel my contract. she did inform me to keep my direct debit open for one month, which i did, for any last payments to be obtained. on the 1st of november a gym membership amount of £24.50 left my account and therefore i cancelled my direct debit. i believed this to all be sorted. i have had no contact from anyone in december or january - they have my mobile and house number, home address and my email address should they need to contact me. i have today recieved a very nasty email from the CRS (not Harlands) saying i am in debt to the amount of £448!!! even if my membership had not been cancelled correctly, the amount i owe the gym would be £49 for both december and january. they have told me an admin fee had been added to the debt and the admin fee is £118 - the two gym payments and the admin fee come nowhere near the £488 they have quoted me. i have had no contact from my gym or harlands prior to this email from CRS. i went straight to the gym to demand what was happening and they seemed as shock as i was. do i need to pay anything? do i pay for december and january? im in shock right now about being so much in debt for absolutely no reason - should i not have recieved something earlier from the gym or harlands showing a problem on my account? i really dont know what to do now. my gym only took on harlands group as there collection agency in january and they have had no dealings with them. the manager of the gym has offered to call harlands in the morning for me as nothing is showing up as a debt on my membership which for some admin reason is still classed as being active. im at a loss of what to do - any advice would be appreciated vicky
  9. Hi, I have received a PCN from Premier Park for parking in Exeter Road Car Park in Braunton, Devon. I parked in this carpark for 20 mins at 19:06 and it was dark. I did not realise that it was a paid car park as the notices were not that clear and lighting was low. 'Contrevention date': 2nd November, 2017. The issue date of the PCN: 8th November, 2017. The PCN requests £60 if paid by 14 days from issue date or £100 afterwards. I have googled around and this car park seems to have a history of this issue. I do not live any where near the car park, I cannot get images etc. From what I have read, Premier Park provides images in daylight or with a strong flash to 'prove' that they have enough lighting. I cannot provide this evidence, but even in the images that they have provided on the PCN form shows how dark it is. Could you provide me with any advice for a potential defence. Also, if I apeal to Premier Park (which I expect they will turn down) and then go to POPLA, will this mean that if I am refused, they will charge £100. Any advice is appreciated.
  10. Had a letter from ZZPS 71 days after an alleged parking offence was committed. No PCN from Premier Parking Ltd at all (genuinely), would be grateful for any advice. Thanks. As far as I am aware Premier Parking Ltd would have to issue a Parking Charge Notice within 14 days for it to be considered legal. The only problem is the legislation states that the notice is presumed sent unless proven to the contrary, v.hard to prove a negative - but for certainty these notices should be sent out by recorded mail.... as my letters to ZZPS have been.
  11. Hi -Looking for some advice & help on this please as constantly being harrassed for payment : (PCN) Ticket Issued by Premier parking Logistics on 26/11/2016 @00:25 in Tenant Street, Birmingham. This was my immediate reply via email on November 28. On Friday 25th November I parked in your parking compound in Tennant Street, Birmingham. I arrived at 20.44 and purchased a parking ticket which gave me until 02.44 on the 26th November. The ticket I had purchased was clearly visible in the centre of my windscreen. I returned to my vehicle before the ticket expired and found that a Parking Charge Notice had been placed on my vehicle at 00.25 on the 26th November. As far as I am concerned I acted correctly in purchasing a ticket and whoever issued the Parking Notice clearly could not tell the time. Proof of my parking ticket has been attached to this email I look forward to receiving confirmation that this PCN has now been cancelled and that i will receive no further communication regarding this matter. Thanks I did receive a reply via email but as it started with info@ my bt email server blocked it as spam and i never saw it - so i assumed this had been cancelled and no further action was being taken. On the 20 Jan 2017 i received a "Notice to Keeper" letter saying £100 due and explaining PCN was issued due to vehicle "unauthorised parking" This letter was addressed to my company but spelt wrongly. It was spelt Angela and not Anglia. i emailed them again on 27 Jan 2017 saying Once again I am emailing you in regard to the above as you obviously were unable to understand my last email where i had sent proof of the ticket i had paid for etc etc on the day... Eventually i found this email which had been block by my BT server Reference: Parking Charge Notice Thank you for your email. To enable the appeal to be investigated we need as previously stated your address details. We emailed you 15 minutes after we received your email appeal for these details but did not get a reply. The terms and conditions in the appeal section on the back of the ticket clearly states, provide your full name and address, the vehicle registration number and notice reference number and your full reason for contesting liability other wise your appeal will not be processed . As you failed to adhere to these terms your appeal was not heard. You failed to give these details, we then request your details from the D.V.L.A and at this stage your Parking Charge Notice is £100. If you need anymore information to assist you in your complaints please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely Premier Parking Logistics On the 31/01/2017 i received an email from CPS Enforcement Northern Ltd titled PCN this letter was saying my vehicle was parked on a residential road ( where it was a compound rather than a road) and this ticket has been sent to you as the registered keeper but if you are not the person who parked the vehicle etc etc On the 4 May 2017 i receive a letter from DCBL - Notice of Debt Recovery Now it has gone from £100 to £160 as they are now adding on admin fee of £60 I immediately telephoned DCBL and was asked to send proof via email Further to my conversation with you earlier please find attached a copy of my parking receipt together with the ticket issued by Premier Parking. As per my conversation I did email them on the 28th November showing them proof that I had purchased a ticket. Surely then this ticket should have just been cancelled rather than get this far. We were unaware they had emailed me back due to our BT email blocking all info@ emails without our knowledge so we missed the appeal date. We had contested the ticket and thought that was the end of it as we had adhered to their parking terms and purchased a valid ticket. Below is a copy of the email sent to them. Please look into this and hopefully you can sort this out without it going any further. Many thanks To which they replied - Thank you for your email. I will add this to our weekly query sheet and will get back to you as soon as we receive a response regarding your query. I had not heard anything back i emailed them once again on 22 May asking what was going on to which they replied - We are still waiting on a response from the client regarding your query. Your case has been put on hold until we receive a response and will inform you as soon as we get one. On the 8 June 2017 i received another letter from the DCBL titled - Legal Action Recovery saying i have failed to pay the outstanding amount and are now commencing legal action against me. Again the letter sent to my company has been spelt wrongly. I emailed them back saying i thought that this case was on hold to which they have now replied and said We have looked into this for you and can confirm that your case has been progressed due to our client advising that the vehicle was parked in a reserved bay with no authorisation. They have advised that you check the photographic evidence at . Please do not hesitate to contact us directly should you require any further assistance / payment. I have now looked at these photos - and for the first time just seen this so called Reserved bay sign. When i parked in this compound i was in a high roof van and had reversed into the parking bay and had not ever seen this sign as it was not visible from the drivers side when i got out - so all the time i thought i had bought a legal ticket when in fact the PCN was issued due to me parking in a reserved bay and nothing to do with my ticket timings. All along i had thought i had parked legally and had done everything in my power to adhere to their terms - What do i do now please - any advice would really be appreciated as this is going on and on. I hope i have provided all the relevent information - and sorry if it is far too long.
  12. Hey guys, Just had a speculative invoice from our friends over at Premier Park stating I owe them £60 for overstaying alongside a nice pretty picture my vehicle. The catch? I still have the parking ticket which clearly shows my reg number correctly inputted alongside the amount of time I parked for. The ANPR states I arrived at 11:53, I paid for my ticket at 11:55 for 2 hours parking, ANPR shows me leaving at 13:41 with my ticket being valid until 13:55. Now, my question is: Do I bother appealing through their website with slam dunk evidence that they're full of garbage; or do I just ignore them and let them waste more time contacting me knowing that it will never go anywhere? My one reservation is - the last character of my index is an O and the type face on the ticket makes it appear like a 0 as all of the characters on the ticket are squashed to fit the index in. I think this may be the angle they try and come at me with even though I know for sure I typed an "O" in on the machine. Your thoughts? 1 Date of the infringement 07/03/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] Not dated 3 Date received 17/03/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes - ANPR 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] Not yet Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Premier Park 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Station Road Car Park, Royal Wootton Bassett My apologies, the "PCN" is dated 14/03/2017 - wouldn't let me edit the original post.
  13. Hi All, I am hoping someone can help me or provide some advice on what i need to do: I live in Birmingham City Centre and have received a number of Parking Tickets from Premier Parking Logistics- these notices are usually issued during the night time. Upon advice from blogs etc i have ignored these Parking Ticket due to them being unregistered with the appropriate parking authorities and a certain Mr W*lton W*lkins being the owner or previous owner of the company. I have racked up about 4-5 of these notices and now they have passed this to a company called DCBL (debt recovery company) they have written to me at an address where i no longer live - they also spelt my name incorrectly. They have somehow obtained my address and written to me advising i owe them £160. £100 for the Parking Ticket and £60 admin fee. On the back of the letter conveniently hidden it says "This case is not subject to High Court or Bailiff Action" firstly yes i have written to the DVLA to request who they have given my information to and i have not acknowledged any of these letters or contacted DCBL or Premier Parking. Has anyone else had any issues with Premier Parking & a Debt Recovery Company and if so how was it resolved? I appreciate any advise or help!
  14. I have discovered that I had PPI with a company by the name of Premier Mortgage Management it started back in October 2004. Am I able to reclaim this please. Any help appreciated.
  15. Hi, I received a parking ticket on my windscreen back on 4/8/2016 whilst parking in a resident only space where my daughter was living at the time. I had been issued with a visitor parking permit to display when ever I was there ,which I had done this had fallen from the dash into the foot well. I appealed against the ticket on the 8/8/16 and they said they ever received my appeal even though I have proof it sent (via email). After all this time and re-appealing they passed it on to DRP and now they have subsequently passed it to Gladstones Solicitors. Advice please as I've managed to find an email address for them and have emailed the appeal and its response to them but reading other threads they don't seem to acknowledge or take not of any defence. Awaiting a reply and thanks in advance.
  16. Has anyone claimed or in the process of claiming for miss selling between August 2009 and October 2012 of investments to customers
  17. Help!. Received a £60 fine from pps on 1/5/16 for not buying a parking ticket for a stay at Keaton Rd pay & display, Ivybridge, Plymouth. I had bought a ticket for the correct fee / time etc & left on dashboard but I typed a letter M instead of a W so the camera did not register the ticket with vehicle. I sent a letter of appeal explaining and just received a request (from pps) confirming I was the driver at the time, now ive found this site & thinking I should ignore? Appreciate advice.
  18. Hello, My dog was in the car and think he may have knocked ticket off the dash as it wasn't a sticky one...dog not in any pictures taken so cannot prove he was there, however you only need to smell my car to know : ) I still have the ticket which was 50p and fine is now £100! I sent a picture of ticket the same day but was rejected, applied to POPLA who also rejected it...I am now on second or third threatening court letter...this ones says unless I pay by 23rd June it goes to their solicitors : ( Don't mind going to court but have no idea how much this would cost if I have to pay for the fine and their and mine court fees etc...not sure if I should cough up rather than fork out a grand??? How likely is it they will take me to court, is my case a tomato, and if I end up with egg on my face will I need to rob a bank?
  19. Please excuse my spelling Hi on the 5th of june 2016 i was involved in a accident, which is a possible fault claim however this is still under dispute as i do not believe i am at fault. i called up hastings the next day to register my claim, they deemed my damage repairable and suggested i use a company called albany, the worst mistake i made. They also agreed my car was repairable. I was told i would have my car collected and given a courtesy car within the 24 hour time limit albany had to adhere to, I registered with them at 4pm on 6th of june and was told their approved garage which was miles away (long lane motors) from me will pick up my car and provide a courtesy by 11am the next morning. 11am came and i haven't heard a word from anyone, called up albany and they said the garage (long lane motors) was unable to provide an alternative vehicle and they have now changed my garage to one even further away place (thompson motors). I didnt even receive a call to notify me of this and had to call after their agreed time to find out that my car wont be collected today after taking a day off work. i thought fair enough but was told now to wait an additional 24 hours, which was unacceptable as i already had taken a day off work. When questioning this, as i already had waited 24 hours, the advisor told me that my 24hours had in fact started at 9am today as my claim was submitted after 5pm the day before which was a lie. I confronted her on this and told her where i could make a complaint, i was advised there was no official complaint procedure and no supervisors on site. I was not having it and was on there website looking at their page where i could make the complaint, i made her aware of this, to which she put me on hold for 20mins, came back and told me quite bluntly "sorry your car is now deemed a total loss, and we wont be handling your vehicle any longer and will report back to your insurers with this" I was perplexed as to what had just happened, and quickly got off the phone and called hastings. They advised me that my car was in fact deemed a total loss and albany use a matrix system to evaluate if the costs are economically repairable. Fair enough but would they not do this at the beginning before taking my claim on? It all seemed a bit fishy to me. I spoke to this girl from hastings that directly deals with albany (lauren i think) and she was appalled and made a complaint on my behalf. I told her my car has not been looked at once not even a photo so how is it you deem my car as a total loss. she sent out an "independent" assessor (AIA) and was also told i can use my own garage to get an estimate, the AIA assessor came on the 8th and viewed my car to see if it was repairable and value it. I asked him what he thought and he said it will be a total loss due to it being uneconomically repairable. i waited on his report, while i was waiting i thought id get a quote from a garage as to how much it would cost. I used thomson motors (the 2nd one albany gave to use) to get an estimate as i've never used a garage like this before. They asked me for photos and not to go in. It is now the 10th and i've called up my insurance about the AIA report and was told it had not arrived yet and they will call me on saturday to let me know and they said "it looks like it could be repairable". Ok i said to find out they are not even open on weekends! monday came and i'm now told it is repairable and the repair has been approved subject to striping of my car to check if there is no further damage. But i did not want to use this albany approved garage as i had a terrible experience with them. I only used them to get an estimate. I told my insurance that i was happy with a cash in lieu to settle this as they now have a pre accident valuation and also the repair cost. And i did not trust their process as i had been lied to on many occasions and told id be called back over 15 different times and got just one call and that was for me to send in my driving license! they passed this over to their in house engineers to give me a settlement i was told and would again be given a call back!. the next day arrived i gave them a call they had no idea what i was talking about and was told the in house engineers open at 9am. I then received a call at 11am but missed it due to work. I called back and they don't know who called me or why? I told them that i am waiting or an offer from the engineers to which i was told they do not do cash in lieu and that my car was a total loss and if i wanted to keep the car i would only be paid out 24% of the value of the car, i told him have you read my notes to which he replied "yes". Once again i was shocked, he was very rude and i asked to speak to another advisor. I was on hold for 45mins to a team that have nothing to do with my case. Hung up after getting fed up and have now just spoken to this girl and she had told me that they wont be now offering a cash in lieu and i should take my car to the albany approved garage to get it stripped to see if there is any more damage, even after i had mentioned i want nothing to do with albany! She has now referred me to a manager to again give me a call back. I have looked at the AIA report and believe it is correct and there is no further damage to my vehicle. How can i proceed with this as i have spent 8am-8pm all last week monday to friday on the phone to them. I did not go into work all week and it is now effecting this week. I have been lied to on many different levels, how do i proceed with this as i don't have faith in the their system any longer. Many thanks in advance
  20. In January this year I received a letter from a company called Sigma Red informing me that they had passed my account with premier man to Lowells. Which was interesting because it was the first time I was aware of having an account with premier man! So I sent the standard letter to Lowells saying prove you have the right person or bog off. On 9th July I received a letter from Lowells with a photocopy of an unsigned credit agreement with this company, the name including the middle initial is the same as mine but the address is somewhere in South London that I have never lived at. The supposed debt is for £268.34. So, either there has been a cock up and there is someone out there with exactly the same name and initial as me (highly unlikely) and they think I'm going to pay their debt for them, or somebody has stolen my identity and some kind of fraud has taken place. I am not sure what the best way to proceed is. Should I just tell them to bog off again or will they just think I am avoiding paying and take proceedings further. Your advice would be much appreciated. I should add finally that the account was apparently opened on 9/7/2011 which happens to be around the same time that I did actually buy some trousers for my partner from the said Premier Man, they were paid for in full at the time, and they were so horrible I vowed never to buy anything else from them!
  21. I have been on a running battle with PPS over a ticket issued on me since 2013. I actually made payment into the machine but it stopped receiving a 10p by returning it and i kept repeating it until the transaction was aborted but the machine did not return the £1.25 i had already inputted out of £1.40 charges for 2 hours and I later discovered that the machine does not accept any new coins be it £1, 50p, 20p nor 10p but this was after my appeal was rejected by popla on a flimsy excuse. I left a note on my dash board to report the event to whom it may concern while i was in church but came out to see the ticket on me. I appealed but it was rejected but I still strongly stand by my conviction that I was on the right. Now I am to be in court and have till 14th to submit my defence. Any help on doing this cos I cant afford a lawyer now. cheers. Vincent O.
  22. Hi hoping for some good advice My partners mum moved into a property last November (housing association) and next to the terraced houses is a small private car park. She was awaiting for her permits when she first moved in and my partner was visiting her and parked my car in the car park. Got one parking charge notice for £100 then another couple of days later even through a note was left in the window briefly explaining the situation then a few days later again my partner and her mother actually saw the parking ticket man about to slap a third one on and explained the situation so he took that one back.. appealed the £200 worth of charges explaining that the new tennant was awaiting permits(one for herself and one for a visitor) and that they could check with the housing association dates of tennancy etc and that I believed the car wasn't parked illegally so I'm not paying. They refused these appeals straight away?.. Can't understand how or why.. Just guess it's company policy as they are a private company refuse all so we get more Revenue? this was the start of December I got the appeal rejection letters but being honest left it through Christmas and new year(side tracked!) then they sent me a reminder early jan to pay £200 then it brought it all back to me and I appealed to popla which has just been refused as it is out of the 28 day window, What to do next?
  23. Hi, I parked at the PPS car park opposite didcot station and forgot to pay. I realise that it is my fault for not paying but I park there via the ringo app every day. I appealed the fine as its £60 and thats 10 days parking!!! Surely they can't charge this as thats a penalty? I did offer to pay for both my car and also another £6 for any car that would've taken my place. They have since rejected my appeal and sent me this: "Thank you for your appeal which we will respond to below. Firstly, however, you should be aware that as you have not given us a full serviceable address for the driver of the vehicle we will be making a request to the DVLA for details of the vehicle keeper so that we can establish the identity of the driver according to Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act. Further to your email of appeal received on 23/12/2014 regarding the above parking charge, I have now had the opportunity to review this case and my findings are below. Whilst we appreciate and sympathise with your situation, we are unable to take mitigating circumstances into account. Parking at this site is only for vehicles that are parked in accordance with the site instructions, as detailed on signage on site. This signage is clear, in excess of industry standards and clearly details any charges that may be imposed should these restrictions be contravened. The amount sought as the parking charge notice is a term of the contract. Vehicles must be parked only in designated areas with a valid pay and display ticket clearly on display on the dashboard of the vehicle at all times or have an active RingGo session in place. There was neither a ticket displayed in this vehicle or an active RingGo session and I therefore uphold our operative’s decision to issue this parking charge notice. It is your responsibility to make sure you have either a valid pay and display ticket on clear display or an active RingGo session in place for your vehicle at all times. If there is neither a valid pay and display ticket displayed in your vehicle or a valid RingGo parking session then your vehicle is not authorised to be parked at this site. There is no active RingGo session at the time the charge ws issued to the vehicle and therefore the charge was issued correctly. We are therefore unable to cancel the Parking Charge Notice as it was issued correctly. Please forward a payment of £60 to reach us by 20/01/2015 or £100 to reach us by 03/02/2015 in order to avoid Debt Recovery proceedings; incurring additional costs. Please be aware that when appealing any further the charge will not be placed on hold. Payments can be made by cheque or postal order - payable to PPS Ltd, or on our website - If your appeal is unsuccessful, you have the opportunity to go to an Independent Appeals Service known as POPLA (Parking on Private Land Appeals)." Is there anything I can do? Am I likely to get out of it? Cheers!
  24. Hello, Im swimming through a sea of forum posts trying to work out what to do about my charge notice, I decided to just post. I paid for an hours parking (from memory) at a 'Premier park' car park in torquay, enter number plate in the machine (no physical ticket). I then went on holiday and am back a month later, and have a PCN, stating parking session expired or unpaid. Duration 1hr 15mins. its a £100 invoice, £60 discount, but was sent 29 days ago. I would really appreciate advice on what to do, I was going to ignore but see the consensus is not too.
  25. I located my Advantage Premier account booklet and can see that I was charged £150 a year for the privilige of useless insurances etc so possibly a case of mis-selling. I was advised to up-grade my account to keep my overdraft facility in which at the time I relied on and when things eventually got worse, I then was requested to consolidate debts with a loan in which realistically I could not afford. I know that it was stupid to agree to but I felt helpless at the time and felt pressured into it. Things got bad to worse in the end I could not afford to keep up repayments. My finances were passed and addressed by a third party who agreed a set repayment plan with my creditors including Natwest. This was ok for about six months or so but they refused to freeze the interest when requested unlike my other creditors. eventually they demanded an increase in monthly payments from £50pm to £700pm which was not possible before I knew it, not only was I issued with a CCJ but my debt had increased by another £8,000 including interest and charges. I now have an agreed repayment plan with Irwin Mitchell since February 2008 in which I pay by direct debit. I recently requested a statement of payments from them and NatWest. Irwin Mitchell's cameback all in order as to what I paid when I recieved details from NatWest they had been adding quarterley interest payments which stopped in Sept 2010, therefore totals outstanding are different ? Irwin Mitchell also confirmed that the judgement amount was full and final and no added interest ? I know there are various issues involved but my questions are including the above :- 1) Can I still submit a Package Account mis-sale complaint to NatWest ? 2) Can I still submit a formal complaint to NatWest in the way that they addressed my financial situation at the time ? 3) Is there anything on the CCJ confirming about interest being added ? 4) Should Irwin Mitchell or NatWest submit a yearly statement ? I would appreciate someones time in how to approach this and what to address first. I recently submitted a SAR for everything pertaining to me including bank / loan account details and NatWest / RBS could only locate bank statements from 2001 and a few letter correspondences but no loan / overdraft agreements ? I have a copy of the original agreement but cannot see anything confirming post judgement interest being added. Sorry for long post but there are quite a few issues to address and thank-you.
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