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Found 5 results

  1. Hi everybody. Love this forum and thank you so much in advance for any help. I've tried my best to dig deep here and elsewhere as to make this as easy as possible for you to advise on. A bailiff took my car this morning for an unpaid moving traffic PCN with an overall fee of £513 for release. The PCN was sent to my old address days before I moved house. I appealed from the new address (putting my new address on the form) and followed up via email (again informing of my new address) to ask the status of the appeal and received no correspondence. I updated my driving licence with the DVLA days after the move but – as seems common on this forum – not my V5C (which I have done now just two weeks ago but not at the time of the PCN or subsequent appeal in October 2017). I have downloaded the PE2 and PE3 forms to take to Barnet County Court tomorrow morning (I booked an appointment for 10am) to have witnessed and then sent to TEC. I would love any feedback on the below proposed PE2 statement for "reasons" and also any insight as to what might happen next. Does it look all right? I was half tempted to pay the £513 as I use the car a lot and it is of great inconvenience and obviously I wouldn't like it sold. I gather regaining the funds (if I'm entitled to them and if the appeal is successful) is quite lengthy. Any idea how long it might take to regain the vehicle with the PE2 and PE3 process? Do you think it likely the PE2 reasons are satisfactory or do I not really have a case and should just pay up? Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and for your help! "Dear Sir/Madam, I have been unable to submit a statutory declaration in the normal time allowed because I did not receive a rejection notice and was unaware the PCN appeal had not been accepted until 31/07/2018 when bailiffs removed my vehicle. I made representations about PCN xxxxxx within the 28 days of the penalty charge notice (on 11/10/2017) but did not receive a rejection notice. I made the representation after moving house from xxxxxxx to xxxxxxx on 30/09/2017. I have attached my tenancy agreement as evidence. On my appeal document I stated my new address (xxxxxxxx). I also updated my driving licence with my change of address with the DVLA on 4/10/2017 shortly after moving. I have attached the updated driving licence as evidence. Additionally, I contacted Barnet council twice requesting an update on the appeal and informing them of my change of address (I have attached screenshots of these emails). Unfortunately, it seems that the relevant statutory documents were issued and delivered to my previous address. Had I received a rejection notice – or any other correspondence regarding this matter – I would have accepted the rejection of the appeal and not hesitated to pay the balance requested in a timely fashion. I look forward to the opportunity of addressing and settling this matter of the original PCN. I politely request this time and consideration on the grounds that my original representation included the new address of xxxxxxxxx, that I did not receive a rejection notice and was unaware of this situation until 31/07/2018. I enclose copies of my tenancy agreement, driving licence, v5c logbook and emails. Thank you kindly, "
  2. Hi I am sure plenty of members are aware of Labours National Executive Committees (NEC)decision to bar all members who joined in the last 6 months (100,000 people approximately) from voting in the new leadership race? That is unless you pay a £25.00 membership fee within the next two days? The questions I would like to pose are, a)Is it illegal to, retrospectively, change the constitution/rules to deny the’ new’ labour party members a chance to vote? b) How much would it cost to mount a legal challenge against their decision? c) Would the new Labour party members be willing to pay an extra couple of quid to finance the challenge ?( here is my £2) d) Would anyone from CAG be able to assist in setting up a secure holding account etc etc if required? Now whether it’s Mark Twain, “If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.” Or Ken Livingston’s twist on it (I think?) “If voting made any difference they would ban it.” Both quotes and the labour parties NEC decision give me grave concern in this world of “open and transparent democracy”. Regards Biff
  3. Am 60 and on ESA. I sold my house for £51,000.I have moved in with my daughter and partner and paid them £45,000 to house me for the rest of my days.Because of my change of circumstances I am filling in ESA3 and a form for council tax help. We are seeing a solicitor to draw up our arrangement legally. But I don`t know what form this should take.I am in danger of being accused of gifting her the money. Do I go for a Declaration of Trust, a lease or tenancy agreement or what ? I have spoken to 2 solicitors on the phone,one who just told me to go elsewhere, and a Welfare rights solicitor who told me to deal with it at a tribunal.Surely there is some way I can satisfy Benefits. I want something to prove our arrangement for my own peace of mind too.
  4. Received this and would just like somebody to cast their eye over it and tell me if it complies with my request or not and if so, does this now mean I now have no option other than paying up? Details have been blocked out. TIA.
  5. Hello, We are having problems with Talk Talk. The situation is as follows. 'We' have a contract with TalkTalk at the moment. It is in an imaginary name. My mum's ex-partner has signed up to TalkTalk as Mr [random intial] [mums name and surname]. And pays on direct debit from his own account. Obviously such a Mr does not exist. Every time TalkTalk phones and we answer we explain to them that such a person as they wish to speak to does not exist, but they refuse to speak to me or my mum, they are only interested in a Mr [as we are both female we do not match the criteria]. The problem is that mums ex-partner is planning on moving out. He wanted to cancel the contract but missed the date and it automatically renewed; he then lied to mum and said that he can either cancel the contract or transfer it into her name [and that it would be better for her to start paying the direct debit herself]. Mum said no, and that she wants to change to Orange. Now he says he will cancel the direct debit and TalkTalk will pursue action against mum since she lives at the address of the contract and initially allowed TalkTalk to set up this contract with her ex-partner [since he needed her permission as the house is in her name]. I phoned up TalkTalk to ask them for what will happen if mums ex-partner cancels direct debit, but after waiting I ended up with the wrong customer service got transferred to a person with terrible manners who after asking me for my house number dropped me back into queue without any explanation. I then had to listen to music for over 30 minutes until I eventually gave up. Not sure how much help they would have been as they have previously refused to talk to us, and when we gave them the correct name of the ex-partner they have done nothing about the matter. Can TalkTalk legally demand mum to pay? She never signed anything or paid them, and she is not a Mr. Can we sign up for Orange now while the phone line is still active? which would effectively cancel TalkTalk contract and her ex-partner would get the bill for early termination? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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