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Found 6 results

  1. Hi guys I will try to simply this A letter was sent to DVLA to try get unclaimed tax fine squashed. DVLA sent 3 letters to an address I've never been known at and my license was never registered at that address. No response means my license was revoked. After filling in a D1 and M1 forms and sending them off, they wrote to my doctor found out I had used diazepam illicitly for three weeks, I've never had a drug or alcohol I didn't even realise the word illicit existed. They are saying that I will not get my license back for a year, not only did they mess the paper work at the beginning their doctor is making false aligations about me stating I undertook a supervised drug withdrawal I was dependant on diazepam what is a lie, the whole statement and the way DVLA handled it from the start shows they have not delt with my matter properly My doctor wrote to them saying there's no concerns she's happy for me to drive my local mp agrees that I should have my license back Any reviews on this matter?
  2. Hi! I thought I'd use CAG for this one as it's not infested with so much spam and rubbish as the PC help forums! I have a very old PC which I cannot afford to replace as I'm out of work at the moment! Spec:- M/B Asus A7V-600X with 2.1 GHz Athlon CPU; RAM 1.5GB DDR II type; Graphics GeForce FX5500 On-board AC97 Sound 145 GB HDD 16X DVD-RW Multi-drive & 48X CD-RW Optical drives, both IDE I am running Windows 7 Pro at the moment with Google Chrome 26.0.1410.5, and any more recent version refuses to install with an error message "your PC hardware is not supported by Chrome!" I am getting incessant Google Chrome crashes, lockups, pages repeatedly not loading, etc., etc. I am getting the Free Windows 10 Upgrade Offer but this also refuses to install on the grounds of "Unsupported Hardware!" My Broadband is a BT Home Hub connection provided by my landlord and is very reliable, last about 65 MBps when I tried a Speed Check on it! Can anyone suggest:- 1) Is there a way round the Chrome/Windows 10 problems; 2) What other alternative browser(s) can I try in this elderly machine? Many thanks!
  3. Hi All. I'm really struggling and have to make a decision fairly soon - would appreciate any help. Firstly have to say that I'm responsible for the current mess - never have been that good with money - although when earning all bills were paid. I'm self employed and for some time now been losing money after a sharp downturn in business and have cut back on everything but last year got to the stage where I couldn't afford to eat. I reluctantly applied for benefits - housing and working tax credits but there is still £150 plus shortfall per month and my self employed income varies each month. I took advice in December and made an offer (as advised) of token £1 payments which none of my creditors accepted. Survived the past 6 months by just paying the rent, 2 recent CCJs and incredibly aggressive Council Tax collection tactics. Bailiffs, texts threatening arrest and lots of misleading letters. I've paid them as much as I can. At present I owe around £11,000 in unsecured debts Wonga/Natwest/Vodafone etc. and £10,500 to family member on a loan agreement. Rent a flat and no assets. I have a personal pension scheme with £20000 and could apparently release 25% of this in 5 and a half years - but no help to me now. Have been advised to apply for a debt relief order or consider bankruptcy - the latter I cannot afford and the DRO appears very restrictive with the possibility of it being stopped if I have a good month. I really want to fight on and pay off creditors and to get out of this situation but I'm spending more time sorting this out than running business. Perhaps have been too optimistic that that things will improve. The only other thing to mention is that I did go bankrupt in 1993 - after 3 years discharged - this was under very ]different circumstances. One part of me says give up as it is too stressful whilst the other says fight on. Sorry for the long post - any suggestions would be greatly appreciated -
  4. I took out a credit agreement with Santander Finance in 2010 for a 3 year car loan with the usual balloon type payment/return car option at the end of it. However, I wanted the car for a further year and they agreed that I could extend the agreement for a further year. They sent me a form which had to be ticked and returned and a document entitled "Agreement modifying a Credit Agreement" which had to be signed and returned by 2/4/2013. Unfortunately I overlooked this and failed to return it as I had a lot of other things going on at the time and I got a call yesterday stating that they had terminated the agreement and were taking steps to repossess the car. Has anyone experienced this? I have not missed a single payment and the documents they sent me said nothing about failure to return them in time would lead to these steps being taken. I assumed the Direct Debit would continue regardless and the money was there for them to take it. I have written to them yesterday quoting the OFT Unfair Relationships Guidance stating that that the Agreement is a related and linked one to the one I have already signed in 2010 and that termination is unfair. Any advice gratefully received
  5. I am employed as a front of house team member in a busy public house. We have recently employed a new chef who has increased sales and brought a lot of extra custom, he has come from a rival company in the town. There are 2 main front of house waiting staff myself and someone else the new chef has told us both on many occasions that were no good at what we do, hes going to get his old staff over here who know how to do the job properly. I can assure you there is no fault with what we do The final straw was when i walked in on him calling me a useless c*** i have raised a grievance but was told to grow a pair. Where do i go from here??
  6. Can anyone give me a good business card website. I need to be able to use a template that they generate themselves, but also give me the option to change the colour of the background and the text. ie. Red background with yellow text. Thanks peeps (ps. I have tried Vista print and Moo, but I can't see how you can change the colours of their templates).
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